The U.S.-Asia Environmental Partnership (US-AEP) is a public-private and
interagency partnership of the U.S. Agency for International Development
(USAID) with the Department of Commerce, the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, other U.S. government and state agencies, and the
private sector. Created in 1992 by a Presidential initiative, US-AEP
promotes the adoption of clean, efficient technologies, policies and
practices by Asian industries, cities, and governing entities.
The context of US-AEP�s engagement is economic as
well as environmental, harnessing the broad-based desire in Asia for
accelerated but cleaner economic growth to drive a "clean revolution" of
sustainable development. US-AEP�s approach is to pursue sustainable
change in the way Asia proceeds with its industrial and urban growth
through a development assistance approach founded in two basic premises:
- To form a nexus between sustainable development and trade,
particularly with the United States, to the mutual benefit of each;
- To create and promote lasting partnerships, locally, regionally
and internationally, that will carry on beyond the reach and
longevity of development agencies.
US-AEP�s approach to fostering a transformation to
clean growth is to engage key decision makers in the public and private
sectors, and harness those forces which serve as incentives for change:
market, political, corporate, regulatory, and public advocacy.
Ultimately, the future of the environment in Asia will be determined by
these key Asian decision makers, including individuals, institutions,
and the general public.
US-AEP targets four main areas related to the
interdependent goals of environmental quality and economic growth:
- public policy and environmental regulation;
- urban environmental management;
- corporate governance and environmental management; and
- the transfer of U.S. environmental technology, expertise and
practices through trade and investment.
Woven throughout these four areas is an emphasis on
energy and resource efficiency and other measures which reduce
greenhouse gas emissions and thereby mitigate the impact of developing
Asia on global climate change.
In order to leverage resources from outside the U.S.
government and to create self-sustaining partnerships that will outlive
development assistance, US-AEP enlists the expertise and commitment of
U.S. and Asian stakeholders: professional associations, large
multinational corporations, small-to medium-sized U.S. private sector
firms, U.S. states, and Asian and American municipalities and
non-governmental organizations. Through the partnership of USAID and the
Department of Commerce, Asia�s environmental quality and economic growth
are mutually advanced by connecting Asia�s decision makers with the best
in American environmental technology and expertise.
US-AEP�s engagement with a wide variety of partners
serves another key component of the US-AEP vision: supporting U.S.
foreign policy interests and fostering improved international relations
in many sectors of American society. By facilitating the active
participation of the business community and public sector at state and
municipal levels, US-AEP makes development assistance relevant to
Americans not directly connected with international relations.
Executive Summary
Increasing income level, improving quality of life, and increasing
sensitivity towards environment have increased the demand for cleaner
technologies. The high cost of energy sources, health costs associated
with poor environmental quality and demand by the export market for
greener products require better environmental management and efficient
methods/equipment. Increased public investment in infrastructure and
multilateral programs will increase the potential for technology
transfer. Improved urban service delivery is needed to improve the
quality of life in urban population. Regulatory policy dialogue and
enforcement of environmental regulations are needed to develop a
sustainable clean growth in Sri Lanka. US-AEP approach to foster a
transformation of clean growth is very relevant to Sri Lanka.
Sri Lanka�s present status and its economic, social and investment
climate in the near future depend on influence of globalization,
economic growth rate at a lower but steady rate between 4-5% per annum,
relatively high per capita income of US $ 860, expanding middle class,
trade treaties between India and Sri Lanka, lengthy war between the
Government and the Tamil Separatist group LTTE, decreasing dependency on
agricultural exports and Government policies to enhance private sector
US-AEP Sri Lanka programs consists of two regional programs, namely
the US-AEP and South Asia Regional Initiative on Energy (SARI/E).
Colombo MPP defines US-AEP role as the promotion of cleaner technologies
and improving energy use efficiency. Role of US-AEP program fits in well
with USAID/Colombo primary SO "Increased Sri Lankan Competitiveness in
the Global Marketplace." As in the past USAEP work in close
collaboration with US-AEP partners, Sri Lanka Government (GOSL), World
Bank and other bilateral and multilateral agencies to achieve US-AEP
Two major USAID projects Technical Initiative to the Private Sector
(TIPS) and Agro Enterprises Development (Ag-Ent) will not be in
operation beyond FY2000. TIPS and US-AEP supported industrial sector and
ISO14000 activities and Ag-Ent used US-AEP help through NASDA to help
food processing industry. Inquires and demand on US-AEP services in FY
2001 is expected to increase due to the closure of TIPS and Ag-Ent.
SARI/E and recently established energy utility partnership between
Bonneville Power Administration and Ceylon Electricity Board will engage
US-AEP Sri Lanka more in energy sector activities.
Program objectives for FY2000/01 are to;
- Increase US-AEP role in the energy sector management and energy
use efficiency
- Improve environmental management in solid waste, water quality and
air quality
- Promote partnerships between Sri Lanka and US companies to
increase technology transfer.
Strategic Direction
We will mobilize US-AEP, SARI/E, USAID/Colombo and US Embassy
resources and leverage resources of World Bank, Sri Lanka Govt., UN
affiliated institutions, Sri Lanka Research Institutions, Universities
and private sector. Primary focus areas are;
- Air quality and energy sector activities
- Environmental management systems
- Increased trade and investment
In order to enrich and expand the US-AEP Sri Lanka program during the
coming years during this year we will devote our time to study and
identify successful US-AEP and USAID programs in Asia. In addition to
country activities we will participate in regional programs of US-AEP
and look into the possibility to develop new programs with International
City Managers Association (ICMA) and Council of State Governments (CSG)
and The Environmental Council of State (ECOS). We will obtain assistance
and collaborate with US-AEP programs in India, Thailand, Philippines and
Singapore to improve US-AEP Sri Lanka program.
Last Year (FY2000) Highlights
US-AEP Sri Lanka received a new direction in April 1999 when the
US-AEP office was brought under the supervision of the Director USAID/Colombo.
Since then it has strengthened ties with Govt. agencies, Regulatory
Bodies, Private Sector, Chambers of Commerce, Universities, Research
Institutions and proved to be a useful resource to US Mission to Sri
Lanka. Selected highlights of our contribution during last year include:
- Sponsoring a national survey on "Environmental Technologies Used
by Sri Lanka Industry" covering about 160 industrial facilities with
Federation of Chamber of Commerce and Industries of Sri Lanka (FCCISL)
as the local partner. The Survey is expected to be completed by
December 2000. We will use the results to help GOSL in industrial
policy improvements related to environmental management and regulatory
structure. It will also help us to identify areas where technology
co-operation is needed.
- Technology Co-operation though helping Sri Lankans to participate
in trade shows in USA, information dissemination via local catalog
shows, multimedia presentations, USAID/Global Technology Network (GTN),
individual consultations etc.
- Capacity building in the areas of petroleum waste management,
medical waste, air quality monitoring and modeling, municipal solid
waste, solid waste management, hazardous waste, power sector reform,
energy use efficiency, packaging and food processing using US-AEP
partner resources such as Environmental Exchange Program (EEP) and
National Association of State Development Agencies (NASDA)
- Assisting US Embassy in environmental and energy sector activities
and technical support to activities in Maldives.
- Improved relationships with World Bank, ADB, Govt. Institutions
and Private Sector.
- Introduction of GLOBE educational programs in Sri Lanka and
sponsoring environment day and earth day activities.
- Establishment of energy partnership between Ceylon Electricity
Board and Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, Oregon by working
with US Energy Association (USEA) and Ministry of Irrigation and
- Helping Ministry of Forestry and Environment on air quality
management and monitoring.
- Tour development and support for a Nepali minihydro power
delegation to understand investment promotion procedures and power
purchase agreements.
- Providing assistance to develop South Asia Regional Initiative on
Energy (SARI/E) and addition of an energy expert to US-AEP/Sri Lanka
- Development of a number of potential trade and investment
opportunities despite the countries unsettled condition. US-AEP
assisted sales (unreported todate) around US $ 800,000 and pipeline of
about $ 600,000 sales.
FY 2001 Activities
US-AEP strategic objective of sustained impact on the key people,
institutions and forces that drive the movement to a clean revolution in
Asia uses four following Intermediate Result (IR) areas
IR 1.1: Improved public policy and environmental regulations
IR 1.2: Improved urban environmental management
IR 1.3: Improved industrial environmental performance
IR 1.4: Increased transfer of US environmental technology,
expertise and practices to Asia through trade and investment
We have organized US-AEP Sri Lanka strategic directional areas to
reflect US-AEP Intermediate Result areas.
FY 2001 Activity Summaries
Air quality and energy related activities
US-AEP Sri Lanka Activity # 1 IR 1.2
Activity Name: Air quality
Description of Activity:
During FY2000 US-AEP worked with Ministry of Forestry and Environment
and Dr. Ajith Kaduwela from California Air Resources Board to bring
institutions and individuals related to air quality management in the
country together. During FY2001 US-AEP and World Bank (Environmental
Action Plan 1) will join hands to help Ministry of Forestry and
Environment to establish a co-ordinating unit for air quality
improvement and to implement an improved air quality management
strategy. US-AEP assistance will be used to expose senior officials to
US-AEP successful programs on air quality improvement and to train
staff. World Bank will provide the infrastructure support. US-AEP will
help to bring private sector including automobile and lubricant
distributors to participate in air quality improvement programs and
provide logistical help for two local workshops. We will also provide
resource personnel using US-AEP resources in the region.
We will develop a program to build the capacity of motor traffic
department and traffic police on enforcement and work towards to design
and implement an inspection certification system. We intend to
participate in the programs that US-EPA has developed in India and to
learn from the US-AEP experience in Thailand and Philippines on mobile
air emissions, vehicle maintenance, improved traffic management and
phasing out of unleaded gas.
Expected Results: Improved capacity to design and implement air
quality programs in country. Improved regulation and policy.
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy: Air quality improvement
Asian and Regional Partners:
Ministry of Forestry and Environment, National Building Research
Ministry of Urban Development, Central Environmental Authority
University of Moratuwa, Dept. of Motor Vehicles, Sri Lanka Traffic
NGO�s and automobile and lubricant distributors
Anticipated Cost Share:
Milestone Dates:
Q2 � Tour to Thailand or Philippines by Govt. Officials and design of
Sri Lanka program and a workshop to involve private sector and
Q3 - Establishment of a co-ordinating center and training staff.
Revisit and strengthen Cleanair 2000 plans developed in 1992.
Q4 - Develop a mobile air quality management system at pilot scale
and increase public awareness. Develop a program for inspection and
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: Ananda Mallawatantri, US-AEP/Sri
Date: Edited October 30, 2000
US-AEP Sri Lanka Activity # 2 IR 1.3
Activity Name: Improved energy efficiency
Description of Activity:
US-AEP will work very closely with USEA, SARI/E TA and Training
contracts, World Bank, ADB, CEB and Ministry of Irrigation and Power and
use SARI/E and US-AEP resources to facilitate the power sector reform
process in Sri Lanka. (no cost)
We will identify and promote US developed technologies to improve
energy use efficiency in air conditioning, ventilation and switching
etc. Cost is to invite resource persons to workshops organized in Sri
Lanka on Energy use efficiency. We have started communications with
Alliance to Save Energy
Expected Results: Activity A will provide a model rural off grid
system. Improved energy sector management and better tariff structures
will increase competitiveness. Increased energy use efficiency will
reduce production costs and cost of living.
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy: Increased energy sector
Asian and Regional Partners:
World Bank, University of Moratuwa, DSM and Power Sector Reform
office of CEB
Anticipated Cost Share: World Bank GEF funds, Salaries of
University Staff and Govt
Milestone Dates: Q1-Q4
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: Ananda Mallawatantri, Upali
Date: Edited October 30, 2000
US-AEP Sri Lanka Activity # 3 I.R. 1.3
Activity Name: Regional SARI/E and energy partnerships
Description of Activity:
SARI/E regional activities are not identified yet. We will provide
host country support to SARI/E contractors and identify appropriate
activities for SARI/E and US-AEP.
USEA Energy partnership between Bonneville Power Administration (BPA)
and CEB and the intended regional energy partnerships through SARI/E
will be used to improve corporate environmental management and to
increase know-how between energy partners.
Expected Results: Improved energy use efficiency through
exchanges and energy partnerships.
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy: Increased energy sector
Asian and Regional Partners:
CEB, Energy Forum, Chamber of Commerce, University of Moratuwa, Sri
Lanka Energy Managers Association and Ministry of Irrigation and Power,
Energy Fourm
Anticipated Cost Share: Staff time
Milestone Dates: Q1-Q4
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: Ananda Mallawatantri, Upali
Date: Edited October 30, 2000
US-AEP Sri Lanka Activity # 4 IR 1.4
Activity Name: Alternative energy technologies
Description of Activity:
WE will help GOSL to identify solar equipment suitable for fishing
villages in off grid areas. NASDA � OPF (FY 2000) for travel of three
key decision makers to USA and a TDA conditional training grant will be
used. Activity is expected to take place in Q1, after the elections. We
will co-ordinate.
Turbo stove developed by the Community Power Corporation (CPC),
Littleton, CO, USA, will be tested and evaluated for Sri Lanka fuels.
Steps involved. NASDA OPF (FY2000) has been issued and the activity will
take place between Q1 to Q3.
Expected Results: Promotion of alternative sources of energy,
improved indoor air quality and technology transfer
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy: Increased energy sector
Asian and Regional Partners: Ministries of Science and
Technology, World Bank
Anticipated Cost Share: $
Milestone Dates: Q1-Q4
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: Ananda Mallawatantri, Upali
Date: Edited October 30, 2000
Environmental management systems (EMS)
Improved EMS is essential for Sri Lanka�s increased global
competitiveness. USAEP/Sri Lanka sponsored survey on environmental
technology use will highlight the areas to focus. US-AEP will work with
the industry, Central Environmental Authority (CEA) and other agencies
to identify technology gaps in industries and promote waste
minimization, auditing and use of cleaner production systems. USAEP will
provide help and guidance to public and private sector organizations
working towards obtaining EMS certifications such as Green Globe,
ISO14000 etc. Proposed NGO activities are expected to improve EMS in
US-AEP Sri Lanka Activity # 5 IR 1.3
Activity Name: Industrial Management
Description of Activity:
US-AEP/Sri Lanka sponsored a survey to "Understand and document
environmental technologies used in Sri Lanka." will be completed and the
results and observations will be available during early FY 2001.
Preliminary observations made by the research team increased the
interest of the business community, World Bank and the Government.
During FY 2001 US-AEP/Sri Lanka will conduct a series of activities to
use survey results to affect policies, implementation of environmental
regulations and to help the industry to improve management practices. We
will convey several stakeholder workshops to bring together
industrialists, regulators, investors, and technology providers.
US-AEP Sri Lanka will establish a web site to educate industry on
weaknesses in current practices and to inform about best management
practices. Web pages can also serve as the media to propagate product
know-how and to create a discussion forum.
C) ISO 14,000
US-AEP will support UNDP and previous TIPS work to promote CP and
ISO14000. We will support Small and Medium Enterprises Developers
project of Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industries activities
to conduct regional workshops to promote CP. We will work to increase
the number of certified ISO14,000 auditors in Sri Lanka .
Selected number of Sri Lankans will participate in the conference
USAID/Colombo main SO is "Improving Sri Lanka�s Competitiveness in
the Global Market Place."
Sustainable capacity building for "Industry Clusters" may include a
number of environmental activities such as waste minimization and
management, use of ISO 14000 concepts, improved energy management etc.
Industry clusters on Tea, Rubber, Information Technology, Jewelry and
Tourism has been formed and Tea and Rubber Sectors are already
requesting technical assistance from US-AEP for industrial waste
management, CT, and energy management.
Several industries are relocating to designated industrial zones to
improve their competitiveness and to manage raw material requirements
and waste better. US-AEP will develop a program to assist industrial
sites on energy use efficiency, waste minimization and reduction.
Assistance from a similar US-AEP program such as Kenan Institute,
Thailand or another agency will be used to obtain expert help.
Expected Results: Improved corporate environmental management,
Increased access to EMS information, increased number of ISO14000 users.
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy: Improved EMS
Asian and Regional Partners:
Federation of Chamber of Commerce and Industries in Sri Lanka (FCCISL)
Ministries of Forestry and Environment, Economic Affairs and
Industrial Development
Central Environmental Authority, UNDP and University of Moratuwa.
Anticipated Cost Share: World Bank Environmental Action Plan
activities, UNDP funds on CP, GOSL funds, Chambers time
Milestone Dates: Q2 and Q3
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: Ananda Mallawatantri, US-AEP/Sri
Lanka, IRG on Regional APRCP.
Date: Edited October 30, 2000
US-AEP Sri Lanka Activity # 6 IR 1.2
Activity Name: Urban management
Description of Activity:
US-AEP and RUDO will join hands to help City Development Strategy
process sponsored by UNCHS (HABITAT) for Greater Colombo Area covering
Colombo, Kotte Sri Jayawardenepura and Dehiwala Galkissa urban councils.
US-AEP will assist Western Provincial Council to identify the right
technologies for solid waste and medical waste management (no cost).
Sabaragamuwa Chamber of Commerce will establish an eco-business unit
and work with NGO�s in the area to implement a model recycling and solid
waste management scheme. It is expected that the solid waste management
in the project area to become a sustainable eco-friendly business while
providing an alternative to municipal solid waste management. A grant
proposal by Sabaragamuwa Chambers was accepted by the US-AEP secretariat
under NGO-Business partnership program.
Education department has identified about 40 schools to participate
in the program at the start and selected staff to train as trainers at
the GLOBE training for trainers in Kathmandu, Nepal in October 2000.
After the training of trainers activity USAEP will work towards
developing a public-private-NGO partnership to provide continued
assistance for the sustainability of the GLOBE program in Sri Lanka.
US-AEP has arranged to send four trainers to teacher trainer workshop in
Nepal between October 16-25, 2000 (no cost)
We will try to work with ICMA to develop a city to city partnership
Expected Results: Better waste management system for Western
Province, model community waste management program in Sabaragamuwa.
Improved understanding of environmental impacts of improper disposal of
municipal solid waste.
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy: Increased environmental
Asian and Regional Partners: Western Provincial Council, Cities
of Colombo, Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte and Dehiwala Galkissa, UNCHS,
Sabaragamuwa Chamber of Commerce, Education Department, Central
Environmental Authority, ICMA
Anticipated Cost Share: US $
Milestone Dates: Q1-Q3
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: Ananda Mallawatantri
Date: Edited October 30, 2000
Trade and investment
Trade shows and business exchanges help USA and local companies to
better understand business environments and product technologies. NASDA,
IIE assistance and Tech. Reps. close co-ordination will be provided to
facilitate trade and investment. US-AEP/Sri Lanka will utilize
information from US-EPA, WEF, A&WMA,USAEP financial information systems,
GTN and others. We will try our best to attract US companies to work
more in Sri Lanka and to establish joint ventures and partnerships with
Sri Lanka companies.
US-AEP Sri Lanka Activity # 7 IR 1.4
Activity Name: Water and Wastewater
Description of Activity:
A) WEFTEC 2000, Anaheim, California, USA � October 15-18, 2000
Tech Rep will recruit, organize, and lead delegation of businessman
and decision-makers to the Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the Water
Environment Federation (WEF) � USA. The delegates will have one-on-one
meetings, visit wastewater treatment facilities and will have a spin-off
site visits on their own to visit with US companies. Tech Rep will make
a presentation on the "Environmental Business Opportunities in the
Philippines" and will have one-on-one meetings. Limited NASDA support is
Water sector in Sri Lanka is expanding. US-AEP will support an
Official from the Water Board and recruit a number of private sector
companies for this show in Washington D.C. Limited NASDA support is
USAEP/Sri Lanka will provide material to the US Embassy staff to
display at the "Millennium Hotel Show" planned to be held in Maldives
between November 04-07, 2000. We will combine Environmental Catalog
Shows with Catalog Shows done by the Commercial Section of the US
Embassy as in FY2000.
We will work with US-AEP ADB liaison and Water Board to improve US
company participation in this sector (no cost)
US-AEP will work to introduce US develop oil separation technologies
to service stations. In addition to technology information US-AEP will
facilitate a formation of public-private partnerships to implement
technology. (no cost)
US-AEP introduced Cleanflo, Minnesota to Sri Lanka on restoration of
surface water bodies. Lake in the historical City of Kandy is the first
one to be promoted as a model site. US-AEP will help two City officials
to go to Bombay to see Cleanflo technology in use.
US-AEP will help to find a technological solution to the white spot
disease in Prawns. Preliminary investigation suggested poor water
quality management as the primary cause. US-AEP will support private
sector investors on Shrimp Farming to find a technological and
management solution developed in University of Texas.
Expected Results:
Increased trade and investment activities, higher number of trade
leads, success stories, joint venture and distributorship agreements.
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy: Increased trade and
Asian and Regional Partners:
Water Board, Venture Capital Groups, FCCISL, US-AEP/ADB
Anticipated Cost Share:
Cost share by trade show delegates, Govt. and US and SL companies
Milestone Dates: Q1 - Q4
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: Ananda Mallawatantri
Date: October 30, 2000
US-AEP Activity Description IR
Country: Sri Lanka
Activity Name: Solid Waste Management
Description of Activity:
Help University of Moratuwa to test and optimize a high rate
composting system to process MSW as the raw material and to develop a
private business.
Ministry of Industrial Development and Board of Investment is in the
process of relocating highly polluting industries to industrial parks
and to prepare plans to manage hazardous waste. Tech. Rep. will provide
information and necessary assistance to select better technologies. (no
Medical waste is dumped along with MSW at present. US-AEP started
working with the Ministry of Health, Colombo Municipality and a private
contractor to promote SANITEC technology. So far the result is positive.
We may have to facilitate a visit by a Govt. official to Philippines to
demonstrate the technology
USAEP/Sri Lanka will combine resources with the Commercial Section of
the US Embassy as in FY2000 to promote waste related trade.
US-AEP will recruit about four delegates to attend WASTEXPO 2001.
US-AEP will recruit about four delegates to attend A&WMA 2001.
Expected Results:
Increased trade and investment activities, higher number of trade
leads, success stories, joint venture and distributorship agreements.
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
Increased trade and investment
Asian and Regional Partners:
Central Environmental Authority, Colombo Municipality, Abans (Pvt.)
Ltd. FICCISL, Industrial Research Institute (ITI), Ministry of
Industrial Development.
Anticipated Cost Share:
Milestone Dates: Q1 - Q4
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: Ananda Mallawatantri
Date: October 30, 2000
AgEnt - Agricultural Enterprises Project by USAID/Colombo
AWMA - Air and Waste Management Association
BOI - Board of Investment in Sri Lanka
Cal EPA - California Environmental Protection Agency
CCC - Chamber of Ceylon
CEA - Central Environmental Authority in Sri Lanka
CEB - Ceylon Electricity Board
CSG - Council of State Governments
CTEM - Cleaner Technology and Environmental Management
DOC - Department of Commerce
EEP - Environmental Exchange Program
EI Rep. - Environmental Infrastructure Representative of US-AEP
EMS - Environmental Management Systems
FCCISL - Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industries in Sri Lanka
FCS - Foreign Commercial Service
GOSL - Government of Sri Lanka
HW - Hazardous Waste
IIE - Institute of International Education
ISO - International Standards Organization
Min. of F&E - Ministry of Forestry and Environment in Sri Lanka
Min. of ID - Ministry of Industrial Development in Sri Lanka
MOU - Memorandum of Understanding
MW - Medical Waste
NASDA - National Association for Development Agencies
NGO - Non Governmental Organizations
NPPR - National Pollution Prevention Roundtable
PMG - Program Management Groups
SARI - South Asian Regional Initiative by USAID
SEI - State Environmental Initiative
SW - Solid Waste
TIPS - Technical Initiative for Private Sector by USAID/Colombo
USEA - US Energy Association
USEPA - US Environmental Protection Agency
WB - World Bank
WEFTEC - Water Environment Federation annual exposition