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United States - Asia Environmental Partnership
Work Plan 2001 - Malaysia

The activities listed in the US-AEP/Malaysia FY2001 Work Plan will be undertaken in an effort to help achieve the three strategic objectives outlined in the country Strategic Approach. Underscoring the importance of promoting U.S. environmental products and technologies, more than half of the activities involve technology transfer. Many of the activities follow-up on initiatives we began this year or in years past. And as a matter of course, all activities are demand-driven.

As we did last year, the US-AEP/Malaysia Tech Reps visited key government agencies, industry representatives and non-governmental organizations to help generate ideas in the development of this year�s plan. A summary of the plan follows, as listed by PMG. Note that many activities incorporate more than one PMG.

PMG 1: Public Policy and Regulation

Given the numerous air pollution problems facing Malaysia, including trans-boundary haze, US-AEP/Malaysia will focus on policy initiatives that can help address these issues.

First, the Department of Environment has indicated that it will be reviewing and updating its clean air regulations, which have been in place since the late seventies. As such, we have agreed to provide key DOE personnel with the opportunity to learn more about the U.S. Clean Air Act (1990), either by sending them to the U.S. or bringing experts from the U.S. to Malaysia. US-AEP/Malaysia has also committed to sending DOE personnel to the U.S. to learn more about air monitoring data analysis, so that they will become adept at understanding the specific components that make up air pollution in Malaysia. In addition, we are interested in supporting Malaysian participation at the ADB regional workshops involved in EPA�s Vehicle Emissions Action Plan initiative.

To tackle the increasingly serious solid waste and illegal dumping problems, US-AEP/Malaysia will work with both the Department of Environment, which oversees enforcement, and the Ministry of Housing and Local Government, which currently oversees the various municipal government waste management operations. (Malaysia has intended to privatize solid waste management since 1993, but implementation of the privatization has not yet occurred; thus, for the most part, municipalities still handle solid waste.) With DOE, we will follow-up on a program begun this year to strengthen the enforcement and prosecution efforts related to illegal dumping. And with MoHLG, we will help provide input into countrywide "Recycling Guidelines" that it plans to develop this year.

US-AEP/Malaysia will also support the Policy Group�s regional initiatives, including the Asia Benchmarking Center, the Greening of Industry Network (GIN) and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). All of these activities will make strides in promoting environment-benefiting, market-driven changes in industrial behavior in Malaysia.

PMG 2: Urban Environmental Management

Given US-AEP�s recent entry into the arena of Urban Environmental Management, and taking into account Malaysia�s own special urban-related pollution problems, US-AEP/Malaysia is keen to undertake some small scale urban programs in FY2001.

Specifically, we are interested in working with the well-regarded policy think-tank LESTARI (Institute for Environment and Development) on two priority initiatives: one to help develop local environmental planning and management capabilities and another to help "green" the Malaysian construction industry via the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB). In the first case, we are supporting LESTARI staffers on a trip to the U.S. to learn about American models of local environmental planning programs. In the second, we aim to send U.S. experts to Malaysia for a series of awareness-building seminars.

US-AEP/Malaysia would also like to support Malaysian participation at the Mayors Asia and Pacific Environmental Summit (MAPES) and the regional CTEM-initiated program that is to develop best practices in urban transit systems.

PMG 3: Corporate Environmental Management

US-AEP/Malaysia is working with the Penang Skills Development Corporation (PSDC), which is an industry- and government-funded vocational institute servicing the huge industrial estates located in the state of Penang, to incorporate environmental management into its curriculum. We will do this by suggesting topics and sponsoring speakers on an on-going basis in FY2001 and beyond.

Following up on our previous efforts to create the Cleaner Production Network in Malaysia, we will support Malaysian participation at the Asia Roundtable for Cleaner Production in Manila in February 2001. And, separately, we will support the Ford Motor Company Conservation and Environmental Grants program later this year.

PMG 4: Technology Transfer

US-AEP/Malaysia will be active in showcasing U.S. technologies by being involved in trade shows, both in the U.S. and in Malaysia. In response to the mounting solid waste problems in the country, we will lead a delegation to Waste Expo 2001 (in May) and also support Waste Management 2001 (in October), a regional trade event to be held in Malaysia. We will also lead delegations to both WEFTEC 2000 and WEFTEC 2001, as commercial opportunities for U.S. firms remain strong in water and wastewater treatment.

Following-up on our efforts last year, US-AEP/Malaysia will continue to promote sound agricultural waste management practices and treatment technologies. In November 2000, we will sponsor a team of U.S. experts to come to Malaysia to tour swine waste treatment facilities and conduct a special training course. We will also support Malaysian participation to the ECLWM International Advisory Committee.

In the energy arena, we will continue to engage � via the Alliance to Save Energy -- with the Malaysia Energy Center and promote energy efficiency among industries in Malaysia. In FY2001, we expect to conduct a trade mission/awareness-building seminar that will include U.S. providers of U.S. energy efficiency equipment. We will also devise a tailor-made exchange program on so-called "Green Buildings" for key representatives of the Public Works Department, which designs all government buildings, to become familiar with U.S. efficient building methods, guidelines and related technologies.

As a follow-up to our illegal dumping enforcement and prosecutor training, US-AEP/Malaysia will conduct a dumpsite and industrial remediation study tour in the U.S. for key regulators and policy-makers. And in an effort to promote the concept of technology verification for environmental technologies, including remediation methods, we will support the CTEM-initiated technology verification study tour.

Of course, we will continue to distribute trade leads and market insights, and offer help to U.S. companies as and when opportunities arise.

United States-Asia Environmental Partnership
Program Approach

The U.S.-Asia Environmental Partnership (US-AEP) is a public-private and interagency partnership of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) with the Department of Commerce, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, other U.S. government and state agencies, and the private sector. Created in 1992 by a Presidential initiative, US-AEP promotes the adoption of clean, effective technologies, policies and practices by Asian industries, cities, and governing entities. The context of US-AEP�s engagement is economic as well as environmental, harnessing the broad-based desire in Asia for accelerated but cleaner economic growth to drive a "clean revolution" of sustainable development. US-AEP�s approach is to pursue sustainable change in the way Asia proceeds with the industrial and urban growth needed to address poverty through a development assistance approach founded in two basic premises:

To form a nexus between sustainable development and trade, particularly with the United States, to the mutual benefit of each; and

To create and promote lasting partnerships, locally, regionally and internationally, that will carry on beyond the reach and longevity of development agencies.

US-AEP�s approach to fostering a transformation to clean growth is to engage key decision makers in the public and private sectors, and harness those forces which serves as incentives for change: market, political, corporate, regulatory, and public advocacy. Ultimately, the future of the environment in Asia will be determined by these key Asian decision makers, including individuals, institutions, and general public.

US-AEP targets four main areas related to the interdependent goals of environmental quality and economic growth:

Public policy and environmental regulations;

Urban environmental management;

Corporate governance and environmental management; and

The transfer of U.S. environmental technology, expertise, practices through trade and investment.

Woven throughout these four areas is an emphasis on energy and resource efficiency and other measures which reduce greenhouse gas emissions and thereby mitigate the impact of developing Asia on global climate change.

In order to leverage resources from outside the U.S. government and to create self-sustaining partnerships that will outlive development assistance, US-AEP enlists the expertise and commitment of U.S. and Asian stakeholders: professional associations, large multinational corporations, small-to-medium-sized U.S. private sector firms, U.S. states, and Asian and American municipalities and non-governmental organizations. Through the partnership of USAID and the Department of Commerce, Asia�s environmental quality and economic growth are mutually advanced by connecting Asia�s decision makers with the best in American environmental technology and expertise.

US-AEP�s engagement with a wide variety of partners serves another key component of the US-AEP vision: supporting U.S. foreign policy interests and fostering improved international relations in many sectors of American society. By facilitating the active participation of the business community and public sector at state and municipal levels, US-AEP makes development assistance relevant to Americans not normally directly concerned with international relations.

June 26, 2000


Malaysia continues to focus primarily on economic development concerns in the wake of the financial crisis that only now is loosening its grip on the region. However, Malaysia's past pattern of treating environmental quality as a secondary concern has also begun to change. Increasingly, environment and development are being linked in Malaysian policy and development planning. Public awareness of environmental matters is growing steadily and public demand for environmental quality improvements is gradually influencing government and industry decision-making. In addition, the increasingly global nature of many of the key industries that are driving Malaysia's economic recovery is creating pressure to adopt technologies and practices that are in accord with those of other economies of the region. The Malaysian economy grew remarkably throughout 1999, finishing the year with a GDP growth rate of more than 10% in the fourth quarter. This change of fortune will mean many things for Malaysia's economic, business and financial planners. US-AEP is in an excellent position to further the goals of environmentally sound and sustainable economic development in Malaysia. The strategy will focus on bringing public, private and community stakeholders together in the post-crisis era and on bringing environmental solutions to Malaysia from the U.S.

Malaysia could usefully absorb support for professional and institutional development in the areas of policy development, implementation and regulation. As such, its regulatory agencies such as the Department of Environment should be a major target of US-AEP�s policy program. Three other policy areas show significant promise. First, as an economy with heavy government involvement, Malaysia provides an opportunity to work with the Economic Planning Unit of the Prime Minister�s Office, and could have high pay-off for sustainability goals and policy integration. Second, its industry organizations are well organized and managed, suggesting another high pay-off opportunity for sector-based approaches. And, third, some of the NGOs working in Malaysia are interesting in their own right and as a possible leadership wedge for the region.

Strategic Objectives

The US-AEP/Malaysia strategy is defined by three primary objectives:

  • Assist the Malaysian government in developing policy solutions and regulations in the high-priority environmental areas of water quality/supply, solid and hazardous waste reduction/disposal and air quality.
  • Transfer U.S. environmental technology and best practices to key industrial sectors within Malaysia.
  • Increase public awareness of and sensitivity to environmental quality issues.


  1. Assist the Malaysian government in developing policy solutions in the high-priority environmental areas of water quality/supply, solid and hazardous waste reduction/disposal and air quality.

    Malaysia faces the same mix of environmental challenges that has confronted other developing economies of the region. Unable to rely on the quality of water in the nation's major river systems, policies, practices and technologies are still being sought to address industrial and agricultural sources of pollutants. Similarly, mounting waste disposal problems are demanding attention. With efforts to develop solid waste facilities languishing under inadequate or incomplete policies, Malaysia continues to slide toward a solid waste crisis. In the area of hazardous waste, sophisticated treatment has been locally available since 1998 but underutilized due to high disposal costs relative to the direct costs of storage. In the air, industrial, vehicle and trans-boundary sources are far from under control. US-AEP/Malaysia will address this range of issues by designing a mix of grants, exchanges and technology transfer activities to promote not only the engineering, monitoring and control technologies necessary from a technical perspective but also the types of policy and regulatory practices necessary to creating an environment in which those technical solutions can be applied consistently and transparently.

  2. Focus on pollution prevention, resource efficiency and other environmental technologies and practices among the manufacturing industries that have shown the largest and most consistent growth in recent years and/or have continued to experience environmental compliance issues.

    US-AEP will focus on promoting pollution prevention, resource efficiency and other environmental technologies and practices to industries that are the primary contributors to the air, water and solid/hazardous waste problems discussed above. US-AEP/Malaysia will design a coordinated mix of grants, exchanges, trade lead development, and sales assistance activities that target these specific sectors. These include electronics, semi-conductors, chemicals, food and beverage processing, textiles, electroplating and palm oil.

  3. Assist the Malaysian government, local NGO's and community organizations in developing educational programs that bridge the gap between environmental challenges and public awareness of them.

The Malaysian public and mass media have only recently discovered environmental quality as an area for coordinated concern and action. As awareness rises, so shall public and private investment in solving those environmental problems that are most affecting the lives and productivity of Malaysia's population. US-AEP/Malaysia will work with the government and local NGO's in developing educational programs to raise public awareness of environmental matters.

US-AEP/Malaysia FY2000 Results

This time last year, as part of the Work Plan "Vision" exercise, US-AEP/Malaysia made a pledge to strive to become an "integral and indispensable part of Malaysia�s efforts to tackle its most serious and pressing environmental problems." And we said that our aim is to have US-AEP�s actions result in tangible environmental improvements in Malaysia.

In FY2000, US-AEP/Malaysia administered programs and initiatives that contributed toward the accomplishment of these goals.

Agricultural Waste Management

In the wake of the deadly Nipah virus outbreak of 1999, US-AEP/Malaysia committed significant resources toward bettering waste management practices among swine producers in the country. US-AEP/Malaysia sent key Department of Veterinary Services staffers to the official opening of ECLWM in December 1999, and later coordinated a three-day waste management training seminar there in March 2000 for key government officials and industry representatives. As a result of these programs, the swine industry is taking steps to modify its waste management practices, and key players have been made aware of U.S. technologies. Moreover, the Malaysian government clearly sees the U.S. as a leader in swine waste management, whereas previously Danish and Japanese methods were in favor. On-going work will include a site visit and training by U.S. experts in November of 2000.

Air Pollution and Haze

In response to the perennial "haze" and other air pollution problems plaguing the country, US-AEP/Malaysia has championed an ongoing effort to train key Department of Environment officials on air pollution monitoring methods and analysis. Last year, US-AEP arranged for USEPA officials to audit Malaysia�s existing ambient air monitoring network, draft a report detailing the results, and travel again to Malaysia to further discuss the issues and offer recommendations to DOE. We also sent appropriate staffers from DOE, which is responsible for air quality monitoring, to the U.S. on a mobile air emissions "study tour" in November 1999 and are planning to send two others to the U.S. in October 2000 to master air monitoring network design and data analysis.

As a result of these efforts, DOE has become much better equipped to understand and analyze air quality data, and � ultimately � draft sensible air quality policies that will affect the population. In fact, DOE is in the process of updating its clean air regulations, and we hope to provide input into this policy as part of our FY2001 Work Plan.

Energy Efficiency (EE) and Renewable Energy (RE)

Malaysia�s CO2 emissions are the third highest in ASEAN (after Brunei and Singapore) and expected � at current rates -- to rise four-fold by 2020. Thus, it is becoming a large contributor of global warming greenhouse gases in the region. At the same time, however, Malaysia has tremendous potential for the utilization of renewable energy, especially from biomass waste. (Malaysia is the world�s largest exporter of palm oil.) US-AEP/Malaysia began efforts in FY2000 to help Malaysia curb energy wastage and harness its renewable energy potential.

Specifically, US-AEP engaged the Alliance to Save Energy to work with the recently-formed Malaysia Energy Center � a government-funded non-profit organization tasked with energy efficiency promotion in the country � to build capacity and help it administer the US$20 million, UN-funded Malaysia Industrial Energy Efficiency Improvement Project. US-AEP/Malaysia has also played a role in bringing speakers from the U.S. to three major energy-related conferences in KL to provide an American perspective on EE and RE practices, policies and technologies.

Although our initiatives in EE and RE began in earnest only this year, we are optimistic that our efforts � in the long-term -- will (a) help establish strong and credible institutions capable of promoting the benefits of energy efficiency to energy consumers; (b) help Malaysia�s energy-intensive industries adopt energy efficient practices; and (c) create a conducive market environment in Malaysia for EE and RE technologies from the U.S.

Environmental Auditing and Pollution Prevention

Amendments to the Malaysia Environmental Quality Act in 1996 allowed DOE to establish both a regulatory audit program and an auditor certification process. Over the past two years, with the help of USEPA, we have assisted the DOE draft these environmental auditing guidelines designed to help Malaysian companies. In FY2000, US-AEP/Malaysia sent the DOE team working on this initiative to the U.S. for one final consultation with USEPA. Partly as a result of the assistance provided, DOE successfully released voluntary audit guidelines in [September 2000].

As US-AEP/Malaysia worked with the Malaysian government to draft audit guidelines, we also worked with Malaysian industry to curb the necessity of regulator-initiated audits in the first place by promoting pollution prevention. In particular, US-AEP/Malaysia � together with the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers � organized a one-day conference in May 2000 highlighting the benefits of materials productivity and pollution prevention. More than 100 industry participants attended. More P2 promotion efforts are likely in the future in cooperation with industry groups and the Cleaner Production Network, which US-AEP helped to create last year.

Hazardous and Municipal Waste

Malaysia continues to face major waste disposal issues as municipal waste landfills in the major metropolitan areas (Kuala Lumpur and Penang, especially) overflow beyond capacity, costs for hazardous waste disposal remain prohibitive for many local companies, and illegal dumping of waste and hazardous waste is flourishing. US-AEP/Malaysia addressed these problems by sending both regulators and local waste management contractors to the United States on various EEP-funded exchanges to become familiar with effective waste management methods and technologies in the U.S. US-AEP/Malaysia also sponsored a regional workshop in Kuala Lumpur on medical waste management in October of 1999.

Further, at the specific request from the Director-General of the Department of Environment (DOE), US-AEP/Malasyia coordinated a special training course designed to help both DOE environmental control officers and local prosecutors bring illegal dumping perpetrators to justice. A representative of EPA�s criminal investigation unit and an assistant district attorney from Suffolk County (New York) responsible for environmental crimes came to Kuala Lumpur in July 2000 to conduct the course, during which participants learned about enforcement and prosecution techniques. More than 50 participants from various agencies involved in illegal dumping attended.

As a result of these activities, the Department of Environment is now: (a) seriously considering the adoption of a criminal investigation unit; (b) establishing a multi-agency task force to deal with illegal dumping cases; (c) proposing the implementation of an effective "superfund" law; and (d) looking to the United States for assistance and ideas on remediation and recycling efforts.

Water and Wastewater

Water and wastewater treatment remained the biggest areas for commercial opportunities. As a result, we spent a considerable amount of effort in FY2000 helping U.S. water and wastewater treatment companies get established in Malaysia. We hosted a booth and catalog show at Water 2000, Southeast Asia�s biggest water show this year, and reported export successes from our WEFTEC delegation and other USDOC activities (see below).

USDOC/Commercial Indicators

Although Malaysia has recovered from the financial crisis that gripped the region in 1997 and 1998, it remains a tough place for U.S. companies to do business and sell equipment in the environmental technologies market. Competitors abound, and U.S. products � as a result of a strong dollar -- are often priced at the high end of the spectrum.

Nonetheless, Malaysian companies continue to search for quality U.S. products and equipment that can meet high environmental standards. And we remain committed to providing U.S. companies with useful market intelligence and helping them enter and thrive in the Malaysian market.

Below is an account of our output from October 2000 until today with respect to U.S. Department of Commerce and other commercial indicators:

A). Export Successes

U.S. company Asian company Date of transaction Type of transaction Amount of sale (if applicable)
Sewage Aeration MHES Jan-00 A/D ----
Sewage Aeration MHES Feb-00 D/Sale US$36,000
Bio-Genesis Technology Earthcare Mar-00 JV US$15 million
MetOne Alam Sekitar Malaysia Nov-99 D/Sale US$40,150

Pollution Instrumentation

Alam Sekitar Malaysia Nov-99 D/Sale US$141,935
Scott Specialty Gases Alam Sekitar Malaysia Oct-99 D/Sale US$10,273
Environmental Systems Corp Alam Sekitar Malaysia Nov-99 D/Sale US$24,277
Geotech Environmental* ENSEARCH Apr-00 A/D ----
2MS Incorporated* ENSEARCH Apr-00 A/D ----

* pending confirmation

B). Gold Key and Agent/Distributor Service

U.S. Company Type of Service Date Result
Excel Holdings GK Oct-99 Deal pending
Aeration Industries ADS Nov-99 Deal pending
Pacific World Trade GK Jan-00 Deal pending
Beachcleaner ADS Feb-00 Deal pending
Morbark Sales Corp ADS Mar-00 Deal pending
Materials Productivity GK Jun-00 Deal pending
American Waterless GK Aug-00 Deal pending
Air-2-Water GK Sep-00 Deal pending

C). Trade Leads and IMIs

No. of trade leads: 66 (May 1999 to May 2000)

No. of IMIs: 38 (through July 2000)

US-AEP Activity Description (1)


Country: Regional

Activity Name: Industrial Environmental Template (Industrial Dialogue)

Contact Person: Owen Cylke


Description of Activity:

The proposed activity focuses on the policy and institutional options available to governments in ASEAN � specifically to ministries of industry � to promote industrial transformation and environmental progress in the region. Specifically, the objective is to develop a set of environmental industrial policy tools and a parallel set of administrative, organizational and management models for moving the industrial regimes of ASEAN economies in a more environmentally sustainable direction.

The activity requires three phases in a two-year period: 1) Phase I: four-month preparation period to establish project team, to recruit Working Group, to select 5 staff members from each country to develop a preliminary template; 2) Phase II: five 3-day study workshops in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand during a 10 month period; and 3) Phase III: two 2-day workshops to examine country-by-country progress during a ten-month period.

The key participants of this activity consists of a three-member project team, ten-member Working Group (two from each ministry of industry in five countries), international speakers and local stakeholders for the workshops.

Phase I requires a personnel cost for hiring 5 staff members from each of the five countries to do the research and a preparation of a preliminary template, and travel costs for three-member project team to recruit Working Group members. Phase II requires exchanges, workshop costs for 5 workshops in 5 locations, and publication cost. Phase III requires exchanges, workshop costs for two workshops in one location and publication cost.

In this workplan, we are requesting budget for Phase I and Phase II.


Expected Results:

A short-term goal is a production of a regional framework (guiding document). Our long-term goal is to convince each ministry of industry to put the template into action within its own agency and to replicate the initiatives in other ASEAN countries.


Relationship to US-AEP Strategic Objective:


Asian and Regional Partners:

One participant from Malaysia Industrial Development Authority (MIDA) (new) or Economic Planning Unit (EPU) (continuing) or Business Council of Sustainable Development (BCSD) (continuing)


Anticipated Cost Share:

From a foundation


Milestone Dates:

After foundation grant, there�s a four-month team preparation period, a ten-month study / workshop period, and then a five-month implementation period.


Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: Policy Group (Nao Ikemoto)


Primary Intermediate Result: IR 1.1 Improved public policy and IR 1.3 Improved corporate governance and environmental management


Date: Edited June 15, 2000

US-AEP Activity Description (2)


Country: Regional

Activity Name: 2001 Greening of Industry Network Conference in Bangkok

Contact Person: Owen Cylke


Description of Activity:

The growth of the Greening of Industry Network in Asia (GIN-Asia) has enabled it to start making the kind of connections�among countries, sectors, ideas, organizations and people�on which environmental progress and the still-elusive concept of sustainable development depends. To provide a forum for business leaders, industrial experts, researchers, NGOs, and government policymakers to discuss emerging issues facing Asia and the emerging economies, GIN-Asia is hosting the Ninth International Greening of Industry Network Conference Jan. 21 � 25, 2001 in Bangkok. The US-AEP, ADB, Thai government and corporations such as Ford Motors, Unocal Corp. will be co-hosting the conference.

We have already requested that EACH tech rep set aside one or two EEP exchange slots to bring delegates to this GIN conference. The catch is, that those tech reps / country reps that make a commitment to bring participants out of their own budgets, will at the same time ensure that people from their own countries who request scholarships from GIN-Asia will get preference. (We can make this commitment because US-AEP sits on the international conference committee.)

This activity requests an EEP/IIE exchange to send one or two participants from Malaysia for the conference.


Expected Results:

The Network expects to host more than 300 participants from the United States, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America, and will engage them in dialogue, partnerships, and collaboration toward sustainable industry growth. This conference will showcase a number of separate US-AEP efforts, including work on the Global Reporting Initiative, framing papers, and ADB publications.


Relationship to US-AEP Strategic Objective:

Strategies #1, 3, and 4, according the May 12, 2000 draft, "Assist the Malaysian government in developing policy solution in the high-priority environmental areas�; wherever possible, draw on the resources and experience of other countries of the region to transfer technologies, practices and policy solutions to Malaysia; increase public awareness of and sensitivity to environmental quality issues.


Asian and Regional Partners:

Business Council of Sustainable Development (BCSD) (continuing)


Anticipated Cost Share:

Many registrations will be self-funded. No details available at this time.


Milestone Dates:

July 2000 = international conference committee meeting

August � December 2000 conference logistics and program development

January 21 � 25, 2001 = 9th Annual GIN Conference

Mary 2001 = Proceedings


Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: Policy Group (Brenda Bateman)


Primary Intermediate Result: IR 1.1 Improved public policy and IR 1.3 Improved corporate governance and environmental management


Date: Edited June 15, 2000

US-AEP Activity Description (3)


Country: Regional

Activity Name: Asian Benchmarking Center (ABC)Malaysia

Contact Person: Owen Cylke


Description of Activity:

The "ABC" activity is an umbrella for all of the industrial and urban environmental measurement and disclosure activities that The Policy Group would like to initiate, sponsor, and encourage over the next several years. For the now, the ABC encompasses two activities: 1) a "benchmarking" activities with small-and-medium enterprises (focused in Indonesia and Malaysia), and 2) work with the internationally-organized Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) (focused in the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia and Korea).

  1. The benchmarking activities are the less-developed of the two. Our colleagues in Indonesia have identified a few export sectors that have strong leadership potential. The cement sector, for instance, is extremely sensitive to rising energy costs; the crumb rubber sector is a water-intensive export sector (one partner company could be Goodyear Tire); and palm oil looks promising given its regional topicality and the potential for collaboration with Malaysia. (See attached meeting notes from Mr. Achmad Djani and Mr. Made Setiawan�s visit to Washington, D.C. in May 2000.) We have committed to identifying appropriate donors and partners that can contribute to this initiative.
  2. Our plans with GRI are better developed. As today�s companies�multinational corporations, national companies, and small-and-medium enterprises (SMEs)�go about setting environmental goals, identifying industrial processes for improvement, and making significant strides toward sustainable development, they rely on a range of methods and tools. Within this corporate toolbox, environmental performance indicators (measurements) and corporate environmental reports (for internal and public use) play an important role. GRI began efforts in 1997 to design global guidelines for just such measurement and disclosure efforts. GRI plans to release its most recent version of Guidelines for Reporting on the Environmental, Social, and Economic Aspects of Corporate Activities in June 2000.

Several corporations and organizations from Malaysia, Korea, the Philippines, and Thailand plan to experiment with these guidelines throughout 2000, using them as a model to create�in some cases for the first time�their own corporate environmental reports. In addition to actual corporate publications, these participants have agreed to provide candid feedback to the international environmental community about the usefulness and relevancy of such guidelines from an Asia-Pacific perspective. Participants will assess 1) how the guidelines interact with other public information already required by public agencies, shareholders, or partners, and 2) how this information may prove useful to their own internal planning and goal-setting strategies.

US-AEP and its partner, GIN-Asia, will collect and document this feedback and will provide an overarching analysis, including some observations regarding the appropriateness of the GRI guideline tool for differently structured firms in markedly different industries and regulatory environments. The authors will also make recommendations for implementation of the guidelines, including development of a clearinghouse for corporations that have already tested the GRI guidelines and would be interested in serving as mentors to other non-competitor companies that may be trying the GRI guidelines for the first time.


Expected Results:

We expect to have these countries teams share their lessons learned in environmental benchmarking and disclosure in a way that will benefit that international community that is currently setting standards and developing a process related to these issues. Asian participants will have an opportunity to provide input through two scheduled conferences (5 participants to Washington, D.C. in October 2000 and 5 participants to Bangkok in January 2001), a US-AEP publication, and�hopefully�increased participation on the GRI Steering Committee.


Relationship to US-AEP Strategic Objective:


Asian and Regional Partners:

Malaysia Business Council for Sustainable Development & its member companies (continuing)


Anticipated Cost Share:

TBD. Cost of testing and reporting on GRI guidelines. Conference registrations.


Milestone Dates:

Final report compiled from GRI participants: October 2000

Key participants travel to Washington, D.C. to speak to GRI�s annual conference: October 2000

Key participants travel to Bangkok to speak to GIN-Asia�s annual conference: January 2001


Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: The Policy Group (Brenda Bateman)


Primary Intermediate Result: IR 1.1 Improved public policy and IR 1.3 Improved corporate governance and environmental management


Date: Edited June 15, 2000

US-AEP Activity Description (4)


Country: Regional

Activity Name: Vehicle Emissions Action Plan

Contact Person: Sarita Hoyt


Description of Activity:

The ADB is hosting four regional workshops at the end of 2000 and early 2001 on topics to mitigate the pollution related to vehicle and transportation in Asia. Specifically, the workshops will review market incentives and regulations in relation to the following topics during regional conferences at the proposed locations:

  • Conventional and Alternative Fuels, held in Thailand
  • Pollution Controls and New and In Use Vehicles in China
  • Urban Transportation and Traffic Management in Indonesia
  • Final Workshop for presentation of Action Plans, Policies and Recommendations and list of proposed projects, in the Philippines

ADB has requested that US-AEP and EPA serve as partners in putting forward these workshops based on their expertise and experiences working on air quality projects in Asia. Specifically, US-AEP/EPA assistance has been identified in two ways:

  • Identify and provide resource speakers for each topic. This would be a good opportunity to share the EPA and World Bank�s Transport and Air Quality Tool Kit.
  • Identify key Asian officials working on air issues who would be interested in participating in the workshops. It is proposed that US-AEP would provide funding for the participation of key participants.

** US-AEP has informed ADB that they are not able to pay for participants to a workshop held in China. If that location is confirmed, US-AEP will not provide any funding to that specific workshop.


Expected Results:

  • Improved partnership with regional organizations
  • Identification of air emissions reduction and vehicle pollution reduction projects. These would provide identification of opportunities for application of US technology and expertise.
  • Tech Transfer


Relationship to US-AEP Strategic Objective:

Participation will be dependent upon the air pollution priority of each country.


Asian and Regional Partners: Department of Environment (DOE) (continuing)


Anticipated Cost Share:

Grant funded by the Asian Development Bank for the overall design and implementation of the workshops.


Milestone Dates:

Project approval date by ADB- should be mid June 2000

Date set for conference #1--? November 2000


Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: US-AEP/ADB Stacy Bonnaffons


Primary Intermediate Result: IR 1.4. Increased technology transfer and IR 1.1 Improved public policy and environmental regulations.


Date: Late 2000 and early 2001

US-AEP Activity Description (5)


Country: Malaysia

Activity Name: Ambient Air Training in US

Contact Person: Tech Rep


Description of Activity:

Department of State responded to Department of Environment�s request to conduct audit of their ambient air monitoring stations throughout the country, by sending a team of experts from US EPA. A report was produced as a result of the audit and one of the many recommendations was to send DOE staffs to US for data analysis and data interpretation training. Two DOE officials have been identified to attend the two-week training in US. They will spend a week in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina and a week in Vermont.


Expected Results:

To improve Malaysian ambient air monitoring system. And it is important because this aspect is the main indicator of the quality of air. It will be extremely essential at times of haze.


Relationship to US-AEP Strategic Objective:


Asian and Regional Partners:

Department of Environment (continuing)


Anticipated Cost Share:


Milestone Dates:

October 2000


Lead Responsibility for US-AEP:

Tech Rep


Primary Intermediate Result: IR 1.1 Improved public policy and environmental regulations


Date: July 15, 2000

US-AEP Activity Description (6)


Country: Malaysia

Activity Name: MOHLG-Technical Assistance to Draft Recycling Guidelines

Contact Person: Tech Rep


Description of Activity: To bring experts from ECOS to assist Ministry of Housing and Local Government to draft recycling guidelines.


Expected Results: To introduce US recycling methods.


Relationship to US-AEP Strategic Objective:


Asian and Regional Partners:

Ministry of Housing and Local Government (MOHLG) (new)


Anticipated Cost Share:


Milestone Dates: March 2001


Lead Responsibility for US-AEP:

Tech Rep


Primary Intermediate Result: IR 1.1 Improved public policy and environmental regulations and IR 1.4 Increased of technology transfer


Date: August 1, 2000

US-AEP Activity Description (7)


Country: Malaysia

Activity Name: Strengthening of Environmental Prosecutor System

Contact Person: Tech Rep


Description of Activity: As a follow-up of FY2000 Capacity Building of Environmental Prosecutors project, US-AEP will continue to support Department of Environment�s (DOE) effort to strengthen prosecuting system in Malaysia by sending representatives from DOE, Attorney-General�s office and police department to attend the advanced environmental crime training program at the Federal Law Enforcement Center.


Expected Results: To curb illegal dumping activities.


Relationship to US-AEP Strategic Objective:


Asian and Regional Partners: Department of Environment (continuing), Attorney-General�s office (continuing) and Police Department (continuing).


Anticipated Cost Share: US-AEP will fully-fund the government representatives trip to the training course.


Milestone Dates: March 2001


Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: Tech Rep


Primary Intermediate Result: IR 1.1 Improved public policy and environmental regulations


Date: August 14, 2000


US-AEP Activity Description (8)


Country: Malaysia

Activity Name: Review of Clean Air Act

Contact Person: Tech Rep


Description of Activity: The Department of Environment is in the process of reviewing its Clean Air Act under the Environmental Quality Act which was originally enforced in 1978. US-AEP will work with ECOS to bring two experts from state EPA to work together with DOE in reviewing its Clean Air Act. This team will be required to work in Malaysia for one week.


Expected Results: Clean Air Act with more stringent regulations.


Relationship to US-AEP Strategic Objective:


Asian and Regional Partners: Department of Environment (continuing)


Anticipated Cost Share:


Milestone Dates: February 2001


Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: Tech Rep


Primary Intermediate Result: IR 1.1 Improved public policy and environmental regulations


Date: August 14, 2000

US-AEP Activity Description (9)


Country: Regional

Activity Name: Technical Support in the Development of Best Practices (23)

Contact Person: Devon Rager


Description of Activity:

US-AEP's urban group in Washington will provide technical support to country and regional initiatives in the development of best practices to resolve problems in urban environmental management. This activity will include an environmental management system for transit. This will include a series of exchanges between countries and the New York Transit Authority to develop a system and guidebook.

US-AEP Malaysia requests for urban funding to send a team of two representatives from the Ministry of Transport and City Hall Planning Unit to join the exchange program.


Expected Results:

increasing transfer of best practices and technologies.

possible indicator: adoption of specific practices or technologies to improve urban environmental management drawn from the U.S. or from other US-AEP programs in the region.


Relationship to US-AEP Strategic Objective:

supports focus on support for best practices in urban management, finance, services and environmental quality


Asian and Regional Partners:

Ministry of Transport (new) and City Hall Planning Unit (new)


Anticipated Cost Share:



Milestone Dates:


Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: LBG Urban Coordinator, PADCO, ICMA


Primary Intermediate Result: IR 1.2 Improved urban environmental management


Date: 12 July 2000

US-AEP Activity Description (10)


Country: Regional

Activity Name: Mayors Asia and Pacific Environmental Summit (MAPES), Honolulu, HI

Contact Person: Devon Rager


Description of Activity:

US-AEP will support the Mayors Asia and Pacific Environmental Summit (MAPES) in coordination with the Asian Development Bank (ADB), to be held in Honolulu, May 4-6, round the common theme of "The Revitalization of the Urban Environment". This conference will foster dialogues and information sharing of the integrated approach to urban and industrial environmental sustainability at the municipal level. The workshop format will bridge policy analysis and theory with practice; integrating best practices that local government leaders can apply to their cities. The conference results will feed into the symposium for the ADB Annual Meeting, beginning on May 7.

The conference will bring together municipal leaders, relevant regional and international institutions and donors with urban environmental programs in the region, the private sector and NGOs.


Expected Results:

Will increase attention to policy issues and sharing of experiences amongst decision-makers in the region leading to local and regional initiatives to improve urban environmental management and impact future industrial growth. This activity will build on the existing partnership and collaborative efforts with the ADB and will expand interactions at the municipal level in Asia and work with ICMA.


Relationship to US-AEP Strategic Objective:

Supports focus on urban issues in dialogue, networking, outreach and sharing of best practices. Also fits a US-AEP policy strategy and presentations on the application of CTEM to urban/municipal environmental challenges.


Asian and Regional Partners:

Mayors from Penang, Kuala Lumpur and Kuching.


Anticipated Cost Share:

ADB is funding a $500,000 technical assistance grant. Much of that funding will be used for the conference development and production of case studies. ADB will support participants as well as World Bank and potentially other bilateral and multilateral donors.


Milestone Dates:

Planning discussion with Honolulu in latter half of 2000�videoconferencing/planning meeting in Honolulu (tentative September 10,2000).


Lead Responsibility for US-AEP:

Urban coordinator; US-AEP/ADB Stacy Bonnaffons; Dennis Zvinakis


Primary Intermediate Result:

IR 1.2-Improved urban environmental management and IR 1.1 Improved public policy and environmental regulations.


Date: 24 July 2000

US-AEP Activity Description (11)


Country: Malaysia

Activity Name: Urban Management Exchange

Contact Person: Tech Rep


Description of Activity: LESTARI (Institute for Environment and Development) requested assistance from US-AEP to design a study tour on urban management. LESTARI is responsible in doing several studies on urban environmental development for Selangor state, is planning to lead a high-level delegation comprised of three members of parliament, two representatives from the local authorities, and two representatives from LESTARI. The delegation will be in Cape Town to attend the Urban Environment Forum 2000 from September 26-28. After Cape Town, they will visit Washington and Oregon. The objective of their visits is to learn how sustainable development indicators are developed in local council and district levels.


Expected Results: (a) development of "local" environmental planning and management capabilities (EPM), (b) possibility of twinning U.S. cities with Asian cities, (c) establishment of environmental management system (EMS) in cities.


Relationship to US-AEP Strategic Objective:


Asian and Regional Partners: LESTARI (continuing)


Anticipated Cost Share: US-AEP will design the exchange program and pay for their accommodation and perdiem.


Milestone Dates: 15 September


Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: Tech Rep, IIE


Primary Intermediate Result: IR 1.2-Improved urban environmental management


Date: 20 July 2000

US-AEP Activity Description (12)


Country: Malaysia

Activity Name: LESTARI Training Program for Developers on Greening of Construction Industry

Contact Person: Tech Rep


Description of Activity: To assist Institute for Environment and Development (LESTARI) in conducting training program to educate developers on greening the construction industry. This will be one of the early initiatives taken by the government of Malaysia, through LESTARI and Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB), to educate and introduce environmental aspects in the construction industry. EEP will assist in identifying US experts as speakers.


Expected Results: US-AEP Malaysia supports this training program because this is the first of its kind and it is an opportune time to educate developers of the importance of environmental impacts from its construction activity. Through this program, we want to introduce US technologies and experience in "green construction", i.e. proper methods to dispose construction waste.


Relationship to US-AEP Strategic Objective:


Asian and Regional Partners: LESTARI (continuing) and Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) (new).


Anticipated Cost Share: The local partners will pay local logistics.


Milestone Dates: June 2001


Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: Tech Rep


Primary Intermediate Result: IR 1.2 Improved urban environmental management and IR 1.4 Increased technology transfer


Date: August 1,2000

US-AEP Activity Description (13)


Country: Regional

Activity Name: Asia Pacific Roundtable for Cleaner Production (APRCP)

Contact Person: Rich Sheppard


Description of Activity:

The US-AEP has been working to establish a network of organizations, both within countries and throughout the region, that will provide outreach and information on pollution prevention, cleaner technologies and environmental management. To this end, US-AEP has supported the establishment of eight national roundtables and the Asia Pacific Roundtable for Cleaner Production (APRCP). APRCP will build on the success of the first and second conferences held in Bangkok, Thailand in 1997 and Brisbane, Australia in 1999.

The Third Roundtable will continue the momentum bringing together a unique range of expertise from around the globe to stimulate debate and promote the cleaner production course. Endorsed by key international agencies promoting CP and sponsors coming from industry, government and commercial enterprises, the third roundtable will be an interactive platform from which to learn each other�s successes and failures. The roundtable will encourage delegates to demonstrate and communicate ways to make CP programs realistic and effective through an open sharing of expertise and experiences.

The conference will be an intensive three-day program consisting of keynote addresses, plant visits, parallel technical sessions for presentation of accepted papers, concurrent panel discussion on specific CP issues, and training workshops. It will be a gathering of key stakeholders to share technical knowledge and innovative ideas. Key speakers will come from the global community.

US-AEP Malaysia will send four representatives from Department of Environment and Malaysian Cleaner Production Network.


Expected Results:

Strengthen the APRCP to serve as the focal point of a network of outreach organizations in the region that will provide outreach and information on pollution prevention, cleaner technologies and environmental management.


Relationship to US-AEP Strategic Objective: NA


Asian and Regional Partners:

APRCP (regional), TEI (Secretariat-Thailand), P3R (Host-Philippines), Malaysia Department of Environment (continuing) and Malaysian Cleaner Production Network (self-sustaining).


Anticipated Cost Share: TBD


Milestone Dates:

Conference February 28th � March 2nd, 2001 in Manila, Philippines


Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: Richard Sheppard with assistance Lisa Lumbao, EEP and LBG/CTEM


Primary Intermediate Result: IR 1.3 Improved corporate governance and environmental management


Date: 16 June 2000

US-AEP Activity Description (14)


Country: Malaysia

Activity Name: Ford Motor Award

Contact Person: Tech Rep


Description of Activity: US-AEP is supporting a program with Ford called "The Ford Motor Company Conservation and Environment Grants". This program is based on Ford Motor Company�s program that has been in place in Europe. Ford is carrying out the program in Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines.

The purpose of the program is to enhance Ford Motor Company�s credentials in these Asian countries as a corporate citizen committed to environmental leadership and the preservation of the historical and cultural heritage. The program will also demonstrate Ford Motor Company�s leadership in fostering an increased global awareness of environmental leadership as a good business practice.

US-AEP is making a contribution in addition to the equal amount, which Ford is providing. US-AEP Tech Reps are involved in the selection of jury panelists and will be silent but active partners in the actual selection of award recipients. Submissions will be shared with us for our comment and reaction prior to selection.


Expected Results: To showcase American companies contribution to environmental protection and increased positive publicity to the public of US-AEP program and its activities.


Relationship to US-AEP Strategic Objective:


Asian and Regional Partners: Ford Malaysia (new)


Anticipated Cost Share:


Milestone Dates: October 2000


Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: Tech Rep


Primary Intermediate Result: IR 1.3 Improved corporate governance and environmental management


Date: July 2000

US-AEP Activity Description (15)


Country: Malaysia

Activity Name: PSDC Environmental Courses

Contact Person: Tech Rep


Description of Activity: Penang Skills Development Center (PSDC) is a vocational training institute, supported by industries in Penang and Penang state government. PSDC plans to incorporate environmental courses in its curriculum and US-AEP has agreed to support them by providing US experts to deliver seminars on various topics which will be determined later.


Expected Results: Greater awareness on environmental problems associated with industries.


Relationship to US-AEP Strategic Objective:


Asian and Regional Partners: PSDC (new)


Anticipated Cost Share: PSDC will be responsible for logistical arrangements.


Milestone Dates: TBD


Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: Tech Rep


Primary Intermediate Result: IR 1.3 Improved corporate governance and environmental management and IR 1.4 Increased technology transfer


Date: 1 August 2000

US-AEP Activity Description (16)


Country: Malaysia

Activity Name: (a) WEFTEC 2000, 14-18 October, Anaheim, CA. (b) Waste Expo 2001, 2-5 April, McCormick Place South, Chicago, IL.

Contact Person: Tech Rep


Description of Activity:

To promote U.S. environmental business and technology to public and private sector industries. To facilitate the demonstration of U.S. environmental technologies and services through site visits and one-on-one meetings between U.S. suppliers and Asian purchasers of environmental technology, as well as through attendance at WEFTEC 2000 and Waste Expo 2001. To support US-AEP efforts in reaching out to U.S. businesses exploring opportunities to export technology to Asia, but need some additional hand-holding to raise comfort level.

US-AEP Malaysia will recruit 7-10 delegates for each trade show.


Expected Results:

Commercial results including sales of U.S. equipment, joint ventures, etc. Initiation of partnerships between U.S. and Asia. Exposure of Asians to U.S. environmental technologies and

practices. Most obvious is increased trade leads.


Relationship to US-AEP Strategic Objective:

Transfer U.S. environmental technology and best practices to key industrial sectors within Malaysia.


Asian and Regional Partners:

Industry associations i.e. Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (continuing) , Malaysian International Chamber of Commerce and Industry (new); and environmental association i.e. ENSEARCH (continuing). US-AEP will work with environmental team from Department of Commerce to include spin-off visits.


Anticipated Cost Share:

US-AEP Malaysia will help fund participants by reimbursing per person (subject to Secretariat�s approval) and the rest of the costs will be covered by participants.


Milestone Dates:

Recruitment for WEFTEC will begin early of August 1999 and for Waste Expo is in February 2001.


Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: Tech Reps and NASDA


Primary Intermediate Result: IR 1.4 Increased technology transfer


Date: 15 July 2000

US-AEP Activity Description (17)


Country: Malaysia

Activity Name: Waste Management 2001, 22-25 October, Kuala Lumpur.

Contact Person: Tech Rep


Description of Activity:

Waste Management 2001, Asia Solid & Hazardous Waste Management, trade expo and conference, is organized by Trans-Event and the Environmental Management and Research Association of Malaysia (ENSEARCH), endorsed by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (MOSTE). US-AEP Malaysia was invited to be one of the supporting organizations and sit in the advisory committee chaired by the Secretary General of MOSTE. Among other supporting organizations are Danish Cooperation for Environment and Development (DANCED), Malaysian-German Chamber of Commerce & Industry (MGCC), Regional Institute of Environmental Technology (RIET) and United National Development Program (UNDP).

(Although the show is in October 2001 which falls under the FY2002 Work Plan, but all the legwork will begin in the 4th quarter of FY2001. Hence, we have included it in this work plan.)

Recruitment of U.S. companies to join as exhibitors and catalog show for those who are not able to come to Kuala Lumpur. We will also work with IIE to identify two U.S. speakers to present at the conference.


Expected Results:

To generate trade opportunities and business relationships in the solid and hazardous waste industry. Commercial results including sales of U.S. equipment, joint ventures, establish agents or distributors. Initiation of partnerships between U.S. and Asia. Exposure of Asians to U.S. environmental technologies and practices and environmental improvements in Malaysia.


Relationship to US-AEP Strategic Objective:

Transfer U.S. environmental technology and best practices to key industrial sectors within Malaysia. Increase public awareness of and sensitivity to environmental quality issues.


Asian and Regional Partners:

Trans-Event (new), ENSEARCH (continuing) and MOSTE (continuing).


Anticipated Cost Share:

Cost sharing of 2:1 ratio to all U.S. companies interested in joining the trade show and participate as exhibitors through NASDA grant.


Milestone Dates:

By end of 1st quarter of FY2001, we will broadcast announcement through ETNA and DOC�s environmental team.


Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: Tech Rep, NASDA, IIE, and ETNA


Primary Intermediate Result: IR 1.4 Increased technology transfer


Date: 15 July 2000

US-AEP Activity Description (18)


Country: Malaysia

Activity Name: Environmental Center for Livestock Waste Management (ECLWM): International Technical Advisory Committee.

Contact Person: Tech Rep


Description of Activity:

US-AEP will support Malaysian swine industry by continually educating policy-makers and promoting services and U.S. technologies through the ECLWM center in Taiwan. US-AEP will sponsor three representatives from the Department of Veterinary Services, Federation of Livestock Farmers� Association (FLFAM) and Malaysian Swine Producers� Association (MSPA) to the ECLWM 2nd symposium which will be held in Korea.


Expected Results:

Increase the knowledge of the Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) and Malaysian swine farmers on the importance of proper waste management and at the same time promote U.S. technologies in swine waste management. Influence the policy development of pig farming areas.


Relationship to US-AEP Strategic Objective:

Transfer U.S. environmental technology and best practices to key industrial sectors within Malaysia.


Asian and Regional Partners:

Department of Veterinary Services (continuing), FLFAM (continuing), MSPA (continuing) and UPM (continuing).


Anticipated Cost Share:

Representatives from the FLFAM and MSPA will pay international airfares and US-AEP will help pay their accommodation and per diem. US-AEP will fully fund representatives from the government and university.


Milestone Dates:



Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: Tech Rep


Primary Intermediate Result: IR 1.1 Improved public policy and environmental regulations

IR1.4 Increased technology transfer


Date: 19 July 2000

US-AEP Activity Description (19)


Country: Malaysia

Activity Name: Malaysian Swine Waste Training Course, 9-17 November, 2000.

Contact Person: Tech Rep


Description of Activity:

US-AEP Malaysia responded to a request from the Malaysian Swine Producers Association (MSPA) by recruiting two experts namely Prof. Ron Miner from Oregon State University and Prof. Frank Humenik of North Carolina State University, in addition to Dr. Prince Dugba, Director, Environment and Engineering, Smithfield Foods/Murphy Farms to conduct training courses on swine waste management in two states, Perak and Johor. The target audience is large swine producers.

Furthermore, these three experts were asked to present papers at a one and a half day seminar organized by the Malaysian Society of Animal Production (MSAP) which will include speakers from Australia and Thailand. This seminar is specially designed for researchers, policy-makers and regulators.


Expected Results:

To form partnership between local researchers, policy-makers and regulators with US experts. Increase the knowledge of Malaysian swine farmers on the importance of proper waste management and at the same time promote U.S. technologies in swine waste management.


Relationship to US-AEP Strategic Objective:

Transfer U.S. environmental technology and best practices to key industrial sectors within Malaysia.


Asian and Regional Partners:

Malaysian Society of Animal Production (new) and Malaysian Swine Producers� Association (continuing).


Anticipated Cost Share:

MSAP and MSPA have agreed to pay for the US experts� domestic expenses.


Milestone Dates:



Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: Tech Rep


Primary Intermediate Result: IR 1.1 Improved public policy and environmental regulations

IR1.4 Increased technology transfer


Date: 15 May 2000

US-AEP Activity Description (20)


Country: Malaysia

Activity Name: Malaysian Industrial Energy Efficiency Training and Capacity Building Project

Contact Person: Tech Rep


Description of Activity:

The Alliance to Save Energy will build the capacity of the Malaysia Energy Center to oversee implementation of the UNDP Malaysia Industrial Energy Efficiency Improvement Program. In the process, the Alliance will strengthen MEC�s ability to carry on into the future as a source of information and guidance on energy efficiency and project viability in Malaysia. In the latter stage of the project, there will be a technology and trade mission to bring relevant U.S. experts and companies to Malaysia to provide technical information on efficient technologies and practices, and make contacts between Malaysian industries and U.S. companies supplying the technologies needed to improve efficiency.


Expected Results:

(a) MEC strengthened to become a valuable, continuing resource for Malaysia on energy efficiency, (b) increased technology transfer, (c) more successful conclusion to the UNDP program, a major effort by Malaysia to improve energy efficiency of its industrial sector.


Relationship to US-AEP Strategic Objective:

Transfer U.S. environmental technology and best practices to key industrial sectors within Malaysia. Increase public awareness of and sensitivity to environmental quality issues.


Asian and Regional Partners:

Malaysian Energy Center (continuing)


Anticipated Cost Share:


Milestone Dates:


Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: Judith Barry


Primary Intermediate Result: IR 1.1 Improved public policy and environmental regulations

IR1.4 Increased technology transfer


Date: 15 May 2000

US-AEP Activity Description (21)


Country: Regional

Activity Name: Technology Verification Study Tour and Partnering Mtg.

Contact Person: Sarita Hoyt


Description of Activity:

EPA�s ETV Program is the world�s largest and most comprehensive program for verifying environmental technologies. The program�s domestic success arises from its dedication to objective, 3rd party testing of technologies, its use of stakeholder groups, its detailed testing protocols and QA/QC plans, and its insistence on process transparency and public access to verification information. Over the past 3 years, there has been a steadily increasing interest among industrializing nations in technology verification. A number of AEP countries have indicated a desire to learn more about the U.S. testing and protocol development process. Some of these countries (South Korea, Taiwan) have indicated that they will begin verification programs at some level, while the Philippines has already initiated a verification program. This region-wide interest provides an opportunity for the U.S. to promote the advantages of its approach to verification and, possibly, to enter into verification partnerships with key countries.

A Thai delegation is currently scheduled to undertake a study tour at ETV facilities in mid-October 2000. Under this proposal, EPA would work with AEP to bring representatives from four other nations on the study tour. We would focus on countries which the greatest potential to partner with the U.S. in forming international stakeholder committees or developing verification programs which incorporate U.S. ETV quality standards. Singapore, India, Taiwan and the Philippines are the most likely to meet these criteria. Delegations from these countries would likely consist of 2 people each.

The study tour is planned as a 4-5 day hands-on session at an ETV testing facility, likely in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina (others locations may be involved in the tour, depending on the results of conversations with AEP tech. reps., invitees, and IIE staff). The session will allow participation to observe technology testing in process and to ask detailed questions of engineers and scientists from ETV partnering organizations. The study tour will also provide the opportunity for meetings with stakeholders, vendors of verified technologies and EPA ETV staff.


Expected Results:

By providing an in-depth understanding of the ETV program and its testing procedures, this project will facilitate the transfer of ETV-verified technologies to south east Asia. It should also ensure that verification programs now developing in the region provide a level playing field for U.S. vendors by ensuring transparency of data, objective testing, and avoidance of verification schemes which could constitute non-tariff barriers to trade. The U.S. ETV process also emphasizes public participation and unrestricted access to information � standards which we hope to transfer to other verification systems in the region.


Relationship to US-AEP Strategic Objective:

This regional initiative will promote technology transfer between the U.S. and its AEP partner countries. Many of the ETV protocols and verification pilots address priority areas under the AEP country strategies: air monitoring.


Asian and Regional Partners:

Institute Quality Malaysia (IQM)(new), SIRIM (continuing), Department of Environment (DOE) (continuing) and Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (MOSTE) (continuing).


Anticipated Cost Share:

EPA labor (in-kind)

Coperative agreement funding for ETV participating partners

Travel costs for 3 EPA staff from Washington, D.C.


Milestone Dates:

Meeting will be held in mid-October 2000


Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: EPA/Office of International Activities


Primary Intermediate Result: IR 1.4 Increased technology transfer


Date: 6 July 2000

US-AEP Activity Description (22)


Country: Malaysia

Activity Name: Green Buildings Exchange

Contact Person: Tech Rep


Description of Activity:

Design an exchange program for Public Works Department (responsible for designs of government buildings), on "Green Buildings". This exchange is targeted to architects to study US efficient building methods, products, and regulations and standards. It will include visits to state regulatory office, research offices, research centers, and building product manufacturers. The group of four members will also visit the Department of Energy to discuss about US Energy Smart Schools program.


Expected Results:

To showcase US "green building" concept. And also to educate architects and planners on how to design buildings with minimum environmental impacts. US companies will also be able to demonstrate their environmental-friendly products i.e. energy efficiency technologies.


Relationship to US-AEP Strategic Objective:


Asian and Regional Partners:

Ministry of Works (new) and Ministry of Energy, Communications and Multimedia (continuing).


Anticipated Cost Share:


Milestone Dates: July 2001


Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: Tech Rep


Primary Intermediate Result: IR 1.4 Increased technology transfer


Date: August 1, 2000

US-AEP Activity Description (23)


Country: Malaysia

Activity Name: Dump Sites Remediation

Contact Person: Tech Rep


Description of Activity:

To assist Malaysian remediation of dump sites. US-AEP through NASDA OPF will bring Malaysian decision-makers to visit appropriate dumpsites in the US to witness actual remediation work and technologies.


Expected Results:

To establish dump site remediation system in Malaysia. An opportunity to demonstrate US technologies and services.


Relationship to US-AEP Strategic Objective:


Asian and Regional Partners:

Department of Environment (continuing)


Anticipated Cost Share:


Milestone Dates: November 2001


Lead Responsibility for US-AEP:

Tech Rep


Primary Intermediate Result: IR 1.4 Increased of technology transfer





United States-Asia Environmental Partnership, 1819 H Street NW, 7th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20006
Tel: 202-835-0333 Fax: 202-835-0366 E-mail: