The U.S.-Asia Environmental Partnership (US-AEP) is a public-private and
interagency partnership of the U.S. Agency for International Development
(USAID) with the Department of Commerce, the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, other U.S. government and state agencies, and the
private sector. Created in 1992 by a Presidential initiative, US-AEP
promotes the adoption of clean, efficient technologies, policies and
practices by Asian industries, cities, and governing entities.
The context of US-AEP�s
engagement is economic as well as environmental, harnessing the
broad-based desire in Asia for accelerated but cleaner economic growth
to drive a "clean revolution" of sustainable development. US-AEP�s
approach is to pursue sustainable change in the way Asia proceeds with
its industrial and urban growth through a development assistance
approach founded in two basic premises:
- To form a nexus between
sustainable development and trade, particularly with the United
States, to the mutual benefit of each; and
- To create and promote lasting
partnerships, locally, regionally and internationally, that will
carry on beyond the reach and longevity of development agencies.
US-AEP�s approach to
fostering a transformation to clean growth is to engage key decision
makers in the public and private sectors, and harness those forces which
serve as incentives for change: market, political, corporate,
regulatory, and public advocacy. Ultimately, the future of the
environment in Asia will be determined by these key Asian decision
makers, including individuals, institutions, and the general public.
US-AEP targets four
main areas related to the interdependent goals of environmental quality
and economic growth:
- public policy and environmental
- urban environmental management;
- corporate governance and
environmental management; and
- the transfer of U.S. environmental
technology, expertise and practices through trade and investment.
Woven throughout these
four areas is an emphasis on energy and resource efficiency and other
measures which reduce greenhouse gas emissions and thereby mitigate the
impact of developing Asia on global climate change.
In order to leverage
resources from outside the U.S. government and to create self-sustaining
partnerships that will outlive development assistance, US-AEP enlists
the expertise and commitment of U.S. and Asian stakeholders:
professional associations, large multinational corporations, small-to
medium-sized U.S. private sector firms, U.S. states, and Asian and
American municipalities and non-governmental organizations. Through the
partnership of USAID and the Department of Commerce, Asia�s
environmental quality and economic growth are mutually advanced by
connecting Asia�s decision-makers with the best in American
environmental technology and expertise.
US-AEP�s engagement
with a wide variety of partners serves another key component of the
US-AEP vision: supporting U.S. foreign policy interests and fostering
improved international relations in many sectors of American society. By
facilitating the active participation of the business community and
public sector at state and municipal levels, US-AEP makes development
assistance relevant to Americans not directly connected with
international relations.
US-AEP�s Philippine
Country Strategy
1. Context
Environmental degradation is a serious
problem in the Philippines. It receives a great deal of attention from
vocal sectors of civil society and Congress, but concrete steps towards
improvements on the part of government and the majority of industrial
and household sources of pollution have been insufficient. High levels
of poverty (40 to 50 percent) and population growth (2.3 percent)
combined with slow progress in implementing economic reforms and
improving governance, have contributed to low levels of economic growth
following the Asian financial crisis. The 1999 growth in GDP was only
3.2 percent, the second lowest among eight Southeast Asian countries and
half the Asia-wide average. According to the ADB�s Asian Development
Outlook 2000, the Philippine economy faces three structural challenges
required to achieve sustained growth: poverty reduction, proper
environmental management, and adequate infrastructure.
Despite its rather poor economic
outlook, the Philippines remains a promising market for American
environmental firms due to the urgent need to address development and
environmental problems, the strong historic relationship between the two
countries, and the relative ease of doing business in the country. U.S.
firms also have the advantage of a dominant position because the U.S. is
the largest investor in the Philippines. Lack of funds and poor capacity
of the government to design and implement projects has focused attention
on public-private financing schemes (e.g., build operate transfer (BOT))
and projects in which payment is guaranteed by donors (World Bank and
ADB). The government has also been slow in implementing donor-funded
projects and was recently cited by the major donors as needing to
accelerate and improve project implementation or face penalties.
The Philippine government supports
environmental efforts and has made important strides in fostering
cooperation between industry and government to improve environmental
performance. However, the government has not committed significant
resources to the task, and the regulatory and environmental management
agencies remain weak.
2. Objectives
- Reduce environmental degradation in
the Philippines by promoting pollution prevention, improved industrial
and urban environmental management, energy efficiency and climate
change mitigation and raising awareness among decision-makers and the
general public.
- Improve Philippine government,
private sector and civil society capacity to manage air pollution,
water pollution, solid waste and hazardous waste (in that order of
- Transfer U.S. environmental
technology and best practices to the Philippines.
3. Strategies
Embassy and USAID Mission
US-AEP will continue to collaborate
and coordinate with the USAID Mission and the Embassy in country to
insure maximum impact and synergy. Our strategy is consistent with the
Embassy�s Mission Program Plan, USAID/Philippines� Strategy, and the US
Commercial Service�s Strategic Plan for the Philippines. USAID/Philippines
has several large projects with which US-AEP coordinates and
collaborates at the working level. Improving the Philippines� capacity
to manage hazardous waste and solid waste are major areas of focus and
collaboration. We are also working together to promote the adoption of
environmental management systems by industry and assist the Philippine
government to obtain international recognition of its ISO accreditation
Overall coordination includes monthly
brown sector working group meetings, providing the Mission and Embassy
with a monthly update on activities, and soliciting the Mission�s view
on all environmental exchanges involving Philippine participants. US-AEP
and the Mission will continue undertaking collaborative activities and
joint projects that advance our common goals.
Multilateral Development Bank
We will also continue to work with the
ADB and World Bank by contributing short-term experts for project design
and implementation, organizing environmental exchanges to the U.S. for
Philippine officials, and working together to strengthen environmental
policy networks and the sharing of best practices among Asian mayors.
This collaboration allows US-AEP�s support to have a much larger impact
and gives us advance information on fully-funded projects for potential
American bidders. The banks have also benefited from the partnership by
making use of US-AEP�s experience and insight and our flexible and
responsive funding mechanisms. We will focus on the following
bank-funded projects during this fiscal year:
ADB � (1) Metro Manila Air Quality
Improvement Sector Development Project, (2) Pasig River Rehabilitation
Project. (3) Regional Technical Assistance on Cleaner Production
Practices and Policies
World Bank � (1) City Development
Strategy Project, (2) Urban Integrated Program, (3) Sewerage and
Sanitation Water Districts Project II, (3) Solid Waste Ecological
Enhancement Program.
Priority Sectors
US-AEP will focus on the following
sectors, in order of priority: (1) air, (2) water, (3) solid waste, and
(4) hazardous waste, because they are serious environmental problems
that are high priority for the Philippine government and U.S. firms have
special expertise and a competitive edge in these sectors (ranking
described below). We will continue to engage relevant NGOs to advance
our objectives in these priority sectors. For example, we work with
Concerned Citizens Against Pollution on air quality improvement and the
Solid Waste Association of the Philippines to promote solid waste
Intermediate Result Areas
a. Public policy and regulation
To strengthen environmental
regulations, US-AEP will continue to assist in implementing the Clean
Air Act regulations, as well as help to develop the Clean Water Act and
Solid Waste Act (through the Water Environment Association of the
Philippines, Air and Waste Management Association-Phil. chapter and
Philippine Pollution Prevention Roundtable). US-AEP will also
continue to work with the Department of Trade and Industry and related
government agencies to support improved industrial environmental
management and to explore ways to measure the environmental performance
of industry. Much of this will be done through Philippine participation
in regional policy conferences and networks, including the Greening of
Industry Network.
- Urban environmental management
US-AEP will help improve the
capacity of local government units (LGUs) to address the impact of
urbanization on the environment by utilizing U.S. urban management
models and collaborating with the World Bank, USAID/Philippines, ADB,
ICMA (International City/County Management Association), ICLEI
(International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) and
others. The American Consulting Engineers Council will promote these
models through a technical partnership council.
Strategies for the four priority
sectors: Air - Improve air quality by supporting the phase-out of
leaded gasoline outside of Metro Manila and the implementation of the
communications component of the ADB-funded air quality improvement
project. Water - Collaborate with the ADB in developing and
implementing the Pasig River Rehabilitation Project. Solid Waste -
Promote composting and recycling technologies through study tours and
seminars, and continue to assist LGUs through the Solid Waste
Association of the Philippines. Hazardous Waste - Work with USAID/Philippines
to improve the capacity of the Philippines to address hazardous waste
management by conducting seminars and study tours.
- Corporate environmental management
In the continuing absence of strong
local regulatory controls and enforcement capacity, American
multinational corporations with Asian suppliers are increasingly
responding to market drivers by assuming a more active role in the
management of their supply chain. US-AEP will continue its work in the
Philippines to encourage, catalyze and promote the emergent trend in
supply chain environmental management. New areas of focus may include:
promoting the use of a sustainability index, product take-back
programs and life cycle assessment.
US-AEP will continue to build the
capacity of the Philippine Pollution Prevention Roundtable to promote
P2 among Philippine industry and access technical
information from NPPR and EPA. We will also solicit a CSG grant to
promote clean production programs for manufacturers.
- Transfer of U.S. technology and
practice through trade and investment
The priority sectors of focus for the
Technology Cooperation Office will be air, water, solid waste and
hazardous waste. Air is the first priority because passage of the Clean
Air Act in 1999 will pressure industry and government to take steps to
decrease emissions and to increase monitoring. Moreover, funds are
available through the ADB loan. Water is the second priority because
water/wastewater is the biggest pollution control market, the
Environmental Users� Fee as a driver to reduce BOD levels in industrial
wastewater has been relatively successful, ADB funding is available for
the Pasig River Rehabilitation project, and the opportunities which will
develop as a result of the upcoming development of a Clean Water Act.
Solid waste is the third priority because the government is currently
bidding out a contract for a 2,000 ton/day landfill facility for Metro
Manila, and the Solid Waste Association of the Philippines is assisting
local governments in developing and packaging solid waste projects.
Hazardous waste will be a focal sector
in FY 2001 because of the growing commitment of the government and
several donor agencies to address the need for a hazardous waste
treatment facility in the country. We will work closely with the Embassy
and USAID/Philippines to implement the Interagency Bilateral Cooperation
on Environment and Public Health initiative. We plan to organize U.S.
study tours and a workshop to increase the Philippines� capacity to
assess and manage hazardous waste problem areas and how industry can
better deal with its hazardous waste treatment problems. We are also
exploring how the U.S. EPA can become involved these efforts,
specifically in developing government agencies� capacity.
The Tech Rep Office will continue the
following activities to increase U.S. firms� market share: organizing
exchanges and study tours, providing market information through IMIs,
ISAs, submitting quality trade leads with follow-up via
videoconferences, and providing matchmaking venues through Gold Key
Service, Platinum Key Service, trade shows, and trade missions. The Tech
Rep Office will also work with donors to develop projects in our
priority sectors and to assist US firms in competing for the resulting
business opportunities. To strengthen the private sector�s involvement
in environmental improvement, US-AEP and OPIC are supporting
EnviroVentures Philippines, a company that will invest in
environment-related joint ventures with local SMEs and NGOs.
ACEC will help firms access urban
development business opportunities resulting from the World Bank-funded
City Development Strategy, building on contacts made during the U.S.
observation tour.
I. Summary of Last Year�s Results
PAG 1: Public Policy
US-AEP continued to be involved in
government and ADB-led efforts to develop the Implementing Rules and
Regulations of the Clean Air Act. The FCS-ADB Liaison Commercial
Environmental Specialist and the Tech Rep worked to provide two experts
to assist the government in drafting the implementing rules and
regulations, with financial support from the US Trade and Development
Agency. The Tech Rep facilitated the Workshop-Conference on the Clean
Air Act that focused on the Implementing Rules and Regulations for
stationary sources, which includes refinery plants, power plants,
semiconductor and electronics, chemical, and food processing industries.
US-AEP facilitated a consultation with
local government units (LGUs) on the proposed Solid Waste Management
Act. We sent key Philippine representatives to the Greening of Industry
Network�s international conference and to the Strategies and Tools for
Sustainable Development in Business Seminar in Taiwan, which focused on
promoting industrial environmental performance measurement. Measurement
using the Global Reporting Initiative protocols is being explored with
several interested Philippine companies.
PAG 2: Urban Environmental Management
US-AEP, through its cooperative
agreement with the American Consulting Engineers Council (ACEC),
partnered with the World Bank to advance the City Development Strategy
program. Representatives from seven participating Philippine cities
participated in an observation tour organized by the Environmental
Exchange program to learn about innovative U.S. models for urban
development. We also sent participants to the World Bank�s Competitive
Cities Conference in Washington D.C.
ACEC developed a Technical Partnership
Council to enhance the decision-making capacity of local chief
executives and their technical staff by demonstrating practical
solutions to problems caused by urbanization. A workshop was held in
which the League of Cities of the Philippines and the CCPSP gave a
presentation on the Project Development Fund Facility. Another workshop
will be held in September on urban planning and the importance of
benchmarking and data management. ACEC also conducted outreach to its
member firms through an ADB Business Opportunities Seminar, an ACEC
Business Luncheon, and sending project leads and market insights to ACEC
firms and other US firms.
In partnership with the Asian
Development Bank (ADB), US-AEP continued to support the network of Asian
mayors that have been sharing best practices in city development through
annual forums. In addition, ADB has funded a regional technical
assistance for integrating cleaner production principles into national
environmental and industrial development strategies. US-AEP contributed
a report documenting current CP policies in Batangas and a report on our
financial initiative highlighting successes with Philippine Banks. The
reports will be used as a basis for training.
Under the umbrella of the new Clean
Air Act and the ADB-funded Metro Manila Air Quality Improvement project,
US-AEP and USEPA spearheaded a public outreach campaign on the phase out
of leaded gasoline that ensured public acceptance of the April 1 ban on
leaded gasoline in Metro Manila. US-AEP and ADB are now supporting a
campaign for the nationwide phase out, scheduled for January 1, 2001.
In the FY2000 budget, US-AEP earmarked
a fixed amount to be spent on collaborative activities with the USAID/Philippine
mission. The following activities were undertaken: US-AEP assisted USAID
in providing consultants to the Philippine Presidential Committee on
Flagship Programs and Projects to prepare bid documents for a 2,000
ton/day sanitary landfill facility. The bid documents have been issued
and proposals are being evaluated. A conference on Private Sector
Participation in Water Projects will be conducted for LGUs; the
Philippine government was assisted in its effort to obtain international
recognition of its ISO certification system; a study tour for industrial
pollution prevention policy was conducted for key government officials;
and greening the supply chain as a driver for EMS was introduced to more
than 60 Philippine companies. Descriptions of these activities are
listed under their respective PAG.
Participation in US-AEP study tours
and conferences has led mayors of several local governments to
substantially improve solid waste management in their cities and form
the Solid Waste Association of the Philippines (SWAPP) to train other
local governments. US-AEP worked in collaboration with the World Bank�s
SWEEP project, the Solid Waste Association of North America, and USEPA
to facilitate the establishment of SWAPP and organize the first national
conference and exhibition on solid waste management. Two training
courses for LGUs on Developing and Mobilizing an Integrated Solid Waste
Management Plan were conducted. ACEC also submitted a success story
resulting from the 1998 Solid Waste Management Study Tour: Pennoni
International Phils., Inc. won a contract for detailed engineering
design, construction supervision and commissioning for the landfill
project of Puerto Princesa City.
PAG 3: Corporate
Governance/Environmental Management
US-AEP is working with Ford Motor
Company Philippines and other companies to ensure that their suppliers
use environmentally responsible methods of production. Supply chain
management gives Philippine suppliers a very powerful economic reason to
improve their environmental performance and implement an EMS. Letters of
commitment will be obtained from 60 firms by the end of the fiscal year.
US-AEP is providing support to the
Philippine Bureau of Product Standards to obtain international
recognition of its ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 accreditation programs. This
will enable the Philippines to increase trade and market-driven
environmental improvements and join the U.S. in promoting an
international system for cooperation in promoting environmental
management systems. A peer evaluation team and a local staff person are
being supported.
US-AEP signed an MOU
with DENR Secretary Cerilles last January to launch DENR�s Green
Government Procurement Program, which aims to integrate environmental
considerations into DENR�s buying decisions. A U.S. study tour was
conducted for DENR staff, and several seminars, roundtable discussions
and exchanges have taken place. A step-by-step guidebook and a pilot
project will be completed by the end of next year.
In cooperation with
the Management Association of the Philippines and other industry
associations, US-AEP has implemented the Best Environmental Management
Practices program among their member companies. Industry association
members participated in a U.S. study tour to learn about U.S. models.
The group has developed and published BEMP manuals and case studies, a
TV program, a video, and several roundtable discussions.
US-AEP provided a
grant to the Semiconductor and Electronics Industry in the Philippines
(an industry association) to encourage member companies to implement
best environmental management practices and greening the supply chain.
US-AEP assisted in developing and delivering five training modules to
volunteer companies.
US-AEP provided
limited transition assistance to the Technology Livelihood and Resource
Center, an extension organization that received a US-AEP grant last year
to provide outreach and assistance to industry and cities on
environmental management. Support was provided to TLRC to develop a
CD-ROM on EMS, and in providing institutional linkages to other
PAG 4: Trade and
The Tech Rep Office
reported 16 success stories totaling $3,090,915 for FY2000, $1,250,496
of which have been confirmed to date. Of these, 9 were non-monetary
Agent Distributorship Agreements. The office staff completed four Gold
Key Service programs, counseled more than 100 clients and engaged in 60
trade facilitations. Throughout the year, the Tech Rep focused her
efforts and resources on the areas that offer the best opportunities for
U.S. environmental firms. She and the FCS-ADB CES continued to undertake
several innovative and effective outreach events to develop the market
for U.S. companies and prepare them for upcoming commercial
opportunities stemming from ADB-funded projects, including the Metro
Manila Air Quality Improvement Project and the Pasig River Environmental
Management and Rehabilitation Project. This included multi-point
videoconferences with several different states; targeted International
Market Insights on the details of projects; study tours, and
participation of project hosts as members of delegations to the Air and
Waste Management Association 2000 conference in Salt Lake City and the
WEFTEC 99 business delegation in New Orleans.
The Tech Rep promoted
"environment trade and catalog shows" while on temporary duty in
Atlanta, Birmingham, and Nashville. She also gave a briefing to the
State Trade Offices and Chamber of Commerce, and conducted
videoconferences with Export Assistance Centers in Shreveport, New
Orleans, Indianapolis and Memphis.
The Tech Rep signed up
the first Platinum Key Service client for the Commercial Service, which
resulted in a large CNA Trade Mission in November 1999. Tyco Flow, Inc.
also signed up for the service to assist them in their business
The Tech Rep assisted
in facilitating a USTDA grant for Metro Cebu Water District for the
Mananga II Dam Project which is estimated at $141 million and with
potential U.S. export opportunity estimated at $74.5 million. She also
worked closely with USTDA in organizing an "Industrial Emissions Source
Study (Phase II) Technology Transfer Seminar" on Nov. 21, 1999.
US-AEP continued to
work closely with professional associations such as the Water
Environment Association of the Philippines (WEAP), Air & Waste
Management Association � Philippine Section, and Philippine Pollution
Prevention Roundtable (PPPR), the Tech Rep has co-organized 18 technical
Other Highlights:
- Environtech �99 - organized a U.S.
Pavilion and arranged one-on-one meetings, technology presentations,
and market briefings for participating companies.
- Completed an Industry Sector
Analysis on toxic and hazardous waste.
- Led a 20-member delegation to the
Air & Waste Management Association�s 93rd Annual Meeting and
Exposition in Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A. on June 17-22, 2000 with a
spin-off site visit to San Diego, California. The delegation included
Congressman J.R. Nereus O. Acosta, Ph.D., principal author of the
Philippine Clean Air Act.
- Led a 36-member delegation to
WEFTEC �99 in New Orleans, Oct. 9-13 with a spin-off site visit to the
state of Mississippi.
II. Activity Descriptions
Improved Public Policy and Environmental
Environmental degradation in the
Philippines stems not from a lack of stringent laws and regulations, but
mainly from lack of enforcement by the government. However, new
environmental laws continued to be developed as an attempt to do
something about the very serious levels of health-threatening air
pollution, the solid waste crisis, and highly polluted rivers and bays
in greater Metro Manila. US-AEP will focus on strengthening enforcement
and implementation of existing environmental laws and regulations,
contribute to the development of two new laws, and work with industry to
encourage voluntary compliance and measurement. Specifically, US-AEP
will continue to assist in implementing the Clean Air Act regulations,
as well as help to develop the Clean Water Act and Solid Waste Act.
US-AEP will also continue to work with the Department of Trade and
Industry and related government agencies to support improved industrial
environmental management and to explore ways to measure the
environmental performance of industry. Much of this will be done through
Philippine participation in regional policy conferences and networks,
including the Greening of Industry Network (GIN) conference that will be
held in Bangkok in January. US-AEP/Philippines will participate in the
Industrial Environmental Template regional activity if it receives
outside funding (currently being pursued by GIN-Asia).
US-AEP Activity Description IR 1.1
Activity Name:
Strengthening of Environmental Laws
Description of Activity:
To strengthen environmental
regulations, US-AEP will continue to assist in implementing the Clean
Air Act regulations, as well as help to develop the Clean Water Act and
Solid Waste Act. The Clean Air Act was passed in 1999 and we will
continue to work with the ADB and the Philippine government to
facilitate implementation of the law by participating in relevant
discussions with the government and the ADB and responding to requests
for assistance. We plan to expose Philippine government and private
sector officials to the US experience with alternative fuels such as
compressed natural gas. Other assistance related to implementation of
the Clean Air Act can be found in other activity sheets with primary
intermediate result 1.2 (Urban).
US-AEP, mainly through its Office of
Technology Cooperation, will work with the Water Environment Association
of the Philippines, the Air and Waste Management Association-Phil.
Chapter, the Solid Waste Association of the Philippines, and the
Consulting Engineers Council of the Philippines (CECOPHIL) to develop
position papers on the soon-to-be-drafted Clean Water Act and Solid
Waste Act. This may involve meetings or seminars to discuss the proposed
laws and develop the position papers. The seminars may be conducted in
collaboration with the Philippine Pollution Prevention Roundtable.
Expected Results:
include links to US-AEP Intermediate
Result indicators, if possible
Environmental laws and regulations
strengthened, specifically improved implementation of the Clean Air Act
and input into drafting the Clean Water Act and Solid Waste Act by
Philippine environmental professionals.
Relationship to US-AEP Country
Air pollution is our first priority,
followed by water and solid waste management. This activity meets our
goals of working with the ADB and developing professional associations
in the country.
Asian and Regional Partners:
ADB, Phil. DOE, WEAP, AWMA-Phil Section, SWAPP (all continuing),
indicate whether new, continuing or
Anticipated Cost Share:
Private sector study tour participants will provide cost share. WEAP and
AWMA-Phil. will organize the seminars and pay for the venue and other
seminar costs.
Milestone Dates:
Study tour TBD, Seminars on water and solid waste acts Qtr 2
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP:
Alma Madrazo
Primary Intermediate Result:
1.1 Improved Public Policy and
Environmental Regulations
July 5, 2000
US-AEP Activity Description IR 1.1
Regional Activity with focus on Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam,
Activity Name:
Regional Inspector Training and Peer Networking in Southeast Asia
Description of Activity:
A regional inspector train-the-trainer
project approved by US-AEP for fiscal year 2000 is a concrete step to
strengthen environmental compliance and enforcement networking and
capacity building in Southeast Asia. The program proposes a combined
5-day seminar and demonstration of multimedia inspection, criminal
investigation techniques and USEPA experience with EMS/process oriented
audits in combination with compliance inspection. It would focus on a
priority problem area, proposed as a focus on refineries given attention
to air pollution in the region or alternatively energy, pulp and paper,
or mining. Training would be multi-media in nature and incorporate
experience with typical types of violations, root causes, opportunities
to correct and prevent. Inspector training would include opportunity for
exchange on types of requirements currently in place within the U.S. and
countries of focus.
Environmental enforcement officials
from 10 countries, 8 from Southeast Asia, participating in a meeting
sponsored by the World Bank Institute on "Regional Cooperation to
strengthen Environmental Compliance and Enforcement in Asia", June
19-22, 2000 enthusiastically endorsed the planned delivery of train the
trainer inspector training for the region by USEPA inspectors supported
by the US Asia Environmental Partnership. US-AEP project funds supported
participation by two USEPA officials, including a prospective trainer
for inspectors in the region. This enabled USEPA to help launch a
regional inspector training project and generally provide support for
regional networking and commitment to strengthening environmental
compliance and enforcement.
Expected Results:
Strengthened partnerships in the
region, attention to inspection activities, training of 35 inspectors
from 9 countries from the first delivery. Video taped sessions that can
support future deliveries and distance learning. This project will
enhance capacity within three host countries in depth and across the
region as a whole at appropriate levels of government to conduct
objective, credible and thorough environmental inspections to monitor
compliance with national environmental laws and investigate potential
environmental crimes. It will leave the region with a core of trained
inspector trainers for cost-effective delivery of inspector training and
create a context for sustained informal peer support and networking as
well as future training deliveries, through the auspices of ASEAN, the
UNEP regional environmental program or other mechanism for regional
cooperation. The training is designed to provide focus on types of
pollution sources and economic activity that will have the greatest
potential for measurable improvement in environmental performance. Most
significantly it will build capacity in a core skill area, inspection,
required for effective implementation of a range of innovative and
traditional environmental programs and policy instruments. It also has
the potential to demonstrate the application of distance learning by
taping, broadcasting and using new communications technology to support
a wider audience for training opportunities.
Relationship to US-AEP Country
Strategy: Effective programs
to encourage and compel compliance with regulatory regimes and policies
to promote cleaner production, environmental technology, and improved
environmental performance beyond compliance rest upon several
fundamental capacities including the ability to present an effective,
credible field presence through dedicated, independent environmental
Asian and Regional Partners:
UNEP, ASEAN, World Bank including the
World Bank Institute, APCEL are potential near term partners in
supporting country participation and sustaining partners in supporting
ongoing networking and capacity building on a regional basis.
Anticipated Cost Share:
The World Bank Institute and country loan or grant programs will
contribute to some of the participant travel expenses and help to
support some of the distance learning opportunities that arise from
these deliveries.
Milestone Dates: Training
delivery is proposed for January, April and June 2001. Government
officials recommended that it commence no sooner than January of 2001 to
avoid the rainy season and enables sufficient time for preparation for
participants to arrange for funding. Training would be staggered to take
place in each of three locations within the region: Indonesia, the
Philippines and Vietnam (unconfirmed) and/or Thailand who offered to
host the inspector training as well. Alternatively we could deliver
training for two weeks twice at two different locations. Contacts for
each of the countries were solicited June 22 at the regional meeting.
Scheduling and selection of sector focus will be set by September 2000
and invitations extended by October 1. This should give country
officials sufficient notice to arrange for funding and travel. We should
have some agreements in advance on how the training will be used and
built upon by the countries and provision for ongoing mutual support
among all those involved in the training including the US personnel. We
also need to overcome issues related to Health and safety, training and
equipment confidentiality of refinery operations within country, among
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP:
Cheryl Wasserman from EPA.
Primary Intermediate Result:
1.1 Improved Public Policy and
Environmental Regulations
August 13, 2000
US-AEP Activity Description IR 1.1
Activity Name:
Vehicle Emissions Action Plan
Description of Activity:
The ADB is hosting four regional
workshops at the end of 2000 and in 2001 on topics to mitigate vehicular
and transportation-related pollution in Asia, bringing together
government, civil society and the private sector. The ADB will select
one country to take the lead on each topic to construct a model "Action
Plan," through domestic consultants, prior to each seminar.
Specifically, the workshops will review market incentives and
regulations in relation to the following topics during regional
conferences at the proposed locations:
- Conventional and Alternative Fuels
India will do the Action Plan, conference may be held in India.
- Pollution Controls and New and In
Use Vehicles
. China will
do the Action Plan, conference will probably be in China.
- Urban Transportation and Traffic
. Maybe Jakarta
for the Action Plan, conference could be in either Indonesia or Dhaka,
- Final Workshop
for presentation of Action Plans, Policies and Recommendations and
list of proposed projects will be held in Manila, Philippines.
ADB has requested that US-AEP and EPA
participate as partners in these workshops based on their expertise and
experiences on air quality in Asia. Specifically, US-AEP/EPA assistance
has been identified as follows:
- Identify and provide resource
speakers for each topic. This would be a good opportunity to share the
EPA and World Bank�s Transport and Air Quality Tool Kit.
- Identify key Asian officials
working on air issues who would be interested in participating in the
workshops. It is proposed that US-AEP Tech Reps� country funds and
"regional funds" would support the participation of key participants.
** US-AEP has informed ADB that it is
not able to pay for speakers to attend a workshop held in China.
** The ADB Regional TA covers
participation of 16 developing member countries. If US-AEP would like to
support "observer participants" from developed members (HK, Sing,
Taiwan) that will be accepted.
Expected Results:
- Improved partnership with regional
- Trade and investment-
Identification of future air emissions reduction and vehicle pollution
reduction projects and policies. These would provide identification of
opportunities for U.S. technology/expertise.
Relationship to US-AEP Strategic
Objective: Participation will
be dependent upon the air pollution priority of each country.
Asian and Regional Partners:
ADB, DENR, Phil. DOE (all continuing)
Anticipated Cost Share:
Regional grant by the ADB for the design
and implementation of workshops and Action Plans.
Milestone Dates:
Project approval date by ADB- should
be August 2000. First conference probably in March.
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP:
US-AEP/ADB Stacy Bonnaffons
Primary Intermediate Result:
1.1 Improved Public Policy and
Environmental Regulations
August 9, 2000
Improved Urban Environmental Management
It has become clear that local
government units play a critical role in environmental improvement.
Through the provision of municipal infrastructure such as water supply
and solid waste collection and in issuing permits to industry to operate
in their jurisdiction, local governments are the key to improving
environmental conditions throughout the Philippines. The devolution of
functions from national agencies is slowing becoming a reality and local
government officials and staff are eager to obtain the skills and
information needed to fulfill these new responsibilities. US-AEP will
help improve the capacity of local government units (LGUs) to address
the impact of urbanization on the environment by utilizing U.S. urban
management models and collaborating with the World Bank, USAID/Philippines,
ADB, ICMA (International City/County Management Association), ICLEI
(International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) and others.
The American Consulting Engineers Council will also promote these models
through a technical partnership council. We are also proposing support
to implement the Clean Cities Center concept in eight pilot cities. Our
four priority sectors will be covered as follows: 1) Air: Work with the
ADB will continue the FY2000 focus on public outreach for improved air
quality in collaboration with the EPA. 2) Water: Collaborate with the
ADB in developing and implementing the Pasig River Rehabilitation
Project (the activities have been grouped in an activity sheet in the IR
1.4 section). 3) Solid Waste: Continue to assist LGUs through the Solid
Waste Association of the Philippines and promote composting and
recycling technologies through study tours, seminars, or perhaps a NASDA
OPF or NGO grant. 4) Hazardous Waste: Improve the capacity of the
Philippines to address hazardous waste management by conducting seminars
and study tours, in collaboration with the EPA and USAID/Philippines.
US-AEP Activity Description IR 1.2
Activity Name:
Urban Management and Finance � Resource Cities � Cebu, Philippines
Description of Activity:
The Resource Cities program of ICMA is
an international partnership program through which the skills and
successes of a select U.S. city are shared with a city in a developing
or transitional country. Under this initiative, the city of Cebu,
Philippines would be paired with a U.S. city counterpart to provide
technical assistance in improving delivery of environmental services
concerning greenhouse gas emissions.
This eighteen month partnership has
two phases: Phase I (due to be completed in July 2000) involves a
diagnostic whereby an appropriate U.S. city counterpart will be selected
based on mutually agreed on activities. Phase II (to be completed by the
end of 2001) will involve an exchange for the U.S. and Philippine city
officials to agree upon a common objective, discuss best practices,
develop a workplan specifying activities required to meet the objectives
and exchanges between the cities to fulfill these objectives. A
roundtable to share lessons learned will be held at the end of the
project. Joseph Batac is the contact at the League of Municipalities.
ICLEI�s Manila office will also provide support. (Ann Arbor, Michigan
has been selected by the Mayor of Cebu.)
Expected Results:
Improved urban
environmental management in Cebu City as a result of best practices
sharing between city officials and their U.S. city counterparts.
Relationship to US-AEP Country
Supports the US-AEP Philippines�
strategy of improving urban environmental management by strengthening
the capacity of LGUs to address the impact of urbanization on the
environment by utilizing U.S. urban management models.
Asian and Regional Partners:
City of Cebu, ICLEI (continuing)
Anticipated Cost Share:
Government officials� staff time and office space/materials.
Milestone Dates:
September 2001: roundtable at end of
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP:
Conchita Silva (LBG), Deborah Kimble
Primary Intermediate Result:
1.2 Improved urban environmental
August 14, 2000
US-AEP Activity Description IR 1.2
Activity Name:
Clean Cities Center
Description of Activity:
The Clean Cities Center (CCC) proposal
with the League of Cities of the Philippines was developed as part of
the CSG project implemented by the Clean Washington Center last year.
The Clean Cities project aims to encourage, and if possible require,
investors putting up new infrastructure to consider cleaner
production methods and to develop
environmental management systems at the design phase of projects, not
after the factory is already built using inefficient technologies. In
the Philippines, all investments must be approved by local authorities
through the mayor's permit. This gives mayors the critical ability to
screen new investment proposals and steer the proponents to qualified
technical assistance that can help the new investment improve its
potential environmental performance. The CCC will provide the technical
capacity needed to provide these assessments, and by tying it to the
mayor's permit, we can be assured that the investors will take the
advice seriously.
Aside from new investments, the CCC
will also provide the mayors with the necessary technical support to
influence all existing industries within their jurisdiction since the
mayor's permit is renewed annually.
Existing companies can be influenced
and even trained to adopt waste minimization, pollution prevention and
cleaner production technologies. The Clean Cities personnel in each city
can work with companies to ensure that clean technologies are considered
in existing and any new plants being built.
Several of the key officials involved
in the CCC will attend a Clean Cities Training Institute program in
Expected Results:
Establishment of Clean Cities Centers
in 8-16 cities in the Philippines that have the ability to encourage and
influence industries to use clean technologies and environmental
management systems.
Relationship to US-AEP Country
Supports the US-AEP
Philippines� strategy of improving urban environmental management by
strengthening the capacity of LGUs to address the impact of urbanization
on the environment by utilizing U.S. urban management models.
Asian and Regional Partners:
League of Cities of the Philippines (new)
indicate whether new, continuing or
Anticipated Cost Share:
Government officials� staff time and office space/materials.
Milestone Dates:
Training TBD
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP:
Joy Abelardo-Jochico (ACEC), Conchita
Silva (LBG)
Primary Intermediate Result:
1.2 Improved urban environmental
August 14, 2000
US-AEP Activity Description IR 1.2
Activity Name:
LGU Capability Building using the City Development Strategy and
Technical Partnership Council
Description of Activity:
This is a continuation of the initial
support provided by US-AEP in FY2000 to local government units (LGUs)
through the World Bank�s City Development Strategy (CDS) Program. The
CDS is both a planning process and a product that promotes partnership
among the various stakeholders in a city�the city government, private
business, civil society, academe and the national agencies�to jointly
analyze growth issues, develop a vision for the future, formulate
development strategies, design programs, prioritize projects, mobilize
resources, implement, and monitor and evaluate implementation. CDS has
finished with seven Philippine cities and is now starting with a new
batch of 20 more cities. The support that US-AEP will provide
essentially involves capability building in urban planning and
management in the context of best practices in the U.S. for the new CDS
cities including the other members of the League of Cities. ACEC�s
Technical Partnership Council will bring together private sector
professionals from the U.S. and those based in Manila to conduct a
series of workshops. The workshops aim to enhance the decision-making
capacity of the local chief executives and their technical staff by
demonstrating practical solutions to problems caused by urbanization
through the following themes/topics:
1. Urban planning and the value of
benchmarking/data management (to be completed in FY2000)
2. Prioritizing infrastructure needs
3. Creditworthiness and privatization
In the process of conducting these
workshops, a module on these topics will be developed and shared with
the League of Cities to complement the strategy of the World Bank to
institutionalize the CDS process within the League.
This activity will support US-AEP�s
urban program specifically by a) engaging urban leaders and stakeholders
in this quest; b) promoting U.S. and regional best practices and
methods; c) leveraging bilateral, multilateral and private resources.
Representatives of some of the cities
will be sent to the U.S. for a study tour if funds become available.
Expected Results:
Improved capacity of local government
units (LGUs) to address the impact of urbanization on the environment by
utilizing U.S. urban management models and collaborating with the World
Bank and the League of Cities.
Relationship to US-AEP Country
This activity supports
the country objective to improve Philippine government management of the
urban environment.
Asian and Regional Partners:
League of Cities (new), CDS cities (some new and some continuing), World
Bank (continuing)
Anticipated Cost Share:
The League of Cities and the World
Bank will pay for logistical and administrative costs.
Milestone Dates:
Prioritizing infrastructure needs (second quarter)
Creditworthiness and privatization (third quarter)
Study Tour - TBD
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP:
Ben Martin/Joy
Primary Intermediate Result:
IR 1.2 Improved urban environmental
August 13, 2000
US-AEP Activity Description IR 1.2
Activity Name:
Sustainable Financing of Environmental Management in Batangas Province
Description of Activity:
This activity will support the
Provincial Government�s Environment and Natural Resources Office (PG-ENRO)
of Batangas to develop and implement market-based instruments as a tool
for sustainable financing of environmental management. The support
requested is an exchange program for select professionals (4) from the
Provincial Government Office to visit relevant organizations in the U.S.
to familiarize them with the development and applications of market
based instruments as a tool to improve environmental performance.
Batangas contributes substantially to
the country�s economic growth. It is host to the country�s second
largest and most modern international port, power generating plants, two
of the three oil refineries, and 12 industrial estates. Because of its
proactive environmental initiatives and successes, the DENR recently
devolved some of its functions to the PG-ENRO. This is the first time
that DENR has devolved its functions to a local government unit.
Mechanisms for preventing serious
environmental threats are in place in Batangas, however, these may not
be adequate given the significant increase in development in the area.
An alternative approach seen to complement existing programs is the
mobilization of financial resources through innovative financing
mechanisms to ensure sustainability of efforts and resources. This could
include the application of disposal charges, monetary bonds based on
risks and liability schemes, pollution charges, user fees and
environmental fees.
Expected Results:
Creation of a Batangas Bay
Environmental Management Fund. Increased understanding of various
market-based instruments by the PG-ENRO staff who participate.
Relationship to US-AEP Country
Supports the US-AEP Philippine
strategy of improving urban environmental management by strengthening
the capacity of LGUs to address the impact of urbanization on the
environment by adopting US urban management/financing models.
Asian and Regional Partners:
Province of Batangas (continuing)
Anticipated Cost Share:
staff time, office supplies
Milestone dates:
study tour in February/March 2001
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP:
Conchita Silva
Primary Intermediate Result:
1.2 Improved urban environmental management
August 15, 2000
US-AEP Activity Description IR 1.2
Activity Name:
Public Outreach and Communications Training
Description of Activity:
As a part of the ADB�s Metro Manila
air quality improvement project and the new Clean Air Act, EPA and
US-AEP, in coordination with ADB consultants, will help build the
capacity of the Philippine government, NGOs and other stakeholders to
develop and implement social marketing outreach campaigns on air
pollution. The goals of this activity include increasing a) awareness
and understanding of the health effects of mobile and stationary sources
of air pollution; b) educating the public about the different issues
associated with airborne pollution; and c) implementing public outreach
campaigns based on EPA�s "Communications for Environmental Results"
training and other strategies by enlisting key stakeholders from
government, industry and the public to improve air quality in Manila by
reducing mobile and stationary sources of pollution.
Building upon the successful unleaded
gasoline public outreach campaign, this activity would help EMB/DENR and
NGOs in the Philippines develop their capabilities to promote public
awareness, develop their skills in communicating, fund raising and
disseminating information to the general public and to professional
audiences, and develop and expand education and outreach activities.
This activity will consist of three
workshops. The first workshop will enlist key stakeholders to define and
finalize an overall public outreach strategic framework to address
mobile and stationary sources of pollution. The second and third
workshops would focus on developing public outreach campaigns targeting
mobile and stationary sources of pollution, respectively. We are
currently considering engaging an American NGO to provide advice on
fundraising to the Philippine NGOs. Additional budget resources would be
In addition, the National Council for
Women will go on a U.S. study tour to gather information needed to
develop a training and education program for drivers, and bus/jeepney
To finance the production of some
campaign materials and coalition secretariat costs, we may apply for
another NASDA OPF grant or an NGO grant (we have a request from Earth
Savers for a radio soap opera on environment).
Expected Results:
Improved institutional capacity in the
Philippines to implement outreach/communication campaigns. DENR staff
and consultants responsible for the public outreach component of the ADB-funded
Metro Manila air quality improvement project should be ready to
implement the communication campaign strategy that will be developed
during the training programs. The campaign will promote awareness of air
pollution issues and improved air quality management.
Relationship to US-AEP Country
Strategy: This activity meets
all three objectives in the strategy and focuses on the first priority
sector (air) and is part of our strategy to increase our effectiveness
by working with other donors (ADB). Addresses US-AEP goal to raise
public awareness to strengthen the environmental market.
Asian and Regional Partners:
ADB, DENR (both continuing), National Council for Women (new)
indicate whether new, continuing or
Anticipated Cost Share:
ADB and DENR will help to organize the workshops. ADB will provide the
venue and food. The National Council for Women will pay for their
airfare, hotel and per diem (we will provide insurance and ground
transportation for them).
Milestone Dates:
November � Initial workshop to
formulate campaign strategy.
January - Conduct 2 workshops to
prepare campaign plans for mobile and stationary sources of pollution.
May/June 2001 � NCW study tour
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP:
Lisa Lumbao (US-AEP); Kristy Miller and Sarita Hoyt (EPA).
Primary Intermediate Result:
1.2 Improved urban environmental
July 5, 2000
US-AEP Activity Description IR 1.2
Activity Name:
Improved LGU Capacity to Manage Solid Waste
Description of Activity:
The solid waste management crisis in
the Philippines deserves a great deal of attention from the local
government units (LGUs), which are primarily responsible for delivering
this basic service to their constituents. Their technical capability,
however, is generally quite low. Last year, US-AEP assisted several LGUs
in forming the Solid Waste Management Association of the Philippines (SWAPP)
to serve as a network that will be the channel for information-sharing
on solid waste management and strengthening LGUs� technical capability
in developing solid waste management programs. The following activities
are proposed to respond to the above-mentioned needs:
The Office of the Technology
Cooperation (OTC) will work closely with ACEC in organizing a solid
waste management workshop with SWAPP and AWMA-Phil. It will strengthen
the technical capability of the LGUs, ensure that U.S. firms will be
able to participate as technology presenters, and facilitate networking
between suppliers (U.S.) and buyers (project hosts).
This activity is a follow-up to the
first national conference sponsored by US-AEP, World Bank, GOLD (USAID-funded),
Environmental Management Bureau, Land Bank, Development Bank of the
Philippines and the UWEP/CAPS (Urban Waste Expertise Program/Center for
Advanced Philippine
Studies) in November 1999. This year,
the recently organized SWAPP will organize a 3-day annual conference to
bring LGUs, SWM professionals and service providers to share best
practices in solid waste collection, recycling, composting and dumpsite
management. Likewise, the conference will also showcase the latest
technology through exhibits to elevate present municipal solid waste
management practices to a more advanced and ecological level. The
conference will also tackle issues on financing and public involvement
in solid waste management projects.
We will seek a US-AEP NGO or NASDA OPF
grant to engage an NGOs in a more intensive "recycling awareness
campaign" in line with the government�s goal to increase recycling in
the Philippines from 6% to 12% per year.
To achieve the goal of SWAPP being an
information-sharing network among LGUs to improve their technical
capability on solid waste management, SWAPP intends to prepare and
publish the following materials this year:
- Best Practices on Solid Waste
- Update and obtain publishing rights
for the World Bank-funded publication on recycling entitled "Mag-recycle
- National Directory of Recyclers and
Junk Shop Dealers in the Philippines.
- Quarterly newsletter.
Expected Results:
Improved capacity of LGUs to address
urban environmental management issues such as solid waste, promote
composting and recycling technologies by showcasing American
technologies and continued assistance to SWAPP.
Relationship to US-AEP Country
This supports the country objective to
improve Philippine government management of solid waste.
Asian and Regional Partners:
SWAPP, GOLD (USAID-funded), World Bank, AWMA-Phil., EMB/DENR (all
indicate whether new, continuing or
Anticipated Cost Share:
LGU staff time and travel funds,
training venue, office space and equipment for the training center,
recycling NGO staff time.
Milestone Dates:
January 2001
February 2000
SWAPP � October-March 2001
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP:
Joy Abelardo-Jochico/Alma Madrazo
Primary Intermediate Result:
IR 1.2 Improved urban environmental
August 13, 2000
Improved Corporate
Governance/Environmental Management
US-AEP�s industry program is based on
the premise of using market-based drivers to change industrial behavior
and improve their environmental performance. The industry program in the
Philippines was "cutting edge" and provided US-AEP a niche to catalyze
and promote improved corporate environmental performance. US-AEP will
continue its work in the Philippines to identify, catalyze and promote
important emerging trends, and cultivate networks for facilitating
change. US-AEP will continue to build the capacity of the Philippine
Pollution Prevention Roundtable to promote P2 among Philippine industry
and access technical information from NPPR and EPA. We will also solicit
a CSG grant to promote clean production programs for manufacturers and
one to develop a degree program on environmental management for
US-AEP Activity
Description IR 1.3
Activity Name:
Promotion of P2 and CP
Description of Activity:
US-AEP will continue to promote the
use of P2 and CP in Philippine company operations by helping organize
and provide American speakers for conferences in the Philippines and
sending key Philippine partners to conferences overseas. We will build
on existing partnerships and invest in events that have been successful
in the past, as well as undertaking a few new things to broaden our
reach. Several small roundtable seminars will be organized by P3R,
perhaps in collaboration with PBE, to educate industry members about
specific P2/CP technologies that they can employ in their operations. We
will help organize these and identify speakers. No activity budget
required, only staff time.
- Conference on CP in Montreal � send
two key members of the Philippine Pollution Prevention Roundtable
(P3R) and the Asia Pacific Roundtable for Cleaner Production (APRCP)
to improve their knowledge of P2/CP issues and techniques for
fostering adoption among industry. It is the first International
Pollution Prevention Summit and is called, "ENGAGING THE WORLD in
advancing pollution prevention and cleaner production." It will be
held October 18-20 and is sponsored by the Canadian Centre for
Pollution Prevention.
- Environmental Accounting will be
one of the session topics of the Confederation of Asia Pacific
Accountants Convention (CAPA) in Manila from November 8-11, 2000. We
will fund the participation of a speaker who was the project director
of the CSG project that brought environmental accounting to the
Philippines. She will also speak at a PBE-organized seminar on
Environmental Mediation and Dispute Resolution on November 6-7.
- US-AEP staff in Manila are heavily
involved in planning for the 3rd APRCP, which will be held
in Manila February 28-March 2. Regional US-AEP funds are supporting
the event.
- We will provide a speaker on CP in
the chemical industry for the PICHE (Philippine Institute of Chemical
Engineers) annual convention in February. The expert will also speak
at events organized by the Department of Science and Technology and at
least one university (to be planned).
- We would welcome a CSG grant
project focusing on promoting clean production in manufacturing and
one to develop a degree program on environmental management for
Expected Results:
Increased knowledge of P2 and CP among
practitioners in the Philippines and strengthened networks among them,
leading to improved corporate governance and environmental management.
Relationship to US-AEP Country
Strategy: These activities
support our objective to "reduce environmental degradation in the
Philippines by promoting pollution prevention and improved industrial
and urban environmental management."
Asian and Regional Partners:
Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Philippine
Business for the Environment, Philippine Pollution Prevention
Roundtable, Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers, Asia Pacific
Roundtable on Cleaner Production (all continuing)
indicate whether new, continuing or
Anticipated Cost Share:
P3R partners will provide the venue for the small roundtables.
Milestone Dates:
See conference dates in description section above. The P3R small
roundtables will be held during Qtr 3 and 4.
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP:
Alma Madrazo
Primary Intermediate Result:
1.3 Improved corporate
governance/environmental management
July 10, 2000
US-AEP Activity Description IR 1.3
Activity Name:
A Guide to Green Government Procurement
Description of Activity:
This activity is a continuation of a
program that was initiated in January 2000 for implementation by the
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). The objective is
to integrate environmental considerations into DENR�s buying decisions,
taking account of environmental costs and benefits and, when relevant,
evaluating the environmental performance of tenderers in providing
products and services, including any relevant manufacturing processes.
An Action Plan has been developed by a
Task Force and approved by the DENR Secretary. Activities include:
- Roundtable discussions to develop a
framework and identify staff responsibilities;
- Develop information tools and
- Seminar/workshops for DENR staff
and suppliers (send two speakers from the U.S. in Jan.);
- Implement a pilot project to test
capability of DENR to implement a nationwide program;
- Environmental Exchange Program
Expected Results:
A practical program for DENR to encourage its suppliers to improve their
environmental performance.
Relationship to US-AEP Country
Strategy: This activity
directly supports the country strategy to improve corporate
environmental management through supply chain environmental management.
Asian and Regional Partners:
DENR (continuing)
indicate whether new, continuing or
Anticipated Cost Share:
Staff time, office facilities and seminar venue.
Milestone Dates:
December 2000 - Complete design of
January 2001 � Seminar in Manila and
develop handbook
March 2001- Complete Handbook, a
step-by-step guide for integrating environment into the procurement
July 2001-Implement pilot project
September 2001-Implement supplier
outreach program to accredited suppliers in pilot region.
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP:
Conchita Silva
Primary Intermediate Result:
1.3 Improved corporate
governance/environmental management
July 10, 2000
US-AEP Activity Description IR 1.3
Activity Name:
Support Peer Evaluation Review
Description of Activity:
This activity will assist IISE
(Industrial Initiative for Sustainable Development), a USAID/Philippines-funded
project, to provide logistical requirements and manage a QMS/MLA
(Quality Management System/ Multilateral Recognition Agreement) "Peer
Evaluation Review" of the Bureau of Product Standards� (BPS) ISO 9000
accreditation system.
This involves provision of support
services and coordination to BPS (of the Philippine Department of Trade
and Industry). The support will facilitate and fast track BPS�s program
to develop an independent national accreditation board for environmental
Funds were obligated in FY2000 (as
part of the $150,000 in joint projects with USAID) to cover the cost of
international airfare and per diem of 2 evaluators who will be selected
by the Pacific Accreditation Cooperation. The evaluators will carry out
an office audit and on-the-job evaluation of BPS as auditors using Guide
ISO 61 and International Forum Guidelines. US-AEP will also cover the
salary for a local accreditation specialist for approx. 3 months. The
specialist will assemble the necessary EMS and personnel certification
documentation for BPS. FY2001 funds are being requested to continue this
support so that the evaluation can be completed. A follow up visit by
the evaluators will probably be needed as well as continued funding of
the staff position, which will be funded by USAID/Philippines.
Expected Results:
Achievement of an MLA (multilateral recognition agreement) for Quality
Management System. International recognition of the Philippines�
accreditation system will encourage more firms to seek certification,
thereby encouraging improved environmental management. Production of EMS
personnel certification documentation.
Relationship to US-AEP Country
Strategy: This activity
supports the country objective to reduce environmental degradation in
the Philippines by promoting improved industrial and urban environmental
Asian and Regional Partners:
Bureau of Product Standards (continuing)
indicate whether new, continuing or
Anticipated Cost Share:
BPS staff time, office space and materials.
Milestone Dates:
November 2000 Peer Evaluation Review
January 2001 Corrective Actions
February 2001 EMS Personnel
certification completed
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP:
Conchita Silva
Primary Intermediate Result:
1.3 Improved corporate
governance/environmental management
July 10, 2000
US-AEP Activity Description IR 1.3
Activity Name:
Adoption of Energy Efficient Technologies by Philippine Industries
Description of Activity:
The project aims to make information
available to Philippine industries on state-of-the-art energy efficient
technologies, and to increase their adoption of these technologies and
energy management programs.
The participants of the three-week
study tour to the U.S. shall be selected from industry and government
and spearheaded by the Energy Management Association of the Philippines
(ENMAP). About seven participants shall be selected. The study tour aims
to promote awareness and enhance the knowledge of the participants on
the various energy efficient technologies currently being adopted in the
U.S. Through discussions with the company representatives, the
participants will be able to assess the advantages and benefits that can
be derived from adopting such technologies.
After the study tour, a two-day
seminar on energy efficient technologies shall be conducted in Manila.
The seminar shall aim to disseminate information on the role of adopting
energy efficient technologies for environmental protection. Participants
of the seminar shall be invited from industry, government, policy
makers, academe and other energy organizations. Experts from the U.S.
shall be invited to give lectures on the various energy efficient
technologies being adopted in the U.S. citing their advantages and
benefits to the industry and to the country as well.
ENMAP shall render technical
assistance to selected industries needing consultant services to get
started in adopting energy efficient technologies or energy management
programs. Local consultants will be tapped.
ENMAP shall also disseminate
information through the publication of technical manuals, brochures, and
guidebooks. It shall prepare a compendium of energy efficient
technologies available in the U.S. and locally. It shall also prepare a
manual of success stories of local companies that benefited by adopting
energy efficient technologies.
Expected Results:
Increased capacity of selected industries
to adopt energy efficient technologies and energy management systems,
based on experience gained in the U.S. For the Philippine industrial
sector as a whole, written information disseminated and available
locally to assist firms in adopting energy efficient technologies and
Relationship to US-AEP Country
Strategy: An objective of the
country strategy is to reduce environmental degradation in the
Philippines by promoting energy efficiency and climate change
Asian and Regional Partners:
Energy Management Association of the Philippines (new), Phil. DOE
indicate whether new, continuing or
Anticipated Cost Share:
ENMAP staff time and technical assistance.
Milestone Dates:
Study Tour Q1; Conduct Seminar Q2; Technical assistance to industries
Preparation of publications Q2 � Q4
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP:
Alma Madrazo (Manila); Judith Barry
Primary Intermediate Result:
1.3 Improved corporate
governance/environmental management
July 4, 2000
US-AEP Activity
Description IR 1.3
Activity Name:
Asian Benchmarking Community (ABC)
Description of Activity:
The "ABC" activity is an umbrella for all
of the industrial and urban environmental measurement and disclosure
activities that The Policy Group would like to initiate, sponsor, and
encourage over the next several years. For the now, the ABC encompasses
two activities: 1) a "benchmarking" activities with small-and-medium
enterprises (focused in Indonesia and Malaysia), and 2) work with the
internationally-organized Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) (focused in
the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia and Korea).
- The benchmarking activities are the
less-developed of the two. Our colleagues in Indonesia have identified
a few export sectors that have strong leadership potential. The cement
sector, for instance, is extremely sensitive to rising energy costs;
the crumb rubber sector is a water-intensive export sector (one
partner company could be Goodyear Tire); and palm oil looks promising
given its regional topicality and the potential for collaboration with
Malaysia. (See attached meeting notes from Mr. Achmad Djani and Mr.
Made Setiawan�s visit to Washington, D.C. in May 2000.) We have
committed to identifying appropriate donors and partners that can
contribute to this initiative.
- Our plans with GRI are better
developed. As today�s companies�multinational corporations, national
companies, and small-and-medium enterprises (SMEs)�go about setting
environmental goals, identifying industrial processes for improvement,
and making significant strides toward sustainable development, they
rely on a range of methods and tools. Within this corporate toolbox,
environmental performance indicators (measurements) and corporate
environmental reports (for internal and public use) play an important
role. GRI began efforts in 1997 to design global guidelines for just
such measurement and disclosure efforts. GRI plans to release its most
recent version of Guidelines for Reporting on the Environmental,
Social, and Economic Aspects of Corporate Activities in June 2000.
Several corporations and
organizations from Malaysia, Korea, the Philippines, and Thailand plan
to experiment with these guidelines throughout 2000, using them as a
model to create�in some cases for the first time�their own corporate
environmental reports. In addition to actual corporate publications,
these participants have agreed to provide candid feedback to the
international environmental community about the usefulness and
relevancy of such guidelines from an Asia-Pacific perspective.
Participants will assess 1) how the guidelines interact with other
public information already required by public agencies, shareholders,
or partners, and 2) how this information may prove useful to their own
internal planning and goal-setting strategies.
US-AEP and its partner, GIN-Asia,
will collect and document this feedback and will provide an
overarching analysis, including some observations regarding the
appropriateness of the GRI guideline tool for differently structured
firms in markedly different industries and regulatory environments.
The authors will also make recommendations for implementation of the
guidelines, including development of a clearinghouse for corporations
that have already tested the GRI guidelines and would be interested in
serving as mentors to other non-competitor companies that may be
trying the GRI guidelines for the first time.
Expected Results:
We expect to have these countries teams share their lessons learned in
environmental benchmarking and disclosure in a way that will benefit
that international community that is currently setting standards and
developing a process related to these issues. Asian participants will
have an opportunity to provide input through two scheduled conferences
(5 participants to Washington, D.C. in October 2000 and 5 participants
to Bangkok in January 2001), a US-AEP publication,
and�hopefully�increased participation on the GRI Steering Committee.
Asian and Regional
The Greening of
Industry Network � Asia (GIN-Asia) as a lead partner, with possible
participants from:
1) The Pollution Prevention Roundtable & its industry associations; 2)
LG Corp. and other chaebol
1) Philippine Business for the Environment & its members (Nestle,
Unilever, & San Miguel?)
1) CP; 2) Shaha Patana; 3) Siam Kraft
1) Malaysia Business Council for Sustainable Development & its member
Anticipated Cost
TBD. Cost of testing
and reporting on GRI guidelines. Conference registrations.
Milestone Dates:
Final report compiled
from GRI participants: October 2000
Key participants
travel to Washington, D.C. to speak to GRI�s annual conference: October
Key participants
travel to Bangkok to speak to GIN-Asia�s annual conference: January 2001
Lead Responsibility
for US-AEP: Brenda Bateman
(The Policy Group)
Primary Intermediate Result:
IR 1.3 Corporate environmental
management/IR 1.1 Improved public policy
June 15, 2000
Increased Trade and Investment
More than any other industry, the
environmental sector is contingent on the strength of the economy.
Although the Philippines has recovered
from the effects of the financial crisis, projected GDP growth in 2000
is a mere 3.5 � 4 percent. The environmental market started to recover
in 1999, and still has good prospects, but recent economic signals point
to continued slow growth in the overall economy. The pollution control
market is estimated to be worth $500 million and is dominated by
American equipment. However, last year�s expected upgrading of the
Environmental Management Bureau of the Department of Environment and
Natural Resources to a line agency with more staff and resources, has
not happened. This leaves the government�s enforcement of environmental
laws in a very weak state, which reduced demand.
Implementation of the Clean Air Act (CAA)
is expected to increase the market for air pollution control and
monitoring equipment, which is almost 100 percent import dependent.
Cement plants, power plants, and refineries will need air pollution
control equipment. Water supply and wastewater is considered to be the
largest pollution control market. The biggest sectors are: semiconductor
and electronics industry, account for 70% of Philippine exports,
automotive industry, in which U.S. firms are re-entering the market, the
flourishing food processing industry, and industrial estates that need
common treatment facilities for their locators. Significant business
opportunities also exist in the solid waste sector due to the urgency of
the problem and the availability of donor funds and a new government
contract for landfill development in greater Metro Manila. The hazardous
waste sector offers demand from industry, especially the electronics
industry, but so far, efforts to establish a common treatment facility
have not succeeded. There is one large electronics company that is
negotiating with a treatment company to co-locate with its new plant and
treat waste from nearby factories as well.
US-AEP�s trade and investment goal is
increased market share for U.S. environmental firms in the Philippines.
This is reported as success stories, which include sales for U.S. firms,
joint ventures, agent-distributorship agreements, and other market entry
milestones. This will be done by providing U.S. firms with access to
market intelligence and trade opportunities and facilitate
relationship-building between local buyers and US sellers. Strategies
include: 1) Organize exchanges and study tours, provide market
information through IMIs, ISAs, quality trade leads with follow-up,
videoconferences, provide matchmaking venues through Gold Key Service,
Platinum Key Service, trade events and trade shows, and trade missions.
2) Work with donors to develop projects in our priority sectors and
assist US firms in competing for the resulting business opportunities.
3) Collaborate with other donor-funded projects to increase
effectiveness and coordination.
US-AEP Activity Description IR 1.4
Activity Name:
Promotion of Trade and Investment in the Air Sector
Description of Activity:
US-AEP�s Office of Technology
Cooperation (OTC) and the specialist in the Commercial Liaison Office to
the ADB will work together to promote U.S. firm involvement in the
business opportunities arising from the ADB-funded Metro Manila Air
Quality Improvement Sector Development Program loan and implementation
of the Clean Air Act. This is a continuation of work done over the past
two years. Specific activities planned at this time are:
- A videoconference on the Industrial
Air Emissions Phase 2 feasibility study results (project was funded by
TDA) will be held. The event will identify and link interested firms
in the U.S. to the project managers in Manila, thereby encouraging the
firms to pursue related business opportunities and giving them useful
contacts and information. It will be held in December with assistance
from ETNA and NASDA and make use of the Commercial Service�s
- A workshop on the planned Motor
Vehicle Inspection System is currently being discussed with the ADB,
AWMA-Philippine Section and the Land Transportation Office (executing
agency for the Motor Vehicle Inspection System). USAID and TDA will
also be involved.
- US-AEP staff (mentioned above) will
prepare IMIs and submit trade leads on air sector opportunities. No
activity budget required.
- The AWMA-Phil. Section will conduct
technical sessions on the air sector. US-AEP will provide speakers (1
through EEP, the rest will be U.S. firms interested in the market).
- The OTC will organize a delegation
to attend the AWMA conference in the U.S. in June (Orlando) and a
spin-off site visit as has been done in previous years.
Expected Results:
Sales (and other commercial success
stories) for U.S. firms in the air sector.
Relationship to US-AEP Country
These activities meet our objective to
transfer U.S. environmental technology and best practices to the
Philippines, focus on our top priority sector, and are part of our work
with the ADB.
Asian and Regional Partners:
ADB (continuing), AWMA-Phil. (continuing), Land Transportation Office
indicate whether new, continuing or
Anticipated Cost Share:
The private sector delegates to the AWMA conference pay all their own
travel and per diem costs, except five who receive a fixed
Milestone Dates:
Videoconference in December, AWMA in June.
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP:
Alma Madrazo and Stacy Bonnaffons
Primary Intermediate Result:
1.4 Increased trade and investment
July 20, 2000
US-AEP Activity Description IR 1.4
Activity Name:
Promotion of Trade and Investment in the Water and Wastewater Sector
Description of Activity:
These activities will continue to
develop the market and increase sales of water and wastewater treatment
equipment and services.
WEFTEC 2000, Anaheim, California, USA
� October 14-17, 2000
The Tech Rep will recruit, organize,
and lead a big delegation of buyers, clients, decision-makers to the
Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the Water Environment Federation (WEF)
� USA. The delegates will have one-on-one meetings, visit wastewater
treatment facilities and will have a spin-off site visit in Hawaii. The
Tech Rep will make a presentation on the "Environmental Business
Opportunities in the Philippines" and will have her own one-on-one
18-21, 2000, Cebu City
Office of Technology Cooperation
(OTC), US-AEP Manila will have a catalog show and an exhibit booth
during the annual convention of the Philippine Society of Mechanical
Engineers (PSME) in Cebu City. OTC will recruit companies to display
their catalogs and will provide speakers to the convention. This
activity is designed to gather trade leads and to gain more exposure and
good publicity for US-AEP.
2000, Nov. 27-29, 2000
OTC will have a U.S. Pavilion at this
big environment show. Recruitment is 100% done by OTC, US-AEP Manila. A
welcome and networking reception, one-on-one meetings, and technology
presentations will be set-up for the participating U.S. environmental
OTC and the ADB Commercial Liaison
Office will send two participants to this show in Washington D.C.
Tech Rep will continue to alert U.S.
firms on existing opportunities related to this $175 million ADB-funded
project through trade leads, IMIs and market updates.
To support Water Environment
Association of the Philippines in its many technical sessions, we will
provide 2 speakers for the year (3RD & 4TH
Expected Results:
Increased trade and investment
activities manifested by increase in the number of trade leads
generated, success stories, joint venture and distributorship
Relationship to US-AEP Country
This is in line with the country
strategy, water and wastewater sector is one of our priority sectors for
FY 2001.
Asian and Regional Partners:
Water Environment Association of the
Philippines (WEAP) (continuing), Philippine Society of Mechanical
Engineers (PSME) (new)
indicate whether new, continuing or
Anticipated Cost Share:
WEFTEC delegates will
shoulder their own expenses in attending the annual meeting and
exhibition, support from AEP will be setting up of 1 on 1 meetings and
spin-off site visits.
Milestone Dates:
Q1, Q3, and Q4 (see details above)
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP:
Alma Madrazo
Primary Intermediate Result:
IR 1.4 Increased trade and investment
July 20, 2000
US-AEP Activity Description IR 1.4
Activity Name:
Promotion of Trade and Investment in the Solid Waste Management Sector
Description of Activity:
With the expected passage of the Solid
Waste Act triggered by the tragic dumpsite incident in Payatas, the
following activities will continue to develop the market and increase
the chances of US firms in getting most of the solid waste management
October 23-26, 2000
The Tech Rep will recruit, organize,
and lead a delegation of buyers, clients, and decision-makers to the
WASTEON 2000 Annual International Solid Waste Exposition. The delegation
will be made up mostly of LGU members of SWAPP. The delegates will have
the opportunity to see collection/hauling equipment, composting
equipment, landfill, resource recovery, odor control equipment, and
transfer trailers. They can attend technical sessions and meet
engineering services providers. A visit to the existing solid waste and
landfill facilities in the area will be part of the activity.
Considering the crisis existing in
Metro Manila, this first delegation is important in helping and
assisting the government in the implementation of the pending Solid
Waste Act which prohibits open dumpsites and may require the provision
of a sanitary landfill for each municipality.
Work with CERF in assisting DOST to
establish the Environmental Technology Verification Center and to help
them test their ETV protocol.
Expected Results:
Increased trade and investment
activities manifested by increase in the number of trade leads
generated, success stories, joint venture and distributorship
Relationship to US-AEP Country
This is in line with the country
strategy, solid waste management and disposal is one of our priority
sectors for FY 2001.
Asian and Regional Partners:
SWAPP/ACEC (continuing), Recycling NGO
indicate whether new, continuing or
Anticipated Cost Share:
WASTECON delegates will shoulder their
own expenses in attending the International Solid Waste Exposition,
support from US-AEP will be expected in terms of logistical support and
some reimbursements or even EEP funding considering that most of the
delegates will be local government unit heads (mayors or general
services manager of cities and municipalities who are in charge of
garbage handling).
Milestone Dates:
Wastecon � October 2000, ETV to be
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP:
Alma Madrazo and Joy A. Jochico
Primary Intermediate Result:
IR 1.4 Increased trade and investment
July 20, 2000
US-AEP Activity Description IR 1.4
Activity Name:
Promotion of Trade and Investment and Improved Capacity to Manage
Hazardous Waste
Description of Activity:
The focus of these activities is
implementation of the Interagency Bilateral Cooperation on Environment
and Public Health initiative. EPA's activities will include the sharing
and exchange of information, best management practices and partnerships
through capacity building exercises and consultations among government
and on-government experts, directly and by electronic means,
particularly to enhance Philippine institutional and technical capacity
and the transfer of appropriate technologies. The specifics of this
cooperation will be defined in future discussion of the Interagency
Teams. Two study tours are planned. One will be done in collaboration
with EPA and focus on the treatment of PCBs with participation from the
Department of Environment, National Power Corp, electric utilities and
independent power producers.
The other study tour is being planned
by the Philippine US-AEP team to advance the Industrial Waste Exchange
Project (administered by the Philippine Business for the Environment)
and educate participants on alternative hazardous waste treatment
technologies. Participants will include Philippine Business for
Environment, Pasig River Commission, industrial estate representative,
and the Semiconductor and Electronics Industry.
Two workshops will be organized in
collaboration with EPA, one focusing on PCBs that will be co-organized
with the Pacific Basin Consortium on Hazardous Waste Research &
Management, and another focusing on hazardous waste treatment in a more
general way. AMCHAM and other chambers of industry will be involved.
We will discuss the Pasig River
Project study on hazardous waste with the ADB and TDA to determine if
our involvement is needed and to facilitate discussions on establishing
a hazardous waste treatment facility.
Expected Results:
include links to US-AEP Intermediate
Result indicators, if possible
Increased knowledge of hazardous waste
treatment technologies and approaches among participants in the above
activities that will lead to the transfer of environmental technology
through trade and investment.
Relationship to US-AEP Country
This is in line with our country
strategy to address the existing hazardous waste handling, treatment,
and disposal problems in the country.
Asian and Regional Partners:
DENR, AMCHAM, Pacific Basin and Hazardous Waste Management Research &
Management (all continuing)
indicate whether new, continuing or
Anticipated Cost Share:
Study tour participants from the
private sector will be asked to shoulder their international and
domestic airfare. Workshop co-organizer will pay part of the logistical
support such as venue, invitations, and site visit arrangements.
Milestone Dates:
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP:
Alma Madrazo and Lisa Lumbao (US-AEP)
and Carolyn Barley (EPA)
Primary Intermediate Result:
IR 1.4 Increased trade and investment
July 21, 2000
US-AEP Activity Description IR 1.4
Activity Name:
EnviroVentures: Investing in Sustainable Development in the Philippines
Description of Activity:
EnviroVentures is a new lending
facility dedicated to investing in sustainable development in the
Philippines. It is an initiative of Counterpart International and
WorldWIDE created with support from US-AEP and OPIC (Overseas Private
Investment Corporation). Counterpart is an NGO based in Washington, D.C.
that provides humanitarian and developmental assistance throughout the
world. WorldWIDE develops and advances projects and policies that
support women, communities and the environment across the globe.
EnviroVentures will invest in
Philippine business projects that promote sustainable development and
environmental well being. EnviroVentures and its local partner will
establish a legally separate joint-venture company for each investment
project. There will be a focus on small and medium-sized enterprises.
OPIC is providing a $750,000 loan and US-AEP is providing a $250,000
grant to fund the initial operational costs.
Expected Results:
include links to US-AEP Intermediate
Result indicators, if possible
Growing the value of small and
medium-sized enterprises while protecting the environment.
Relationship to US-AEP Country
This activity is consistent with the
country objective of reducing environmental degradation in the
Asian and Regional Partners:
indicate whether new, continuing or
EnviroVentures will establish a local
entity (new).
Anticipated Cost Share:
The Philippine company will contribute
60 percent of the joint-venture company�s assets.
Milestone Dates:
Two projects by April 2001.
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP:
Alma Madrazo and Lisa Lumbao
Primary Intermediate Result:
1.4 Increased trade and investment
July 25, 2000