What is US-AEP?
The United States-Asia Environmental Partnership (US-AEP) is a
public-private initiative that promotes environmentally sustainable development in Asia.
US-AEP is jointly implemented by several U.S. government agencies, under the leadership of
the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).
In creating US-AEP, the White House recognized Asias growing commitment to
sustainable development and Americas increasing eagerness to share its experience,
technology, and management practices. Consequently, US-AEP embodies a new model of
cooperative development, one that encourages U.S.-Asian partnerships. With the
participation of wide range of partners--governments, NGOs, academia, and the private
sector--US-AEP has become a flexible, responsive vehicle for delivering timely answers to
environmental questions.
US-AEP currently works with governments and industries in eleven target economies: Hong
Kong, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan,
Thailand, and Vietnam.
[PDF version
of our 'What is US-AEP' brochure]
What is our mission?
US-AEPs mission is to promote a "clean
revolution" in Asia. Just as the "green revolution" of the 1970s and 80s
completely changed Asias approach to agriculture and how to feed its peoples, Asia
today could be on the cusp of a "clean revolution"transforming how Asia
industrializes and protects its environment. By "clean revolution," we mean the
continuing development and adoption of ever less-polluting and more resource-efficient
products, processes, and services.
What is Clean Technology and
Environmental Management?
US-AEP's CTEM component supports market pressures and private
initiatives that promote industrial environmental performance. US-AEP/CTEM works in areas
such as ISO 14000 & EMS, Voluntary Business Standards, Greening the Supply Chain,
Environmental Due Diligence, and Industrial Extensions for the Environment. More on
What is The Policy Group?
US-AEP's The Policy Group promotes and supports policy
initiatives to affect an industrial and municipal transformation in Asia. US-AEPs
policy initiatives include: Measurement Systems, Framing Papers, Information Disclosure,
and Policy Networks. More on The Policy Group.
What is the Urban
US-AEP�s Urban Program assists Asian cities in transforming their
management systems to ensure an improved sustainable urban environment. Key
elements in this transformation process include better management
techniques, governance, and partnerships with industry and civil society.
The Urban Program focuses on four interrelated components: (1) Urban Policy
and Management; (2) Business, Citizen and NGO Outreach; (3) Municipal
Finance/Privatization; and (4) Water, Wastewater, Air and Waste Management.
on the Urban Program. Download
Information on Urban Program here.
Technology Cooperation Program
The demand for innovative
environmental products and services in Asia is high and will continue to
grow in the near future as these economies continue to address a wide range
of legacy environmental problems and address the challenges of rapid
industrialization and population growth. One of the essential strategies
that US-AEP employs to achieve its goal of promoting a clean revolution in
Asia is to promote the transfer of US environmental practices, expertise and
technologies through its Technology Cooperation program. Through its unique
approach of working with the US private sector, US-AEP is able to bring
vital technology and expertise to Asia and at the same time has facilitated
over 500 sales of environmental goods and services to the Asian markets
since 1992. With a total of over $1.3 billion in sales, that translates
into over 26,000 American jobs according to Small Business Administration
guidelines. More
on the Technology Cooperation Programs.
Download Information on Tech Cooperation Program here.