The US-AEP/India program in FY 2001 continued in line
with Indian and American environmental priorities while emphasizing
increased United States economic engagement in India. While limited by
economic sanctions imposed on India, signs that the sanctions are being
relaxed and may even be lifted add hope for future activities.
Nevertheless we were able to:
- Continue strong relations with government (federal, state, and
municipal) appropriate NGO�s, industrial associations, industrial
development corporations and especially environmental agencies.
Notably, we developed more intimate relations in the key central
ministries and among some important municipal leaders.
- Put special focus on activities to improve urban air quality
working with the auto industry and municipal officials to establish
inspection and certification facilities in several key cities and
beginning the process in several others, added to the city managers
associations and created demand for future expansion, initiated
environmental management systems in two city metro rail systems in
partnership with a US city, expanded awareness of, bottom line
benefits, and created demand for Ecotel certification in the Indian
hospitality industry through one of our first cross regional
- Our support of USEPA initiatives to reengage in India is
particularly noteworthy. It has lead to the point where a Ministry of
Environment and Forest (MoEF)/USEPA MoU is expected that will promote
Indo-American collaboration on a wide environmental front. We now have
an excellent access to policy makers at Federal and State levels.
- Strengthen environmental extension centers in Mumbai, Kolkata and
Delhi as well as launching one in Hyderabad. Bolstered the new
professional chapter of the Indian Environmental Association (IEA) in
its partnership with the Water Environment Federation (WEF).
- Increased promotion of American best practices and technology by
organizing a wide variety of exchanges and trade missions to and from
the United States. Several sales of American technology directly
resulted from these tours and more are expected as demand rises.
In our proactive pursuit of these activities we have
attempted to move from creating awareness of, to creating a growing
demand for, such products technologies and services, as well as
influencing environmental policy at all levels.
The following paragraphs provide the summary of
accomplishments for fiscal year (FY) 2001. First, we have summarized
accomplishments that are consistent with US-AEP�s performance indicators
that underlie the four familiar "Intermediate Results." Second, we
include details of the regional and combined production of export
successes, trade leads, and reports during the year.
Performance Indicators
This section provides a summary of accomplishment in
connection with performance indicators that underlie the four familiar
"Intermediate Results."
Strengthening of environmental laws and regulations
Our efforts to strengthen environmental laws and/or
regulations were spread across federal and state levels. We helped put
together a study tour for state and federal level bio-medical waste
regulators on management policies, technologies and best practices. We
leveraged funds from the World Health Organization for this purpose. One
of the most important accomplishments was our successful effort in
integrating the proposed activities of the USEPA in the air quality
management area with those of the World Bank and thus leverage their
funds to introduce American best practices. As a result, over the next
two years USEPA activities in this area will work closely with the
Environmental Management Capacity Building Project of the Bank. Our
efforts have also resulted in the federal Ministry of Environment and
Forests, Government of India putting in a formal request to the USEPA to
enter into a long-term bilateral relationship to work together on a
broad range of environmental issues. We continued to support State
Pollution Control Boards by sharing information on American policies and
procedures. The recently concluded visit to the U.S. by the Chief
Secretary and Principal Secretary of Andhra Pradesh (AP) to EPA to help
fine tune state environmental policies per APs Vision 2020 is a
testimony to our efforts.
Improving urban environmental management
Continuing our efforts in 2001, some of our best work
was done to improve urban environmental management. We helped establish
four new City Manager�s Associations (CMAs) and introduced key decision
makers in various federal, state and local agencies to advances in water
and wastewater management technologies and best practices and also solid
waste management practices in America as well similar Asian economies.
Also, with active support from the Public Affairs Section of the Dept.
of State, we helped establish India�s first "Center for Urban
Environment" in Navi Mumbai. Also, we facilitated the participation of
Mayors and Municipal Commissioners of key Indian cities at the Mayors
Asia-Pacific Environmental Summit. We hope to leverage these new
contacts to foster activities in their respective cities over the next
Further, we supported the Calcutta Metro Rail
Corporation in moving ahead with the design and implementation of EMS as
per ISO 14001 and also introduced the concept to the now under
construction Delhi Metro Rail Corporation.
Also, our efforts in the mobile emissions control
area with the auto industry, lead to the Government of Delhi announcing
the privatization of Inspection and Certification of commercial vehicles
registered in the city and similarly the Mumbai Transport Department
working towards a similar decision. Considerable interest in vehicular
Inspection and Certification has been generated in Hyderabad, Bangalore
and Chennai too. Finally, our support to workshops and conferences in
the areas of fuel quality and alternate fuels with Indian Oil
Corporation, the auto industry and the Asian Development Bank helped
create awareness on American management practices and technologies in
this area.
Improving industrial environmental management
We complement other USAID activities in this area
(e.g., CTI and GEP); however, we have several accomplishments to claim.
We continued to support the CTI program in their efforts to introduce
the concepts of EMS and Greening the Supply Chain in different industry
sectors. We partnered with the Calcutta Metropolitan Development
Authority and private housing developers in the city to introduce the
concept of Green Housing and recycle and reuse of domestic wastewater.
We also helped create awareness on this issue in Bangladesh. We helped
introduce the "ECOTEL" Certification for the hospitality sector in
India. US-AEP not only assisted the first Hotel in Asia (Orchid in
Mumbai) to be ECOTEL certified but also facilitated the establishment of
the ECOTEL certification Joint Venture. We were also successful in
moving this activity to all four regions of the country.
Given the rising popularity of EMS as per ISO 14001,
we introduced ANSI/RAB, USA certified ISO 14001 auditor training
programs in the country. We also helped AQS, an American training and
consulting organization, partner with the Environment Management Center,
Indian Chamber of Commerce, Kolkata to offer training programs in this
area. In Kolkata, we established a partnership between the World
Resources Institute, USA and Indian Institute of Social Welfare and
Business Management, Kolkata to collaborate on curricula development,
faculty and student exchange and developing study programs and courses
in the area of industrial environmental management.
Further, the Country Director and the Industrial
Program Managers contributed to International Conferences and Seminars
on Corporate Governance and Voluntary Environmental Reporting.
Assisted business transactions other than direct
Our successes ranged from establishing a new
manufacturing facility in India to produce magnetic separators to,
technology licensing for manufacturing energy efficient boilers to
distributorship agreements for micro wind turbines and water
purification equipment. We also helped establish strategic alliances in
the water and wastewater treatment and industrial air pollution control
area. In terms of direct sales we have helped introduce arsenic removal
equipment for use in ground water purification and autoclaves for
bio-medical waste treatment. Our efforts have also led to the
construction of common bio-medical waste treatment facilities using
American microwave based treatment technology.
Further, we also helped two states receive Trade
Development Agency grants totaling almost USD 0.4 million. These grants
were for conducting technology feasibility studies to recycle industrial
and municipal wastewater in Gujarat and tannery wastewater in Tamil Nadu.
Other Commercial Activities
Besides the above successes, US-AEP continued to
generate IMIs, Trade Leads and Industry Sector Analysis. Also we worked
with the Commercial Services office in the President�s Clean Energy
Trade Mission and the California Environmental Business Mission.
This elaboration of US-AEP�s accomplishments during
FY 2001 is a testament to the professionalism, motivation, and
enthusiasm of the Regional Directors/Tech Reps and the Infrastructure
Rep that currently operate the program and their related assistants. In
the coming year the US-AEP/India team intends to generate more
efficiency and help capture the synergies of the team during the coming
US-AEP Activities for PAG1-
Public Policy and Regulation
Country: India
Activity Name: Technology Transfer and
Institutional Strengthening
Description of Activity:
WEF and IEA have worked together on several projects
funded by US-AEP, including three courses for wastewater treatment plant
operators in 1999, a lecture tour in May 2000, and several successful
workshops on hazardous waste in May 2001. A leadership workshop was
conducted in September 2001. The workshop brought IEA�s volunteer
leadership together to develop a work plan to guide the association into
the future and to discuss strategies to ensure sustainability and
improve communication and coordination among chapters. Other activities
funded by US-AEP include IEA Web site and library support, to provide
timely and useful information to members, water quality professionals,
and the general public.
This proposal under Cooperative Agreement
AEP-0015-A-00-3015-00 seeks funding to continue supporting IEA�s
activities in institutional strengthening and technology transfer.
Activities proposed include several workshops on the technical and
managerial aspects of wastewater treatment, one follow-up activity to
the 2001 Leadership Workshop and continued support of IEA�s technical
Expected Results:
These activities will continue to provide WEF with
multiple vehicles to promote U.S. wastewater treatment technologies in
Asia. The participation of U.S. speakers in the technical workshops and
inclusion of U.S. technical training materials increases awareness and
understanding of U.S. treatment technology in India.
U.S. speakers will provide business contacts to all
interested parties during their travel in India. In addition, because
many of the U.S. volunteers are consultants, the professional
relationships built during the exchanges provide a base for possible
future work in India.
The participation of U.S. experts in meetings with
IEA, industry and government officials will facilitate discussion of
appropriate wastewater treatment systems, including the incorporation of
U.S. technologies. The exchange will promote innovative approaches to
Asian and Regional Partners:
Primary partners involved are the U.S.-based Water
Environment Federation, the Indian Environmental Association and IEA�s
local chapters in Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai and New
Delhi. The U.S. chapter of IEA will also be an important partner.
Anticipated Cost Share: One-to-one;
Milestone Dates: FY 2002
Country: Bangladesh ( India, Eastern Region will
manage the activity)
Activity Name: Helping development of Medical
Waste Management legislation for Bangladesh
Description of Activity:
Bangladesh has started working on its draft Bio
Medical Waste Management Handling, Treatment & Disposal Rules since
FY01. The process has slowed down due to the FY01 elections, but is
expected to move fast in FY02 when the new Government is in place.
Already discussion papers have been written and various NGOs and
institutions have provided their inputs to the Government. This is a
good time to engage selected policy makers and key influential
institutions and provide them exposure to the U.S. inputs on the
With this objective, an IIE supported study tour for
3 key people is planned. The participants will be selected in
consultation with USAID and the State Econ Commercial Office in the U.S.
Embassy in Dhaka.
Expected Results: Improved public policy and
regulations, tech transfer (secondary)
Asian and Regional Partners:
USAID (Charles Uphaus) and the State Econ Commercial
Office in the U.S. Embassy, Dhaka
Department of Health & Environment, Government of
Local NGOs working actively on the subject
Anticipated Cost Share: Possibly full funding
will have to be extended
Milestone Dates: Q3, 2002
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: OTC/Calcutta,
supported by IIE
Primary Intermediate Result: 1.1 Improved public
policy and regulation
Country: India, Eastern Region
Activity Name: POLICY SUPPORT- Digital Video
Conference (DVC) in collaboration with Public Affairs Section and Indian
Chamber of Commerce (ICC) on:
Zoning and Relocation of Chemical Industries
Hazardous Waste Management Infrastructure, Planning
and Regulatory Policy
Description of Activity:
These two topics are emerging prominently in the
environmental planning and policy level discussions and forums within
the local scenario in Bengal. The blueprint for execution is not yet
finalized, but the need for both is well understood by the Government
and industries. Judicial pressure is driving the activities on both the
fronts. A U.S. facilitated policy level discussion on the subjects will
be very timely, and will give a strong footing to U.S. when the stage of
implementation comes.
Expected Results: Strengthened public policy on
critical environmental infrastructure issues
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
Asian and Regional Partners: Indian Chamber of
Anticipated Cost Share: Local support (DVC
infrastructure, invitation, venue) provided by supporting local
Milestone Dates: Q2, 2002
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: OTC/Calcutta,
supported by IIE, PA (Calcutta), & US-AEP Policy PAG
Primary Intermediate Result: 1.1- Improved Public
Country: India, Southern Region
Activity Name: EPA Assistance to Andhra Pradesh
Description of Activity:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) held
discussions with the Andhra Pradesh Government on Capacity Building for
the Government agencies. EPA has already identified the following
specific areas for providing assistance to A. P. Government.
Hazardous Waste Management
Bio-medical Waste Management
Training of A. P. Government employees including the
Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board staff.
Environmental Law Compliance
Support for EPA�s training programs in A. P. will be
provided by the Environment Protection Training and Research Institute (EPTRI),
Hyderabad, and the Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI). A team
of 3-senior officials from A. P. Government (Chief Secretary, Mr. P. V.
Rao, Principal Secretary (Environment), Dr. V. P. Jauhari, & Director (EPTRI),
Mrs. Gayathri Ramachandran) will visit the U.S., August 20 � 30 to study
environmental law compliance and also visit typical environmental sites.
US-AEP/EPA is supporting this visit. EPA expects to start activities in
Andhra Pradesh by beginning of October 2001.
Expected Results:
Promotion of capability building amongst regulatory
authorities, developing public-private partnerships.
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
Country Strategy includes focus on national
priorities and partnering with EPA to enhance US-AEP�s efforts with the
Indian Ministry of Environment, the Central Pollution Control Board, and
other collaborators.
Asian and Regional Partners:
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board
Anticipated Cost Share:
The Pollution Control Board/s would provide local
transportation for EPA experts, venue, and audio-visual aids for
conducting the assistance programs.
Milestone Dates:
TBD Quarter 1 through 4
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP:
US-AEP/India, Chennai Tech Rep
Primary Intermediate Result:
Policy and Regulation, Capability building
Country: India, Southern Region
Activity Name: Alternate Dispute Resolution
Activities in India
Description of Activity:
Activity 1: Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR)
This activity is proposed in continuation with FY
2001 work plan. US-AEP is currently working with Council of State
Governments (CSG) / State Environmental Initiative (SEI) & University of
Kentucky (UoK) to promote ADR in Tamil Nadu, Green Bench, Chennai. This
project is gaining momentum and a formal advisory board is constituted
by the Chief Justice of Chennai High Court to assist the Green Bench on
accelerated resolution of environmental disputes.
Other states such as West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, &
Karnataka are also showing keen interest in ADR concept. There is likely
to be a proliferation of ADR and fast track course in different states
of India. USAID is also supporting ADR initiatives.
US-AEP proposes to organize introductory workshops in
Bangalore & Hyderabad to promote ADR. Dr. Bert Harberson, & Dr. John
Stempel of CSG / UoK will be invited to launch these workshops.
Activity 2: ADR Capacity Building Project for Eastern
India Law University
West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences
(WBNUJS) is a new law university in Calcutta, established under an Act
of the West Bengal Government in 1999 to establish a national level
institution of excellence in higher learning in law in West Bengal.
WBNUJS is headed by Prof. N.R. Madhava Menon, who was earlier the Vice
Chancellor of a similar institute in Bangalore, of great repute. The
General Council of JUJS cinsits of senior judges of the Supreme Court
and Calcutta High Court, and important members of the West Bengal
Legislature. The Chief Justice of Supreme Court is the Chancellor of the
To facilitate its educational program, WBNUJS has
organized itself into a number of Schools of Study. Among them is the
School of Technology. Law and Sustainable Development (STLSD). The
School plans to provide training to a number of groups of environmental
professionals like regulators, NGOs and industry professionals. It came
out during the recent meeting between Prof. Menon and the University of
Kentucky team (Bert Harberson & John Stempel) that WBNUJS does not have
a training module for mediators on Environmental ADR. One of the
students were sent to Australia to complete his doctoral thesis on that
There is an opportunity to use the expertise of the
University of Kentucky/CSG team to work with WBNUJS and develop a
train-the-trainer module for environmental ADR. The scope of work will
include curriculum development, audio-visual teaching aids and
conducting the training for the first batch of trainers in Calcutta.
This can be done through an extension of the ongoing
CSG grant to the University of Kentucky.
Expected Results:
Activity 1
Development of a template for resolving growth
related disputes
Enhancement of US-AEP's urban programs
Possible U.S. technology transfer
Activity 2
Capacity building of local environmental institution
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
Activity 1
Focus on environmental priorities of Indian
Promote a culture of responsible, sustainable
environmental management and behavior
Asian and Regional Partners:
Activity 1
Industrial and Technical Consultancy Organization of
Tamil Nadu (ITCOT)
Karnataka Cleaner Production Centre
Environment Protection Research & Training Institute
Activity 2
West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences
Anticipated Cost Share:
Activity 1 : TBD
Activity 2 :Local logistics to be handled by WBNUJS
Milestone Dates:
Activity 1: Q1 through 4
Activity 2: Nov Dec 2001
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP:
Activity 1 : US-AEP/Chennai Tech Rep
Activity 2 : OTC Calcutta, supported by CSG
(extension of Kentucky Grant)
Primary Intermediate Result:
Activity 1 : Improved Urban and Corporate
Environmental Management
Activity 2: 1.3 Corporate environmental management
Country: INDIA
Activity Name: Environmental Policy and
Regulatory Capacity Building
Description of Activity:
This activity responds to the Indian Ministry of
Environment and Forests (MOEF) request for EPA assistance in reviewing
environmental legal and institutional systems in India to help identify
opportunities to improve their performance. This activity is envisioned
as a long-term effort to work with key environmental policy and
regulatory bodies in India to identity opportunities to reform legal and
regulatory regimes, organizational structures and relationships, and
enhance technical and programmatic competencies within implementing
agencies, and the private and non-profit organization with whom they
Primary activities under this initiative will
- 1) constituting a core team of EPA experts to assist in review and
analysis of opportunities for reform and amendment of key legal and
regulatory elements to improve environmental compliance, incentive
systems, strategic implementation, and cost-effectiveness. Following
such review and consultation, EPA plans to organize several focused
workshops on a selected topics of priority interest to broaden
stakeholder engagement, and develop proposed reform agendas and action
plans. Examples of such topics where interest has been expressed
include: improving systems of administrative enforcement and
negotiated settlement, improved use of risk assessment and management
strategies to set priorities, application of public-private
partnerships. EPA will also assist in review and recommendations for
MOEF in development of its Environmental Strategy and 5 year Action
Plan for 2002-2007. EPA will likely enlist additional State and other
organizational support (e.g. ELI).
- 2) initiating a needs assessment and training program for
improving critical skills of environmental regulatory officials within
the Central Government (MOEF and CPCB) and selected State Govenments
(State Pollution Control Boards) and key organizations with whom they
work. Examples of training to be evaluated include: standards
development, regulatory development/rulemaking, monitoring, laboratory
analysis and procedures, environmental impact assessment, permitting
(clearances), inspection, compliance assistance and enforcement.
Transferring training and analytical capacity to organizations in
India (e.g. train-the-trainer and development of specialized resource
or training centers within existing organizations) will be emphasized.
Expected Results
Improved implementation of environmental laws through
reform in laws and regulations, improved strategy development, and more
effective enforcement and compliance assistance.
Relationship to Country
Strategy Cultivating a long-term partnership between
EPA , the MOEF/CPCB , and selected State Pollution Control Boards,
improving development and implementation of environmental laws, and
building capacity of environmental authorities and public-private
partnerships are all priority elements in the USAEP India Country
Primary US-AEP Intermediate Result
IR-1: Improved Environmental Policy and Regulation
Partners MOEF/CPCB, selected State Pollution
Control Boards, selected training centers, World bank
Milestone Dates
TBD Two workshops and two training courses expected,
video conferencing and study tours being explored.
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP EPA
Date: October 2001
Country: INDIA
Activity Name: Toxic Chemical and Waste
Description of Activity:
EPA is focusing primary attention in FY02 in
implementing its programs on environmental policy/regulatory capacity
building and air quality management capacity building. EPA also proposes
to develop its engagement in India on cooperative programs aimed at
toxic chemical and waste management, as a platform to engage India on
USG priority issues of reducing global emissions of persistent
bioaccumulative toxins (incl. POPs); as well as opportunities for
reducing greenhouse gases through waste management (e.g. source
reduction and methane capture and use). As with its other programs,
EPA�s approach to addressing opportunities to reduce regional and global
impacts through chemicals and waste management cooperation India, should
be cast and pursued in a manner that also address priority waste
management issues as perceived in India.
One example of this approach is EPA�s planned work in
addressing hospital waste management. Improved medical waste management
has been defined as a priority concern in India and serious risk to
public health. Among various concerns, hospital can be a significant
source of dioxin and mercury emissions when wastes and poorly managed
and improperly incinerated. EPA�s FY01 training program, and proposed
resource center for medical waste management, being developed and
delivered in cooperation with the Environmental Protection Training and
Research Institute in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, will not be conducted
until the 2nd quarter of FY 02. EPA will, however, be using
its FY01 funding obligated for this project.
In addition, EPA will use new FY02 funds to field a
team of three expert to visit India with the India Program Manager to
further develop EPA toxic chemical and waste management program during
the 3rd or 4th quarter of fiscal year. In addition
to establishing a more direct dialogue on areas in which EPA would seek
to develop future activities under this program, the team will likely
conduct short workshops on topics in the subject area during the trip.
The specific topics of these workshops will be defined following
additional consultations with USAEP TechReps and through further
feedback received from EPA�s ongoing work on regulatory capacity
building and medical waste management, and input from the Ministry of
Expected Results
Workplan developed for EPA engagement on toxic
chemical and waste management, and information transferred through
workshop and consultation during trip to India.
Relationship to Country Strategy
Expanded EPA engagement in this area has been a
priority interest for the USAEP India Program.
Primary US-AEP Intermediate Result
Policy and Industry
Partners TBD
Milestone Dates EPA team visit in 3rd
or 4th quarter of FY 02
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Date: October 2001
US-AEP Activities for PAG 2-
Urban Environmental Management
Country: India , Western Region
Activity Name: Public / private partnership for
effective vehicular inspection and maintenance to abate pollution
Description of Activity:
US-AEP Western region has been working with Transport
Commissioners Office of Maharashtra on " Vehicular Air Pollution Control
Project". The concept of privatized "Inspection and Certification (I&C)
centers" was initiated by US-AEP and has reached a stage where the
Government is willing to set up privatized facilities. Various Indian
firms had shown interest in joining hands with US firms to set up these
facilities on privatized basis.
An IIE exchange program is recommended for the Indian
firms and the government officials to visit US to get exposed to the
latest technology available in the US. This visit will assist them in
identifying appropriate equipment and tie-up with US partner
Expected Results:
Technology transfer between the Indian and US firms.
Development of the I&C center in Mumbai.
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
I Focus on environmental priorities of Indian
II Promote US environmental exports and opening of
markets in India
Asian and Regional Partners: Transport
Commissioners Office of Maharashtra
Milestone Dates: June 2002
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: Suneel Parasnis,
Nutan Zarapkar
Primary Intermediate Result:
Increased local capacity to implement sustainable
urban environmental improvements.
Country: India, Eastern Region
Activity Name: Activity Name: Capacity building
of smaller municipalities for solid waste management- Project Reports on
SWM for Darjeeling, Guwahati and Ranchi
Description of Activity:
A number of smaller municipal cities and towns in
Eastern India have expressed interest to get US-AEP assistance to
develop a solid waste management plan for themselves, along with
treatment and disposal options. Three of them have been selected for
special focus in this year.
Darjeeling is a hill station in Himalayan foothills.
It has very limited carrying capacity, which is severely stretched in
the peak tourist seasons (summer). It is managed by the Darjeeling
Gorkha Hill Council, an autonomous body which has very good relations
with the U.S. Consulate in Calcutta.
Ranchi is the capital city of the new state of
Jharkhand. The state is an industrial and mining hub of the region. It
is now planning to develop a satellite capital township outside the main
city. Helping them with urban planning at this stage will be extremely
beneficial to them. U.S. Consulate in Calcutta also has a special focus
on Jharkhand, and the Consul General is monitoring the activities of all
USG departments working in that area (till now, mostly PA & State).
Guwahati is the main city in the geographically
isolated part of N.E. India. It is a large city with typical urban
problems. USG activities in that area have been limited mostly to USAID
& State Department projects in the social sector.
OTC Calcutta proposes to bring in an urban planning
expert from the U.S. to develop a solid waste management plan for at
least two of the municipalities, one week each for each of the cities of
Jharkhand and Darjeeling. For Guwahati, OTC Calcutta expects assistance
from the US-AEP Urban Infrastructure Rep.
Expected Results: Improved urban environmental
Asian and Regional Partners: Municipal
authorities of respective cities
Anticipated Cost Share: Lodging and local ground
transportation from host organizations
Milestone Dates: Q2, 2002
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: OTC/Calcutta,
supported by Urban Rep & IIE
Primary Intermediate Result: 1.2 Urban
Environmental Management
Country: India, Eastern Region
Activity Name: Study Tour for Urban Policy Makers
of Calcutta and Jharkhand
Description of Activity:
Solid waste management for Calcutta Metropolitan Area
(CMA) is giving the urban planners of Calcutta great headache. The
recent Supreme Court ruling mandates such large municipal areas
(covering an area of 1700 sq. km, having a population of more than 12
million, and a population density of nearly 24,000/sq. km. It is the
second largest metropolis in India and one of the 10 largest in the
world) to have firm solid waste management practices on the ground.
While Calcutta city has started the process, the other smaller towns and
cities pose a real headache for the planners). The local implementing
organization in this case is a public agency, the Calcutta Metropolitan
Development Authority ((CMDA). This body is entrusted with the urban
planning and development for the Calcutta city and adjoining areas
(collectively called Calcutta Metropolitan Area). US-AEP Calcutta has
been working closely with CMDA during this year, and recently completed
a collaborative project (Green Housing, FY01) survey of wastewater
treatment and recycling opportunities for large community housing
projects within the CMA area. While discussing the follow-up actions to
this study, the need for a comprehensive solid waste management plan
came out strongly. This has been attempted by CMDA locally earlier, but
in bits and pieces and without a proper idea of technology interventions
and detailed cost estimates. They were extremely enthused when
OTC/Calcutta directed them to the TDA site and they saw the summary of
similar projects done in the City of Abidjan in FY00.
CMDA is looking for US-AEP assistance to provide
exposure to senior most urban policy makers for West Bengal on solid
waste management, and also to develop a comprehensive master plan for
the CMA area. OTC/Calcutta plans to organize a study tour for the Urban
Development Minister and one of his key aides to the U.S. to study the
solid waste management practices, and to attend any related events in
the U.S. that may be happening at that point of time.
In a recent visit to Ranchi (Capitol of newly formed
state of Jharkhand), USAEP/Kolkata met with the Urban Development
Minister and Secretary. They were extremely eager to engage with USAEP
in their urban environment management efforts. The first step in this
direction is already being taken with Mr. Asnani accompanying the Tech
Rep. to Ranchi and doing a solid waste management Master Plan in
November 2001. As a next step, inclusion of the Minister and another
senior official in the above study tour will be ideal. This will create
a great opportunity for senior urban decision-makers from Eastern India
to interact with each other during the visit and get the best result out
of it. It will also promote chances of close cooperation between the
adjoining states during later stages of implementation, and will create
a sense of competition to achieve results. Jharkhand is already planning
for a new capitol city with major investment plans. A Trade Lead on this
has already been made.
Expected Results: Improved urban environmental
management, solid waste
Primary US-AEP Intermediate Result: 1.2 Urban
Asian and Regional Partners: CMDA, Urban
Development Department
Milestone Dates: Q2, 2002
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: OTC/Calcutta, TDA
Country: India, Southern Region
Activity Name: Ford Motor Company Conservation
and Environmental Grants
Description of Activity:
In FY 2001, US-AEP/Chennai assisted Ford in promoting
it�s environmental grant program in India. The objective of this program
is to encourage community initiatives in conservation, environmental
protection, and preservation. In tandem with Ford Motor Company�s
program, Ford India Limited (FIL) will institute an annual C&E grant
program. Ford India is seeking the support of US-AEP/FCS in promoting
this program in India. FIL will announce the program through media but
needs US-AEP�s help in the selection of judges, screening of
applications, general guidance on program development and
recommendations to the judges, as necessary. US-AEP Tech Rep in Chennai
would be expected to provide appropriate inputs for this program to the
FIL�s corporate coordinator based in Chennai.
It is worth mentioning here that one of the community
composting initiatives by a Chennai-based lady received the Ford
Environmental Grant in FY 2001.
Expected Results:
- Enhancement of US-AEP's urban programs
- Improvement of policy & environmental management
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
US-AEP/Thailand supported the Ford grant in FY 2001.
The proposed activity supports US-AEP/India strategy & also US-AEP/Asia.
Asian and Regional Partners:
Ford Motor Company, Chennai
Milestone Dates: Q2 through 3
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP:
US-AEP/Chennai Tech Rep
Primary Intermediate Result:
Improved Urban and Corporate Environmental Management
Country: India, Southern Region
Activity Name: Water Treatment Technology Review
Description of Activity:
Tamil Nadu and in particular the city of Chennai is
experiencing a very severe shortage of water. Currently, the water
requirement of Chennai city is around 250 MLD whereas, Chennai
Metrowater is able to cater less than half the requirement with water
from various sources brought by trucks, trains, pipelines & open ducts.
The Chennai Metrowater is seeking to explore different options including
Reverse Osmosis Desalination plant, molecular separation systems, GIS
mapping of water sources, pipelines from rivers etc.
This critical situation maybe a blessing in disguise.
Several U.S. firms are interested in pursuing this opportunity for U.S.
water treatment plants including mobile desalination units. US-AEP
proposes utilizing a NASDA funding for bringing selected U.S. Companies
to demonstrate the water treatment technologies in Tamil Nadu to
facilitate exposure to the available options from the U.S.
TDA is planning a follow-up conference to the Air
Pollution Conference that took place in June 2001. The focus of this
follow on conference will be on Water and Waste Water. Representatives
from Tamil Nadu Government agencies will attend this conference,
depending on when the conference is scheduled, to discuss/present water
problems in Tamil Nadu.
Expected Results:
- Enhancement of US-AEP's urban programs
- Improvement of policy & environmental management
- The activities likely to lead to a feasibility study request to
the U.S.TDA
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
Water treatment & related issues are one of the core
activities for US-AEP in India.
Asian and Regional Partners:
Chennai Metro Water & Sewerage Board, Tamil Nadu
Government agencies
Milestone Dates: Q4
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP
US-AEP/Chennai Tech Rep
Primary Intermediate Result
Improved Urban and Corporate Environmental Management
Country: India, Northern Region
Activity Name: Effective and Safe Use of CNG as a
Transport Fuel
Description of Activity:
A consistent finding in USAEP/Delhi discussions with
the Government of NCT of Delhi on the Supreme Court�s recent order
mandating the conversion of public transport vehicles in the National
Capital Territory of Delhi (NCT) to Compressed Natural Gas has been the
need to address weakness in CNG safety issues. Recent events in Delhi,
with people scrambling to meet the Court�s deadline and the mishaps
occurring in CNG fuelled mass transit vehicles has brought to light the
lack of adequate training and expertise to address the safety issue.
During an International Conference on Alternate Fuels
organized by SIAM in New Delhi in April, presentations by experts from
the National Alternative Fuels Training Consortium (NAFTC) in US evoked
considerable interest in their training modules and almost all
stakeholders have shown a keen interest in utilizing the expertise
offered by NAFTC in addressing this burning need.
The proposed activity is aimed at linking the
stakeholders in country (Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas,
Indraprastha Gas Limited, Transport Dept., Govt. of Delhi, SIAM and
SAFE) with NAFTC for creating a platform for transfer of NAFTC
capabilities to address CNG safety issues. The various safety aspects to
be addressed are:
- CNG Filling Stations Infrastructure
- CNG Conversion Kits and their Constituent Parts
- On Board CNG Storage Devices
The activity will be offered as a train the trainer
module, where a cadre of trainers from all stakeholders will be
developed to transfer capabilities down the line. SIAM is willing to
nominate key technical staff from their member companies for this
program and is willing to facilitate the entire activity. The activity
will have national impact as many other states are also moving towards
Expected Results:
Enhanced capacity to address CNG Safety Issues
Increased transfer of US best practices and
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
III Promote a culture of responsible, sustainable
environmental management and behavior
Asian and Regional Partners:
Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers
Association (SIAM), Society for Automotive Fitness & Environment SAFE),
Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC), Transport Department (Government of
NCT of Delhi, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Indraprastha Gas
Anticipated Cost Share: Host Country Partners
will provide manpower and logistics support for the activity.
Milestone Dates: January-March, 2002
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: OTC Delhi, NAFTC
Primary Intermediate Result:
IR 1.2 Improved Urban Environmental Management
IR 1.4 Increased transfer of U.S. technologies,
expertise, and practices through trade and investment.
Country: India, Northern Region
Activity Name: Privatization of Inspection and
Certification of on-road Commercial Vehicles in Delhi
Description of Activity:
According to the Central Motor Vehicle Rules,
Ministry of Roads and Transport, Government of India, all commercial
vehicles ie, buses, trucks, taxis, light goods carriers, auto rickshaws
have to undergo an annual inspection and certification. The Govt. of
Delhi has only one such facility in Delhi with eight test lanes, which
has not been operational for some time. The Supreme Court has taken note
of the fact and has ordered the Delhi Government to privatize it. The
Government in turn is willing to turn over the operations to a private
party, as they are both technically, financially and physically short
Upon the request of the Delhi Government and the
Society for Automobile Manufacturers (SlAM) and Society for Automotive
Fitness and Environment (SAFE), US-AEP/Delhi had arranged for the visit
of Mr. David Ganzhorn, Vice President, Mustang Dynamometers, Twinsburg,
OH, to come and assess the existing in-use vehicle inspection and
certification (I&C) facility at Burari in Delhi, and give a preliminary
opinion about the techno-economic feasibility of running it as a private
business venture. His preliminary assessment is favorable and US-AEP and
SAFE are working jointly to prepare a blueprint for the Delhi
Government. As a result of meetings with Principal Secretary and
Commissioner Transport, Delhi Government, Mustang has been offered the
existing facility to be run as a privatization model. The Delhi
government has identified land at four different sites for inviting
private parties to establish I&C centers to be run as a business
venture. Mustang will be seeking TDA support for a pilot project demo
for the facility that they will establish as a private business venture.
USAEP will initiate a dialogue between US Government
and Delhi Govt. whereby the Mustang Blue Print is implemented, starting
with Burarai facility in Jan. �02. Also, USAEP will arrange to get a MOU
signed by Sept. �01, to give the green signal for Mustang to go ahead
with manufacture/procurement of equipment for delivery in Dec. �01 and
installation and commissioning in Jan �02. A successful pilot in Delhi
is expected to lead to more such projects in other metros of the
Expected Results:
Improved urban environmental management.
Create a model that will be valuable as a reference
for similar initiatives.
Increased awareness of the U.S. experience in
privatizing emissions inspection and certification
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
III. Promote a culture of responsible, sustainable
environmental management and behavior.
Asian and Regional Partners:
Society for Indian Automobiles Manufacturers (SIAM),
Society for Automotive Fitness & Environment (SAFE), Delhi Transport
Anticipated Cost Share: Mustang will bring in its
own equipment and the Govt. of Delhi will provide the existing land and
buildings as their contribution
Milestone Dates: September �01 through FY02
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: OTC Delhi, USEPA,
TDA, Mustang Dynamometers
Primary Intermediate Result:
I.R. 1.2 Improved urban environmental management.
I.R 1.4 Increased Transfer of U.S. Environmental
Technology Expertise and Practices to Asia through trade and investment
Country: India, Northern Region
Activity Name: Assistance to Delhi Metro Rail
Corporation (DMRC)
Description of Activity:
Activity 1:
Transport whether it is people, goods or services has
become one of the most important factors of Country�s economic and
social development. This factor especially becomes predominant in Asian
countries due to various factors out of which increased population
vis-�-vis demand of transport is the important factor. Due to this
transport related environmental impacts continue to mount and
contributing 25% of GHG (especially CO2) emission. Technological
advancement will not be sufficient to overcome the increased impact on
environmental due to unprecedented growing transport demand. This leads
to create a culture of adopting best practices in this sector. USAEP
industry program already proves the success of institutionalize
environmental best practices through implementing ISO 14000 and leads to
implement it in the urban sectors. As a result USAEP urban program
decided to go ahead to implement ISO 14000 to a Transit System covering
major areas of transport.
LBG under this activity will assist Delhi Metro Rail
Corporation (DMRC) to establish Environmental Management Systems as per
ISO 14001 to their transit system. As a first step key official from
DMRC visited New York City Transit Authority to experience how the
system was designed, developed and implemented under their Capital
Management Program. LBG in this activity will channelise NYCTA�s
experience for establishing EMS since DMRC is still under construction
stage of the transit system and could be benefited by CPM�s expertise
due to the adoption of ISO 14001 by NYCTA into their construction
AS next steps LBG will assist DMRC to build in house
capacity by providing training, preparing a Road Map and developing a
environmental management action plan. Once it is developed LBG will
assist them to find out aspects and impacts, document it and helping
them to set up objectives and targets. During the entire process LBG
will try to bring US expert from NYCTA (under exchange program through
USAEP/India country budget). The fees of the US expert could be shared
by LBG. LBG will also put its in house expertise to assist DMRC in
addition to US expert.
US-AEP continued to support the Calcutta Metro/NY
City Transit partnership to assist the former design and implement an
EMS. As part of the TA being provided, an expert from NYCT traveled to
India to work with the Calcutta Metro to help them develop the
documentation and procedures for designing and implementing an EMS as
per ISO14001. While in India, the expert also made a presentation to
DMRC on the benefits of implementing an EMS especially in terms of
energy efficiency improvements and reduction in overall operational
costs. As a follow up to the training, a study tour to NYCT to view
first hand their experiences and an operational EMS was organised under
the exchange program. The Chief Engr. Planning of DMRC was also a member
of the study tour.
As a result of the presentation and study tour, DMRC
has realized the role an effective EMS can play and has requested
support in terms of Technical Assistance to design a similar system at
DMRC. The proposed activity aims at strengthening the newly founded
relationship between DMRC and NYCT and will arrange for two exchanges (
US to India �for further training and documentation development) and
India to US ( to view the existing system first hand).
Expected Results:
Activity 1:
Increased Capacity to establish environment friendly
and energy efficient best practices
Increased awareness about US expertise, model and
best practices for environmentally managed transit system
Improved urban Environmental Management
Activity 2:
Improved urban environmental Management.
Transfer of US best practices and technology
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
Activity 1:
Focus on environmental priorities of Indian
Promoting US environmental model for improved urban
environmental management
Promoting sustainable environmental management and
Activity 2:
III. Promote a culture of responsible, sustainable
environmental management and behavior.
Asian and Regional Partners:
Activity 1:
Delhi Metro Railway Corporation
New York City Transit Authority
Activity 2:
Delhi Metro Rail Corporation
Govt. of Delhi,
Anticipated Cost Share:
Activity 1:
DMRC will share cost of US expert and some of the
local resources.
Activity 2:
The DMRC will arrange for all training facilities in
Milestone Dates:
Activity 1:
To be completed by 31 December, 2001
Activity 2:
Start Date First Quarter of FY 2002
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP:
Activity 1:
LBG, OTC Calcutta
Activity 2:
Primary Intermediate Result:
Activity 1:
I.R. 1.3 and 1.2
Activity 2:
I.R. 1.2 Improved Urban Environmental Management.
I.R 1.4 Increased Transfer of U.S. Environmental
Technology Expertise and Practices to Asia through trade and investment
I.R. 1.3 Improved Industrial Environmental
Country: INDIA
Activity Name: Defluoridization and Urban
Groundwater Remediation.
Description of Activity:
US-AEP has been working closely with the Central
Groundwater Board (CGWB) for the past two years and there have been
significant business results as a result of this association. US-AEP
would like to continue to work with CGWB in FY01.
Despite India having a number of perennial rivers,
almost 80 percent of irrigation and 60 percent of drinking water
requirements are met by ground water sources. Just as arsenic is an
important environmental concern in the eastern part of the country,
fluoride is present in alarming levels in large parts of northern and
western regions of the country. Similarly, heavy metals and chemical
effluents from urban industrial estates contaminate large tracts of
urban groundwater sources.
The CGWB has requested US-AEP support to help source
defluoridization and urban groundwater remediation technologies and
techniques and also support the organization of a national (which may
become international in scope) conference to address defluoridization
and urban groundwater remediation. This activity would be divided in to
two sub-activities.
The first sub-activity will be a business exchange
for 4 senior officials from the CGWB and Rajiv Gandhi Drinking Water
Mission (RGDWM), Dept. of Drinking Water Supply, Ministry of Rural
Development to participate in a business exchange for sourcing
defluoridization and urban groundwater remediation technologies and
techniques. This activity will be funded through the EEP mechanism.
The second sub-activity will be support for a
national conference on defluoridization and urban groundwater
remediation technologies organized by the CGWB, Ministry of Water
Resources (MOWR), New Delhi, RGDWM and MOEF etc. US-AEP will support
this sub-activity by providing 2 to 3 expert speakers. It is proposed
that speakers from U.S. private industry be brought through the NASDA/OPF
mechanism and those from academia be brought through the EEP mechanism.
Expected Results:
- Better awareness of U.S. defluorodization and urban groundwater
remediation technologies increased transfer of US technology/services
- Better management of urban groundwater sources leading to improved
urban environmental management
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
The activity fits well with the following strategies:
I Focus on environmental priorities of Indian
II Promote US environmental exports in India
Asian and Regional Partners:
CGWB, RGDWM, MOEF, UNDP/World Bank resident mission
Anticipated Cost Share:
The first sub-activity will be an IIE exchange and
will involve 1 fully funded delegate and 3 cost sharing (international
airfare) delegates
The second activity may be a NASDA/IIE combination or
a stand-alone NASDA/OPF activity with U.S. speakers contributing their
man-hours pro-bono.
Milestone Dates: Business exchange to the US in
the second week of January.
Conference in New Delhi in the third week of
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: OTC Delhi, IIE,
Primary Intermediate Result:
IR 1.2 Improved urban environmental management
IR 1.4 Increased transfer of U.S. technologies,
expertise and practices through trade and investment.
Country: India
Activity Name: Strengthen City Managers�
Association in Eight Indian States
Description of Activity:
Strengthening City Managers� Association in Indian
(a) Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and
Maharashtra where associations have been duly formed and they need to be
re-strengthened to meet our objectives of urban environment
infrastructure development in the states (Phase 1 Associations)
(b) to strengthen the City Managers� Association
which are proposed to be formed in the following four states by the end
of September 2001 � Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab and Orissa
states.(Phase 2 Associations)
c). to build a National Association of City Managers
in order to increase the effectiveness of lessons learned by creating a
national node of communication for exchange and transfer of information,
coordinate on training and contribute to the improvement of executive
branch of local government management
The state City Managers� Association are to be
activated with induction of professionals and motivated to take up the
activities of urban capacity building through training programs,
workshops, seminars, exchanges within the country and the region to
improve the urban environment infrastructure such as water supply, solid
waste management, wastewater treatment, improvement of urban slums, etc.
and move forward in the area of private sector participation and public
private partnership to achieve these goals. These associations would be
given technical assistance to move forward and their activities would be
coordinated through a part-time country coordinator proposed to be
appointed with the support of ICMA using the resource person from the
City Managers� Association, Gujarat.
Expected Results: It is expected that over 1000
urban local bodies of the progressive states in the country would come
under the fold of City Managers� Association and these associations
would work as a conduit for communication with local bodies to educate
them on the need of improving the urban environment infrastructure and
enhance their capacity to involve private sector or have public-private
partnership to manage the urban infrastructure projects. These
associations would particularly be very useful in introducing improved
solid waste management practices and technologies in the urban areas and
also to advance the cause of wastewater treatment before discharge of
wastewater into the water bodies and help in improving their financial
The creation of national association of city managers
would allow each state to be a communication node within their
respective state, serving as the state�s electronic host for sharing of
information, etc.
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy: This
will help in US tech transfer in the area of solid waste management and
wastewater treatment particularly.
Asian and Regional Partners: RUDO, City Managers�
Association, Gujarat, Ahmedabad, India should be involved as Asian
partner in this activity.
Milestone Dates:
1st quarter: Assess the capacity of Phase
1, provide technical support in developing a program strategy, and
provide financial support for staff and equipment.
2nd quarter: Initiate the start up of 4
new, Phase 2 associations. Review the work plans of the Phase 2
Associations, provide financial support for staff and equipment.
3rd/4th quarter: Convene an all
India City Manager Association meeting, hosted by the 9 existing
associations in cooperation with ICMA to form the framework for the
National Association of City Managers.
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: UEIR, India, ICMA
Primary Intermediate Result: The City Managers�
Association would be got registered under the Societies Registration
Act/ Public Trust Act, they would appoint professionals as a Core staff
to handle the activities of the association and prepare their annual
workplan within first quarter of FY 2002. Similarly a country
coordinator would be appointed in the first quarter only to take up the
work of coordination with all the state associations and put them on a
sound footing and get the activities of the association initiated in all
the states.
Country: India
Activity Name: Improvement in solid waste
management and biomedical waste management practices as well as
introducing appropriate technologies for processing and disposal of
municipal solid waste and biomedical waste in urban areas.
Description of Activity: Over 400 Class-1 cities
in India having a population over 100000 are required to be guided
through technical assistance to improve solid waste management practices
and for the adoption of appropriate technologies for the treatment and
disposal of municipal solid waste and biomedical waste.
In FY 2002 it is proposed to assist about 100 cities
in the states of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Kerala, and Orissa in developing
strategies for improving solid waste management practices and in
adopting appropriate technologies for processing and disposal of waste.
Their waste management practices will be studied in details,
deficiencies would be identified and technical assistance will be given
to improve the systems of waste management in terms of the Supreme Court
Committee Recommendations and the Municipal Solid Waste (Management &
Handling) Rules 2000 and they would also be advised about the
appropriate technologies for the treatment and disposal of municipal
solid waste based on the recommendations that would be finalized in FY
2001 by the Technology Advisory Group of Government of India where UEIR,
India happens to be the Chairman of the Core Group for Technology
It is also proposed to take up five city specific
projects for giving technical assistance in developing solid waste
management project to serve as a demonstration project in the states
concerned. UEIR would prepare these city�s specific project reports and
guide the city administration in the implementation of the projects.
Expected Results: About 100 cities in the four
states of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Kerala & Orissa would get technical
assistance and would initiate measures to improve urban environment
infrastructure and out of them some large cities may go for adoption of
improved technologies which may be offered by US firms. Five important
cities in different states would also get city�s specific project report
in hand to implement the improved methods of waste management and these
projects would serve as models in the respective states for replicating
the efforts in other cities.
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy: (1)
Improved Urban Environment (2) US tech transfer in the area of solid
waste management.
Asian and Regional Partners: The state
governments of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Kerala and Orissa.
Anticipated Cost Share: TBD-for conducting four
state level training workshops in India and five city level training
workshops in various states.
Milestone Dates: By the end of first quarter the
required data will be collected from the states, by the end of second
quarter the reports would be ready, in the third quarter the workshops
will be held in different states. Similarly, in the first quarter five
cities would be identified for preparing cities specific project report
and in second and third quarters the reports would be ready and
workshops conducted.
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: P. U. Asnani,
UEIR, India
Primary Intermediate Result: About 100
cities/towns of India would be identified, their data on solid waste
management would be collected and analyzed and in the second quarter
their reports would be ready and the work in relation to urban capacity
building would be taken up to improve the solid waste management
practices. This would improve the urban environment in the cities and
would give an opportunity of tech transfer from US to India in the area
of solid waste treatment.
Country: India
Activity Name: Wastewater treatment. Recycling
and disposal.
Description of Activity: Pursue the transfer of
AIWPS wastewater treatment technology of US to India through the pilot
project at Surendranagar in Gujarat State and through propagation of
this technology in other states of India through City Managers�
Associations formed and being formed in various states. Also to
propagate the technology for wastewater recycling in large cities based
on the outcome of the studies that is being undertaken at Ahmedabad and
industrial estates in south Gujarat by the US TDA in FY 2001 � FY 2002.
Expected Results: Technology Transfer in the area
of wastewater treatment and wastewater recycling may take place seeing
the outcome of the pilot project and US TDA supported studies in Gujarat
for wastewater recycling.
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
Technology transfer in the area of wastewater treatment and its
Asian and Regional Partners: Government of
Gujarat, Government of India CPHEEO, Ministry of Urban Development.
Anticipated Cost Share: US TDA grant would be
necessary for supporting the pilot project at Surendranagar in Gujarat
for AIWPS technology. US TDA is already supporting the pre-feasibility
studies for wastewater recycling projects in Gujarat State. On the same
line this study is to be supported.
Milestone Dates: The pre-feasibility study for
AIWPS technology could be completed by end of first quarter of 2002
whereas the work in regard to wastewater recycling under US TDA grant
would be initiated as per the contracts that would be finalized by the
Government of Gujarat in consultation with Ahmedabad Municipal
Corporation and Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation in coming 3
to 6 months.
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: P. U. ASNANI,
UEIR, India
Primary Intermediate Result: US technology of
AIWPS for wastewater treatment and the technology for tertiary treatment
of wastewater for recycling of wastewater for industrial/agricultural
use would get demonstrated to the country by the end of the FY 2002
which will help in tech transfer in coming years.
Country: India
Activity Name: Supporting Cities Alliance efforts
in slum upgradation projects in the state of Gujarat.
Description of Activity: The City Alliance, USA
formed by the World Bank and other international donors has associated
with the World Bank projects of urban infrastructure and urban reforms
of the World Bank being taken up in the state of Gujarat. The City
Alliance in association with the US AID is planning to help the state in
formulating state slum policy for upgrading the slums in various urban
local bodies in the state to improve the quality of life and urban
environment in the state. Several workshops and studies are proposed to
be conducted to finalize the state slum policy with the assistance of US
AID UEIR, India.
Expected Results: A State slum policy would
emerge which will not only guide the state of Gujarat but may also guide
the whole country. This policy will guide the further line of action by
the cities in the state of Gujarat in upgrading urban environment
infrastructure to cover the urban poor and improve their quality of
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
Improving the urban environment infrastructure.
Asian and Regional Partners: Gujarat Government,
City Managers� Association, Gujarat, RUDO, Delhi, US AEP, Delhi and City
Alliance, USA.
Anticipated Cost Share: City Alliance will be
bearing most of the cost of the project.
Milestone Dates: Within first two quarters of the
2002 the entire study would be completed and Gujarat State slum Policy
is likely to be finalized.
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: P. U. Asnani,
UEIR, India
Primary Intermediate Result: In the first quarter
all the studies in relation to the formulation of state slum policy
would be initiated and by the end of second quarter the state slum
policy would be finalized based on the outcome of the studies and the
workshops that are proposed to be conducted during this period.
Country: India
Activity Name: Solid Waste Management Practices
and Technology, US and regional exchanges.
Description of Activity:
Arrange exchange visits to USA and within the Asian
region to study improvements in solid waste management practices as well
as appropriate technologies for processing and disposal of municipal
solid waste in urban areas.
Cities and towns in India are required to be guided
through technical assistance to improve solid waste management practices
and for the adoption of appropriate technologies for the treatment and
disposal of municipal solid waste.
In FY 2002 it is proposed to assist about 100 cities
in the states of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Kerala, Orissa and other states in
developing strategies for improving solid waste management practices and
in adopting appropriate technologies for processing and disposal of
waste. This necessitates study of waste management practices in USA and
in the Asian region and give technical assistance to Indian cities to
improve the systems of waste management and advise the cities on using
appropriate US technologies for the treatment and disposal of municipal
solid waste ass well as explore the possibility in getting US
technologies approved by the Technology Advisory Group of Government of
India where UEIR, India happens to be the Chairman of the Core Group for
Technology Identification
Expected Results: The exchange programs to US and
within the region will expose Indian officials to see the advanced
technologies of solid waste treatment and disposal and help in sharing
the experience of the study tour with the Indian cities at a time when
About 100 cities in the four states of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Kerala &
Orissa are to get technical assistance and initiate measures to improve
urban environment infrastructure. Learning from how the problem of waste
management is being handled in US and the Asian region, some large
cities may go for adoption of improved technologies which may be offered
by US firms.
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy: US tech
transfer in the area of solid waste management.
Asian and Regional Partners: Four Urban local
bodies of the cities in India whose candidates would be sponsored for
the study tour to USA and another six urban local bodies candidates from
India, Srilanka, Bangladesh and Nepal whose candidates would be
sponsored for a regional exchange.
Milestone Dates: The regional study tour would be
organized in the second quarter whereas US study tour would be organized
in the third quarter FY 2002.
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: P. U. Asnani,
UEIR, India
Primary Intermediate Result: This would improve
the urban environment in the cities in India as well as Sri Lanka,
Bangladesh & Nepal and would give an opportunity of tech transfer from
US to these countries in the area of solid waste treatment.
Country: India
Activity Name: Associate with Infrastructure
Development Finance Company Limited (IDFC)
Description of Activity: Associate with
Infrastructure Development Finance Company Limited (IDFC) taking up a
nation-wide Intercity comparison of the selected 10 major cities of
India heading toward a better of quality of life, develop urban
indicators, document best practices and disseminate the information
through network of City Managers� Association, etc. in the country.
India has more than 100 cities above half a million
population and more than 30 of them are above one million. Most of the
cities lack basic infrastructure and appropriate systems of urban
governance. With a view to improve the urban environment and quality of
life in the urban area, it is essential to upgrade the skills of the
urban local bodies in the country through capacity building and sharing
of best practices within and outside the country. The information
sharing is a major drawback in the existing system of urban governance.
One city does not know how the neighboring city has tackled a particular
problem, which is faced by it. A lot of time and effort is wasted in
re-inventing the wheel in absence of documentation of best practices and
sharing the same with the cities similarly placed.
The IDFC, India in association with Ahmedabad
Management Association�s center for Management for Civic Affairs has
taken up a partnership project on "comparison of 10 cities heading
towards a better quality of life". The cost of this project is being
shared by the participating cities and IDFC. Performance indicators are
being developed by the consultants and the standards for comparing the
performance of the cities are being prescribed. The outcome is to be
shared with the ULBs in the country. It is proposed to have US AEP as a
third partner in the project for the documentation and dissemination of
the best practices utilizing the available network of city managers�
association and other for dissemination.
Expected Results: The city comparison project
resulting in identification and documentation of best practices would
help in the capacity building of the urban local bodies in the country
through workshops, training, sharing of information, exchanges between
the cities, etc. and help in improving the overall urban environment and
the quality of life in urban areas. This may also provide an opportunity
of tech transfers from developed countries within India. It may also
facilitate privatization in infrastructure development in the country.
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy: Improvement
of urban environment infrastructure and possibilities of tech transfer
from US.
Asian and Regional Partners: IDFC, India,
Ahmedabad Management Association, and 10 major cities of India.
Milestone Dates:The city comparison study will
start from the first quarter of FY 2002 and continue till the end of
year 2002.
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: P. U. Asnani,
UEIR, India
Primary Intermediate Result: This would help the
Indian cities in finding solution to their problems of infrastructure
development learning from the success stories of ten important cities of
India. The documentation and dissemination of best practices that will
be taken up with the support of US AEP in the later half of the year and
may continued in the year 2003 will go a long way in improving the
quality of life and urban environment in many more cities of India who
are looking forward for a change and need to be guided through such
Country: India
Activity: Energy Efficiency Outreach to
Purpose: This project will disseminate successful
municipal energy efficiency interventions accomplished through the
Alliance to Save Energy�s Sustainable Cities work, raising awareness of
the benefits of adopting energy efficient practices and how they can be
implemented. In order for the project to be sustainable a central goal
of the project is to develop the capacity of local institutions at the
state and national levels. Opportunities will be sought to engage
industrial estates or major industrial energy users within the host
cities. Institutions will be targeted which are well positioned to
disseminate information, provide support, and deliver training to
municipalities to address energy efficiency and water efficiency issues.
Host country institutions may include the GOI Bureau of Energy
Efficiency (Delhi), the All India Institute of Local Self Governance
(Mumbai), municipal managers associations, state municipal associations,
state training colleges, the Indian Pump Manufacturing Association (IPMA),
energy service companies (ESCOs), the Council of Energy Efficiency
Companies (CEEC), and equipment suppliers. Training will demonstrate how
energy efficiency measures can improve the overall cost competitiveness
of operations while reducing overall energy consumption.
Description: Based upon the success of the
Alliance municipal energy efficiency projects undertaken through the
Sustainable Cities Program in Ahmedabad, Chennai, Pune, and Indore, the
Alliance will develop a focused municipal outreach initiative to share
best practices with other municipalities.
In the first step of this effort the Alliance will
undertake a scooping mission to identify Indian partner organizations
and a target state. The partners selected will have an interest in
building their internal capacity to facilitate future municipal water
efficiency and energy efficiency activities at the national level or
within their state through education and outreach. Karnataka is
tentatively the state to be targeted based on its progressive state
government, the opportunity of working with the State Training College
there, the potential synergies with the energy efficiency cell of TERI
being centered in Bangalore, and the Alliance�s significant contacts at
various levels of government in Karnataka. There are also a number of
industrial estates in Karnatiaka (for example about a dozen in and
around Banglalore, seven in Mysore, two in Gulbarga, and one in Hubli).
However, the choice of target state will not be finalized until after
the scoping mission and discussions with USAEP/India.
The second stage of this activity will include
working with the partner organizations to develop a water and energy
efficiency tool-kit (outreach materials, pumping and systems analysis
software, municipal water efficiency training materials, etc.) that can
serve as an efficiency resource for future outreach activities.
In the third stage of this activity, municipal water
and energy efficiency training events will be jointly hosted for a
number of local governments in the state. These hands-on training events
will likely be centered on the results of an audit performed prior to
each event on a water system in the host municipality by the Alliance
and its partners. The event will then detail the findings of the audit,
walk through the step-by-step process of the audit and then discuss
potential efficiency opportunities. The end result of each event will be
a technical assessment of the host cities� water system and a management
action plan outlining specific efficiency measures that can be taken.
Expected Results:
- Develop and further cultivate the interest of municipalities in
supporting longer-term water efficiency and energy efficiency efforts.
- Build capacity within appropriate institutions (such as those
mentioned above) to assist them in promoting the concept of improved
energy efficiency, allowing them to become a focal point for on-going
energy efficiency activities within their states.
- Create a water and energy efficiency tool kit to be shared by
in-country partners (likely composed of resource materials, applicable
software, overview of energy efficiency products) that will serve to
jumpstart the efforts of the municipalities committed to undertaking
more of these activities.
- Create a state-wide municipal outreach model that can be
replicated in other Indian states.
- Promote the ESCO concept among municipalities as an effective
means of better managing water and energy use, controlling costs, and
implementing efficiency projects.
Asian Partners: Institutional Partners TBD.
U.S. Implementing Partner: Alliance to Save
Lead Contact for USAEP: Judith Barry
Milestone Dates: Scoping mission Jan. 2002; work
plan developed and approved Feb. 2002; implementation through FY 2002.
Primary Intermediate Result(s): IR 1.2 and 1.3
Note: This activity is yet to be approved
Country : Regional IR 1.2
Activity Name: Regional Urban Forums
Description of Activity:
Supplemented by regional funds, US-AEP/India will
send participants/speakers to the following regional events:
- MAPES� Urban Environment Leadership Institute. US-AEP/India will
send practitioners and senior city managers to the MAPES technical
workshops in Honolulu. We will also send mayors to the Urban Leaders
Roundtable in April/May 2002.
- City Development Strategy (CDS) Dialogues in East Asia: We will
provide for in-country travel for mayors or other officials to
participate in selected dialoges.
- PNWER Urban Resource Management Institute: PNWER proposes to
establish a new subsidiary organization to train city managers and
others in methods for preventing urban pollution and improving urban
resource management. We will fund Asian participants to attend the
second CP for Cities workshop, if PNWER organizes it in FY 2002.
- Local Government Preparatory Process events for Rio +10: With
substantial help from regional funds, we will send Philippine
participants to the three events that ICLEI is planning (see dates
Expected Results: Will increase attention to
policy issues and sharing of experiences amongst decision-makers in the
region leading to local and regional initiatives to improve urban
environmental management and impact future industrial growth. This
activity will build on the existing partnership and collaborative
efforts with the ADB and will expand interactions at the municipal level
in Asia and work with ICMA.
Relationship to Country Strategy: These activities
are in line with the objective to improve urban environmental management
and focus on local governments as agents of change.
Asian and Regional Partners: ADB, ICMA, ICLEI;
League of Cities; selected city governments
Anticipated Cost Share: ADB, ICLEI, and Honolulu
will put forth support and funding for the Urban Environment Leadership
Institute. The exact nature and amount of the support has not yet been
finalized. Possible cost share from participants.
Milestone Dates
November 28-30 � Rio +10 Local Government
International Preparatory Committee Meeting (Vancouver)
Early 2002 � First MAPES technical workshop
April/May 2002 � MAPES Urban Leaders Roundtable
May 6-17 � Rio +10 International PrepCom (Jakarta)
September 2-11 � Rio +10 Summit (Johannesburg)
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: Jeremy Hagger,
Jeff Bowyer
Primary Intermediary Result: 1.2
Updated October 10, 2001
Country: INDIA
Activity Name: Air Quality Management Program
Description of Activity:
In FY 02 EPA will expand its air quality management
activities in India, broadening the partnership initiated in FY01 with
USAEP, USAID and the World Bank. EPA has been requested by the Ministry
of Environment and Forests (MOEF) to prepare an expanded workplan on
capacity building for Central and State Pollution Control Boards that
could be supported, in part, by resources of the World Bank project in
India on Environmental Management Capacity Building Program. This
program will emphasize air quality management skills and strategy
development for urban areas outlined by EPA in the MOEF/EPA/USAEP/World
Bank Brainstorming Workshop on Air Quality Management conducted at the
Central Pollution Control Board in September 2001. Specifically, this
program will include:
- Continuation of capacity building/demonstration project in
conducting air pollution "source attribution" for Delhi, with
particular focus on Particulate Matter (PM) pollution. Resources will
include travel support for 3 EPA experts in FY02 to work with U.S.
partners (supported under cooperative agreement from FY01 funding) in
training and demonstration activities on sampling, analysis for source
attribution, that will support development of a PM Action Plan for
Delhi expected to be completed in 2003.
- Launch a new capacity building/demonstration project for a second
city in India (TBD) to introduce procedures for urban air quality
management strategy development typically used in the U.S. that is
base on developing emission inventories for a city, using pollutant
dispersion (and other) modeling as a basis for air pollution control
strategy development. While the demonstration work for this project
will target a specific city, associated training will be open to air
quality management officials from elsewhere. This will likely be a 2-3
year demonstration program. In FY02 USAEP is expected to support
travel of 6 experts to India to help develop this program and provide
required training.
- Develop an expanded program of EPA-supported training consistent
with project needs above, but covering additional areas related to air
monitoring/analysis, and other areas of air quality management
reflecting training needs assessment recently conducted by the Central
Pollution Control Board. USAEP funding for this program element will
likely only cover travel support for 1-2 EPA training experts, likely
from EPA�s National Air Pollution Training Institute, to develop a
training workplan, with funds for training (in India and the U.S.)
expected to be drawn primarily from the World Bank project resources).
[Note: An additional program element is the so-called Integrated
Environmental Strategies project that seeks to demonstrate techniques
for correlating air quality improvement with health/economic benefits
and greenhouse gas reduction, a project being supported by the USAID
Mission in Delhi
Expected Results
This program is expected to result in increased skill
and capacity for monitoring and managing air quality in selected cities
in India, improved use of data and development of scientific strategies
for air quality management in at least two Indian cities. The program is
also expected to provide actual Source Attribution assessment for the
City of Delhi, and initial emission inventory and control strategy for a
second city.
Relationship to Country Strategy
Improving air quality management is a priority
area of activity for the India Country Strategy, and this program is a
primary initiative to promote this objective
Primary US-AEP Intermediate Result Improved Urban
Environmental Management
Country Partners: MOEF/CPCB, Selected PCBs, World
Bank, perhaps IITs and National Environmental Engineering Research
Institite, others TBD.
U.S. Partners: Desert Research Institute, selected
State and city air officials.
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency
Date: October 2001
US-AEP Activities for PAG 3-
Corporate Environmental Management
Country: India, Western Region
Activity Name: EMS for industrial estates and
industrial townships
Description of Activity:
Activity 1: EMS for Industrial Estates (chemical
/petrochemical /pharmaceutical industries -tentatively -Roha/Mahad/Patalganga)
US-AEP Western region has been working with
Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC) providing them
technology guidance on various environmental projects implemented by
MIDC. MIDC is interested in conducting the study of existing industrial
estates to assess the environmental needs with regard to industrial
environmental infrastructure. The emphasis of this study would also be
on the best practices to be followed by industries for effective
environment management.
Activity 2: Total environmental quality improvement
of an integrated industrial township
There are various industrial townships existing in
India. This township includes the residential facilities, recreational
facilities, education and health infrastructure and markets etc.
Development of EMS for one such township will assist the other townships
in achieving environmental sustainability. At the same time create
opportunities for US exports.
Expected Results:
Activity 1:
The study would reveal the environmental needs and
thus market for environmental equipment, technology and services.
Activity 2:
The EMS study would reveal the environmental needs of
the township and thus market for environmental equipment, technology and
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
Activity 1
II To develop the market for U.S. environmental
III Promote a culture of responsible, sustainable
environmental management and behavior
Activity 2:
II To develop the market for U.S. environmental
III Promote a culture of responsible, sustainable
environmental management and behavior
Asian and Regional Partners:
Activity 1: Maharashtra Industrial Development
Corporation, US firm interested in taking up the study
Activity 2: To be decided and US firm interested in
undertaking EMS study
Milestone Dates:
Activity 1: FY 2002
Activity 2: FY 2002
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP:
Activity 1: Suneel Parasnis, Nutan Zarapkar
Activity 2: Suneel Parasnis, Nutan Zarapkar
Primary Intermediate Result:
Activity 1:Number of US-AEP -supported networks and
associations established and or strengthened to promote environmental
management systems and cleaner industrial production.
Activity 2: Number of US-AEP -supported networks and
associations established and or strengthened to promote environmental
management systems and cleaner industrial production
Country: India, Western Region
Activity Name: Green Supply Chain for Hospitality
industry- EMS for primary suppliers
Description of Activity:
US-AEP Western region was successful to bring ECOTEL,
US certification agency to India. The logical step forward will be to
assist the primary suppliers of this industry to adopt sound
environmental management
HVS International, NY, sole agency providing ECOTEL
certification has signed an MOU with Concept Hospitality Ltd., India to
work together to promote the certification in India and Asia. US-AEP
will provide support and guidance to HVS International and Concept
Hospitality to get NASDA OPF funding to establish an Indo-American
institution for providing training and hands on experience to these
suppliers and staffs to be eco-friendly.
Expected Results:
Promoting greening of supply chain concept.
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
III Promote a culture of responsible, sustainable
environmental management and behavior
Asian and Regional Partners: Concept Hospitality
Ltd. and HVS International
Milestone Dates: November 2001
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: Suneel Parasnis,
Nutan Zarapkar
Primary Intermediate Result:
Number of US-AEP -supported networks and associations
established and or strengthened to promote environmental management
systems and cleaner industrial production
Country: India, Western Region
Activity Name: Workshop on " Environmental
Solutions: Infrastructure Planning and Total Water & Wastewater
Description of Activity:
Gujarat today is in the forefront of economic
development and industrialization. It is the major producer of Textiles,
Dyes, Pharmaceuticals and Petrochemicals with the highest productivity
per employee. Gujarat built up its industrial strength very
systematically through progressive and pragmatic industrial policies and
supported it with proper infrastructure. Ironically Gujarat faces
problem of drought and floods due to the uncertain climatic conditions.
The shortage of water supply has severely affected the industries and
steps are taken for recycling and reusing the water. Gujarat is one of
the few states in India to have 22 common liquid effluent treatment
plants and 9 hazardous waste treatment projects successfully
US-AEP has been working with Gujarat Government for
the past three years, providing technical assistance to build industrial
environmental infrastructure. For the future industrial clusters in
planning stage, Government wants to be proactive and take proper steps
to cater to the needs of water and the other utilities effectively.
During US-AEP�s regular interaction with the Gujarat Government, they
welcomed our proposal to organize the workshop on " Environmental
Solutions: Infrastructure Planning and Total Water & Wastewater
Management. The event was planned for last year but was postponed due to
After deliberations with Gujarat Government the
workshop is now scheduled on November 2-3, 2001. US-AEP Western Region
proposes to co-sponsor the seminar by providing two U.S. experts to
speak at this workshop.
Expected Results:
Assisting the government in identifying the
industrial environmental infrastructure projects to be undertaken and to
develop holistic approach to total water management
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
I Focus on environmental priorities of
Indian counterparts
Asian and Regional Partners: Gujarat Government
Milestone Dates: November 2-3, 2001
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: Suneel Parasnis,
Nutan Zarapkar
Primary Intermediate Result:
Number of US-AEP assisted Asian institutions involved
in international environmental dialogue.
Country: India, Western Region
Activity Name: Creation and strengthening of
Energy Management Association to help industry adopt energy efficiency
Description of Activity:
US-AEP Western region was successful in establishing
United States-Environmental Resource Center (US-ERC) with the objective
of assisting industries to adopt EMS and cleaner production practices.
US-AEP Western region is planning to create an
"Energy Management Association" with the objective of assisting
industries to adopt energy efficient operations and technology.
Expected Results:
Industries to adopt energy efficient technology and
best practices for energy conservation.
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
Increase our promotion of energy efficiency and
lowering emissions of greenhouse gases
Asian and Regional Partners: To be decided
Anticipated Cost Share:
Milestone Dates: FY 2002
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: Suneel Parasnis,
Nutan Zarapkar
Primary Intermediate Result:
Number of US-AEP assisted business transactions,
other than sales, between US and Asian companies
Country: India, Eastern Region
Activity Name: Capacity building of CMRI on
environment management for mining industries
Description of Activity:
Central Mining Research Institute (CMRI) is a premier
R&D organization in mining under control of Government of India,
dedicated to deliver scientific and technical inputs to mining & allied
industries. The Environment Management Group (CMRI/EMG) constitutes an
interdisciplinary & versatile group of experts dealing with the
environmental issues of mining industry. The areas of activities of CRRI/EMG
include monitoring, impact assessment, eco-friendly planning, risk and
hazard assessment, environmental protection and consulting.
CMRI is located in the newly created and mineral rich
state of Jharkhand in Eastern India, which is trying to make its
institutions responsive and efficient.
CMRI is interested in working with US-AEP to
strengthen itself to deal with environmental issues with inputs from
U.S. It is anticipated that a subject expert from the U.S. will need to
visit the CRMI/EMG headquarters and work with the team for a few days,
either for training/discussion/need identification, or for doing an
exploratory study on a specific issue. This will then be followed by a
detailed intervention in partnership with an U.S. organization, to be
supported through either NASDA or CSG.
Expected Results: Capacity building of local
environmental institution
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
Asian and Regional Partners: Asian- CMRI/EMG
Anticipated Cost Share: Local hospitality
(lodging) to be borne by CMRI/EMG
Milestone Dates: Nov-Dec 2001
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: OTC/Calcutta,
supported by a) IIE (b) NASDA/CSG
Primary Intermediate Result: 1.3 Corporate
environmental management
Country: India, Eastern Region
Activity Name: TDA support for CESC
Description of Activity:
Calcutta Electric Supply Corporation (CESC) is the
largest private sector power producer and distributor in Eastern India.
It has an old power generating station in an urban area, which has
significant air pollution problems. CESC was nominated by OTC/Calcutta
to attend the TDA Air Conference in Hong Kong in June 2001, where it
made a presentation of the problem. OTC/Calcutta also circulated a trade
lead from CESC looking for technology solutions for the subject, against
which a consortium of two U.S. companies (Wieland Lindgren Engineers &
Schmidt Associates, WLE/SA) responded and made a commercial proposal.
CESC, with advice from OTC/Calcutta, have now submitted a concept paper
to TDA to support the feasibility study to be done by WLE/SA. The
project, if accepted by TDA, is expected to be executed in FY02.
Expected Results: Improved corporate
environmental management, air pollution control
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
Asian and Regional Partners: CESC
Anticipated Cost Share: As per TDA norms
Milestone Dates: Q1, 2002
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: OTC/Calcutta, TDA
Primary Intermediate Result: 1.3 Corporate
environmental management
Country: India, Eastern Region
Activity Name: Promoting U.S. Certifications in
Description of Activity:
US-AEP/Calcutta intends to actively promote the U.S.
environmental certifications in India in FY02. On a corporate level, we
shall support ANSI/RAB directly, or its affiliate AQS to create
significant outreach among local industries. On an individual level, we
shall promote the Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP) certificate
given by IPEP, U.S. The support is expected in the form of a NASDA OPF
to each organization to create a significant outreach and sustainable
partnerships at the local level.
An exchange of 2-3 AWMA representatives from the US
to India will be organized to facilitate this activity.
Expected Results: Enhanced corporate
environmental management
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
Asian and Regional Partners: 1) Indian Chamber of
2) Jadavpur University/IIT, Kharagpur
Anticipated Cost Share: TBD
Milestone Dates: Q2-Q3, 2002
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: OTC/Calcutta,
supported by NASDA
Primary Intermediate Result: 1.3 Corporate
environmental Management
Country: India, Eastern Region
Activity Name: Environment Management for
pharmaceutical industry
Description of Activity:
Pharmaceutical industry is an important industry
sector, and has a considerable presence in all the regions of India. The
pharma industry is also one of the most highly polluting industry
sectors and has substantial scope for environmental improvement in its
operations, ranging from wastewater treatment, resource recovery,
hazardous waste handling to incorporating voluntary environmental
initiatives. For example, the Responsible Care/ Safety, Health and
Environment (SHE) program as followed by a number of US chemical/pharma
firms is a voluntary program.
As a first step, US-AEP/India wishes to organize a
two day conference on creating awareness on Responsible Care/SHE
programs as practiced by US pharma firms and identify Indian firms
willing to initiate similar efforts in their respective units. The
activity will be done in association with from the Chemical
Manufacturers Association, USA and the Environment Management
Cell/Indian Chamber of Commerce, Kolkata. The event will be organized in
Kolkata with active support of the Organization of Pharmaceutical
Producers of India, and the Indian Chemical Manufacturers Association
will also be sought. Two experts from the CMA or their constituent
members will be invited to participate
As the next step, OTC/Calcutta wants to organize a
study tour involving some of the large pharmaceutical manufacturers of
Eastern India to visit US facilities that practice Responsible Care/SHE
and meet suppliers of environmental technology to such manufacturing
units. The second phase is contingent upon the interest generated during
the first event.
Expected Results: Corporate environmental
management, tech transfer
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
II To develop the market for U.S. environmental
III Promote a culture of responsible, sustainable
environmental management and behavior
Asian and Regional Partners: Local pharma
Anticipated Cost Share: Local organizers will
arrange for all local logistics, venue etc.
Milestone Dates: Q3, 2002
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: OTC/Calcutta,
supported by IIE
Primary Intermediate Result: 1.3 Corporate
Environmental Management
Country: India, Eastern Region Activity Name:
Exchange program for housing developers to Green Institute, MN to
study environment management opportunity (f/u of FY01 GH activity)
Description of Activity:
As a follow-up to the successful completion of the
Green Housing Program of OTC/Calcutta in FY01 (in which an U.S. expert
completed an exploratory study on water conservation and recycling
opportunities for large housing estates), a need is felt to engage a
wider spectrum of housing developers to understand environmentally
responsible housing development practices in the U.S. With this
objective, OTC/Calcutta envisages a cost-share mechanism by which some
leading housing developers will be encouraged to visit U.S. to study
such housing projects and meet organizations like the Green Institute.
Such a visit is expected to inculcate responsible housing development
practices, with a focus on water management, for the industry.
Expected Results: Sustainable practices,
technology transfer
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
Asian and Regional Partners: Private sector
corporate housing developers in Eastern India
Anticipated Cost Share: Reasonable cost share
(like international airfare) is expected from the participants
Milestone Dates: Q2, 2002
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: OTC/Calcutta,
supported by IIE
Primary Intermediate Result: 1.3 Corporate
environmental management
1.4 Technology Transfer
Country: India
Activity Name: Tenth Anniversary Program
Activities in India and Bangladesh
Description of Activity:
As part of US-AEP�s 10th. Anniversary
Celebrations, OTC/Calcutta will support the all-India activities that
may be designed around the Semi-Annual Meeting in Delhi, but also
intends to initiate few post-specific programs for local impact. These
activities are around special, high-profile local events, as outlined
- US-AEP Booth in AmCham Trade Show in Bangladesh, January 2001
(special funds)
- Special Supplement and Advertisement with Economic Times, India
(special funds)
- DVC with local NGOs on role of women in Solid Waste Management
(with PA)
AmCham, Bangladesh organizes a major trade show in
Bangladesh every year, in January. The U.S. Trade Center (USTC), U.S.
Embassy, Dhaka actively supports this event. USTC has mentioned during
earlier discussions that it would be a great opportunity for US-AEP to
promote its programmatic products and services through a US-AEP booth at
this show. US-AEP had put up such a booth at this show in 1995, through
the Hong Kong office. The booth can display literatures and videos on
all partner programs and activities of US-AEP. It will be actively
supported by US-AEP/Washington DC and by the Communications Group. The
event will be coordinated by OTC/Calcutta, but will showcase the
resources of US-AEP in general.
Economic Times (ET) published a special supplement on
Clean Technologies on June 5, 2001 (World Environment Day) in
collaboration with US-AEP/Calcutta. They featured the message from US-AEP
Executive Director and an article by US-AEP Regional Director, Calcutta
prominently on the front page. Next year, they want to collaborate again
for this initiative. They are very willing to provide discounted space
for a full-page US-AEP advertisement showcasing our activities,
resources and partners. The 10th. Anniversary Program is an
excellent opportunity for such a public relations exercise. ET is the
largest read business daily having a circulation of about 0.5 million,
and reaches most of the decision makers of Indian industry and
Role of Women in Solid Waste Management is an NGO
focussed program, to be done mainly with support of PA, Calcutta. This
will give a platform for US-AEP to discuss with NGOs on a relatively
unattended area. PA will support the program actively with its own
Expected Results:
- Outreach and demand creation of US-AEP services in Bangladesh
- Familiarity of industrial and urban decision makers with US-AEP
3) Addressing Gender Issues from US-AEP platform
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
Asian and Regional Partners: 1) USTC, Bangladesh (2)
ET, Calcutta (3) PA, Calcutta
Anticipated Cost Share:
Milestone Dates: 1) January, 2002 (2) June, 2002 (3)
Q3, 2002
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: OTC/Calcutta,
supported by 10th. Anniv. Committee & Communications Group.
Primary Intermediate Result: Outreach and Public
Country: India
Activity Name: Support to ICC to publish Success
Story compendium
Description of Activity:
Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is an important
multiplier partner for US-AEP Calcutta for its industrial outreach
activities. ICC has extensive engagement with U.S. companies and experts
through US-AEP in the last two years. They have formed an Environment
Management Cell that has been providing good support to local industries
on environment management.
ICC is now coming up with a compendium of success
stories of local industries for good environment management practices.
It has requested a small funding assistance from US-AEP to publish it.
In return, US-AEP will be showcased in the publication as a supporting
partner of the venture. Such seed support has been extended to the
organization through the CTEM funding mechanism. However, in the present
context the mode of funding such projects (probably through NGO funding
mechanism) needs to be identified.
Expected Results: Continued partnership of US-AEP
with key partners and good environmental activities in the region.
Outreach among target groups.
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
Asian and Regional Partners: ICC
Anticipated Cost Share: Most of the cost of the
publication (over 80%) is being borne by the local organization.
Milestone Dates: Q1, 2001
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: OTC/Calcutta
U.S. Partner/funding mechanism- TBD
Primary Intermediate Result: 1.3 Corporate
Environmental Management
Country: India, Southern Region
Activity Name: Workshop on Waste Heat Recovery in
Cement Plants
Description of Activity:
The Indian Cement Industry, one of the most highly
energy intensive of industries, plays a vital role in the growth of the
nation. Cement manufacturing plants in India are a blend of inefficient
"Wet Process" plants (consuming high energy) and modern, more efficient
"Dry Process" plants.
A potential area that could help the cement industry
and the nation as a whole in energy efficiency improvement is the
recovery of waste heat from the kilns and cooler exhaust for power
generation. The scope for this concept is substantial with numerous
cement plants in the country showing serious interest.
US-AEP/India, Chennai proposes to support a national
workshop to disseminate information on proven U.S. waste heat
recovery/cogeneration technologies to selected members of the Indian
Cement Industry and Consultants. Subject to funding availability, the
workshop will be held in two locations to be chosen from South and North
India. (Bangalore and New Delhi are likely stops)
Expected Results:
The workshop is expected to motivate the industry to
explore improved energy efficiency techniques developed by the U.S., and
contribute to additional power generation avoiding usage of fossil
fuels. It is also expected to open up business dialogues between Indian
and U.S. companies for new projects in the Cement Industry.
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
US-AEP supports the Climate Change Strategy of
USAID. One of the priority issues identified by US-AEP/India is Energy
Efficiency in India�s large cities and major industries. The Cement
Industry is a major industry, and therefore, the activity is included in
this plan.
Asian and Regional Partners:
The Confederation of Indian Industry and/or
The Industrial Consultancy Organization of Tamilnadu
Cement Industries Association
US-AEP/India, IIE/Environmental Exchange Program
Anticipated Cost Share:
The local host organization/s will bear the cost of
designing, printing/mailing invitation brochures, promotion of the
event, arranging local hotel venue, and partial costs of venue/lunches.
US-AEP to bear other costs such as Speakers travel/hotel, seminar
materials, and partial costs of lunches/reception.
Milestone Dates:
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP:
US-AEP/India Tech Rep, Chennai, IIE/EEP
Primary Intermediate Result:
Improved corporate governance/urban environmental
Increased Technology Transfer
Country: India, Southern Region
Activity Name: Conference on Energy and
Environmental Efficiency for the food processing sector
Description of Activity:
India�s food processing industry is energy -and waste
-intensive. It offers substantial opportunities for improving the energy
efficiency and environment. The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)
proposes to hold an international expo / seminar "Food Pro 2001",
December 2001 in Bangalore. Leveraging on this major event, US-AEP
proposes to support a conference on the subject of "Energy and
Environmental Efficiency for the Food Processing Sector". The conference
aims to expose energy / environmental business opportunities in the food
sector and help in exploiting these with U.S. expertise. The conference
is proposed in two major cities of India, one covering the North and
West, and the other covering the South and East.
Expected Results:
Improved Corporate Energy and Environmental
Performance. Trade promotion through exposure to relevant U.S.
technologies and practices.
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
The activity relates well with the US-AEP/India
strategy that includes energy efficiency improvement and promotion of
responsible, sustainable environmental management.
Asian and Regional Partners:
The Planters Energy Network, Ministry of Food
Processing, Government of India and Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)
Anticipated Cost Share:
Milestone Dates:
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP:
US-AEP/Chennai Tech Rep
Primary Intermediate Result:
Improved Urban and Corporate Environmental Management
Country: India
Activity Name: Industry Strategy
Description of Activity:
The US-AEP Industry Program Advisory Group will
assist US-AEP/India in developing an integrated and comprehensive short-
to medium-term country strategy (with suggested approaches and
activities) that is specifically targeted for promoting improved
industrial environmental performance in India. This industry
program-specific strategy will provide recommendations for activities
that US-AEP/India could initiate and support over the next two to three
years, in addition to supporting the already articulated and approved
broader US-AEP/India Vision Statement, Strategic Objectives and Overall
The development of the India Industry Strategy will
include additional Industry activities to be implemented in FY 02 (Q3,
Expected Results: A US-AEP program-specific
industry strategy for India
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy: This
activity is consistent with the Country Strategy to reduce environmental
degradation in India by promoting improved industrial management.
Asian and Regional Partners: none required
Anticipated Cost Share: none
Milestone Dates: The Industry Strategy will be
completed by December 31. 2001
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: Julie Haines,
Subrata Mazumder
Primary Intermediate Result: IR 1.3 Improved
Industrial Environmental Performance
Date: September 21, 2001
Country: India
Activity Name: Corporate Energy Efficiency
Description of Activity:
The efficient use of energy has become an
increasingly important issue in many parts of the world including Asia.
No where is this more apparent than in Asian countries, where frequent
imbalances between energy supply and demand create shortages, periodic
blackouts and power quality issues. Accordingly and to help reduce the
potential for additional regulatory requirements, industry should take
the lead in assuring that whatever energy is used, is done efficiently,
and that wherever possible, energy conservation measures have been
implemented. In order to raise awareness and act as a model, Johnson
& Johnson (J&J), a multinational with a strong track record of
energy management should be invited to become US-AEP�s Corporate
Energy Efficiency Champion. At the same time, US-AEP would like to
strengthen an existing local Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)
with an energy focus to reach out to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
about energy efficiency and corporate energy management practices. US-AEP
proposes to strengthen a local NGO in India � the Environment Resource
Center (ERC) � to organize a series of
workshops in these areas.
A series of four workshops will be organized by the
ERC to raise awareness about energy efficiency and corporate energy
management practices. J&J has been asked to host the first meeting at
their site outside of Mumbai with the expectation that other
manufacturers attending the meeting would be willing to host subsequent
meetings. Ideally another US MNC and two Indian corporations would want
the prestige of hosting the meetings, although if no other organizations
are willing to host additional meetings, J&J might be asked to host two
meetings. By having a strong Corporate Energy Efficiency Champion host
the first meeting, by providing real examples of activities implemented,
and by providing a guided tour highlighting energy efficient equipment
installed, attendees could really understand the benefits of
implementing a corporate energy management program. Coupled with strong
administration support and extensive energy contacts of the energy
focused NGO, this would enable a strong peer networking initiative to be
Expected Results: Promotion of energy efficiency
and corporate energy management practices among small and medium
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy: This
activity is consistent with the Country Strategy to reduce environmental
degradation in India by promoting improved industrial management.
Asian and Regional Partners: Johnson and Johnson
(new), Environmental Management Center (continuing)
Anticipated Cost Share: J&J will provide the
meeting venue including refreshments and lunch for workshop participants
Milestone Dates: December 2001
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: LBG: Subrata
Mazumder, Nick Shufro
Primary Intermediate Result: IR 1.3 Improved
Industrial Environmental Performance
Date: October 10, 2001
Country: India
Activity Name: Eco-Industrial Parks (EIPs)
Description of Activity:
Industrial Estates have become a widespread and
important economic development strategy in Asian countries. However,
industrial estates place a disproportionate strain to the environment
due to industrial air and water pollution, inefficient resource
consumption, and generation of toxic materials and solid waste. In a
recent push to make industrial estates more resource efficient and cost
effective (resulting in a higher return on investments), many countries
are beginning to develop or transform industrial estates into
Eco-Industrial Parks (EIPs). EIPs seek to improve environmental and
economic performance by reducing wastes and improving energy efficiency.
Working with an existing industrial park to conduct a pilot EIP project,
including a training exercise in EIP concepts and a baseline
environmental assessment of the park, followed by an aspects/impacts
analysis, and the development of an action plan. The pilot project will
focus on three main issues related to industrial development - energy
use, transportation, & implementing an EMS.
Activity 1: LBG in consultation with Tech Reps. have
identified different organizations who are working closely with policy
makers and developers to develop eco-industrial park in four different
regions of the country. These four organizations are: Center for
Environmental Education, Ahmedabad, Environment Management Center (EMC)
of Indian Chamber of Commerce, Calcutta, Center for resource Education,
Hyderabad and Punjab State Council for Science and Technology, Ludhiana.
LBG has proposed to send representatives of these organizations to
attend the Eco-Industrial Development Program Roundtable (EDRP) hosted
by the Cornell Work and Environment Initiative on November 5-6 in Devens,
Activity 2: Following the workshop, EIP concepts will
be implemented into a pilot project at Integrated Leather Complex in
Calcutta, which has been developed by a private promoter on BOO basis. A
grant assistance could be given to EMC to assist the implementers to
develop an Environmental Management Action plan, developing a model
which could be replicated at other IPs or EIPs in India, organizing
workshops and disseminating information to potential EIP developers.
Expected Results:
Develop the capability of industrial parks�
management and locators in improving environmental management,
transport, and energy efficiency of their operations.
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
EIP project will take advantage of US-AEP�s industry
and urban expertise and will allow US-AEP to demonstrate its
capabilities in the Clean Air arena. This is also a timely subject for
India with a growing number of EIPs and potential partners are receptive
to eco-industrial development as they become a major thrust for
governments to couple economic growth and sustainable development.
Asian and Regional Partners:
- Environmental Management Center (EMC) of Indian Chamber of
- ML Dalmia and Co
- Center for Environment Education
- Center for Resource Education
- Punjab State Council for Science and Technology, US~AEP India
Anticipated Cost Share:
Some of the local cost in terms of venue / lunches
during the workshop, printing of workshop materials, communication etc.
could be borne by the local host organizations
Milestone Dates: 31 December, 2001
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: LBG, OTC
Primary Intermediate Result: IR 1.3 Improved Industrial
Environmental Performance
US-AEP Activities for PAG 4 �
Technology Transfer, Trade and Investment
Country: India, Western Region
Activity Name: EEP for Indian firms
Description of Activity:
US-AEP Western region undertook EEP for Ion Exchange
(I) Ltd. last year, which proved to be very effective and the firm
finalized tie-ups with 6 US firms.
This year US-AEP Western region would like to
undertake EEPs for 5 Indian firms. Provide them partial funding for 2
officials from each of these firms to travel to US. The purpose of the
travel will be to visit reference installations, have one-on-one
meetings with US firms, finalize business deals, and to undertake
training on US products / technology. This activity is subject to
availability of opportunistic money.
Expected Results:
Technology transfer
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
II Promote US environmental exports and opening of
markets in India
Asian and Regional Partners: Indian firms (To be
Anticipated Cost Share: TBD
Milestone Dates: FY 2002
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: Suneel Parasnis,
Nutan Zarapkar
Primary Intermediate Result:
Number of US-AEP assisted business transactions,
other than sales, between US and Asian companies
Country: India, Western Region
Activity Name: WEFTEC 2002
Description of Activity:
US-AEP Western region will lead the Indian delegation
for WEFTEC 2002 to be held in the US.
Expected Results:
Technology transfer
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
II Promote US environmental exports and opening of
markets in India
Asian and Regional Partners: Indian firms
Anticipated Cost Share: Delegates will pay for
Milestone Dates: TBD
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: Suneel Parasnis,
Nutan Zarapkar, Melina Gomes
Primary Intermediate Result:
Number of US-AEP assisted business transactions,
other than sales, between US and Asian companies
Country: India
Activity Name: (1) Participation of Indian
engineers in WEFTEC conference to expose them to Wastewater treatment,
recycling and wastewater disposal technologies, (2) Organize a workshop
with US experts to introduce US wastewater treatment and recycling
technologies in India.
Description of Activity: (1) Treatment and
recycling of wastewater is a matter of major concern for the Indian
cities as most of the cities do not treat wastewater and dispose of
untreated wastewater into the waterbodies and create a serious problem
of health, sanitation and environmental pollution. It is proposed to
expose the Indian engineers to the technologies demonstrated at the
WEFTEC conference and exhibition in FY 2002 to promote tech transfer
from US to India. Three engineers are proposed to be deputed at the cost
of US AEP to participate in the WEFTEC conference in fourth quarter of
FY 2002.
(2) It is further proposed to organize a workshop on
wastewater treatment and recycling technologies for Indian engineers
inviting one US expert as well as the participants of the WEFTEC
conference from India to address the Indian engineers and expose them to
US technologies for wastewater treatment, etc.
Expected Results: Technology Transfer in the area
of wastewater treatment and wastewater recycling.
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
Technology transfer in the area of wastewater treatment and its
Asian and Regional Partners: State
governments/water supply & sewerage boards, Government of India CPHEEO,
Ministry of Urban Development.
Anticipated Cost Share:
Milestone Dates: fourth quarter of FY 2002.
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: P. U. ASNANI,
UEIR, India
Primary Intermediate Result: US technology for
wastewater treatment and the technology for tertiary treatment of
wastewater for recycling of wastewater for industrial/agricultural use
would get demonstrated to the country by the end of the FY 2002 which
will help in tech transfer in coming years.
Country: India, Western Region
Activity Name: Envirovision 2002
Description of Activity:
Indian Environmental Association (IEA) represents WEF
in India. US-AEP has been co-sponsoring the annual seminar of IEA. The
topic of the annual seminar is "Recent advances in industrial water and
waste-water management". IEA will organize the seminar and US-AEP will
co-sponsor the same by bringing in U.S. experts from the US industry for
the seminar
Expected Results:
Market access for the US firms
Technology transfer
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
II Promote US environmental exports and opening of
markets in India
Asian and Regional Partners: IEA, WEF
Milestone Dates: May 2002
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: Suneel Parasnis,
Nutan Zarapkar
Primary Intermediate Result:
Number of US-AEP assisted business transactions,
other than sales, between US and Asian companies
Country: India, Western Region
Activity Name: Enhancing the use of renewable
energy technology in the western region through governance, training and
technology transfer
Description of Activity:
US-AEP Western region is assisting Georgia University
to develop project for CSG grant next year. The project would focus on
changing the Maharashtra Government policies towards renewable energy,
undertake workshops / training programs for industries to promote use of
renewable energy and assist in technology transfer.
Expected Results:
Increase demand for renewable energy technology in
Breakthrough for the US firms in India against stiff
competition from European firms
Technology transfer
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
II Promote US environmental exports and opening of
markets in India
IV Increase our promotion of energy efficiency and
lowering emissions of greenhouse gases
Asian and Regional Partners: Georgia University,
Milestone Dates: Q2 2002. November 2001(for
concept paper to be submitted to CSG)
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: Suneel Parasnis,
Nutan Zarapkar
Primary Intermediate Result:
Number of US-AEP assisted business transactions,
other than sales, between US and Asian companies
Country: India, Southern Region
Activity Name: Green Building" Mission to the
Description of Activity:
Green Buildings are those typically characterized by
the use of non-toxic / recycled materials, low energy usage, better
usage of natural sunlight / ventilation, renewable energy applications,
improved building controls especially Heating Ventilation & Air
Conditioning (HVAC).
The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), the
largest industry association in India with diversified membership, is
seeking US-AEP�s assistance to organize an Indian "Green Building"
mission to the U.S. The objective of this mission is to provide exposure
to the latest trends & technologies on "Green Building" concepts. The
mission will facilitate architects, consultants, contractors, & building
promoters / owners to promote the U.S. techniques for Green Buildings.
The delegates numbering about 10-12 will visit the U.S. on 8 � 10 days
study tour of organizations / facilities that provide exposure to the
concepts and implementation of "Green Buildings."
Expected Results:
- Promotion of U.S. energy efficiency concepts / technologies /
trade especially with regard to commercial buildings
- Cutting down fossil fuel usage and reduction of Greenhouse Gas
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
The activity fits ideally into US-AEP/India Strategy
of increasing promotion of energy efficiency and lowering emissions of
greenhouse gases.
Asian and Regional Partners:
The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Energy
Management Cell, Chennai
US-AEP Environmental Exchange Program (IIE)
Anticipated Cost Share:
Milestone Dates:
By February 2002 (Q2)
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP:
US-AEP/India Tech Rep, Chennai, IIE/EEP
Primary Intermediate Result:
Increased Technology Transfer, Urban Environmental
Country: India, Southern Region
Activity Name: MICROPOWER Workshop, Chennai
Description of Activity:
Tapping energy from micro-hydel / wind projects is
gaining increased attention in India. Southern States are eager to
pursue the opportunity to generate energy from small water heads and
The estimated potential from such projects is over
10,000 MW. U.S. Companies offers specialized expertise in developing
this sector. The Presidential Clean Energy Trade Delegation that visited
Chennai, December 2000 received many inquiries reflecting the interest
from local entrepreneurs.
US-AEP proposes a workshop on this subject to explain
U.S. technologies / products and how they can help local expectations.
The workshop will be led by representatives of at least FOUR (4) U.S.
Companies representing micro / mini hydel / wind energy equipment
manufacturers and financing partners. Since this will be a purposeful
delegation from the U.S. on a specific mission, it is proposed to make
use of NASDA OPF.
Expected Results:
- Enhancement of US-AEP's urban programs
- Possible U.S. technology transfer
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
US-AEP/India is supporting initiatives to promote
renewable energy that will help cut down fossil fuel usage & Green House
Gases. The proposed activity will contribute towards US-AEP�s
Asian and Regional Partners:
American Wind Energy Association, US-AEP
CII, State Energy Development Agencies like TEDA/
Milestone Dates:
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP
US-AEP/Chennai Tech Rep
Primary Intermediate Result:
Improved Urban and Corporate Environmental Management
Country: India, Northern Region
Activity Name: Clean Technologies Demonstration
for metal finishing industry
Description of Activity:
Environmental regulations pose a large burden on
small metal finishing establishments and have caused many companies to
close rather than comply with complex environmental regulations. In view
of this, USAEP plans to conduct clean technology seminars for these
small establishments in Haryana and Punjab. The activity proposes to
identify a cluster of units who will be willing to provide their
manufacturing facilities for a demonstration project. NASDA will
identify and support the technology provider for a demonstration
Expected Results:
Create opportunity for tech transfer
Increase community participation
Create awareness at the grassroot levels
Increased dissemination of information on best
practices and the benefits of U.S. cleaner technologies in the metal
finishing industry.
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
II Promote a culture of responsible, sustainable
environmental management and behavior
Asian and Regional Partners:
Government of Punjab and Haryana, Small Metal
Finishing Industries in these states
Anticipated Cost Share: Manpower, manufacturing
facility to be provided by local industry identified. Identified US
technology provider will also provide 50 percent cost share.
Milestone Dates: Feb 2002
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: OTC Delhi, NASDA
Primary Intermediate Result:
IR 1.1 Improved corporate environmental management
IR 1.4 Increased transfer of U.S. technologies,
expertise, and practices through trade and investment
Country: India, Northern Region
Activity Name: Science and Technology India 2001
Description of Activity: Science and Technology
India 2001, organized by �Exhibitions India� will provide a unique
platform for the market to explore, understand and review the needs of
the diversified industrial base, mature financial sector and the ongoing
technological revolution. The event is a good export promotion vehicle
for the US knowledge based industry particularly Environment, Water,
Industrial Automation and instrumentation sectors to market into India,
in view of the large demand for US products and services in the Indian
A concurrent technical conference will discuss the
latest technology transfer and process control issues, processes and
future oriented conservation, and control measures to prevent
environmental degradation, and will emphasize sustainable development.
1) Work with the Exhibitions India to develop a
strategy to attract US firms to participate in this event.
2) Prepare a concept paper for NASDA for supporting
U.S partcipation
3) Work with NASDA to identify U.S. technology
4) Arrange for speakers from US-AEP
1) US-AEP will be provided a complimentary stall
by Exhibitions India.
2) The delegates visiting the US-AEP stall will be
briefed about US-AEP activities
3) Follow up will be performed with delegates that
are interested in representing U.S. environmental firms in India
4) Trade leads will be generated from the trade show
Expected Results:
Increased transfer of U.S. environmental technology,
expertise and practices to Asia through trade and investment
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
II Promote U.S. environmental exports and opening of
markets in India
Asian and Regional Partners:
Exhibitions India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
Anticipated Cost Share: US companies will provide
at least 50 percent cost share
Milestone Dates: Q3 April 2002
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: OTC Delhi and
Primary Intermediate Result:
1.4.b US-AEP assisted business transactions,
other than direct sales, between U.S. and Asian companies
Country: India
Activity Name: International Exhibition and
Seminar on Energy and Environment in Cement, Construction and Allied
Sectors and Workshop on use of Petcoke.
Description of Activity: National Council for
Cement and Building Materials (NCB) Cement Manufacturers Association
(CMA) have come forward jointly organize an International Exhibition on
Energy and Environment in Cement, Construction and Allied Sector from
January 28-31 2002 in New Delhi. A one-day workshop on the use of
Petcoke and two-day Seminar will also be organized simultaneously,
during this period.
USAEP would mobilize self-sponsored technology
suppliers and also support two to three US technology experts to speak
at the conference.
This show will provide a unique and a much desired
platform for showcasing and reviewing the technologies on the cement,
construction, and allied building materials. The seminar would be an
ideal opportunity for the manufacturers and suppliers of cement plant
machinery, equipment and instrument and consultants and other allied
agencies, to exhibit and deliberate in an integrated and inter-related
manner on the latest trends in the cement and building material
Expected Results:
Increased transfer of U.S. environmental technology,
expertise and practices to Asia through trade and investment
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
II Promote U.S. environmental exports and opening of
markets in India
Asian and Regional Partners:
National Council for Cement and Building Material
Anticipated Cost Share: US companies will provide
at least 50 percent cost share
Milestone Dates: January 28-31, 2002
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: OTC Delhi and
Primary Intermediate Result:
1.4.b US-AEP assisted business transactions,
other than direct sales, between U.S. and Asian companies
Country: India
Activity Name: International Seminar on Hospital
Waste Management
Description of Activity:
Indian Society of Hospital Waste Management, a
registered body, is organizing the first International Seminar on
Hospital Waste Management at Jaipur on 11th and 12th
April, 2002. They have asked USAEP to co-partner in this seminar. USAEP
would arrange 2-3 US speakers to speak on the subject.
Treatment Technology Companies can also participate
and contact you or us in this regard. They will be given space for their
equipment and time for their presentations.
Expected Results:
Increased transfer of U.S. environmental technology,
expertise and practices to Asia through trade and investment
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
II Promote U.S. environmental exports and opening of
markets in India
Asian and Regional Partners:
Indian Society of Hospital Waste Management
Anticipated Cost Share: Indian Society of
Hospital Waste Management will take care of all the logistics for the
Milestone Dates: April, 2002
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: OTC Delhi
Primary Intermediate Result: 1.4.b US-AEP
assisted business transactions, other than direct sales, between U.S.
and Asian companies
Country: INDIA
Activity Name: Waste-to-Energy Activities
Description of Activity:
Activity 1: Waste-to-Energy technology
identification business exchange.
The Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources (MNES)
is the nodal ministry in India that is responsible for developing the
non-conventional and renewable energy sectors in India. Given the
increasing deficit in power supply vis-�-vis demand, renewable energy
will increasingly play a major role in meeting India�s energy needs.
The ministry is also the controller of federal and
state level nodal agencies working in the areas of
renewable/non-conventional energy project development. The ministry is
responsible India�s renewable energy policy. The Ministry is currently
developing a national master plan for managing municipal waste and
waste-to-energy is indeed an option. As is well known, energy demand
outstrips supply by almost 40 percent . The Ministry is also managing
the UNDP-Global Environment Facility (GEF) project on high rate bio-methanation
as a means of mitigating GHG emissions.
A group of 5 to 8 director-level officials from MNES,
IREDA and state level nodal energy development agencies will travel to
the United States to identify U.S. expertise and technologies for
various waste-to-energy technologies projects sponsored the MNES. The
exchange will include meetings with U.S. waste-to-energy
technology/service providers and site visits to locations where such
technologies are in commercial operation.
Activity 2: Waste � to � Energy Workshop, Chennai
Arising from energy shortages and the need to dispose
Solid Waste effectively, waste-to-energy technologies are keenly sought
by entrepreneurs in South India. Andhra Pradesh Government had been
encouraging numerous biomass to energy projects. Incentives are provided
by Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources (MNES) to such projects.
US-AEP proposes to hold a workshop on waste-to-energy
that will highlight some of the proven U.S. technologies in this field.
The technologies may include tapping leachate gas from municipal
landfills for conversion to electricity, gasification systems,
cogeneration and refuse-derived fuel.
The workshop will have participation of 3 / 4 U.S.
experts. It will address consultants, municipal authorities,
entrepreneurs, Government officials, financing agencies and other energy
interested agencies.
Expected Results:
Activity 1:
- Better awareness of U.S. waste-to-energy technologies
- Better management of urban municipal waste and high organic
industrial waste with the added benefit of decrease in GHG emissions.
- Dollar value of US-AEP assisted sales
Activity 2:
- Enhancement of US-AEP's urban programs
2. Improvement of policy & environmental management
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
Activity 1:
The activity fits well with the following strategies:
I Focus on environmental priorities of Indian
II Promote U.S. environmental exports in India
IV Lowering of GHG emissions
Activity 2:
The proposed activity is in harmony with US-AEP
country strategy that supports waste-to-energy programs.
Asian and Regional Partners: -
Activity 1:
MNES, Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA),
state level nodal agencies (new)
Activity 2:
Energy & Fuel Users Association, Tamil Nadu Energy
Development Agency (TEDA)
Anticipated Cost Share:
Activity 1:
MNES will bear at least the international airfare for
all participants, through the UNDP-GEF project (leverage of funds from
non-USAID sources)
Activity 2:
Milestone Dates:
Activity 1:
Activity start date is 2nd week of
Activity 2:
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP:
Activity 1:
OTC Delhi, IIE
Activity 2:
US-AEP/Chennai Tech Rep
Primary Intermediate Result:
Activity 1:
IR 1.2 Improved Urban Environmental Management
IR 1.4 Increased transfer of U.S. technologies,
expertise and practices through trade and investment.
Activity 2:
Improved Urban and Corporate Environmental Management
Country: India
Activity Name: Indo US Conference on Natural Gas
Description of Activity: US Department of Energy
(USDOE) is finalizing the plans for an Indo-US Conference on Natural Gas
as a follow-up to an event they had in April 1997. The conference to be
held in close association with the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural
Gas, Govt. of India and Gas Authority India Limited will fulfill one of
the international recommendations in the President�s National Energy
Policy (NEP) report. It will focus on building gas markets, developing a
viable regulatory framework, and non-conventional gas. Depending upon
industry interest, DOE will follow up with one-on-one meetings between
US firms and Government of India officials. As a follow up to the
conference, there will be two set of technical assistance activities
involving the National Association of Regulatory Commissioners (NARUC)
and the University of Houston�s "New Era" program, which DOE will
implement if found appropriate. US-AEP/India has been approached by
USDOE to support the participation of a private sector expert on coal
gasification or related area, which has been agreed to by us
Expected Results:
Increased transfer of U.S. environmental technology,
expertise and practices to Asia through trade and investment
Relationship to US-AEP Country Strategy:
II Promote U.S. environmental exports and opening of
markets in India
Asian and Regional Partners:
USDOE, USAID, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas,
Government of India
Anticipated Cost Share: Local organizers and DOE
will take care of conference logistics
Milestone Dates: February/March 2002
Lead Responsibility for US-AEP: OTC Delhi and IIE
Primary Intermediate Result:
1.4.b US-AEP assisted business transactions, other than
direct sales, between U.S. and Asian companies