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 2001 | 2002 Work Plans

As part of its annual planning process, US-AEP develops country specific work plans for each of the 11 countries in which it works. The purpose of these work plans includes articulating a strategic vision for the program in each the different countries, and outlining achievable results and specific activities to be undertaken. Each of the following work plans is approved by the US-AEP Secretariat and represents a comprehensive overview of all US-AEP activities in that country during FY2002. In addition, when unanticipated opportunities arise during the year, the US-AEP leadership may consider minor adjustments to the work plans.

Each work plan includes a Vision Statement, which broadly outlines the country-specific objectives of the program, and a brief description of accomplishments made during FY2001. These sections of the work plans quickly give the reader a general sense of the US-AEP program in each country.

When reading the country work plans, please note that the listed activities are separated into four categories, which we refer to as �Program Management Groups� (or PMGs). This term is for reference within US-AEP, but the categories will be helpful to broader audiences as well:
  1. Improved Public Policy and Regulation
  2. Improved Urban Environmental Management
  3. Improved Corporate Environmental Management
  4. Increased Technology Transfer



United States-Asia Environmental Partnership, 1819 H Street NW, 7th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20006
Tel: 202-835-0333 Fax: 202-835-0366 E-mail: