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Last Modified 11/03/2004 04:51

US-AEP Countries - Thailand

Environmental Challenges Related to Cleaner Cities and Industrial Growth

Thailand faces serious challenges in reducing pollution and protection of natural resources. Recent studies show that industrial and urban pollution is increasing, directly impacting the physical and economic health of Thai citizens, especially in poorer communities.

In addition, Thailand is faced with challenges in infrastructure development. Over seventy percent of all hazardous waste is untreated; over fifty wastewater treatment facilities do not operate; and the country’s first sanitary landfill has only just begun to operate. Moreover, conflicts between project developers and communities over proposed industrial and infrastructure projects have become increasingly serious and are now a national issue.


  • Employ country-driven programming to ensure all activities are based on an in-country desire for change driven by a local partner
  • Link counterpart organizations to build project-specific and broad-based partnerships to deliver valuable, cost-effective technical support
  • Capitalize on drivers of change to match resources with opportunities on the ground
  • Engage senior decision-makers who are taking a leadership role in reforms and are well positioned to affect change
  • Develop long-lasting strategic engagements in which all partners share a common, well-defined objective
  • Apply targeted resources to make a measurable difference in the context of larger initiatives
  • Define results and impacts before committing resources so that all activities have clear targets for specific results

Projects underway in the Policy area include:

  • Promoting Improved Environmental Enforcement and Compliance
  • Strengthening Public Involvement in Environmental Decision-Making
  • Improving Management of Tha Chin River Basin through Community Involvement
  • Supporting Reorganization of Environmental Institutions

Projects underway in the Urban area include:

  • Urban Environmental Improvement Projects in Secondary Cities
  • Reducing Pollution from Bangkok Bus Fleets
  • Improving Municipal Environmental Management

Projects underway in the Industry area include:

  • Greening the Supply Chain
  • Industrial Energy Efficiency
  • Sustainability Curriculum for Thai Business Schools

Country Workplan

List of Projects for FY 2004

1. Promoting Improved Environmental Dispute Prevention and Resolution — To support the development of policies, practices and institutions and capacity building programs necessary for the successful prevention and resolution of environmental disputes.

2. Strengthening Court Policies, Practices and Institutions — To formulate improved court policies, practices and institutions for the environment, including the establishment of an environmental bench and/or court, and training of key judges and experts.

3. Supporting Enactment and Implementation of the Public Consultation Act — To support enactment of the Public Consultation Act by facilitating further consultation with civil society to refine draft provisions and to continue implementation support.

4. Strengthening Compliance and Enforcement Policies and Practices — To support MoNRE in improving compliance and enforcement through policies and practices that strengthen MoNRE efforts to decentralize core functions to regional offices

5. Promoting Community-Based Environmental Management in the Thachin River Basin — To promote community-based environmental management for the Thachin River and assist in the planning and development of specific projects for pollution prevention and watershed protection.

6. Developing Integrated Emission Strategies for Existing Land Transport” (DIESEL) Program for Bangkok — To reduce particulate emissions from in-use diesel vehicles in Bangkok by working with national and municipal level agencies to adopt improved policy and technology solutions.

7. Improving Municipal Environmental Management — To improve the environmental management in selected Thai cities by sharing best practices in city redevelopment and financial management

8. Reducing Fossil Fuels Consumption by Promoting Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency — To assist Thailand in reducing its consumption of fossil fuels by promoting energy efficiency measures and introducing net metering from small producers of renewable energy.

Recent Accomplishments

Country Resources

Final Report of Solid Waste Benchmarking Study of 13 Thai Municipalities, 2004

English Version | Thai Version

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