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Last Modified 11/03/2004 04:51

US-AEP Countries - The Philippines

Environmental Challenges Related to Cleaner Cities and Industrial Growth

Five years after the start of the Asian financial crisis, the Philippines’ economy continues to revive while overall the country still suffers environmentally. The rapid pace of population growth, urbanization, and industrialization is intensifying environmental problems in every sector.

Wastes are not adequately treated and are either illegally discarded in channels or disposed in open dumps. Air pollution from mobile vehicle and industrial sources continues to be a major public health concern and is exacerbated by increasing traffic, improperly managed inspection and certification programs and lack of pollution controls. In the water sector, almost one-half of the Philippines' 400 rivers are characterized as biologically dead due to contamination from industrial and residential run-off and inadequate sewerage and drainage infrastructure. Additionally, the lack of a central hazardous waste treatment facility is a major obstacle in properly disposing of toxic and hazardous waste.


US-AEP’s objectives in the Philippines are to:

  • Promote implementation of environmental regulations through access to U.S. and Asia best practices and technology solutions
  • Promote environmental enforcement and compliance mechanisms through national dialogue
  • Promote greening the supply chain and cleaner industrial production
  • Support local implementation of community-based and integrated environmental action planning to improve water resources
  • Strengthen local government associations

Country Workplan

List of Projects for FY 2004

1a. Clean Water Policies — Improve DENR and local government capacity to implement Clean Water Act

1b. DENR Enforcement Capabilities — Improve environmental governance and enforcement

1c. Environmental Enforcement through Courts — Strengthen Court capacity to enforce environmental regulations

2a. Air Pollution Awareness — Increase awareness of health effects of air pollution and encourage action

2b. Tricycle Air Pollution Reduction — Reduce tricycle emissions in three (3) local governments

3a. Community-based Environmental Management (CBEM) — Increase number of communities adopting CBEM practices

3b. Local Initiatives for Affordable Wastewater Treatment (LINAW) — Assist LGUs to establish effective, low-cost wastewater treatment facilities

3c. Fundraising strategies for organizational sustainability — Strengthen community-based management to restore Mactan Channel

4a. LGU Capability in Solid Waste Management (SWM) — Build capacity of LGUs to develop and implement SWM solutions

4b. Manage Hazardous Waste — Increase capacity to manage hazardous wastes

4c. Assess POPs Inventory — Reduce public health threat through proper management of POPs

4d. Chemical Emergency Response — Build capacity to prevent and manage chemical emergencies

5a. Watergy Efficiency — Develop sustainable measures to conserve water and energy

5b. Philippines Environment Partnership Program (PEPP) — Promote industry compliance with environmental laws to curb pollution

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