July 2002 |
Start Date |
End Date |
Activity Name |
City, Country |
US Partner |
Asian Partner |
More Information |
Cancelled |
Southern States Energy Board Workshop on
Capacity Building for Eco-Industrial Estate Development |
Bangkok, Thailand |
Southern States Energy Board (SSDB) |
7/5/2002 |
Study Tour: Bond Financing |
Local Government Unit Guarantee Corporation, League of Cities |
7/7/2002 |
Insurance Industry Initiative |
New York City, Sacramento, San Francisco,
Los Angeles, CA USA |
7/9/2002 |
Clean Energy Expo |
Wasington, DC, USA |
Sustainable Energy Coalition, House and
Senate Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Caucuses |
Susanna Drayne, Sustainable Energy Coalition
(202) 293-2898 |
7/8/2002 |
7/12/2002 |
Bangkok Air Quality/Green Fleets: Green
Procurement Training for BMA |
Bangkok, Thailand |
US-AEP, US-EPA, City/County of Denver and
San Francisco |
7/10/2002 |
Policy Forum - "Watergy: Taking Advantage of
Untapped Energy and Water Efficiency Opportunities in Municipal Water
Systems" |
Washington DC, USA |
Johnson |
7/10/2002 |
7/12/2002 |
Partnering for Clean Water in Asia: A
Project Development Conference |
Bangkok, Thailand |
Organized by TDA/MFM Group and Louis Berger Group,
Co-Sponsored by USTDA, Hosted by the Government of Thailand and the
United States |
7/13/2002 |
7/20/2002 |
Developing Implementing Regulations for the
Vietnam National Environment Fund -- Study Tour Component |
Warsaw, Poland |
Regulatory Dialogue |
NEA, Ministry of Planning Investment,
Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Justice |
7/15/2002 |
Introduction of Green Fleets program for
Chiang Mai municipality |
US-AEP, KIAsia, City/County of San Francisco |
7/15/2002 |
7/19/2002 |
Complete strategic plan for Asia-Pacific
Center for Brownfields Restoration |
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
US-AEP, Council of State Governments (CSG),
Idaho Department of Commerce |
7/16/2002 |
Seminar on Livable City Program |
7/16/2002 |
7/19/2002 |
The Global Reporting Initiative in Asia - A
Regional Conference on Current and Future Status |
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
The Global Reporting Initiative in Asia,
Environmental Protection Society of Malaysia, Association of Chartered
Certified Accountants |
Web Site |
7/17/2002 |
7/19/2002 |
California/Vietnam Project |
7/17/2002 |
7/19/2002 |
Medical Waste Seminar at Prince of Songkhla
University |
7/21/2002 |
7/23/2002 |
Achieving Environmental Results for Chiang
Mai Air Quality Workshop |
Chiang Mai, Thailand |
US-AEP, Council of State Governments (CSG),
Maryland Department of Environment (MDE) |
7/22/2002 |
7/23/2002 |
Public Seminar and Release of the Chiang Mai
Air Quality Management Plan |
Bangkok, Thailand |
US-AEP, Maryland Department of the
Environment (MDE) |
Thai Pollution Control Department, Chiang Mai
Municipality, Chiang Mai Air Quality Partnership |
7/24/2002 |
Thailand Exchange: Atmospheric sampling |
Bangkok, Thailand |
7/24/2002 |
National Air Quality Workshop |
US-AEP, Council of State Governments (CSG),
Maryland Department of Environment (MDE) |
7/25/2002 |
8/2/2002 |
Hazardous Waste Training |
Dong Nai, Vietnam |
Sonadezi |
7/29/2002 |
7/30/2002 |
Tha Chin River Basin Management Workshop |
Bangkok, Thailand |
US-AEP, Council of State Governments (CSG),
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Maryland Department of
Environment (MDE) |
7/29/2002 |
Water Asset Management Seminar on
Public-Private Partnerships |
Tampa, Florida USA |
US-EPA, National Council for Public-Private
Partnerships, Southwest Florida Water Management District |
7/29/2002 |
8/2/2002 |
Visit of Timothy Grewe, City of Portland and
Jon Bormet, ICMA for Portland Resource City extension program of
potential municipalities in Thailand |
KIAsia |