UPDATE: November 14, 2000

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Haiphong and Seattle Explore Business Practices

As part of the effort to foster trade-enhancing knowledge, understanding, and cooperation between the U.S. and Vietnam, the Seattle/Haiphong Resource Cities program � supported by US-AEP � held a workshop entitled �United States Business and Investment Practices� in Haiphong on October 27th. Mr. Russell Cheetham, President of Asia-Pacific Investment Services Corporation, presented Vietnamese decision-makers with information on business practices and decision factors that western investors will use when they consider possible investments in Vietnam. He particularly stressed the potential of Haiphong, and commented on the importance of having an integrated program when seeking foreign direct investment.

In a letter to workshop participants, U.S. Ambassador Pete Peterson expressed his support for the Seattle/Haiphong partnership, and his confidence in its ability to increase understanding and cooperation between Vietnam and the United States. The Commercial Service of the U.S. Embassy in Hanoi is following up this workshop with two others, on the �Bilateral Trade Agreement� and on �Doing Business with the United States,� in an effort to establish better long-term relations between the two countries

Conference on Technology and Poverty in India

US-AEP�s Executive Director Peter Kimm spoke at the November 6 conference on �The Role of New Technologies in Poverty Alleviation and Sustainable Development� in Washington, DC. Organized by the Tata Energy Research Institute, of New Delhi, and co-sponsored by US-AEP, the conference represented the first in an annual series on the power of technology to transform the economy and environment in India.

The keynote speaker, Dr Sam Pitroda of WorldTel Ltd., challenged the audience to "ask questions that have never been asked before," and noted that innovation can only grow in a place that has a strong regulatory framework, fair labor laws, and rigorous protection of intellectual property rights. As such, he cautioned participants not to "leave these issues solely to market forces," which cannot provide solutions on their own for problems of poverty and environment in the developing world. He suggested that in order to succeed, governments must develop a national plan to make the best use of information technology, biotechnology, energy, materials, and management. Dr. Michael Clark of the U.S.-India Business Council, another co-sponsor of the conference, echoed this challenge encouraging India to create a framework in which some of the best scientific and technical minds will want to stay and innovate in India.

Greening of Industry Network Conference

The Greening of Industry Network (GIN) will start a second decade with its 9th International Conference in Bangkok, Thailand, January 21-25, 2001. Co-sponsored by US-AEP, the conference is entitled �Industry at the Millenium: Sustainablity, Competitiveness, and the Public Trust.� Plenary sessions will focus on the transportation sector, the Global Reporting Initiative, the status of GIN at the millenium, and a debate about the role of the environment for industrial policy.

Thailand�s Deputy Prime Minister � and next director of the World Trade Organization � Supachai Panitchapakdi, Holland�s Environmental Minister Jan Pronk, Director of Yale University�s School of Forestry Gus Speth, and US-AEP�s Executive Director Peter Kimm are among numerous public and private officials invited to attend the conference. For more information on the conference workshops, policy fair, and break-out sessions, see the GIN website at www.greeningofindustry.org. For conference registration information and forms, go to www.eric.chula.ac.th/GIN-Asia/.

NASDA Grants Awarded

The National Association of State Development Agencies (NASDA) has announced new Environmental Tech Fund grants. Out of 19 applications, 8 grants were awarded to industry associations, and state and regional agencies, facilitating business contacts and trade in 7 Asian countries.

The Arizona Department of Commerce and Purification Products Inc. are marketing water purification technology for low-income housing projects in the Philippines. The California Trade and Commerce Agency and San-I-Pak Inc. are embarking on a project to market alternative medical waste disposal technology to India, as that country phases out medical waste incinerators. Meckling MHD Systems, supported by the Louisiana Department of Economic Development, will market its energy and resource efficient wastewater treatment system in Thailand. The Washington Department of Community, Trade, and Development is sponsoring Environmental Chemical Systems efforts to introduce its environmentally friendly, non-toxic, chemical spill clean-up products to buyers in Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Thailand.

Tech fund grants also support the North Carolina Department of Commerce sponsorship of EnviroCleanse Systems� marketing of its laundry water and wastewater treatment technology in Thailand. Solar Detoxification Corp will market its hazardous waste destroying solar reactors in India, with sponsorship of the International Trade Council of New Mexico. The U.S. Hydropower Council for International Development is receiving a grant enabling them to share policy and sponsor a trade mission event in India, to acquaint Indian decision-makers with current U.S. hydropower technology. Finally, the Water and Wastewater Equipment Manufacturers Association and Aqua-Aerobic Systems are receiving a grant to support their efforts to market advanced wastewater treatment systems to sewage treatment plants and industries in Malaysia, the Philippines, and Vietnam.

Policy Forum Update

The next Washington Policy Forum meeting will be November 21st. Mr. Michael Walsh, an independent consultant, will discuss �Motor Vehicle Pollution Control in Asia.� Mr. Walsh has active projects in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Moscow, and Chile, focusing on the relationship between the environment and policies towards conventional and alternative fuels, and conventional and advanced vehicle technologies. The meeting will be in the US- AEP Office at 1720 Eye Street, NW, Suite 700, from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. For more information, contact Brenda Bateman at (202) 835-0333, ext. 104 or bbateman@usaep.org

Arrivals and Departures

e would like to welcome several new employees to the US-AEP family. Mr. Looi Chee-Choong is the new Deputy Director of US-AEP Malaysia. He has a B.Sc. in Biotechnology from Universiti Putra Malaysia, and is completing a M. Tech degree at the Universiti Malaya. He comes to US-AEP from the Global Environment Centre, a Malaysian NGO, and has extensive experience with conservation and natural resource, wetlands preservation, climate change issues. Jeffrey Reed is the new Communications Associate in the TSSC office in Washington DC. He has an ALB. from Harvard University, and an M.A. and Ph.D. in history from Emory University. He has been teaching part time for a number of years, most recently at American University in Washington DC.

Kevin DeBell of the Water Environment Federation, and Faith Ward are the proud parents of Lily Kathleen Bell, born October 23. She weighed in at 6lbs, 4ozs. Mother, father, and daughter are healthy and happy! And Joy Abelardo-Jochico of ACEC gave birth to an 8.5 lb. Beautiful baby boy on October 27. Mother and baby are both doing fine!

Finally, we must also say goodbye to three associates and friends. Joseph Dudley, the AAASS fellow on the US-AEP Secretariat for the past year is leaving US-AEP for another position in USAID. Barak Bosher, the IT Systems Administrator for two years, has left to become Senior Network Technician with IBM. And Na-Young Sun, Administrative Assistant in the US-AEP office in Korea for the past six years, has left to pursue her career in marketing. We wish them all well in their new endeavors

News to share?

Contact editor Kim Phan via e-mail kphan@usaep.org  or Jeff Reed jreed@usaep.org  or fax (202-835-0366). Thanks for contributions go Julie Pike and Erin (NASDA), and to Kim Phan and Brenda Bateman (IRG).


United States-Asia Environmental Partnership, 1819 H Street NW, 7th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20006
Tel: 202-835-0333 Fax: 202-835-0366 E-mail: