brings Asian buyers to A&WMA
US-AEP sponsored over 130 Asian buyers and decision-makers to attend the
93rd Air and Waste Management Association Conference in Salt Lake
City, from June 17-21. Asian delegates from Hong Kong, India, Indonesia,
Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, and
Vietnam were represented.
The Environmental Exchange Program and the Overseas Program Fund made it
possible for the delegation to attend the conference. US-AEP Technology
Representatives gave environmental market presentations about their
respective countries. The Overseas Program Fund arranged for technical
tours, as well as one-on-one meetings between U.S. companies and Asian
buyers. Over 300 meetings took place.
Dennis Smith, President of MD Mustang Lasertech, whose company had
received an Environmental Technology Fund grant and traveled to Asia as a
result of it, also took advantage of meetings the with the US-AEP Tech Reps
as well as the Asian Delegates. Mr. Smith offered this commentary, "US-AEP
offered a variety of programs that are truly helpful to U.S. companies. The
US-AEP team and members of the Asian delegates really showed us which
markets could use our technology. As a result of these meetings, we will be
planning the next round of our Asia trip to include Vietnam, Thailand and
Hong Kong to meet these delegates in their homeland. We will continue to use
US-AEP as a resource."
[The Overseas Program Fund and the Environmental Technology Fund grant is
administered by the National Association for State Development Agency. The
Environmental Exchange Program is administered by the Institute for
International Education.]
USAID hosts Capitol Hill
On June 22, USAID in cooperation with the Congressional Economic
Leadership Institute (CELI), the Environmental Export Council (EEC),
International Climate Change Partnership (ICCP), and Planning and
Development Collaborative, Inc. (PADCO), sponsored a Capitol Hill luncheon
to discuss "Climate Change, Innovation and Trade: Global Opportunities for
U.S. Business."
USAID Administrator, J. Brady Anderson, delivered the Keynote address. He
spoke on the immense opportunities available to U.S firms in the climate
change technology market. He emphasized that, "reducing greenhouse gas
emissions is good business." Mr. Anderson cited that the market for this
technologies is expected to grow from $30 billion in 2000 to over $50
billion by 2010. However, Mr. Anderson added, the U.S. currently holds only
an 18% share of that market and stressed "we can do better."
The luncheon also included two panel discussions. The first, moderated by
The Honorable Sherrod Brown (D-OH), discussed the ways in which industry was
reducing greenhouse gas emissions and staying competitive. The second,
moderated by Roger Ballentine, Deputy Assistant to the President on
Environmental Initiatives, covered the ways to capitalize on overseas demand
for climate technologies and services.
US-AEP Executive Director Peter Kimm, member of the second panel, noted
the outstanding work that US-AEP has been doing toward this end, noting that
"the whole organization is geared toward promoting U.S. energy efficiency
and climate change technologies that compete well."
EEP hosts
Philippine Mayors
US-AEP�s Environmental Exchange Program (EEP) hosted a group of Mayors
from the Philippines from May 15-28. From May 17-19, the Mayors attended the
2nd World Competitive Cities Congress held at the World Bank
headquarters in DC. During and after the World Bank conference, the EEP took
the Mayors on a two-week study tour, which included site visits to
government and private facilities in Washington, DC, Columbus, Ohio,
Portland, Oregon, and San Diego, California.
The study tour was designed to provide the Filipino Mayors with the
knowledge, contacts, and tools they will need to improve the management of
their urban environment. This study tour also allowed U.S. businesses to
familiarize themselves with market opportunities existing in the Philippines
in the fields of waste management, water sanitation, and urban development.
This event provided a great chance for private U.S. firms to market their
products and services overseas.
Tech Rep in
India gets recognition
On June 5th, World Environment Day, the Government of Tamil
Nadu and the Tamil Nadu State Minister for Environment and Forests Mr.
Pongalur Palanisam presented US-AEP India/Chennai Technology Representative,
Sundaresan Subramanian with a special award. The award is in recognition of
his distinguished services in environmental management.
Policy Forum:
On July 13, Deputy Secretary David J. Hayes from the United States
Department of Interior delivered a presentation entitled, "Natural Resources
and Livable Communities: A View of Sustainability from the Interior". Deputy
Secretary Hayes described the efforts that the Department of Interior is
taking to lead the Administration's "Livable Communities" initiative. In
particular, he mentioned legislation designed to curb urban sprawl--an issue
of interest to both U.S. and Asian policymakers. He referred to the 1965
Land and Water Conservation Fund as a potential model for Asian policies.
Deputy Secretary Hayes noted that the Department of Interior recognizes the
value the public places on access to green space in the U.S., as well as
The Policy Group�s next Policy Forum will be held on Tuesday, July 25.
Ms. Tauni Sanchez, Managing Director of the Dow Jones Sustainability Group
Index (DJSGI), in Zurich, Switzerland, will discuss the current status of
the DJSGI and its future possibilities. The new Dow Jones Sustainability
Group Indexes are based on the world�s first systematic methodology for
identifying leading sustainability-driven companies worldwide.
The Policy Forums are held at 1720 Eye St., NW, Suite 700, Washington,
DC, from 12:30 � 1:30pm. For more information, you can contact Brenda
Devon Rager is the new Program Associate for CTEM and Urban Programs.
Devon holds a Masters in Community Planning from the University of Maryland,
and a Bachelors in Urban Studies and Planning from the University of
California at San Diego.
Please also welcome Erin Webster to the US-AEP family. Erin is the new
Trade Specialist for NASDA and will be working on both the Environmental
Tech Fund and Overseas Program Fund. Erin holds a Masters in International
Trade and Investment Policy from George Washington University. Prior to
joining US-AEP, she worked as a Personal Service Contractor for the US &
Foreign Commercial Service office in Spain.
In this edition, US-AEP will have to say farewell to Mike Kornell and
Sandra Williams.
Mike Kornell served as the Urban Program Manager. Mike always had an
intriguing story to tell from his extensive repertoire. He is venturing into
investment banking.
Sandra Williams, Office Manager for CTEM in Washington, D.C., has moved
on to a position with CAIS Internet. Sandra always had a warm smile and a
great laugh to match it.
We wish them both much success in their new endeavors. Their persona and
energy will be greatly missed. |