UPDATE: December 20, 1999

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New on the US-AEP website: FY2000 Work Plans.

Work plans for US-AEP�s 10 priority countries have been added to the website. Each of these work plans contains a strategic vision for the program, descriptions of FY1999 accomplishments, and an outline of specific activities to be undertaken during FY2000. These activities are separated into four programmatic categories: 1) Improved Public Policy and Regulation, 2) Improved Urban Environmental Management, 3) Improved Corporate Environmental Management, and 4) Increased Technology Transfer. The work plans can be found at (no longer available)

US-AEP presents new publication at GIN conference.

US-AEP cosponsored the Eighth International Conference of the Greening of Industry Network (GIN), November 14-17 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at which US-AEP�s new policy publication was introduced. The conference included discussion on topics such as emerging economies, environmental metrics, industry sectors, and sustainable communities. US-AEP Executive Director Peter Kimm was the featured luncheon speaker at the event. More than 400 delegates from industry, government, nongovernmental organizations, and academia attended the conference, including a delegation from Thailand and the Philippines through US-AEP�s Environmental Exchange Program (EEP).

At the conference, Brenda Bateman of US-AEP�s Policy Group presented the new publication, "Sector-Based Public Policy in the Asia-Pacific Region," created through the partnership of US-AEP and GIN-Asia. The publication examines how public policymakers should use traditional and nontraditional means to improve the environmental performance of their local industries, using the electronics industry as a specific model. Copies were provided to all the participants and can be obtained by contacting Ms. Bateman at bbateman@usaep.org or by downloading the MS Word file on the US-AEP website at https://www.usaep.org/download/docuemnts/sectorbasedreport.doc. [EEP is administered by the Institute of International Education.]

US-AEP/Philippines office receives recognition.

The staff of US-AEP�s Office of Technology Cooperation in the Philippines�Dr. Alma Madrazo, Mr. Michael Palma, and Ms. Regina De Guzman�recently received Honor Awards for their outstanding service from the U.S. Embassy in Manila. Michael Malinowski, chairman of the Joint Country Awards Committee complimented the team on their success in "the forging of excellent working relationships among U.S. companies and key players in the Philippine environmental sectors." Also receiving an Honor Award from the U.S. Embassy was Ms. Rose Bendana, administrative assistant for the US-AEP Asian Development Bank (ADB) Representative, for her valuable role in communicating ADB project opportunities to US-AEP representatives and U.S. companies.

Train-the-trainer program in Bangkok takes off with US-AEP assistance.

Due to the training in 1998 and 1999 by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)�sponsored by US-AEP�the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) is now administering environmental enforcement training through its own training center. EPA provided "train-the-trainer" sessions in June 1998 and April 1999 to 60 BMA officials. These officials, using course material that was adapted and translated for Bangkok�s use, provided environmental enforcement training to 600 traffic officers in 1999. Plans are underway for presenting training to an additional 6,000 officers in 2000, who will be on the frontline of Governor Bhichit Rattakul� s "Black Smoke" campaign to reduce pollution from vehicle emissions in Bangkok.

Seminar in the Philippines focuses on air pollution control.

The U.S. Trade Development Agency, in cooperation with US-AEP, held the "Industrial Air Emissions Project-Technology Transfer Seminar" in Manila, November 18. The seminar addressed the extent of the air pollution problem in Metro Manila and neighboring areas, and offered possible technical solutions, such as flue gas desulfurization and electrostatic precipitators. In addition, presentations were made on the Philippines� Clean Air Act and its regulatory framework, the Asian Development Bank�s $300 million Metro Manila Air Quality Improvement Project, and financial packages offered by the Land Bank of the Philippines. The seminar was well attended by representatives from the industry sector, government, financial institutions, and environmental engineering companies.

News from Singapore.

Environmex/Watermex Asia 99 was held in Singapore, November 30- December 3, drawing more than 7,300 visitors for the 4-day event. US-AEP shared a booth with the U.S. Department of Commerce in the U.S. Pavilion. At the opening ceremony, it was announced that the Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC) will decide whether local certifying bodies are qualified to issue ISO 14000 certificates to local industries. US-AEP�s Clean Technology and Environmental Management program, together with the Environmental Exchange Program, assisted SAC in achieving international standards.

Also, Technology Representative Chan Yiu Kei made presentations on the US-AEP program at two events in November. At the Economics and the Environment conference sponsored by the Asia Media Information & Communication Centre and the Economy & Environmental Program for Southeast Asia, Mr. Chan gave an impromptu presentation on US-AEP. Journalists attending the conference made inquiries as to how US-AEP could help their countries. On November 25, Mr. Chan gave a presentation at the Energy Conservation & Efficiency conference organized by the Singapore Hotel Association, including a general overview of US-AEP and the U.S. government�s position on energy efficiency and conservation.

Recent technology transfer successes.

Following are a few of the sales, facilitated by US-AEP Technology Representatives, that have been confirmed in November: In Hong Kong: Jordan Valley AR, Inc. of Austin, Texas, sold $77,620 worth of air pollution equipment to the Chinese University of Hong Kong. A university official became familiar with Jordan�s equipment at the 1999 Air &Waste Management Association conference, participating through US-AEP�s Overseas Program Fund. In the Philippines: Associates in Rural Development, Inc. of Burlington, Vermont, won two consulting contracts with the Asian Development Bank worth over $1.3 million. And in India: IAEC Industries Madras Ltd. of Chennai, India, purchased industrial air vacuum cleaners from Minuteman International, Inc. of Addisor, Illinois, worth $7,640, and diffused aeration systems from Stamford Scientific International, Inc. of Poughkeepsie, New York, worth $67,800. [Overseas Program Fund is administered by the National Association of State Development Agencies.]


United States-Asia Environmental Partnership, 1819 H Street NW, 7th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20006
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