New on the
US-AEP website: International Finance Resource Site.
Following up on the April Project Finance workshop
in Manila, Philippines, a new section has been added to US-AEP website on
international project financing. Development Finance International, who
conducted the training in April, has developed the section under the
guidance of US-AEP�s Environmental Exchange Program.
supports new project to survey water enterprise performance in Indonesia.
US-AEP has funded a new project in Indonesia as
part of its continuing assistance in providing clean water to the country�s
poor. The Water Indicators for Satisfaction Evaluation (WISE) project, which
began October 3, will devise a simple methodology for each of the 300 local
water enterprises (PDAMs) to conduct a reliable annual consumer survey. The
results of the survey will be used by the PDAMs to strategically plan better
ways to serve their customers. Three PDAMs have been chosen as test sites
for the project: PDAM Kotamadya Bandung, PDAM Kabupaten Bandar Lampung, and
PDAM Kotamadya Malang. The WISE team will work mainly with the Association
of Water Enterprises in Indonesia (PERPAMSI) and the Ministry of Home
Affairs on this project. The team will also work closely with the Indonesian
Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineers (IATPI), who are
receiving backstopping and technical support from the Water Environment
Federation, a US-AEP partner.
SEI project
sponsors conference on business school curricula in Hong Kong.
A conference to promote environmental management curriculum reform in
Hong Kong business education is scheduled as part of the new US-AEP State
Environmental Initiative (SEI) project between the state of Tennessee and
Hong Kong. The "Conference on Environmental Issues and Business Education in
Hong Kong: Content and Pedagogy" will be held in Hong Kong, November 17-20,
1999. The main purpose of the conference is to highlight the need for
integrating environmental issues into business school curricula and to
discuss ways to accomplish this. In addition, this conference will be used
to assess the potential for creating a network of business programs in the
region in order to promote the initiative more broadly. For more
information, please see the website at
[SEI is administered by the Council of State
Workshop in
India addresses developing climate friendly projects.
The Confederation of Indian Industries, with support from US-AEP/Chennai,
USAID, and Hagler Bailly, held a workshop in Chennai to promote climate
friendly projects development between U.S. and Indian businesses. The
workshop was part of the Indo-U.S. Business Dialogue, a series of events
initiated by Dr. Karl Hausker and Ms. Katie McGinty to promote awareness of
global climate change issues among U.S. and Indian businesses. Dr. Hausker
and Ms. McGinty are senior visiting fellows at the Tata Energy Research
Institute (TERI) in India.
The September 27-28 workshop in Chennai drew representatives from more
than 25 major industries. Dr. Hausker made the opening introduction to the
workshop, which included presentations by four companies on specific
proposals for climate friendly projects.
The Indo-U.S. Business Dialogue has sponsored previous events in India
and the U.S. to forward their goals: sharing views and experiences on
mitigating global climate change, demonstrating the economic and
environmental opportunities available through energy efficiency, and forging
partnerships among U.S. and Indian business leaders interested in climate
friendly initiatives.
Taiwan EPA
official uses fellowship to study U.S. hazardous waste management.
Dr. Y.R. Chen, secretary-general of the Taiwan Environmental Protection
Administration, participated in a two-week environmental fellowship in the
U.S. through US-AEP�s Environmental Exchange Program (EEP), September 5-18.
The fellowship was designed to provide Dr. Chen with U.S. perspectives on
environmental crisis and risk management, specifically how the U.S.
government, private sector, and public work together to ensure effective
public participation on environmental decisions.
The first week of meetings was held in Washington, DC, with government
and private sector representatives, including the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency. The second week was spent in New York State, where Dr.
Chen visited Love Canal and the surrounding neighborhood in Niagara Falls to
examine how hazardous waste sites are handled in Western New York. While
there, he also met with government and private sector representatives, as
well as former Love Canal residents.
Dr. Chen will use the knowledge gained from the fellowship to help
address the problem of Taiwan�s increasing number of hazardous waste sites,
and the rise in public pressure on the government to clean up the sites.
[EEP is administered by the Institute of International Education.]
technology transfer successes.
Following are a few of the sales, facilitated by US-AEP Technology
Representatives, that have been confirmed over the last three months: In
Malaysia: Hydrocal of California sold a $36,000 wastewater treatment
system to QT Environmental of Selangor. In the Philippines:
Filtration Treatment Systems Ltd. of Seattle, Washington, signed an
agent-distributor agreement with World-Chem Marketing of Quezon City. In
Korea: Sanitaire Corporation of Wisconsin sold two orders of wastewater
treatment technology, worth $320,000, to Serim Envitech Corporation of
Seoul. And in Indonesia: Montgomery Watson of California was awarded
a consulting contract on a World Bank project worth $850,000.
Welcome and
US-AEP is pleased to announce the addition of Nao Ikemoto to the
Policy Group staff. Nao started as an intern in June, and was hired as a
policy associate in October. She worked previously with the International
Finance Corporation and World Resources Institute conducting energy-related
research. Nao has a master�s degree in public policy and environmental
management from Duke University, as well as a master�s degree in
international affairs from Ohio University. We welcome Nao to the US-AEP
team. She can be reached at 202-835-0333, ex. 113, and
Also, US-AEP says farewell to Marsha Shutty of the Water
Environment Federation (WEF), a US-AEP partner. Marsha has been with WEF for
10 years, and since 1995 served as the WEF project director for the
Asia/Pacific region, working directly with US-AEP. She will be joining her
husband in Germany. Her last day will be November 10, and we wish her the
very best in her new endeavors. |