UPDATE: August 9, 1999

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Philippines and Thailand receive major roles with regional cleaner production roundtable.

The Asia Pacific Roundtable for Cleaner Production�s (APRCP) Interim Board has selected host organizations for its 3rd regional conference: the Philippines Office of the First Lady and the Philippine Pollution Prevention Roundtable (P3R). P3R was formed in June 1997 with assistance from US-AEP and the United States� National Pollution Prevention Roundtable (NPPR). US-AEP and NPPR will continue to support these and other roundtable organizations in Asia.

In another recent decision, the Interim Board selected the Thailand Environment Institute (TEI) to host the APRCP Secretariat. The decision was made after careful review of impressive proposals from several countries. Contact information for the Secretariat is as follows: TEI/APRCP Secretariat, 59/27, Soi Sampobnarunit, Sukumvit 62, Prakanong, Bangkok 10260, Thailand. Tel: 662-741-63-50 ext. 200. Fax: 662-741-63-61. E-mail: mandar@tei.or.th.

New Mexico-India partnership continues to flourish.

A 1996 US-AEP State Environmental Initiative grant launched a long and successful partnership between the states of New Mexico, USA, and Madhya Pradesh in central India Most recently, two of the American partners�the University of New Mexico (UNM) and the Waste-Management Education Research Consortium (WERC)�hosted a delegation of groundwater specialists from the Central Ground Water Board of India.

The five-person delegation, led by Dr. S.K. Sharma of India�s Ministry of Water Resources, visited New Mexico July 21 during an Environmental Exchange Program study tour of several U.S. locations. In Albuquerque, delegates learned about groundwater technologies investigated by or used by WERC and other groups in New Mexico.

Dr. Tim J. Ward of UNM, one of the SEI project leaders, stated that "WERC is pleased to continue its association with US-AEP, the Institute of International Education [organizer of the study tour], and agencies and universities in India." [Note: US-AEP�s State Environmental Initiative is administered by the Council of State Governments.]

News from Vietnam.

Tentative trade pact okayed. On July 25, the United States and Vietnam announced they have reached a tentative trade agreement. The deal, which comes after three years of wrangling, still requires approval by the U.S. Congress and Vietnam�s National Assembly. It is considered the last major step in normalizing relations following the Vietnam War that ended more than 24 years ago. The pact also could pave the way for Vietnam, one of the world�s poorest nations, to join the World Trade Organization. Following approval, the deal should significantly improve trade between the two countries.

Vietnam�s environmental issues take center stage in September. Vietnam�s Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment is planning VIETenEXPO �99, an international exhibition and conference on environment and sustainable development. The event will be held September 20�25 in Hanoi, and U.S. firms are encouraged to participate. Among the topics of particular interest are waste management, water conservation and treatment, protection of air quality, environmental monitoring, industrial pollution control, and environmental management.

A second event, the ASEAN Environmental Forum, will be held in conjunction with VIETenEXPO. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations forum will bring together governments, industries, and people of the nine ASEAN nations in an effort to advance sustainable economic development. Planned activities include technical workshops and seminars, through which environmental issues of mutual concern will be explored.

For more information on these events, contact David Wagner, Director of US-AEP�s Office of Technology Cooperation in Hanoi. He can be reached at 011-84-4-826-7332 (tel); 011-84-4-826-7454 (fax); or via e-mail at dwagner@usaep.org.

Sales and business partnerships confirmed in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and India.

US-AEP�s Operations Group recently confirmed a variety of US-AEP-assisted transactions. In Taiwan, Kuei-Cheng Metal Co. of Taiwan City purchased a crusher from Sierra International Machinery of Bakersfield, California. US-AEP�s Office of Technology Cooperation in Taiwan reports that the sale was facilitated by an Environmental Exchange Program activity, which enabled a Kuei-Cheng Metal representative to visit prospective business partners in the United States. In Hong Kong, Chevalier (Envirotech) Ltd. of Kowloon Bay became an agent-distributor for Irvine, California�s Babcock Water Engineering. This transaction was prompted by Chevalier�s participation in the WEFTEC �97 conference in the United States, where representatives of both companies were introduced. And in India, GEA Energy System Ltd. of Chennai signed a joint venture agreement with Viatech Recovery Systems of Hastings, Michigan.

Filipino delegation studies solid waste options in NYC and Ohio.

US-AEP continues to help the Philippines identify solutions to its solid waste problems. For example, several Filipino decision-makers participated in a week-long US-AEP study tour focusing on municipal solid waste transportation techniques, as well as landfill design and construction. Improving solid waste management is one of the priorities of President Estrada�s administration, and the Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA) is in the process of evaluating plans.

Held June 26�July 3 by the Environmental Exchange Program, this event involved representatives from Dizon Silver Mining Company of the Philippines, MMDA, Philippine Department of Environment and Natural Resources, and the Office of the President. The delegation visited New York City�s Sanitation Department, since New York and Manila have similar waste situations, and concluded the exchange with a better understanding of solid waste management options.

At the Burgess & Niple, Ltd. (B&N) facility in Columbus, Ohio, the Dizon representative participated in an additional week�s training on landfill construction and engineering design. He will continue to work with B&N as the U.S. firm, under contract to Dizon, converts a closed mine pit into a sanitary landfill in San Marcelino, Zambales, Philippines. This contract, signed January 1999, was facilitated by a 1998 US-AEP study tour which introduced representatives of the two organizations. [Note: US-AEP�s Environmental Exchange Program is administered by the Institute of International Education. The Manila office of the American Consulting Engineers Council, US-AEP�s partner for environmental infrastructure development, assisted with the selection of study tour participants.]


United States-Asia Environmental Partnership, 1819 H Street NW, 7th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20006
Tel: 202-835-0333 Fax: 202-835-0366 E-mail: