UPDATE: August 2, 1999

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Confirmation received on $8 million of US-AEP-assisted U.S. sales

US-AEP�s Operations Group recently received confirmation of sales in Asia from two US-AEP-assisted U.S. firms. Totaling more than $8 million, these sales were facilitated by the program�s field representatives in Korea and Thailand.

Illinois firm signs $2 million contract in Korea

Aqua-Aerobic Systems, Inc. (AAS) of Rockford, Illinois, won a $2 million contract from Samsung Corporation in South Korea. AAS is supplying systems for a wastewater reutilization project at Incheon International Airport, which is currently under construction. The sale was achieved after several years of promotional efforts by the company and more than two years of ongoing business counseling from the US-AEP Office of Technology Cooperation in Korea. The wastewater project is underway and is expected to be completed by January 2000. In addition, AAS is now in talks with the South Korean municipalities of Kwangyang and Yosu, which are interested in using the firm�s technology to remove phosphorus from wastewater systems. The US-AEP/Korea team continues to assist AAS in its sales efforts.

Metcalf & Eddy continues success in Thai infrastructure market

US-AEP�s active business counseling in Thailand led to a $6.2 million project management contract for Metcalf & Eddy International Inc. The firm, headquartered in Wakefield, Massachusetts, managed work on the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration�s Yannawa wastewater project, which totaled $200 million. An additional success for Metcalf & Eddy�a $100,000 job for consulting services for the Phuket Municipality in Thailand�was facilitated by US-AEP and the U.S. Agency for International Development. Though a small sale, the job launched the U.S. firm�s re-entry into the Thailand market. This work has led to additional recent successes for Metcalf & Eddy in the sewage and water sectors; look for details in next week�s edition.

ADB to establish a Web-based Asia Recovery Information Center

The Asian Development Bank (ADB), a US-AEP partner, has approved a $1 million technical assistance grant to establish an Asia Recovery Information Center. This Internet-based tool will provide reliable and up-to-date information on the Asian financial crisis and the pace of recovery. Users of the website�including governments, nongovernmental organizations, international aid agencies, and the private sector�will be better able to respond to changing economic conditions in the Asia-Pacific region. Funding for the project is provided through a grant from the Australian Agency for International Development. Watch ADB�s website for details: <http://www.adb.org>.

Health impacts of diesel fuel use highlighted at Philippines event

Widely used for urban transport in Metro Manila, diesel fuel also contributes substantially to air pollution in the area. To help combat this problem, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and US-AEP sponsored a July 9 seminar in Manila focusing on the health impacts of diesel fuel.

Several organizations collaborated to arrange the seminar. The National Council of Women of the Philippines co-sponsored the event, and US-AEP�s Technology Representative in the Philippines provided successful support and coordination. In addition, the California Environmental Partnership (CEP) selected seminar speaker Dr. John Budroe of the California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA), while US-AEP�s Environmental Exchange Program made logistical arrangements for his participation.

Dr. Budroe�staff toxicologist of Cal/EPA�s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment�presented information on the adverse health impacts of breathing diesel exhaust. He also cited statistics on Manila�s diesel exhaust particulate levels and lung cancer and respiratory disease incidence.

Seminar attendees, numbering approximately forty, included operators and owners of trucks and buses as well as officials from several government agencies: the Philippine Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Department of Transportation and Communication, Metro Manila Development Authority, and the Philippine House of Representatives� Committee on Ecology. Representatives from various private sector and environmental groups also participated.

The event represents a larger CEP effort to improve air quality in Metro Manila and is part of the ongoing Air Quality Improvement Sector Development Program funded by the Asian Development Bank. [Note: US-AEP�s Environmental Exchange Program is implemented by the Institute of International Education.]

Illinois, Maryland, and Vermont environmental firms win US-AEP Tech Fund grants.

On July 29, three U.S. companies were awarded $20,000 US-AEP Environmental Technology Fund grants to help them better compete in the Asian marketplace. Aqua-Aerobic Systems, Inc., a Rockford, Illinois-based firm, internationally manufactures equipment and processes used in the biological treatment of wastewater. (See lead story.) The company will use the grant funding to market its products in Korea. The Antaeus Group, a Hunt Valley, Maryland-based firm, manufactures infectious medical waste treatment products. Antaeus will use the grant to market its products in Thailand. Finally, Clean Earth Technology, Inc., a North Ferrisburgh, Vermont-based company, develops, manufactures, and sells its own line of products of groundwater remediation equipment. Clean Earth will use the grant to market its products in Taiwan, Thailand, and Malaysia.

Small- to medium-sized U.S. companies�up to $50 million in annual revenue�are eligible for the grants program. In six years of operation, the Tech Fund has facilitated 300 projects resulting in over $350 million in export sales of U.S. environmental products and technologies. The program is administered for US-AEP by the National Association of State Development Agencies (NASDA).

New on the US-AEP website

Check out a few of the new items on US-AEP�s website, located at https://www.usaep.org:

An article written by Chi-Sun Lee, US-AEP/Korea,"Business Partnerships Lead to Environmental Improvement." Published in The Journal, American Chamber of Commerce in Korea, July/August 1999. Read it at: https://www.usaep.org/articles/article36.htm...

By popular demand, even more energy/global climate change links at https://www.usaep.org/resource.htm#12 ...

And, a speech given by US-AEP Deputy Director Richard Sheppard at the Asia Pacific Roundtable on Cleaner Production, April 1999, in Brisbane, Australia. You�ll find the speech at:

Farewell ... and welcome!

On July 28, US-AEP said farewell to Patrick Terrien, manager of the Operations Group and three-year US-AEP veteran. He has accepted a position as director of corporate membership development for a Columbus, Ohio, nonprofit children�s science museum. Patrick will be missed! Warm greetings go to Ms. Eun-Hee Rim, who joined the Operations team July 28. Formerly of US-AEP�s Office of Technology Cooperation in Korea, Eun-Hee can be reached at 202-835-0333 x 135 or via e-mail at: erim@usaep.org. 


United States-Asia Environmental Partnership, 1819 H Street NW, 7th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20006
Tel: 202-835-0333 Fax: 202-835-0366 E-mail: