delegates cross the U.S. during industrial extension tour.
US-AEP continues to foster development of industrial environmental
extension systems in Asia, through which existing organizations are
encouraged to promote the benefits of eco-efficiency to their members. In
one recent example, US-AEP�s Clean Technology and Environmental Management (CTEM)
program and Environmental Exchange Program organized a June 19-26 extension
study tour.
The event enabled 14 Asian delegates�representing government and
nongovernmental organizations in India, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand�to
study successful models of extension systems in the United States. In cities
across the U.S., participants gathered information that will enable them to
implement suitable extension models for their own organizations, as well as
collaborative national systems for their respective countries.
The tour began in Washington, DC, where officials from the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Agriculture, and Department
of Commerce described their extension programs. In Minneapolis, Minnesota,
examples were presented by Minnesota Technology, Inc., the University of
Minnesota, the Minnesota Technical Assistance Program, and Materials
Productivity, LLC. And in Denver, Colorado, best practices were described by
the Colorado Pollution Prevention Partnership, Ambassador Program, Geotech
Environmental Equipment, Inc., Partnership Architecture, and Partnership for
Environmental Technology Education. US-AEP�s CTEM program will continue to
work with participants as they implement their extension systems in Asia.
[Note: the Environmental Exchange Program is administered by the Institute
of International Education.]
�99 Net
Guide on the website.
The "links" page of US-AEP�s website now directs
users to sites listed in the latest US-AEP Internet Guide. New
additions represent the electronics sector, industrial and urban
environmental policy, and energy/climate change. Visit the page at The printed guide will be
available at the end of July.
International Urban Environmental Infrastructure Forum held at A&WMA show.
The Air & Waste Management Association�a US-AEP partner organization�held
its 92nd Annual Meeting and Exhibition in St. Louis, Missouri, in June. This
conference featured a new event this year: the First International Urban
Environmental Infrastructure Forum. Focusing on mobile source air quality
and transportation issues that face urban communities worldwide, the forum
attraced senior policy and regulatory officials from more than 40
international cities, as well as experts from the private and public sectors
and international stakeholder organizations.
US-AEP Executive Director Peter Kimm delivered a well-received keynote
address, stating that "as we enter the 21st Century, we need to formulate
new approaches to master the urbanization process and the very large cities
that are emerging." See the entire speech at:
US-AEP�s Environmental Exchange Program (EEP) brought eight participants
from India, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand to attend the forum.
Afterward, these participants attended two days of meetings on such topics
as public outreach programs, community-based environmental monitoring, vapor
recovery systems, and pollution reduction partnerships.
Institute & US-AEP organize waste privatization study tour for Thai
The Kenan Institute Asia (KIAsia) and US-AEP, through the Environmental
Exchange Program (EEP), organized a U.S. June 6-19 study tour for 17 Thai
senior government and private sector officials. The participants studied
successful privatized municipal and industrial solid waste management
facilities at several U.S. sites, with an eye to determining whether similar
techniques could be used in Thailand�s municipalities and industries.
Accompanied by Mr. Kitti Kumpeera, US-AEP urban infrastructure
representative in Thailand, the delegates began their tour at WasteExpo �99
in Dallas, Texas. Here, they visited landfills and recycling facilities in
Dallas-Fort Worth and Arlington, Texas. In Chicago, Illinois, the delegation
examined the city�s "blue bag" municipal solid waste recycling program�an
innovative, partially privatized program�and met with solid waste officials
for northern Cook County and Kane County. The tour concluded in Los Angeles,
California, where participants met with representatives of the Sanitation
Districts and Local Enforcement Agency of Los Angeles County, as well as the
California Integrated Waste Management Board, Parsons Engineering, and
Browning Ferris, Inc.
workshop to focus on public policies for electronics industry.
US-AEP�s Policy Group and the Greening of Industry
Network-Asia (GIN-Asia) will hold a public policy workshop in Hong Kong,
August 11-13, focusing specifically on the electronics sector.
Representatives from nine Asian countries will present, critique, and
develop policy-related case study material for publication and presentation
at the next GIN conference, scheduled for November 14-17 in North Carolina.
The resulting publication will be a companion piece to the current US-AEP
publication, "Place-Based Public Policy in Southeast Asia," available on US-AEP�s
website at: For more information on the GIN
conference, visit GIN�s website at:
changes in the Philippines.
US-AEP�s Communications/Technical Support office in the Philippines
reports a new e-mail system. Please note the following new addresses:
The National Association of State Development Agencies (NASDA), a US-AEP
partner, recently hired a new trade specialist, Ms. Eakta Agrawal.
She will be working on both the Environmental Technology Fund and Overseas
Program Fund, and can be reached by e-mail at or by phone at
202-898-1302, ex. 237. We welcome Eakta to the US-AEP team. |