UPDATE: June 28, 1999

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SEI partners organize energy efficiency workshop in Philippines.

A workshop on "Energy Efficiency Policy and Technology Transfer for Improving Environmental Protection and Economic Efficiency" was held in Makati City, Philippines, May 31-June 1 as part of the Hawaii-Philippines State Environmental Initiative (SEI) project. The event was the latest in a series of workshops to meet the project�s goal: helping the Philippines develop policies to establish performance subcontracting services that coincide with the restructuring of the power industry. The workshop was organized by the SEI project partners the Philippine Department of Energy and the Hawaiian Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism, and drew more than 100 participants from the public and private sectors in the Philippines. The main focus of the workshop was on introducing U.S. and Hawaii-based energy efficiency technologies to the Philippines, discussing the findings of the first phase of the Hawaii-Philippines energy efficiency project, and identifying areas for future collaboration. SEI is administered by the Council for State Governments.

Vietnamese and Indian delegations meet with US-AEP Executive Director.

Two important Asian delegations visited US-AEP�s DC offices in June and met separately with Executive Director Peter Kimm and senior staff to discuss the US-AEP program. During a U.S. sustainable development study tour organized by the United States Environmental Training Institute, a program of Concurrent Technology Corporation, 13 high-level Vietnamese government officials visited US-AEP�s DC offices on June 11. Among the Vietnamese ministries represented were Planning and Investment; Science, Technology and Environment; and Finance. Also present were representatives from Quang Ninh, Lam Dong, and Hanoi People�s Committees. Mr. Kimm gave a brief overview of the program to the delegation, and discussed the recent opening of US-AEP offices in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Members of the delegation expressed interest in using US-AEP for collaborative efforts between the U.S. and Vietnam on future projects.

On June 16, an Indian delegation, including municipal officials from Mumbai, Bhopal, Thane, and Madurai and representatives of the Central Pollution Control Board and the All India Institute of Local Self-Government, met with Mr. Kimm and senior staff at US-AEP�s DC offices as the last stop of a 10-day study tour. Several of the delegation members had worked with US-AEP previously on projects related to waste management in Indian municipalities. The visit to the US-AEP offices was part of a larger waste management study tour June 5-16 that was arranged through the Environmental Exchange Program, administered by the Institute of International Education.

The study tour, initiated by US-AEP/Mumbai Technology Representative Suneel Parasnis, focused on technologies and best management practices for handling biomedical and municipal solid waste, methane gas recovery, and waste-to-profit opportunities. The delegation, accompanied by Mr. Parasnis, US-AEP/Mumbai Deputy Technology Representative Nutan Zarapkar, and US-AEP Country Director Therese Leasburg, attended WasteExpo �99 in Dallas, Texas, to examine waste management technologies and services being exhibited by U.S. companies. While in Dallas, the delegation made several site visits to local hospitals and government waste management agencies. Dallas city officials outlined possible avenues for establishing a relationship with one of the Indian cities to work on common objectives in improving city waste management services. After WasteExpo �99, the delegation visited Albuquerque, New Mexico, where they were hosted by the Waste-management Education Research Consortium (WERC), affiliated with the University of New Mexico. One result of the New Mexico visit was a possible memorandum of understanding between WERC and the All India Institute of Self-Government to identify additional U.S. resources in composting, landfill design, methane management, and medical waste for use in India.

US-AEP arranges speaking tour for TERI fellows in Hong Kong.

To advance the concept of cleaner production to Hong Kong government and businesses, US-AEP/Hong Kong organized a two-day speaking tour for Ms. Kathleen McGinty and Dr. Karl Hausker, senior visiting fellows at the Tata Energy Research Institute (TERI) in New Delhi, India. The Environmental Exchange Program, administered by the Institute of International Education, provided support for the tour. The visit was scheduled to coincide with the celebration of United Nations� World Environment Day. Ms. McGinty and Dr. Hausker made presentations on cleaner production, community engagement, and transboundary pollution issues to the Hong Kong Business Coalition on the Environment and Hong Kong Sustainable Development Forum, and held meetings with Consul General�s office, the American Chamber of Commerce�s Environment Committee, and Hong Kong legislators. In addition, site visits to the Mai Po Marshes Natural Reserve and Green Valley Landfill were arranged for the fellows by the World Wildlife Fund/Hong Kong and Enviropace Limited, respectively.

New on the website: 1998 Year In Review. (no longer available on website)

US-AEP�s 1998 Year In Review is now available online. Featuring interviews with 25 prominent participants in US-AEP activities, the publication illustrates US-AEP�s successes in transferring U.S. environmental expertise and technology to Asia.

DOC to sponsor a trade delegation to India for U.S. environmental firms.

The U.S. Department of Commerce's Matchmaker Trade Delegation Program is organizing an Environmental Technologies Matchmaker Trade Delegation to New Delhi, Mumbai, and Chennai from September 13-21, 1999. The Matchmaker Trade Delegation will help U.S. companies find agents and distributors, licensee and joint venture partners in the Indian market. Companies who participate in the trade delegation will receive their own meeting space, in-depth market briefings, hospitality (including Embassy-hosted industry receptions), interpreters, and full logistical support. They will also be part of the "RepFind India 99" in New Delhi, the first exhibition of its kind for U.S. products and services. Application deadline is August 13, 1999. For more detailed information on the trade delegation program or India�s environmental market, call Yvonne Jackson at 202-482-2675.

June 29 Policy Forum: electric power issues in APEC.

On June 29, US-AEP�s Policy Forum will feature Dr. Grayson Heffner, technical program manager for Asia in the Electric Power Research Institute International Group, and Mr. Andre Van Rest, program manager for the Department of Energy�s Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) energy efficiency and renewable energy programs. Join us at 12:30pm on the 7th floor of 1720 Eye Street, NW, Washington, DC. For more information, contact Brenda Bateman at bbateman@usaep.org.

US-AEP/Vietnam contact information.

Following is the contact information for the recently opened US-AEP Offices of Technology Cooperation in Vietnam. Mr. David Wagner, the US-AEP technology representative, is stationed in Hanoi and can be contacted by phone (844-826-7332) and e-mail dwagner@usaep.org. Ms. Phung Thi Van is the deputy technology representative in Hanoi and can be reached by phone (844-826-7332) and e-mail van@usaep.org. Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan is the deputy technology representative in Ho Chi Minh City and can be reached by phone (848-825-0484) and by e-mail tuan@usaep.org. 


United States-Asia Environmental Partnership, 1819 H Street NW, 7th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20006
Tel: 202-835-0333 Fax: 202-835-0366 E-mail: