New Cleaner
Production Award program launched in Indonesia.
For the past three years, US-AEP has promoted cleaner production in
Indonesia through technical assistance, study tours, and workshops for
Indonesia�s Environmental Impact Management Agency (BAPEDAL). With support
from US-AEP, BAPEDAL has now instituted a pilot Cleaner Production Awards
program in the textile sector. During an April 1 ceremony, five textile
firms received awards, including PT Argo Pantes (past participant in several
US-AEP-sponsored clean technology events), and PT Grand Textile Industry
(participant in the US-AEP 1997 cleaner production workshop in Bandung,
Indonesia). US-AEP has supported the development of the awards program since
1997, when the program provided the services of an environmental awards
expert from Washington State�s Department of Ecology, Ms. Lynn Helbrecht.
Later assistance by the German Development Assistance (GTZ) program also
contributed to the development of the Cleaner Production Awards.
US-AEP and
partner EPA present "train-the-trainer" event on P2.
On April 14-16, US-AEP�s Clean Technology and Environmental Management (CTEM)
program and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) presented a
"train-the trainer" program in Lapulapu, Cebu, Philippines, on the
Principles of Pollution Prevention (P2) and Cleaner Production. The training
is part of CTEM�s ongoing efforts to green the supply chain in Asia and
promote consideration of environmental topics by Asian industrial extension
organizations. In attendance were more than 30 industry representatives,
including participants from United Technologies Automotive (UTA) and
suppliers from UTA and Ford Motor Company. Lectures, site visits,
simulations, and presentations�including an opening speech by US-AEP
Executive Director Peter Kimm�were a few of the tools used to illustrate the
benefits of using environmental technologies. Participants will use the
information to prepare training modules for their companies and suppliers.
The event�second in a series of train-the-trainer events�was intended to
help Asian companies weather the financial crisis by increasing efficiency
and reducing waste. The first train-the-trainer module was conducted by EPA
in December 1998. This training provided 20 representatives of the Pollution
Control Association of the Philippines Inc. and the Technology & Livelihood
Resource Center with the skills to teach an introductory P2 course.
Graduates of the first module put their skills to the test by presenting
specific sections of the April 1999 training program. Participants agreed
unanimously that the new trainers had performed successfully. They will gain
additional practice during the third module, to be held in June 1999.
For U.S.
environmental firms: recognition program from DOC.
The U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) is developing a program to
recognize the achievements of U.S. environmental companies. Interested
companies are encouraged to submit a description of environmental projects
or technologies they feel deserve more recognition. Selected best practices
and success stories will be featured on the DOC�s Basic Industries webpage
. To
participate, send an e-mail as soon as possible to Regina De Leonardis
, answering the following questions: (1) What is the
key environmental issue being addressed? (2) What has your company done as a
best practice or success story to address this issue? (3) If your
specialization is regional, what are the key regional environmental issues?
promotes energy performance contracting in Hong Kong.
US-AEP�s Environmental Exchange Program (EEP) brought three U.S. speakers
to an Energy Performance Contracting Seminar in Hong Kong, April 20-21. The
seminar was sponsored by the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC), which
has been mandated by the Hong Kong government to improve energy efficiency
in local buildings. The U.S. participants were Mr. Donald Smith and Mr.
Robert Fleming of Energy Masters Corporation, which has a cooperative
agreement with HKPC for performance contracting, and Dr. Andrew Meyer of the
San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District, an Energy Masters client. US-AEP
has been working with HKPC over the past year to help bring energy
efficiency to Hong Kong; for example, two members of HKPC participated in a
month-long EEP fellowship with Energy Masters in 1998 to learn more about
energy performance contracting. The event may lead to business opportunities
in energy efficiency for U.S. companies. [Note: US-AEP�s Environmental
Exchange Program is administered by the Institute of International
New on the
website: analysis of Hong Kong's environmental market.
New to the US-AEP website�s Export-Link� section is a 1999 analysis of
the environmental market in Hong Kong, commissioned by US-AEP. The 1998
analyses for Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, and
Thailand are also available. Look for 1999 reports for these countries in
the near future. The analyses can be found at
hosts project finance workshop in Manila, Philippines.
To support U.S. exports and investment in southeast Asia, US-AEP hosted a
Project Finance Workshop in Manila, Philippines, from April 14-16. The 41
participants comprised US-AEP Technology Representatives and Urban
Environmental Infrastructure Representatives, as well as individuals from
the government and private industry sectors in Hong Kong, India, Malaysia,
the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam. The workshop was
led by Development Finance International of Bethesda, Maryland, and imparted
familiarity with the full range of financing programs offered by
multilateral, commercial, and U.S. government agencies. Topics covered
included project cycles and application processes for the Export-Import
Bank, U.S. Trade and Development Agency, Overseas Private Investment
Corporation, World Bank and its Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency,
International Finance Corporation, and Asian Development Bank. Other topics
included forfeiture, bank credit lines, deferred letters of credit, private
insurance, and project finance. The event was organized by the Institute of
International Education through US-AEP�s Environmental Exchange Program.
events in Manila
Upcoming events in Manila.
- May 26-27: Workshop for the five cities
participating in the Climate Action Project. The workshop
will explore software applications to conduct inventories of greenhouse
gas emissions.
- June 15: Principles of Enforcement
Conference at the Asian Development Bank, sponsored by the Metro
Manila Air Quality Project and co-sponsored by the National Commission for
Women. US-AEP is providing a speaker at the event.
[Note: For more information on the above events, contact Ms. Conchita
Silva at tel: 63-2-816-6576; fax: 63-2-818-6470; or email] |