UPDATE: May 3, 1999

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News from the Philippines:

US-AEP supports Cebu City's participation in climate protection campaign.

On April 14, US-AEP�s Executive Director Peter Kimm signed a Memorandum of Agreement with the Mayor of Cebu City, Philippines, and the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI). Through this agreement, Cebu City will participate in the Philippine Climate Action Project (CAP), a component of the Cities for Climate Protection Campaign spearheaded by the ICLEI. Four other Philippine cities are also participating in CAP, with funding support from the U.S. Agency for International Development: Naga, Puerto Princesa, Tagbilaran and Cagayan de Oro.

Through CAP, Cebu City will develop a long-term, focused environmental strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy use in the city's operations. To achieve this objective, ICLEI will train the city government�s technical staff to use a software program that inventories and tracks pollutants. The software will be used to develop an energy/emissions profile for a base year and to forecast energy use and CO2 emissions for the next 10 years. ICLEI�s first activity will take place on May 26-27 when representatives of the five participating cities, will participate in a software training session. US-AEP, in addition to the monetary support, is contributing technical assistance through the Manila Tech Rep office to provide technical expertise in industrial and municipal sectors, and to establish partnerships with local and international organizations.

Filipino industry organizations to promote best environmental practices.

To increase the use of sound environmental management techniques in Asian industry, US-AEP�s Clean Technology and Environmental Management (CTEM) program signed a memorandum of understanding on April 28 with the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI). By signing this MOU, PCCI joins the Management Association of the Philippines (MAP) and the Philippine Environmental Industry Association (PEIA) in promoting the Best Environmental Management Practices (BEMP) program to their member companies. Together, these organizations sponsor seminars and workshops on environmental management practices and related topics, hold roundtable discussions with government officials on selected environmental management policy issues, and develop case studies for the BEMP Information Exchange Center. CTEM, which has been supporting BEMP since its inception in July 1998, provides the Information Exchange Center with U.S. case studies, arranges environmental exchanges to visit U.S. companies that administer sound environmental management practices, and sponsors U.S. experts to participate in BEMP seminars and workshops.

Programs under development for US-AEP-led livestock waste center.

US-AEP continues to support development of the Environmental Center for Livestock Waste Management (ECLWM) at the National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (NPUST) in Taiwan. A number of key project participants traveled to Asia March 21 to April 2, 1999, to begin formulating the center�s regional program offerings. The group included Mr. George Irvine, project manager for US-AEP's Environmental Exchange Program; Dr. M.P. Mi, professor emeritus of the University of Hawaii; Dr. Frank Humenik, professor in charge of extensions at North Carolina State University; and Dr. Richard Reynnells, national program leader for the U.S. Department of Agriculture�s Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service. During the trip, the ECLWM team met with Dr. Shand-Da Liu, NPUST president, and Dr. L.C. Hsia, director of the NPUST Training Center, to discuss the development of ECLWM regional programs. The team also assessed the technology and training needs for livestock waste management in the Philippines and Thailand, and studied how ECLWM can best meet these needs through outreach efforts and institutional partnerships. US-AEP�s Offices of Technology Cooperation in Manila and Bangkok played an important role in arranging meetings for the needs assessment team with key people in both countries.

The ECLWM will serve as a regional center of excellence to help improve Asian livestock waste management, currently one of the region�s foremost environmental problems.The center is now under construction through the combined efforts of U.S. industry, universities, and Taiwan counterparts. An international symposium will be held at NPUST in early September to showcase the ECLWM and its programs to the region. For more information about the ECLWM, please see the US-AEP website at www.usaep.org/ctem/eclwm.htm or contact Mr. George Irvine, girvine@iie.org [Note: US-AEP�s Environmental Exchange Program is managed by the Institute of International Education.]

Illinois company improves hazwaste management in India.

Tetra Tech EM, Inc. (TTEMI) of Illinois, participant in a 1997 US-AEP State Environmental Initiative project, continues to implement clean technologies for hazardous waste management in India. Working with Hindustan Zinc Limited (HZL) in Udaipur, Rajastan, India, the U.S. company designed a lined pond for the disposal of processing slurry wastes and closed down a leaking pond at the site. HZL has asked TTEMI to conduct a similar project at its Vishakapatnam facility in the state of Andhra Pradesh. The project, worth approximately $35,000, will be initiated in May and completed within four months.

New on the US-AEP website: place-based policy report.

"Place-Based Public Policy in Southeast Asia: Developing, Managing, and Innovating for Sustainability," a 90-page booklet analyzing the use of place-based policies in Southeast Asia, is now available on US-AEP�s website at https://www.usaep.org/policy/report.htm. The booklet was developed at a US-AEP and Greening of Industry Network-Asia (GIN-Asia) workshop in March and features Asian case studies. To download a Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF version, go to the website�s reports section at https://www.usaep.org/news.htm#REPORTS.

Policy Group hosts discussion on national environmental goals.

On May 4, US-AEP�s Policy Group will host a brown bag lunch forum on "Setting National Environmental Goals." Don Ritter, chairman and president of the National Environmental Policy Institute, will be the speaker. Former Congressman Ritter was a seven-term U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania. Among other accomplishments, he played key roles in the legislative reauthorization of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act , Superfund, and the Clean Air Act. The forum will be held at 12:30pm on the 7th floor of 1720 Eye Street, NW, Washington, DC. For more information, contact Brenda Bateman at bbateman@usaep.org. The entire May schedule of Policy Forum events can be found on the US-AEP website at https://www.usaep.org/policy/forum.htm.


United States-Asia Environmental Partnership, 1819 H Street NW, 7th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20006
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