UPDATE: April 26, 1999

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Training in Manila, Philippines, highlights environmental risk in emerging capital markets.

Through its environmental due diligence initiative, US-AEP continues to help Asian financial institutions incorporate environmental considerations into their lending practices. For example, US-AEP�s Environmental Exchange Program (EEP) arranged environmental risk management training March 15-19 for leaders of Asian banks as well as venture capital and industry associations. "Competitive Environmental Advantage: Managing Environmental Risk in Emerging Capital Markets" was held in Manila, Philippines, and conducted by the International Finance Corporation (IFC). IFC�the private sector arm of the World Bank Group�is the world�s largest multilateral source of debt and equity financing for private sector projects in developing countries.

The workshop focused on three main areas: an analysis of the financial costs and benefits of implementing environmental management techniques; information on how to implement the techniques; and a strategy for gaining institutional support for the changes required. To demonstrate how environmental management techniques are used in the "real world," IFC provided actual case studies from current projects. Participants were graduates of previous US-AEP activities arranged by EEP in 1997-98, such as "Environmental Risk Management for Bankers" training and U.S. study tours. [Note: EEP is administered by the Institute of International Education.]

US-AEP/Singapore assists Pennsylvania firm with technology sales.

EcoTech Systems International, Inc. of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, reports that it has established a foothold in the Asia region with assistance from US-AEP�s Office of Technology Cooperation in Singapore. Last year, US-AEP helped facilitate a joint venture between EcoTech and Probity Enterprise Pte. Ltd. of Singapore to market the U.S. company�s. In just six months, the joint venture�called EcoTech Systems Singapore (ESS)�has generated $1.5 million in sales of magnetic water treatment technology to electronics and aviation multinationals. US-AEP�s Technology Representative in Singapore continues to provide business counseling to ESS; at the Tech Rep�s recommendation, ESS is now pursuing business opportunities in Brunei.

Overseas Program Fund supports delegations to upcoming conferences.

US-AEP�s Overseas Program Fund (OPF), administered by the National Association of State Development Agencies (NASDA), will be used to bring delegations to three important environmental conferences this summer. At Waste Expo �99 in Dallas, Texas, June 8-10, the U.S.-based Environmental Industries Association will sponsor 70 delegates from the Philippines, India, Korea, Singapore, and Thailand using OPF funds. The delegates represent public and private organizations interested in purchasing U.S. solid waste management technologies and services. Each delegate will participate in one-on-one meetings and site visits. The Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA) is sponsoring an OPF delegation to attend A&WMA�s 92nd Meeting and Exhibition in St. Louis, Missouri, June 20-25. More than 100 delegates from Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand are expected to participate in the exhibition, one-on-one meetings, and site visits. (US-AEP�s Executive Director Peter Kimm will deliver a keynote address at the conference.) And the Houston District Export Council is using OPF funds to sponsor a delegation of several U.S. environmental companies to attend the Enviromex/Watermex �99 trade show in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 13-16. The US-AEP Office of Technology Cooperation in Malaysia has also arranged one-on-one meetings and technology demonstrations to enable the U.S. companies to explore potential business opportunities with local firms.

New on the US-AEP website: information on international trade financing.

A new addition to the Export-Link� section of US-AEP�s website provides detailed information on international trade finance, including development project opportunities, methods of financing international trade, and key financing agencies and organizations. You can find the information at https://www.usaep.org/export/.

EEP introduces water and wastewater design options to Asian delegation.

On March 22-31, US-AEP�s Environmental Exchange Program (EEP) held a U.S. study tour�"Wastewater Infrastructure for Secondary Cities"�to facilitate the design of water and wastewater treatment facilities in Asia. The event was held in collaboration with US-AEP�s Office of Technology Cooperation in the Philippines; the Water Environmental Federation, one of US-AEP�s partners for environmental professional development in Asia; and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The study tour enabled ten municipal government officials from the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, and Korea, as well as private sector delegates from Malaysia, to learn about American management techniques and technologies for water utilities. Participants met with representatives from U.S. county and local government agencies, water and wastewater equipment companies, and engineering firms. In addition, they toured public wastewater treatment facilities in Seattle, Washington, and Oakland, California. [Note: EEP is administered by the Institute of International Education.]

May 6-7 cleaner production conference in Bangkok.

Kenan Institute Asia (KIAsia), one of US-AEP�s partners for Asian environmental infrastructure development, is organizing a May 6-7 conference, "Improve Industrial Competitiveness Through Cleaner Technology: A Path to Sustainable Development," in Bangkok, Thailand. On the agenda: discussions of best practices in cleaner production by leading companies, and presentations by representatives of US-AEP�s Clean Technology and Environmental Management (CTEM) program and the Greening of Industry Network-Asia. In addition, a report by the Thai Environment Institute on the experiences of ISO 14001-certified companies in Thailand will be presented and distributed. Development of this report was made possible by a US-AEP CTEM grant. Urban Environmental Infrastructure Representative in Bangkok, Kitti Kumpeera, is assisting with the conference. For more information, contact Khun Kitti at e-mail address: kiausaep@loxinfo.co.th.

June conference on industrial energy efficiency to be held in New York.

American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) will hold a June 15-18 study conference on energy efficiency in industry. "Industry & Innovation in the 21st Century," co-sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, will take place in Saratoga Springs, New York. Featured topics include technical advances in various industrial areas; policies to increase energy efficiency, including carbon impacts; insights on successful partnership programs; analytical underpinnings of policy areas; and more. In addition, industry site tours will highlight energy efficiency and pollution prevention strategies and technologies. For more information, visit the ACEEE website at http://aceee.org


United States-Asia Environmental Partnership, 1819 H Street NW, 7th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20006
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