UPDATE: January 25, 1999

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US-AEP/Korea helps L.A. company secure multi-million dollar project.

The efforts of US-AEP/Korea Technology Representative Chi-Sun Lee have led to a major project for Golden NRG, Inc., of Los Angeles, California. Golden NRG has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Korean cities of Iksan and Jeonjoo as well as Wanjoo County, outlining the refuse-drive fuel system/co-generation plant that the U.S. company will set up in these locations. Total project cost will be $80-100 million, and Golden NRG expects to contract for 40 percent of that amount. Final negotiations will be completed in March. US-AEP/Korea has been involved with this project since 1995 by providing business counseling, supporting exchanges, and coordinating meetings between the potential business partners.

Indonesia and Vermont continue watershed management cooperation.

The Indonesia-Vermont "sister lakes" project, supported by US-AEP�s State Environmental Initiative, recently received a no-cost extension until August 30, 1999. This extension will enable the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources to continue to share watershed management techniques with Indonesia�s Lake Toba Heritage Foundation (LTHF). Many activities are already planned for 1999. For example, starting this month, Mr. Andaru Satnyoto of LTHF is participating in a five-month U.S. exchange and internship program with the Lake Champlain Basin Program and Lake Champlain Basin Science Center. Mr. Andaru will receive technical training on sustainable lake management techniques and learn methods of strengthening LTHF�s institutional capacity. And in February, U.S. project team members will travel to Indonesia to help LTHF develop a feasibility study for the establishment of a Lake Toba education and science center. A grant award of $10,000, provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to Monitor International of Annapolis, Maryland, is supporting this activity. (Note: US-AEP�s State Environmental Initiative is managed by the Council of State Governments.)

MOU establishes environmental extension system in India.

A memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed December 16, 1998, has officially established plans for a self-sustaining environmental information outreach program in India. Signatories to the MOU are the Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC), US-AEP�s Clean Technology and Environmental Management (CTEM) program, and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). This program will help Indian industry adopt sound environmental management systems, leading to cleaner production, greater resource efficiency, and greenhouse gas mitigation. The ICC Environmental Management Center (ICC-EMC), which covers 11 east Indian states, will take a lead role in developing the program. A second MOU was also signed between CTEM and ICC-EMC, detailing program activities and objectives.

NGO program shows Asian carpetmaker the value of cleaner production.

The Asia Foundation was recently given a no-cost extension to April 30, 1999, to continue to implement projects undertaken through US-AEP�s NGO-Business Environmental Partnership. The extension was granted due to the slowdown in project implementation caused by Asia�s financial crisis. The NGO-Business Environmental Partnership fosters cooperation among Asian nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and Asian manufacturers to reduce industry�s environmental impacts. Through one such partnership, Nepalese firm Formation Carpet will install a washing device developed by the Institute for Legal Research and Reform, a Nepalese NGO. This technology is expected to reduce the factory�s water use by approximately 40 percent, resulting in substantial cost savings. Next steps on this project were discussed during a December 1998 meeting attended by 30 participants, including the mayor of Kathmandu, a representative from the Ministry of Industries, U.S. Embassy Regional Environment Officer Jim Cole, and the president of the Carpet Association. The mayor has expressed his support of the program and hopes to see other carpet companies involved in similar cost-saving, waste reduction practices.

Hong Kong diesel exhaust workshop draws over 200 participants.

More than 200 people attended the January 11-12 "Diesel Vehicle Exhaust Treatment Technology and Motorcycle Emissions Workshop," co-sponsored by US-AEP�s Office of Technology Cooperation in Hong Kong. Jointly organized by the Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department and Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the workshop attracted local and international government officials, academics, air pollution control professionals, and industry experts. US-AEP sponsored speakers from the U.S. Manufacturers of Emission Controls Association and helped organize a bus demonstration showcasing U.S. expertise in diesel emission standards and control technology. The technology was well received by participating diesel vehicle operators and trade associations. Mr. Ira Kasoff, commercial counselor of the U.S. & Foreign Commercial Service, opened the event, along with Professor Poon Chung-Kwong, president of Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and Mr. Mike Stokoe, deputy director of the Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department.

January 26 policy forum to address climate change.

US-AEP�s January 26 Policy Forum will focus on "Involving Business in Global Climate Change." The speaker is Mr. Marty McBroom of the Pew Center on Global Climate Change and the Business Environmental Leadership Council. Feel free to bring lunch to the forum, held noon to 1 pm at 1720 Eye Street, N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC.

New on US-AEP�s website.

The US-AEP website now has a search function that allows visitors to search the entire site by keyword. You can find the search page at https://www.usaep.org/.


As of January 4, Mr. Allan De Leon-Marfori is the new US-AEP Deputy Environmental Infrastructure Representative in Manila, Philippines. Allan has worked as consultant and project specialist on various social development programs at USAID/Philippines, AusAID, the Asian Development Bank, and private voluntary organizations. For more than eight years, he has focused on sustainable projects involving microfinance, health and sanitation, environmental management, water supply, and community organization. Allan can be reached by phone at 63-2-804-0436 or by fax at 63-2-804-0340.


United States-Asia Environmental Partnership, 1819 H Street NW, 7th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20006
Tel: 202-835-0333 Fax: 202-835-0366 E-mail: