UPDATE: January 18, 1999

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Revised Tech Fund criteria promote long-term U.S.-Asia partnerships.

The National Association of State Development Agencies (NASDA), administrator of US-AEP�s Environmental Technology Fund, promotes technology transfer to Asia through $20,000 grants to U.S. environmental companies. In light of the financial crisis and US-AEP�s commitment to ensure Asia�s access to U.S. environmental technologies, NASDA announced the following changes to grant application criteria:

  • previous Tech Fund recipients may now apply for a second grant to a different market;
  • companies with annual revenues of up to $50 million may now apply for grants;
  • applicants are now recommended to have in-Asia contacts and support, and may have some in-country sales experience (previously, only "new to market" firms could apply);
  • previous recipients of US-AEP funds may apply to the Tech Fund, although the previous US-AEP grant award should not have exceeded $5,000;
  • a limited number of grants may now be awarded in the energy sector; and
  • company contributions have been lowered in some countries.

For more information, please contact NASDA at 202-898-1302 or visit the website at: www.nasda.com.

Internship helps build Philippines technology verification program.

Four science research specialists from the Philippine Industrial Technology Development Institute (ITDI) participated in a month-long, US-AEP-sponsored internship designed to help establish an environmental technology verification program in the Philippines. This program will ensure that technologies proposed for use in the Philippines meet specified environmental performance requirements. Once in place, the verification process will streamline the deployment of technologies and, ultimately, improve environmental conditions. US-AEP�s Cleaner Technology and Environmental Management (CTEM) program arranged the internship with the Environmental Technology Evaluation Center (EvTEC) of the Civil Engineering Research Foundation (CERF), a nonprofit organization created by the American Society of Civil Engineers. EvTEC helped the interns develop business plans and establish contacts with other technology verification organizations. ITDI will conduct a workshop on March 17-19, 1999, to further develop the Philippine program�s framework and build collaboration among various stakeholders. It is expected that the program will be in place by December 1999.

ECOWATCH identifies polluting companies.

The World Bank�s New Ideas in Pollution Regulation (NIPR) website includes a report on the Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) program, ECOWATCH, which rates manufacturers� environmental performance and discloses those ratings to the public. Included in the NIPR report is the second round of ratings by DENR, including 19 companies with ratings of subpar performance or noncompliance. The report can be accessed at the address: http://www.worldbank.org/nipr/comrole.htm#ecowatch.

New on US-AEP's website.

Now not only can you find UPDATE on the US-AEP website, but you can search by keyword through past issues from 1997-1999 by going to https://www.usaep.org/update/update.htm. And be sure to peruse the new policy papers by George R. Heaton, Jr. and Riva Krut in response to Michael T. Rock�s paper on clean technology policy in Asia at https://www.usaep.org/policy/policy.htm.

HVAC conference in Singapore looking for U.S. firms to participate.

A conference on heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, HVAC Asia �99, will be held in Singapore, July 20-23, 1999. The conference, organized by Singaporean firm HQ Link, is expected to be a good launch pad for American HVAC instrumentation and air pollution control equipment sales. U.S. companies interested in exhibiting or making a presentation at the conference should contact US-AEP Technology Representative Chan Yiu Kei at US-AEP/Singapore: 65-476-9026 (telephone) or usaep@singnet.com.sg (e-mail).

uIndian roundtables tackle environmental concerns.

A roundtable conference, held December 17 in Mumbai by the Indo American Chamber of Commerce (IACC) and US-AEP, focused on how the United States and India can work together to resolve India�s environmental issues, particularly in Mumbai. Participants included Ms. Kathleen McGinty, former chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality, and Dr. Karl Hausker, former head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency�s Policy and Planning Department, both currently Fellows at the Tata Energy Research Institute (TERI). Other participants were Mr. Suneel Parasnis and Ms. Nutan Zarapkar, US-AEP technology representatives in Mumbai; Mr. F.D. Neterwalla, managing director of Universal Ferro & Allied Chemicals; Mr. Ramesh Dalal, managing director of Dalal Consultants and Engineers Pvt. Ltd.; and Mr. Katila, general manager of Neter Chromatographs.

A second roundtable was held December 21 in Pune, organized by US-AEP, the Mahratta Chamber of Commerce Industries and Agriculture (MCCIA), and the Pune chapter of the Indian Environmental Association (IEA). Participants included Mr. Pratap Pawar, president of MCCIA; Ms. Therese Leasburg, US-AEP country director in India; Mr. Parasnis; Mr. Vishwas Kale, secretary of IEA; Ms. Anu Aga, chairperson of Thermax Ltd.; Dr. Banoo Coyaji, director of KEM Hospital; and Dr. A.M. Patwardhan, head of the Environment Science Department at the University of Pune. One of the outcomes of the roundtable was the creation of an action committee to tackle various environmental issues and a monitoring committee to ensure that Indian industries become more environmentally aware. The meeting also led to the formation of a group that will focus on working with the local government to make Pune an environmentally friendly city. MCCIA, the University of Pune, and nongovernmental organization Econet are among the members of this team.


US-AEP/Malaysia has added two new staff members to its office: Steve Knode joins US-AEP/Malaysia as deputy director after having spent the last year as a full-time contractor with the Commercial Service (CS) in Kuala Lumpur. At CS, Steve was responsible for counseling American exporters on the Malaysian market and coordinating many of the Department of Commerce activities surrounding APEC. He earned a B.A. in International Relations from Dension University. Faizah Othman joins US-AEP/Malaysia as an administrative assistant after having received a B.A. in Education with honors from the University of Malaya. To both Steve and Faizah, welcome to the US-AEP family!


United States-Asia Environmental Partnership, 1819 H Street NW, 7th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20006
Tel: 202-835-0333 Fax: 202-835-0366 E-mail: