US-AEP�s Environmental Exchange Program and Clean Technology and
Environmental Management (CTEM) program conducted a U.S. study tour on
"Clean Technology for Pollution Prevention (P2) and Water Recycling in the
Semiconductor Industry," November 29 to December 11. Reflecting CTEM�s
strategic focus on Asia�s electronics industry, the tour involved 16
environmental health and safety managers from electronics companies in Hong
Kong, Korea, the Philippines, Thailand, and Taiwan. Tour objectives were to
transfer environmental technologies and build U.S.-Asia relationships to
facilitate environmental management initiatives, such as "greening the
supply chain."
The participants examined technologies in use at the facilities of U.S.
environmental performance leaders such as Intel, Siliconix, and Motorola. In
addition, visits to top U.S. technology vendors--including Applied
Materials, U.S. Filter, Hydromatix , ADP Marshall, and Environmental and
Occupational Risk Management--provided an overview of emerging pollution
prevention and risk reduction technologies. Government agencies and
community groups were also involved: Santa Clara County, California, Arizona
Department of Commerce, and Arizona Environmental Technologies Industries
Meetings with Hewlett Packard, Pillsbury Madison & Sutro, and Business
for Social Responsibility exposed participants to initiatives such as
voluntary business standards and corporate environmental stewardship. And,
as part of a global outreach effort to reduce the semiconductor industry�s
environmental impact, U.S. organizations such as the Semiconductor Industry
Association (SIA), the Semiconductor Safety Association (SSA), and Sematech
hosted sessions and site visits.
The exchange was made possible through the efforts of many US-AEP team
members, including the Institute of International Education (manager of EEP),
Louis Berger International, Inc. (implementor of CTEM), as well as US-AEP�s
Offices of Technology Cooperation.