UPDATE: November 30, 1998

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US-AEP explores partnership with Bangkok Metropolitan Authority.

During a recent trip to Washington, D.C., Bangkok Governor Dr. Bhichit Rattakul met with US-AEP Executive Director Peter Kimm to discuss an official partnership with the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA). US-AEP�s strong relationship with BMA has developed through the activities of several program partners, including the California Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC), and Kenan Institute-Asia (KIAsia).

During Governor Bhichit�s visit, KIAsia and DOC worked with US-AEP to hold a November 19 business briefing. This forum enabled the governor to address more than 30 senior U.S. business representatives on BMA's plans to privatize collection and disposal or operations in several sectors, including wastewater and solid waste. In addition, through EPA coordination, the governor toured an air emissions monitoring station and a solid waste incineration site. Travel for these site tours was supported by The Asia Foundation, another US-AEP partner.

US-AEP�s work with BMA is designed to support greater U.S. involvement in Bangkok�s ambitious privatization program. In the coming year, US-AEP will investigate a wide range of activities with BMA, including an urban air demonstration project, medical waste privatization tour, environmental enforcement training, establishment of an enforcement center, document preparation for build-own-operate solid waste projects, water management study tour, and a water and wastewater operations and management workshop.

Greening of Industry Network holds seventh conference in Rome.

The Greening of Industry Network held its seventh International Conference in Rome, Italy, November 15-18. More than 300 professionals from the academic, government, corporate, and nongovernmental organization communities attended the event. Dr. Somporn Kamolsiripichaiporn, coordinator of the Network�s Asia Office in Bangkok, Thailand, participated in the conference together with Dr. Melito Salazar, undersecretary for Industry and Investment, Philippines, and Mr. Phairuch Mekarporn, managing director of Siam Kraft, Thailand, as part of the official delegation. Mr. Owen Cylke, coordinator of The Policy Group at US-AEP, also attended. The conference highlighted several emerging themes for business, including corporate social responsibility, product stewardship, shifting consumer needs, sustainable consumption, trade and the environment, and technology cooperation. Other important new concepts were also discussed, such as eco-efficiency and by-product synergy.

Dr. Somporn will serve on the Planning Committee for the eighth International Conference, which will be organized by the Kenan-Flagler Business School at the University of North Carolina, chaired by Dr. Stuart Hart, and held November 14-17, 1999. The ninth International Conference is planned for Bangkok in the year 2000.

US-AEP/Taiwan matchmaker event introduces U.S. environmental technologies.

Earlier this month, US-AEP�s Office of Technology Cooperation in Taiwan hosted a three-day business development event for seven U.S. environmental companies. The participating U.S. firms were recruited from the states of Arizona, Idaho, and Texas, while an Alaskan firm provided company brochures for display. The event was designed to help U.S. companies find local partners--an imperative due to the complexity of selling into Taiwan. To that end, more than 70 one-on-one meetings between the U.S. firms and prospective Taiwanese partners were held over the course of the three days. In addition to fostering potential partnerships, the meetings served to maintain U.S. presence in Taiwan in the face of growing European and Japanese exports to the region. While Taiwan has not suffered economic distress to the degree of many other Asian economies, it has suffered from American firms� general fear of the Asia market. (Note: US-AEP Environmental Technology Fund, managed by the National Association of State Development Agencies, facilitated the participation of four of the companies.)

Singapore officials seek chemical-handling trainers from U.S.

Seeking training courses in chemical handling for their staff, Dr. Lin Yucheng and Mr. Srinivasan Ramabhadran of NOVO Environmental Technology Services Pte. Ltd. (the commercial arm of the Singapore Productivity and Standards Board) used US-AEP�s Environmental Exchange Program to meet with three U.S. companies offering such courses. On November 10-17, they attended courses and discussed course options with the companies--American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) of Miami, Florida; Primatech of Atlanta, Georgia; and Arthur D. Little, Inc. (ADL) of Cambridge, Massachusetts. In particular, they were interested in courses which included the topics of hazards evaluation, both qualitative and quantitative methods; safety analysis and risk assessment; and consequence assessment and mitigation. After they have evaluated the three programs, Dr. Lin and Mr. Srinivasan will choose one of the companies to provide the chemical-handling training courses in Singapore. (Note: US-AEP�s Environmental Exchange Program is implemented by the Institute of International Education.)


United States-Asia Environmental Partnership, 1819 H Street NW, 7th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20006
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