State of Hawaii shares energy efficiency expertise with Filipino partner.
Through US-AEP�s State Environmental Initiative (SEI), the state of
Hawaii continues to promote energy efficiency with partners in the
Philippines. As announced in the July 13 UPDATE, this project commenced in
June with an energy workshop in Manila. Since then, the project�s U.S.
partner�the state of Hawaii�s Department of Business, Economic Development
and Tourism�held an August workshop on electricity performance contracting
for representatives of the Filipino partner group, the Philippines
Department of Energy. Plans are being finalized for a February 1-2, 1999,
workshop in Hawaii, which will enable Filipino attendees to hear from policy
experts on how to widen commercial application of advanced energy efficiency
technologies. During this event, participants will work together to draft
policy mechanisms for use in the Philippines. (Note: US-AEP�s State
Environmental Initiative is managed by the Council of State Governments.)
US-AEP is also promoting energy efficiency in Hong Kong. As noted in the
September 14 UPDATE, US-AEP�s Environmental Exchange Program enabled two
representatives of the Hong Kong Productivity Council to gain hands-on
experience in energy performance contracting through a month-long exchange
with Energy Masters Corporation, a Kansas firm.
US-AEP/Korea fosters lucrative North Carolina-Korea alliance.
US-AEP�s Office of Technology Cooperation in Seoul, Korea, recently
helped to secure an agent-distributor agreement for Environmental Process
Systems (EPS) of Matthews, North Carolina. The U.S. company stands to gain
an initial amount of $400,000 in new export sales through this partnership.
US-AEP counseling by Technology Representative Chi-Sun Lee enabled EPS to
identify and forge a partnership with Korean partner Shinsung Cenic, whose
name has now been changed to EPS/Korea. Specializing in drinking water and
wastewater clean-up solutions�particularly remediation of nonsoluble oil in
wastewater�EPS�s technology is in demand in Korea, where environmental
regulations now require the installation of wastewater treatment systems at
car-washing facilities. Since more than 10,000 car washes are located across
the country, according to 1997 Ministry of Environment figures, EPS�s
technology is especially marketable in this sector. In addition, the U.S.
company�s technology is "easy to install, maintain, and operate, and is
price-competitive with existing technology in Korea," according to US-AEP�s
Office of Technology Cooperation/Korea. EPS/Korea is currently working at LG
Chemical Co, Ltd.�s manufacturing facility in Ulsan, Korea, to remove carbon
from the plant�s wastewater.
Asian delegates study wastewater technology at WEFTEC '98.
As in years past, US-AEP�s Overseas Program Fund (OPF) is bringing a
delegation of Asians to the Water Environment Federation (WEF) annual
conference. The National Association of State Development Agencies (NASDA)�administrator
of the OPF�will play an important role at the October 4-7 event in Orlando,
Florida. With NASDA�s coordination, more than 150 delegates from nine Asian
countries (Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines,
Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand) will participate in approximately 300
one-on-one meetings with U.S. companies, as well as two half-day technical
site tours to two regional water reclamation facilities. With more than
15,000 water quality and wastewater treatment professionals participating at
the conference, WEFTEC `98 is expected to offer significant business
opportunities to both U.S. and Asian firms.
tools available for U.S. exporters.
The Environmental Technologies Exports (ETE) office of the U.S.
Department of Commerce�a US-AEP partner�has produced a new information kit.
U.S. environmental firms interested in exports are encouraged to request a
kit by calling 202-482-5225. In addition, ETE recently announced a new
website. Located at, the site offers market
plans for the Philippines, Thailand, and many other countries; links to
relevant journals and periodicals; a calendar of export-related events; past
issues of ETE�s newsletter; and more. |