California study tour addresses biosolids management issues.
The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) in Thailand, which is
currently designing and constructing six large municipal treatment plants,
sent two top scientists to participate in a biosolids management study tour
hosted by US-AEP�s California Environmental Partnership, August 15-29. BMA
selected Mrs. Suthimol Kessomboon, Chief of Environment and Sanitation
Section, and Ms. Sariporn Leemaharoungruang, Chief of Planning Sub Division,
to participate in the two-week tour. Both women indicated that they received
excellent briefings from the plants� biosolids managers about how to plan
and manage an effective biosolids program. The tour included visits to nine
municipal water pollution control plants (six of which also have land
applications of the biosolids), two recycling facilities, one landfill, four
composting operations, and one privately owned company that demonstrated its
innovative dewatering technology. Ms. Mary Wilson, Technical Coordinator for
the California Environmental Partnership, developed the study tour program
with the assistance of US-AEP/Thailand Director J.D. Murphy, Dr. Teng-Chung
Wu of the California Environmental Protection Agency�s (Cal/EPA) San
Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board, and Mr. Suwan Sonkprasha of
Cal/EPA�s Department of Toxic Substance Control. Logistical support and
travel funding were provided by US-AEP�s Environmental Exchange Program,
which is administered by the Institute of International Education.
US-AEP supports Sri Lanka's ISO 14001 EMS Users Association.
The American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) in collaboration with
US-AEP/Sri Lanka held an ISO 14000 seminar on August 26 in Colombo. The
seminar was sponsored by USAID's Technology Initiative of the Private Sector
(TIPS) project, the National Development Bank (NDB)/Environmental Resources
Management (Lanka) Ltd. (ERM), and the DFCC Bank. His Excellency The
Ambassador of the United States of America Shaun E. Donnelly delivered the
welcome address, followed by Deshabandu Karu Jayasuriya, Mayor of Colombo,
who delivered the keynote address. The seminar focused on ISO 14000
awareness and the benefits of ISO 14001 registration.
August 27-28, more than 35 participants attended an ISO 14001 workshop
sponsored by US-AEP and TIPS. The two-day workshop was designed to provide
hands-on experience in developing an ISO 14001 system. Certificates were
awarded to workshop participants by Mr. Spencer King, CEO/TIPS. Mr. James
Highlands, president of Management Systems Analysis, Inc., conducted the
seminar and workshop. Higlands� participation was arranged by the Institute
of International Education through US-AEP�s Environmental Exchange Program.
The three-day program also focussed on the newly formed "ISO 14001 EMS
Users Association." US-AEP and TIPS sponsored a meeting of 20 corporate
members on July 21, 1998, to discuss plans for setting up the Association.
Subsequently, the Association appointed an executive committee, technical
committee, finance committee, and promotions committee. Mr. Chandra de
Silva, president of the Association, spoke at the ISO 14000 seminar about
the Association�s objective of "working towards the adoption of ISO 14001
standards for industry and services in Sri Lanka as an EMS standard for
sustainable development." Several new corporate and individual members
enrolled in the ISO 14001 EMS Users Association during the three-day
US-AEP�s Clean Technology and Environmental Management component (CTEM)
actively participated in the ISO 14000 seminar and workshop. Mr. Subrata
Mazumder, Technical Manager/India, and Ms. Suzanne Young, Technical
Manager/Thailand, shared CTEM�s experience in using EMS principles and
practices as voluntary business standards for sustainable development. They
discussed how initiatives such as "greening the supply chain" can be used to
promote EMS and also presented a comprehensive "road map" for implementing
ISO 14001.
conducts campaign training in Thailand.
In collaboration with US-AEP, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
delivered several training activities in Thailand, August 18-27. In response
to requests from the municipality of Hat Yai and the Bangkok Metropolitan
Authority (BMA), EPA�s Dennis Wagner and Kristy Miller provided training and
technical assistance on developing, implementing, and evaluating targeted
environmental campaigns. In Hat Yai, EPA trained 30 individuals to carry out
a campaign to educate the Hat Yai citizenry on the benefits of wastewater
treatment and the need for public support of a tariff that will be used to
fund the new wastewater treatment facility. Direct results of this training
include: a highly focused campaign to work with tourism and hotel
associations to gain the support of hotel owners; more than 600 community
health officials in targeted efforts to develop public support; a television
documentary on the benefits of wastewater treatment and the need for the
tariff; and an intensive three-month public-education campaign in one of Hat
Yai's key community districts, which will culminate with a festival on the
king�s birthday. In addition, EPA made specific recommendations to senior
Hat Yai officials to ensure the success of their campaign to build public
support for Thailand�s first-ever environmental tariff. In Bangkok, EPA
trained 22 individuals at BMA, laying the groundwork for developing focused,
result-oriented campaigns that urge Bangkok residents to reduce vehicle
emissions and to sort their garbage.
announces conference on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers.
The Environment Agency of Japan will host the Organisation of Economic
Co-operation and Development�s (OECD) International Conference on Pollutant
Release and Transfer Registries (PRTR) on September 9-11, in Tokyo. As
defined by OECD, a PRTR is an environmental database or inventory of
potentially harmful releases to air, water, and soil as well as wastes
transported off site for treatment and disposal. Facilities releasing
substances listed on a PRTR registry report periodically what pollutants are
released, the quantity, and to which environmental media. The goals of this
conference are to share lessons learned from existing or emerging PRTRs, to
evaluate the national and international role of PRTRs as an environmental
policy tool for sustainable development, and to identify future directions
and challenges. Dennis Zvinakis, US-AEP�s regional representative and Asia
coordinator for The Policy Group, and John Harmon of the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), will attend the conference. Information-based
strategies have been at the heart of The Policy Group�s work, which has
included supporting Indonesia�s PROPER program as well as a recent New
Jersey/Thailand State Environmental Initiative grant for an information and
performance-based policy initiative.... To learn more about PRTR or the
upcoming conference, visit OECD�s PRTR Web page at
For more information on The Policy Group�s related initiatives, check
workshops to promote privatization of environmental infrastructure.
On behalf of US-AEP�s Environmental Exchange Program (EEP), the Institute
for Public-Private Partnerships, Inc. will conduct a series of three-day
workshops in the Philippines, Thailand, and Korea on public-private
partnerships for environmental infrastructure in October and November 1998.
Topics requested by these countries focus on water supply, wastewater, and
solid and hazardous waste. These workshops, expected to attract about 260
participants, are targeted at senior-level municipal officials at local,
state and national levels, as well as policy makers, private sector
financial officers, and others. Representatives from Sri Lanka are invited
to attend the workshop in Thailand. The Environmental Exchange Program is
implemented by the Institute of International Education. |