Arizona concludes SEI grant with successful Philippines trade mission.
The state of Arizona recently concluded its efforts to rehabilitate the
Palico River in the Philippines. These activities were funded by a 1997
US-AEP State Environmental Initiative (SEI) grant to Arizona State
University and the Arizona Department of Commerce. A week-long trade mission
held in early August enabled nine Arizona environmental firms to introduce
their products to 80 Filipino companies located along the Palico River. The
U.S. firms discussed their capabilities in water purification, wastewater
treatment and recycling, waste disposal infrastructure construction,
wetlands management, and bioremediation.
The mission�s highlight was an August 5 technology seminar. US Ambassador
to the Phillippines Thomas Hubbard gave opening remarks, while the Asian
Development Bank�s Stacy Bonnaffons provided an overview on how the bank
finances environmental projects. Other key events included meetings of the
U.S. firms and the mayor of Muntinlupa, other government officials, and
Muntinlupa Development Foundation board members, as well as a market
briefing by the American Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines. (Note: US-AEP�s
State Environmental Initiative is administered by the Council of State
Arsenic treatment series in Bangladesh generates business for U.S. firm.
During the past year, Tetrahedron, Inc., a Baltimore, Maryland,
environmental company, used a US-AEP Environmental Technology Fund grant to
conduct a series of seminars in Bangladesh. The four seminars focused on the
treatment of arsenic in the country�s groundwater and drew participants from
Bangladeshi government, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), private
companies, and private citizens. The company�s outreach effort has produced
a contract with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) for arsenic
treatment and generated proposal invitations from several organizations,
including the World Bank, Bangladesh Export Processing Zone, and several
private firms. The Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development
worked closely with Tetrahedron on this project. (Note: US-AEP�s
Environmental Technology Fund is managed by the National Association of
State Development Agencies.)
Exchange brings Malaysian LESTARI officer to World Bank course in U.S.
Through the efforts of US-AEP�s Environmental Exchange Program,
Malaysia�s premier environmental policy research institute, LESTARI, was
represented at a July 6-17 World Bank course, "Environmental Economics for
Development Policy." Ms. Rospidah Ghazali, a LESTARI Science Officer,
attended the two-week course in Washington, D.C., where she studied how to
use environmental economics in considering environmental problems and
resources at the macro, sector, and project levels. The course also provided
guidance on analyzing environmental problems, setting priorities,
contemplating policy responses, and valuing environmental and health
impacts. Ms. Ghazali's participation in the course increased her capacity to
analyze policies and programs for sustainable development and prepared her
to train and advise Malaysian government officials, managers, journalists,
and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) on these topics.
After the course, Ms. Ghazali spent two days with The Policy Group at
US-AEP. LESTARI and The Policy Group plan to work together on urban
environmental management efforts in Malaysia.
US-AEP exchange leads to hazwaste facility contract in India.
Due in part to a US-AEP Environmental Exchange Program activity last
December, Tetra Tech India Limited (TTIL) recently signed an Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) with the Chennai Waste Management (CWM) consortium. The
MOU outlines TTIL�s agreement with CWM to develop a hazardous waste
management facility in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. With a projected cost of
about $3,000,000 for the facility, proceeds of $700,000 are expected to go
to TTIL and its parent companies, Tetra Tech EM Inc., a U.S. consulting and
engineering firm based in Pasadena, California, and Technofab Engineering
Limited of New Delhi, India. Utilizing Tetra Tech experts from the U.S. for
much of this work, TTIL will provide CWM with services in facility planning,
construction management and design, and coordination of municipal and
hazardous waste management in the states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and
Last December's exchange enabled eight Indian private and public sector
managers�including representatives from TTIL and the state and local Indian
pollution control boards�to visit hazardous waste treatment centers run by
Tetra Tech and other companies in Washington, D.C., Chicago, Illinois, and
Buffalo, New York. The participants also met with U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency officials who are involved in the treatment of hazardous
waste. (Note: US-AEP�s Environmental Exchange Program is managed by the
Institute of International Education.)
US-AEP/Philippines promotes environmental association membership.
US-AEP/Philippines and US-AEP�s partners for environmental association
development in Asia�the Water Environment Federation (WEF) and Air & Waste
Management Association (A&WMA)� recently worked together to host two July
1998 events in Makati, Philippines. On July 21, Technology Representative
Alma Madrazo, working with A&WMA�s Philippines� Section, held a technical
session on air quality management. "On the Road to Clean Air" attracted
representatives from 60 companies, government agencies, and nongovernmental
organizations (NGOs). The event was opened by U.S. & Foreign Commercial
Service Senior Commercial Officer Carmine D'Aloisio. Air quality experts
from two U.S. firms�Dames and Moore and NAVISTAR International
Transportation Corp. of Chicago, Illinois�discussed the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency�s air quality program, as well as industry initiatives to
improve air quality. In addition, the Philippines� Department of Environment
and Natural Resources (DENR) presented the Metro Manila Air Quality
Improvement Program, while other presenters discussed the Philippines� air
quality and its impacts on public health.
On July 27, "Managing the Association"�leadership education for volunteer
leaders�was hosted by the Water Environment Association of the Philippines (WEAP)
and A&WMA�s Philippines� Section, under the leadership of
US-AEP/Philippines. Additional support was provided by WEF and A&WMA in the
United States. The one-day workshop was conducted by Dr. Quicalee Brown and
included the induction of new members to the sponsoring Filipino
associations. Approximately 40 individuals attended the event.
US-AEP bade farewell on August 21 to Mark West, Program Operations
Manager. After three years of dedication to US-AEP, Mark will begin a PhD
program in Political Science at the University of Los Angeles this fall.
Mark will be missed, but promises to appear on C-SPAN in the coming years!