Manila energy workshop marks launch of Hawaii-Philippines SEI project.
Through a US-AEP State Environmental Initiative (SEI) project, the state
of Hawaii is partnering with the Filipino government to promote energy
efficiency in the Philippines. The project was kicked off with a June 17-18
workshop held in Manila, "Energy Efficiency Policies and Technologies of the
Philippines: U.S. and Hawaii Transfer Opportunities." This event is the
first in a series of activities designed by the project partners�the state
of Hawaii�s Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism and the
Philippine Department of Energy (DOE)�to promote the use of advanced energy
efficiency technologies, building codes and standards, demand side
management, and the expansion of a Filipino energy service company (ESCO)
industry. The workshop was sponsored by the Hawaiian and Filipino partners,
with funding under an earlier project from the United States Agency for
International Development (USAID) and the National Association of State
Energy Officials (NASEO).
More than 70 Filipino participants were on hand for the workshop,
representing government agencies, the private sector, electric utility
companies, and academic organizations. Francisco Viray, Secretary of the
Philippine DOE, gave welcoming remarks, along with representatives from the
state of Hawaii, NASEO, USAID, and US-AEP. In addition, the vice president
of Energy Performance Services, Inc., a leading energy service company based
in Pennsylvania, described the ins and outs of performance contracting and
explained how his firm has managed to secure financing for projects around
the world. Speakers from the state of Hawaii, the Philippine DOE, the
Philippines Energy Regulatory Board, and two local associations described
the results of their research and projects in the areas of climate change
and demand side management, as well as their policy and technology transfer
needs. The State Environmental Initiative is implemented by the Council of
State Governments. This project is one of seven approved by the SEI advisory
board for implementation this year.
Korean delegation receives first-hand look at Minnesota technology.
Following their participation in the Waste Expo �98 conference held in
Chicago, Illinois, 16 Korean businessmen took part in June 11-12 meetings
with the Minnesota Trade Office (MTO) and several of the state�s
environmental technology firms. The delegation was led by US-AEP Technology
Representative in Korea, Chi-Sun Lee, with support provided through US-AEP�s
Overseas Program Fund, implemented by the National Association of State
Development Agencies. The group received an overview of the MTO�s functions
from Executive Director Noor Doja and International Trade Representative for
Environmental Technologies Karin Nelson, while briefings on Minnesota
companies and capabilities were given by Dennis Kim, President,
Enviroscience; Philip Solseng, Vice President, Barr Engineering Company;
Kirk Rosenberger, consultant to NRG Energy, Inc.; and Douglas Petty,
international management consultant. In addition, a site visit arranged by
Hennepin County Environmental Services in Minneapolis enabled the delegates
to see a waste-to-energy facility in action. A tour of the facility,
Hennepin Energy Resource Co., was provided by Solid Waste Division Manager
Carl Michaud. Tour participants showed strong interest in the technology,
agreeing that "this visit alone was worth the trip."
continues haze monitoring activities in Malaysia.
Haze monitoring activities in Malaysia continue next week, as the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conducts a week-long seminar July
13-17. This event is a follow-up to late�1997 EPA monitoring activities
undertaken at the government�s request to assess the human health impacts of
the Indonesian fires. Through the July seminar, EPA representatives Tom
Hartledge, Les Grant, Joe Pinto, and Jane Metcalfe will share the results of
the monitoring assessments with representatives of the Malaysian Ministry of
Science, Technology & Environment (MOSTE), as well as the Malaysian
Departments of Health and Climatology and additional participants invited by
MOSTE. US-AEP/Malaysia is helping to coordinate efforts with the Malaysian
attendees. The EPA team will be in Singapore July 20-22 to undertake similar
Media highlight US-AEP's Responsible Care� and EEP activities.
The latest issue of CAREline�an international publication dedicated to
the chemical industry�s Responsible Care� initiative�included an
article written by Conchita Silva, Asian Program Manager for US-AEP�s Clean
Technology and Environmental Management initiative, and Lisa Lumbao of
US-AEP Communications. The article highlights Asian milestones in
implementing Responsible Care� and the efforts of US-AEP to
support them. Read it on the US-AEP website at the following address:
"Women-Connect Asia," a website sponsored by the CanAsian Businesswomen�s
Network and the Southeast Asia Gender Equity Program is featuring a story on
how one US-AEP Environmental Exchange Program (EEP) participant�San Miguel
Corporation�s Senior Environmental Officer Marietta Aguado�used her
experience to improve her company�s environmental performance. Visit the
site at: Portia
Persley of the Institute of International Education (IIE), which manages the
EEP, worked with US-AEP Communications� Rhonda Vandeworp to place the
Half-million in recent U.S. environmental exports confirmed.
In June, US-AEP�s Operations staff confirmed nine U.S.-Asia environmental
technology transactions that took place in early 1998. These nine sales
represent more than $580,000 in U.S. environmental exports. Three of the
transactions were agency-distributorship agreements in India, while two
sales of air pollution equipment took place in Hong Kong ($462,000). Two
water/wastewater equipment sales totaling $102,000 were conducted in Korea,
and $23,000 in sales of laboratory equipment took place in Sri Lanka. Over
the past year, US-AEP has facilitated the transfer of environmental goods
and services to Asia worth approximately $15,000,000.
US-AEP Communications� Rhonda Vandeworp recently completed her M.S in
Journalism at the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism, Ohio University, in
Athens, Ohio. Congrats, Rhonda!