Focus on the Philippines...
...Leading Filipino extension organizations sign MOU with US-AEP.
US-AEP�s Clean Technology and Environmental Management program recently
entered into a partnership with two of the Philippines� leading extension
organizations: the Pollution Control Association of the Philippines, Inc. (PCAPI)
and the Industrial Technology Development Institute (ITDI) of the
Philippines� Department of Science and Technology. These organizations
signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with US-AEP, effective April
1998, which aims to (1) strengthen the technical capabilities and
institutional capacity of these extension organizations, and (2) establish
linkages with similar organizations across Asia and in the United States.
US-AEP/CTEM will help PCAPI reach beyond its seven current chapters to
disseminate information on clean technology equipment, experience, and
practice. And through the partnership with ITDI, US-AEP/CTEM will assist in
enhancing the ITDI�s Environmental Technology Assessment Systems (ETAS) by
identifying foreign technologies that can be adapted to local conditions.
The first activity under this MOU is a group study tour of U.S. extension
organizations, scheduled for June 6-19, 1998. Designed by USAEP�s
Environmental Exchange Program, the tour will introduce Asian participants
to the many functions of U.S. extension organizations, such as information
dissemination, collaborative network building, and community outreach.
...US-AEP Tech Reps promote clean technology at environmental seminars.
US-AEP/Philippines Technology Representative Alma Madrazo gave a
presentation on �Environment and Energy Management� at the first in a series
of seminars held by the Philippine Council for Sustainable Development and
Environmental Technologies (PCSDET). The event, which was held at De La
Salle University April 27-30, drew attendees from both academia and the
private sector.
The local US-AEP office also assisted in securing speakers for a seminar
on "Alternative Water Treatment Recovery Systems," sponsored by the Water
Environment Association of the Philippines (WEAP). With help from the
National Association of State Development Agencies and the Institute of
International Education (both of which are US-AEP partners), three
representatives of U.S. water and wastewater treatment companies were
identified to present alternative treatment technologies. The seminar, which
attracted more than 50 participants, is part of the continuing program WEAP
and US-AEP have organized to improve the professional competence of Filipino
water and wastewater treatment professionals.
Exchange deepens Asian understanding of P2 programs.
In late April, US-AEP�s Environmental Exchange Program brought ten Asian
representatives to the National Pollution Prevention Roundtable (NPPR) 1998
Spring Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio. The participants hailed from
organizations in four countries: India (EXNORA International, Thane Belapur
Industrial Association, and Indian Institute of Technology); Thailand
(Ministry of Industry, Environment Institute, National Economic and Social
Development Board, and Zeneca Agro Asiatic Limited); South Korea (Taedok
Institute of Technology, SK Corporation); and Taiwan (National Center for
Cleaner Production). During the April 28-May 1 conference, the attendees met
with U.S. and Asian counterparts to work toward establishing national
pollution prevention (P2) roundtables in their own countries. From May 4-6,
the group met with P2 stakeholders in the Chicago area�including federal,
state, and local government; industry; nongovernmental organizations (NGOs),
and universities�to deepen their understanding of U.S. P2 programs and
provide models of successful P2 cooperation. The Environmental Exchange
Program is managed by the Institute of International Education.
Environmental news via EarthLink.
EarthLink, a bi-monthly newsletter produced by the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency�s INFOTERRA/USA, provides news on international
environmental activities, publications, and more. To subscribe, contact
INFOTERRA by phone: 202-260-5917; fax: 202-260-3923; e-mail:; or via the web:
firms invited to Minnesota export finance conference.
The national Environmental Export Finance Conference, scheduled for June
25, 1998, in St. Paul, Minnesota, is designed to promote resources available
to U.S. environmental firms who want to increase their exports. Co-sponsored
by the Export-Import (EXIM) Bank and the Minnesota Trade Office, the
conference will feature speakers from US-AEP, the Inter-American Development
Bank, Norwest Bank, and several successful environmental exporters. In
addition, representatives from EXIM Bank will review working capital
guarantees, legal issues, and environmental programs. On Friday, June 26,
attendees will have the opportunity to meet individually with speakers to
discuss specific issues. For more information, contact Kirsten Brooks at the
Minnesota Trade Office: 612-297-4283 or 800-657-3858.
Farewell and welcome!
Farewell to Dinaz Noble, US-AEP Market Research Coordinator in Mumbai,
India, who left the program May 8. Please also bid goodbye to Axel Kornerup,
Deputy Director of US-AEP/Philippines, whose last day with the program is
scheduled for May 22. Many thanks for all your efforts, Axel! Finally, adieu
to Theonie White, Administrative Assistant for US-AEP/Sri Lanka, who will be
leaving US-AEP in June and moving to Australia... and welcome to Susan
Croner, Theonie�s successor! Like Theonie, Susan is a former USAID employee. |