Carolina conference highlights US-AEP's export tools.
US-AEP Executive Director Peter Kimm was a keynote speaker on March 31 at
a conference in Durham, North Carolina, "Expanding Markets for Environmental
Technologies: The Bottom Line." The event was organized by the World Trade
Center North Carolina and the North Carolina Environmental Technologies
Consortium. Its purpose was directly in alignment with US-AEP goals: to
promote export of U.S. environmental technologies and services. The
conference attracted 100 public and private sector attendees from around the
region and highlighted the many opportunities and resources available to
This was an important conference for US-AEP for several reasons. North
Carolina ranks 12th among all states in terms of revenue generated by the
environmental sector and 17th in terms of environmental exports. However,
only a handful of the state's environmental companies have taken advantage
of US-AEP's export promotion tools. Kimm's keynote speech provided an
opportunity to stress the availability of these resources. He also
articulated for the audience a clear distinction between the role of the
government and that of U.S. businesses: the government's role is to provide
assistance in the form of information, tools, and contacts for exporters,
while the private sector makes the ultimate business decisions and assumes
the risk of the international marketplace.
USAID and US-AEP were at center stage throughout the conference.
Highlights of the event included a keynote address given by Ambassador David
L. Aaron, Under Secretary for International Trade at the U.S. Department of
Commerce (DOC), who promoted both DOC resources and US-AEP tools as valuable
means to help U.S. companies enter the Asian market. In addition, the Asian
Development Bank--an organization with which the US-AEP works
closely--highlighted DOC and US-AEP resources during its presentations on
how U.S. companies can secure loans and technical assistance grants from the
bank. ADB presentations were given by Denny Barnes, Director of the Office
of the U.S. Commercial Liaison to the ADB, and Todd Avery, US-AEP Commercial
Environmental Specialist of the Multilateral Development Bank.
US-AEP was also represented at breakout sessions during the event.
Charlie Kellett of the National Association of State Development Agencies (NASDA)
led a session that focused on helping companies with the application process
for US-AEP Environmental Technology Fund grants. Greg Hills, US-AEP
Operations Manager, participated in a panel discussion, "Doing Business in
Asia in Troubled Times," that offered guidance to U.S. companies exporting
during Asia's financial crisis.
presents public relations training in Thailand.
Under its agreement with US-AEP, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) presented a three-day training module on the principles and tools of
public outreach to 30 key government and private sector public relations
personnel. Attendees represented Thailand's Department of Environmental
Quality Promotion, Pollution Control Department, Bangkok Metropolitan
Administration, Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand, Petroleum
Authority of Thailand, and the municipalities of Chiang Mai, Nonthaburi,
Rayong, Samutprakarn and Hat Yai. The course, conducted March 16-27 by EPA's
Timothy O'Donovan, Dennis Wagner, and Mary Mears, included case studies on
running municipal public relations campaigns. US-AEP/Thailand staff, Satit
Sanongphan and Kitti Kumpeera, were on hand for translating assistance.
Following the course, the EPA team and US-AEP representatives travelled to
Hat Yai Municipality, where they conducted a second public outreach training
course for 25 local administrative officers, media representatives, members
of parliament, community leaders, NGOs, teachers, and district officers.
workshop addresses emergency response preparedness.
At the request of the Chemical Industry Association of the Philippines,
US-AEP, through its Environmental Exchange Program, brought two U.S. experts
to Manila, Philippines, to lead a workshop on Community Awareness and
Emergency Response. Elizabeth Gonzalez and Saundra Gabbert from the Local
Emergency Planning Committee of Pasadena, Texas, conducted the March 26-27
workshop and presented the U.S. perspective on chemical accident prevention,
risk management, and inherent safety. Attending the event were the
signatories to the Responsible Care� program that was initiated in the
Philippines by US-AEP's Clean Technology and Environmental Management
activity on voluntary business standards. As a result of the workshop and
their ongoing commitment to Responsible Care�, attendees are developing a
local Community Awareness and Emergency Response Code for adoption and
implementation by their respective companies. The adoption of this code will
be the first of six Codes of Management Practices that are recommended under
the Responsible Care� program.
outlines Asian opportunities at Maryland event.
On March 19, the Maryland International Trade Association and the
Maryland Environmental Business Alliance hosted a seminar on "International
Opportunities in Water and Wastewater." The seminar focused on financing
options tailored to the needs of small- and medium-sized water and
wastewater businesses interested in exports. Meaghan Conte, Director of
Environmental Programs at the National Asssociation of State Development
Agencies (NASDA), who represented US-AEP, spoke on Asian market
opportunities. Seminar panelists included Ben Movahed, Principal, Watek
Engineering, a US-AEP Environmental Technology Fund grant recipient. In the
spirit of partnership, the seminar also received support and sponsorship
from the Office of International Business, Maryland Department of Business &
Economic Development, United States Export Assistance Center, University of
Maryland University College, and World Trade Center Institute.
US-AEP/India Tech Rep receives Meritorious Service Award.
Sundaresan Subramanian, US-AEP's Tech Rep in Chennai, India, has received
the Meritorious Honor Award from the U.S. Department of Commerce. U.S.
Ambassador Richard Celeste presented the award to Subi for his extraordinary
efforts in organizing high-profile national events, including a December
trade mission led by Department of Commerce Secretary William Daley.
EPA workshop.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will hold its 5th National
Wastewater Treatment Technology Transfer Workshop May 18-20 in Kansas City,
Missouri. Contact Dr. Rao Surampalli, EPA, 726 Minnesota Avenue, Kansas
City, Kansas 66101. Tel: 913-551-7453. Fax: 913-551-7765. |