Indonesian chemical
industry embraces Responsible Care.
After several years of discussions, an important milestone was reached
October 23 as the Indonesian chemical industry launched the "Responsible
Care" (RC) initiative. The launch occurred as part of a seminar organized by
the Komite Nasional-Responsible Care Indonesia (KN-RCI) of the Indonesian
Chemical Industry Club (ICIC), with support from US-AEP's Clean Technology
and Environmental Management program. Endorsements were made by senior
government officials of the BAPEDAL, Ministry of Industry and Trade,
Ministry of Manpower, and CEOs of various chemical companies. Approximately
20 Indonesian companies have now signed up to support RC, and KN-RCI hopes
to apply for certification to the International Council of Chemical
Industries soon. The good news about RC may further be spread through the
ICIC's chairmanship of the ASEAN Chemical Industries Club, which commences
this month.
During the seminar, more than 100 industry professionals
discussed RC's value-added benefits and its relationship to ISO 14000,
reflecting a growing industry awareness that RC is fundamental to chemical
companies' continued operation. Keynote remarks were made by a spokesperson
from OxyChem of Dallas, Texas, who was identified by US-AEP in collaboration
with the U.S. Chemical Manufacturers Association.
CSG seeks
proposals for next round of SEI grants.
The Council of State Governments (CSG) has issued a call for proposals to
its 1998 State Environmental Initiative (SEI) grants program. Sponsored by
US-AEP, the State Environmental Initiative provides funding in support of
international, public-private partnerships that seek a long-term transfer of
state environmental experience, technology, practices, goods and/or services
to targeted Asian countries. Grants to states are available on a competitive
basis, and although applications must be initiated by a state agency,
corporations and NGOs are encouraged to partner with agencies in submitting
proposals. The deadline for proposals is February 16, 1998. For more
information about SEI and the grant process, contact Karen Marshall at CSG
at 606-244-8234, e-mail to, or visit the US-AEP website at
infrastructure partnerships explored in India, Thailand.
Pursuing United States-Asia partnership opportunities in environmental
infrastructure, Philip Costas, Asia Regional Director of the American
Consulting Engineers Council (ACEC), recently traveled to India and Thailand
to hold speaking engagements, meetings, and media briefings. In cities
across India, a high level of interest in infrastructure partnerships with
U.S. firms was expressed by the Industrial Infrastructure Corporation
(Hyderabad), Gujarat Venture Finance Ltd. (Ahmedabad), Confederation of
Indian Industries, and the Consulting Engineers Association of India.
Partnership opportunities with these organizations will be further explored
with the assistance of US-AEP Environmental Infrastructure Representative
P.U. Asnani and Tech Rep Kevin Bricknell. The visit also produced local and
regional TV reports, an international short-wave radio interview, and the
publication of several newspaper articles. In Bangkok, Costas worked with
US-AEP Environmental Infrastructure Representative Kitti Kumpeera and Tech
Rep J.D. Murphy to advance partnerships among top Thai environmental
engineering firms, local engineering associations, and their U.S./ACEC
counterparts. To facilitate matchmaking, a technical conference on
wastewater operations and management is being planned by US-AEP in
conjunction with the Kenan Institute Asia. This work is part of ACEC's
cooperative agreement with US-AEP to expand the participation of U.S. firms
in environmental infrastructure projects in Asia.
Sri Lanka and
Korea Tech Reps broker distributor/JV agreements.
US-AEP's field offices in Sri Lanka and Korea have played key roles in
facilitating environmental business transactions between U.S. and Asian
firms. US-AEP/Sri Lanka catalyzed three agent-distributor arrangements for
water treatment equipment: Ecometrics, Inc. (Silverdale, Pennsylvania) and
Swedish Trading Company Ltd. (Sri Lanka); Ecowater Systems, Inc. (St. Paul,
Minnesota) and Waterman Engineering Pvt. Ltd. (Sri Lanka); a company in New
Orleans, Louisiana, and Waterman Engineering Pvt. Ltd.
Through meetings arranged by US-AEP/Korea Tech Rep Chi-Sun Lee, a letter
of intent to enter a joint venture was signed October 10 between Kee-Byung
Kim of Taehung Corporation (Seoul, Korea) and Donald Kistnez of Bedminster
Bioconversion Corporation (Marietta, Georgia). Bedminster was able to
identify a market for its technology that exceeds $500 million over the next
two years.
U.S companies
conduct environment and energy workshops in India.
NITON of Bedford, Massachusetts, and Laser Re-Nu of Phoenix, Arizona,
were awarded US-AEP Environmental Technology Fund grants to conduct a series
of environmental and energy-related workshops, training seminars, and
technology demonstrations in India. The U.S. firms are sponsored by Applied
Environmental Technologies and represented by Global Environmental Aid
Association. NITON and Laser Re-Nu are demonstrating their lead-in paint
detection equipment and printer cartridge recycling technology,
respectively. It is expected that business relationships developed through
this grant will lead to future joint ventures and profitable partnerships
with key companies. The project commenced in September 1997. US-AEP's
Environmental Technology Fund is administered by the National Association of
State Development Agencies.
Philippines PEZA
Group visits U.S. industrial estates.
Through the Environmental Business Exchange program, four Filipino
participants from the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) visited
various U.S. industrial estates from July 6-18, 1997. The exchange enabled
participants to compare experiences in operations, incentives, standards,
and administration through one-on-one meetings and facility tours of the
U.S. sites. Industrial estates toured were: Environmental Technologies and
Management and Entrepreneurial Development Center (Houston, Texas);
Brownsville Economic Development Council (Brownsville, Texas); Baltimore
Development Corporation (Baltimore, Maryland); Indigo Development (Oakland,
California); Alameda Naval Air Station (Alameda, California); and Bechtel
(San Francisco, California). While on the exchange, the PEZA group was given
a briefing on ISO 14000 and how it can be effectively implemented in the
Philippines. The participants also received information on policies,
programs, and projects that encourage investment adherence to environmental
protection. One of the visit objectives--to establish links with private
agencies involved in environmental and industrial estates management--was
effectively realized, since US-AEP/Manila has strengthened its relationship
with PEZA as a result of the exchange. The Environmental Business Exchange
program is facilitated by the Institute of International Education.