UPDATE: October 6, 1997

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Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation endorses US-AEP proposal.

The 13th APEC Industrial Science and Technology Working Group met in Singapore, September 30-October 2, and officially endorsed the US-AEP project on "Industrial Environmental Performance Indicators" that will be conducted by the U.S. National Academy of Engineering. Richard Sheppard and Randy Yamada represented the US-AEP Secretariat and (1) explained how the project would assess past and present indices for various industrial fields and (2) announced that the U.S. would host an APEC conference in fall 1998 in California to discuss future indices that the public and private sectors may use as cost-effective and practical benchmarks to measure an economy's industrial environmental performance. The APEC economies agreeing to participate on a self-funded basis in this U.S. led effort include: Australia, Canada, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Korea, Philippines, and Singapore. Other APEC economies are considering their participation and will likely join after consultation with their leadership.

CSG aims to extend international program.

The Council of State Governments (CSG) is conducting a fact-finding trip to Asia, September 28-October 8, to explore various ways to expand its international role and activities. A key objective of this trip is to examine the prospect of internationalizing the Green Developments section of CSG's newsletter, ECOs. Abe Frank, director of CSG's Washington DC Office and staff liaison for CSG's International Committee; Howard Moyes, CSG deputy director for public affairs, research and information services; and Patrick Terrien, US-AEP program operations associate, are visiting state trade offices in South Korea, Singapore, and Hong Kong to discuss the value of disseminating the experiences of states and small businesses in clean technologies and environmental management, currently captured in ECOs, to a broader audience. In addition, the delegation is providing a forum for Asian governments and businesses to discuss environmental protection developments in their jurisdictions. CSG currently administers US-AEP's state grants program, State Environmental Initiative.

Congress focuses on wastewater treatment in the Philippines.

US-AEP/Philippines co-sponsored the 1997 Philippine International Wastewater Treatment Congress and Exhibition held in Manila, September 2-3. The congress attracted 250 participants and generated several trade leads for the Office of Technology Cooperation. Exhibitors included the Water Environment Association of the Philippines (WEAP)--the Philippine chapter of the Water Environment Federation--who shared a booth with the newly formed Philippine section of the Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA). According to Technology Representative Alma Madraza, these two environmental associations have been "very active since their inception, and they continue to attract more members" at events like these.

California firm to market hydrocarbon analyzers.

VIG-Industries, sponsored by the Foreign Trade Association of Southern California, will conduct several demonstrations and one-on-one meetings with agents and potential distributors in Taiwan, India, South Korea, and Malaysia for the company's range of hydrocarbon analyzers. The analyzers incorporate a flame ionization detector coupled with a customized microprocessor and software designed to measure toxic emissions. These analyzers can aid significantly in pollution detection and monitoring systems. VIG proposes to demonstrate its products during the Environmental Technology Trade Mission to Taiwan later this year. The mission will focus on developing client relationships, first in the form of distribution and maintenance contracts and eventually culminating into licensing agreements in all four Asian markets. These marketing efforts are made possible through a US-AEP Environmental Technology Fund grant, administered by the National Association of State Development Agencies.

Register now for upcoming EEP events.

Following is an update of the US-AEP's Environmental Exchange Program's fall activity schedule. For further information or to register, please contact the person listed below at the Institute of International Education (202-326-7706).

Environmental Extension Systems for Water Resource Management Study Tour (United States) November 5 - 20, 1997. Develop linkages with U.S. organizations to promote training, technology transfer and sound environmental practices with a focus on innovative approaches to water purification, clean technologies and pollution prevention for industrial water usage and municipal water management. Application deadline: October 24. Contact Mila Kennett .

Environmental Extension Systems in the Cane Sugar Industry Study Tour (United States) November 30 - December 11, 1997. Develop informational and professional linkages with U.S. counterparts to foster an active industrial/environmental extension system to promote training, technology transfer and sound environmental practices in the sugar industry. Application deadline: October 20. Contact: Mila Kennett.

US-AEP Fellowship Program. In commemoration of US-AEP's 5th Anniversary, 20 fellowships will be awarded for a two-year master's degree in environmental management or engineering. Application deadline has been extended to November 30, 1997. Contact: Lynne Steingass .

CTEM Information Center update.

During the month of September, US-AEP's Washington-based Clean Technology and Environmental Management (CTEM) Information Center handled requests from Indonesia, Malaysia, Mumbai, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand for medical waste information packets prepared by the Center's manager, Kerith McFadden. The information packets contain materials from the U.S. EPA, state environmental agencies, and relevant organizations and associations. The center responded to 17 requests last month, bring the total number to 367 since it opened in February 1996.

Farewell to . . .

. . . Stacy Bonnaffons, who served as program manager with US-AEP's Urban Environmental Infrastructure program for the last two years. Stacy will be joining the U.S. Foreign Commercial Service/Asian Development Bank (ADB) in Manila as a commercial environmental specialist. As a liaison to the ADB, she will be developing a regional marketing plan to tap the over $1 billion of ADB's lending in the environmental sector. Stacy will be located in the Commercial Services Liaison Office of the Thomas Jefferson Cultural Center.


United States-Asia Environmental Partnership, 1819 H Street NW, 7th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20006
Tel: 202-835-0333 Fax: 202-835-0366 E-mail: