UPDATE: August 4, 1997

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Washington firms introduced to Malaysia environmental market.

The 3rd International Environmental and Water Management Technology, Equipment, and Control Systems Exhibitions, ENVIRONMEX/WATERMEX MALAYSIA 97, was held July 14-17 at the Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The exhibition, held in conjunction with Malaysia's premier Petroleum Show, focused on business opportunities in effluent control, sewage systems, water and river pollution control, and waste management. The exhibition was endorsed by Malaysia's Department of Environment and supported by US-AEP. More that 125 companies exhibited at the show, representing 23 countries. Through a grant from US-AEP's Overseas Program Fund, five environmental companies from the state of Washington�Northwest Industrial Equipment, Shafer & Billington, EG&G, Shannon & Wilson, and Cameron Yakima�participated in the event. US-AEP/Malaysia Tech Rep Dena Weissbach, with the assistance of US-AEP/Singapore's Pearlynn Tan, arranged one-on-one meetings for the U.S. firms to acquaint them with the $700 million Malaysia environmental market. The Overseas Program Fund is managed by the National Association of State Development Agencies.

Indonesia seeks solutions to cleaner production in plywood industry.

As a result of a recent cleaner production assessment of the plywood industry Indonesia, industry personnel requested an opportunity to meet with U.S. suppliers of plywood manufacturing equipment and visit U.S. mills. Under the auspices of the US-AEP's Environmental Exchange Program, representatives from PT. Sumalindo Lestari Jaya, PT. Asia Forestama Raya, PT. Sumalindo Meranti Raya Plywood, and PT. Mutu Agung Lestari as well as officials from USAID's Indonesia Cleaner Industrial Production Program, Indonesian Forum for Environment, BAPEDAL, and the Ministry of Industry traveled to the states of Washington, Oregon, Texas, and Louisiana, June 9-18. The delegations investigated cleaner methods and technologies for glue applications, glue waste recycling, glue solids management, sizing, trimming, dryer utilization, log preparation, peeling, heat loss recovery, hot press use, and boiler performance. Mill and manufacturer site visits included Ultrasonic Array, Elliot Bay, Globe Machine, and Hardel Plywood Plant in Washington state; Freres Lumber Co., Plywood Mill, Nordic Veneer, Ventek, and Williamette Industries in Oregon; International Paper in Texas; and International Paper and Martco Plywood Mill in Louisiana. The Environmental Exchange Program is implemented by the Institute of International Education.

First Quality Urban Life Exhibition opens in Kuala Lumpur.

The first Quality Urban Life Exhibition, co-sponsored by US-AEP and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), was held July 3-6 in conjunction with the South Asia Mayors Conference (Developing Solutions for Cities in the 21st Century) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The event�which focused on the urban issues of environment, transportation, medicare, housing, and utilities�was attended by government officials from several ministries, property developers, environmental technology and service companies, and manufacturers grappling with waste issues. The exhibition was an important outreach event for US-AEP/Malaysia...Tech Rep Dena Weissbach reports that their office has received a steady stream of inquiries as a result of US-AEP participation. Dena would like to particularly thank US-AEP/Singapore Deputy Chan Yiu Kei for his help with this event.

Gourlay remains key environmental infrastructure player in Asia.

Peter Gourlay has played an integral role in developing and promoting US-AEP since its inception in 1992, but is now embarking on a new opportunity with CNA Financial, a Chicago-based insurance firm. As Director of International Business Development, he will help CNA's engineering, architect and construction clients enter the international marketplace. Peter also will be exploring a potential equity role for CNA in major infrastructure projects. Although his portfolio is worldwide, his primary focus will be Asia, which will pave the way to explore further relationships with US-AEP and its partners in his new capacity. Over the past five years, US-AEP greatly benefitted from Peter's service as Manager of Technology Cooperation, where he helped establish the Tech Rep offices and build partnerships to assist U.S. industries' entry into Asia's environmental markets. During the last year, Peter was appointed Director of Environmental Infrastructure to assess technology and financing needs in Asia and design a strategy for US-AEP's involvement in the water, wastewater, and solid waste sectors. His vision to expand the reaches of US-AEP and determination to hold US-AEP to the highest attainable standards has elevated the program in the eyes of business, government, and associations both in the U.S. and Asia.

Upcoming events

In the U.S....
International Exposition of Food Processors, October 13-16, Las Vegas, Nevada
WEFTEC '97, October 18-22, Chicago, Illinois
Greening of Industry Network, November 16-20, Santa Barbara, California
Council of State Governments Annual Meeting, December 5-9, Honolulu, Hawaii
In Asia...
1997 Philippine International Wastewater Treatment Congress and Exhibition, September 2-3, Manila
Chemtech South '97 International, September 11-14, Chennai, India
Pollution Control '97, November 12-16, Bangkok, Thailand
Asia-Pacific Regional Roundtable for Cleaner Production, November 12-14, Bangkok, Thailand
Polmet '97: Sustainability in the 21st Century, November 25-27, Hong Kong
Asia-Pacific Waste Conference, December 14-18, Taipei, Taiwan

Farewell to...

...Vinay Gadkari, who leaves US-AEP on August 6 after four years of outstanding service as the Tech Rep in Mumbai, India. Vinay is moving on to pursue his graduate studies in Environmental Science at Miami University in Ohio, where he was awarded an assistantship. Join us in wishing him the best of luck.


United States-Asia Environmental Partnership, 1819 H Street NW, 7th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20006
Tel: 202-835-0333 Fax: 202-835-0366 E-mail: