Tech Rep facilitates Texas sale of recycling equipment.
The government of Singapore awarded a contract to a local firm, Stamford
Tyres International Pte. Ltd., as part of its plan to set up a tire
recycling plant. Though Stamford was considering the purchase of Australian
and European equipment for the plant, US-AEP/Singapore Tech Rep Sarath Kumar
Menon, actively promoted U.S. suppliers by providing contacts with U.S.
firms, magazine articles on U.S. tire recycling technologies, and U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency reports on the use of by-products after
shredding. He also recommended that Stamford attend a tire recycling show
held in Kentucky in April 1995. As a result, Stamford purchased $360,000
worth of U.S. tire shredding equipment from MAC Corporation, a company
located in Grand Prairie, Texas.
spurs formation of joint California-Philippine center.
In response to an invitation from the President of De La Salle University
and Secretary for the Department of Science and Technology in the
Philippines to the Pacific Basin Study Center (a consortium of San Francisco
State University and the University of California, Davis), the California
Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA), in coordination with US-AEP's
Environmental Exchange
Program, sent two out of three representatives from the Study Center to
Manila, April 26-May 2, 1997. This exchange helped lay the foundation for De
La Salle University and the Study Center to form a joint Center on Pollution
Prevention, Environmental Technology, and Sustainability. The meetings also
led to the signing of a cooperative agreement between the institutions. The
Institute of International Education
implements the Environmental Exchange Program and CalEPA manages US-AEP's
California Environmental Partnership.
ACEC hosts
training for new Environmental Infrastructure Reps.
American Consulting Engineers Council (ACEC)
held a comprehensive training program at their Washington headquarters, May
27-30, for US-AEP's newly-hired Environmental Infrastructure (EI)
representatives�Kitti Kumpeera (Thailand), Rotor Dacanay (Philippines), and
P.U. Asnani (India). The training included presentations by many US-AEP
partners and key government agencies, including USAID's Global Bureau,
Department of Commerce's Advocacy Office and Multilateral Development Bank
Office, Asian Development Bank, Water Environment Federation, Council of
State Governments, Environmental Technology Network for Asia, Institute of
International Education, Eximbank, Environmental Protection Agency, Overseas
Private Investment Corporation, and Trade & Development Agency. Three main
objectives were achieved: US-AEP partners provided details on the resources
available to help the EI Representatives carry out their strategic
objectives; the EI Representatives were able to provide the presenters with
perspectives from Asia on the demand and potential for environmental
infrastructure in Thailand, India and the Philippines; and valuable
interaction between ACEC's international firms and the EI experts from Asia
raised the level of understanding and expectations for both sides.
firm markets environmental technologies in the Pacific.
White & White, Inc., sponsored by the Maryland Department of Business and
Economic Development, received a US-AEP
Environmental Technology
Fund grant to introduce pollution prevention and environmental
restoration technologies to markets in the Pacific Islands and the
Philippines. White & White's marketing strategy involves pooling the
resources of several U.S. companies and marketing their products
concurrently. The first of several meetings and seminars is taking place
this month when White & White makes a presentation during the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency's environmental conference in Pohnpei. White
& White are focusing on the solid waste, sewage treatment, oil spill
cleanup, and energy efficiency sectors. The Environmental Technology Fund is
implemented by the National Association of State Development Agencies.
EEP offers
CTEM courses.
Environmental Exchange
Program (EEP) is designing six courses under US-AEP's Clean Technology
and Environmental Management initiative. "Environmental Risk Management for
Financial Institutions" is planned for India between July and September and
targets CEOs, senior VPs, and portfolio managers from top commercial and
development financial institutions. Courses on "Clean Technology in the Pulp
and Paper Industry" in Thailand and India are planned for July-September and
October-December time periods, respectively. In Korea, a course on "Soil
Remediation" targets both government officials and industry representatives
and is planned for September-December. During January-March, a course on the
"Impact of Responsible Care on Manufacturing Facilities" is scheduled to be
held in the Philippines for government and industrial personnel responsible
for the oversight or implementation of process safety programs. Also during
the early part of 1998, EEP is designing a course in Indonesia on "Clean
Technologies for the Coatings Industry". For further information on these
courses, please contact via e-mail Lynne Steingass (
or Larry Lai ( at the
Institute of International Education.
assessment/management report available.
The full text of a two-volume Presidential/Congressional Commission on
Risk Assessment and Risk Management final report is available from RiskWorld.
The commission's report is expected to influence how the federal government
uses risk assessment and risk management in regulatory programs. Volume I,
is titled "Framework for Environmental Health Risk Management," and Volume 2
is titled "Risk Assessment and Risk Management in Regulatory
Decision-Making." Contact Mary Bryant, RiskWorld,
Hail and
A reluctant farewell to Cathy Fuselier, who served as US-AEP/Malaysia
Tech Rep since 1993 and contributed to the more than $60.8 million in
environmental technology transfer to Malaysia. Replacing Cathy is Dena
Weissbach, whom we welcomed in the May 19 issue of UPDATE.
US-AEP welcomes P.U. Asnani, who is the newly hired Environmental
Infrastructure representative based in Ahmedabad, India. Asnani is
considered by the World Bank, USAID, and other institutions as the top
Indian expert on solid waste technologies. He comes to US-AEP after nearly
14 years as the Deputy Municipal Commissioner of the Ahmedabad Municipal
Corporation, where he was responsible for planning the development
activities for this city of 3.2 million people. During the last three years
he commissioned projects worth 7.63 million rupees to improve the city's
infrastructure facilities. Asnani's 35 years of service to state and
municipal government has been recognized with several awards, including the
President of India's Meritorious Service Medal. |