UPDATE: May 19, 1997

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Annual Report is hot off the press!

US-AEP/TSSC received delivery this week of 10,000 copies of the 1996 Annual Report. The theme of the report is A Turning Point reflecting Asia s increased response to pollution problems in the industrial and urban sectors and US-AEP s contributions, both substantive and catalytic, in Asia attaining this new level of awareness. We are in the process of distributing copies to the field offices and partners. After receiving your shipment, if you need additional copies, please contact Janet Redden, TSSC receptionist, via fax: 202-835-0366 or e-mail: jredden@usaep.org.

New Mexico environmental firms market technologies in India.

Waste Management Education and Research Consortium, a consortium of industry, national laboratories, and universities in New Mexico, was awarded a US-AEP Environmental Technology Fund grant to lead a group of New Mexico companies on a focused business development mission to India. The companies involved Stellar Marketing, an environmental technology marketing company, Tierra Dynamics, specialists in corrosion control technologies and site remediation and monitoring, and MCT Technologies, a firm involved in solid waste management, gas sensing, and environmental monitoring are setting up one-on-one meetings and technology demonstration workshops for prospective buyers and Indian government officials. US- AEP s Environmental Technology Fund is implemented by the National Association of State Development Agencies.

New ETNA Taxonomy now available!

Environmental Business Opportunities in Asia is a revised listing of technology codes used by U.S. firms registering with US-AEP's Environmental Technology Network for Asia (ETNA). ETNA assists the U.S. business community in accessing the Asian environmental market by providing trade leads and market information. To request a copy, or to register with ETNA, please contact Marisa Mascolo by email: mmascolo@usaep.org or fax: 202-835-8358.

New Hampshire/Thailand partnership addresses P2/CP issues.

Through a State Environmental Initiative (SEI) grant, the state of New Hampshire is raising the awareness of Thailand s government, industry, NGO, and academic sectors of the importance of pollution prevention and cleaner production (P2/CP). In March 1997, the project's director, Ihab Farag, a chemical engineering professor at the University of New Hampshire, traveled to Thailand for a project follow-up visit. During his eight-day stay, Farag conducted the first student training in P2/CP methods at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok. Forty students from eight universities participated in the training course, which was co-sponsored by Thai academia and government. Farag also recruited 12 electroplating and textile companies to sponsor student interns equipped with the P2/CP training. Besides student training and internship programs, the New Hampshire/Thailand partnership has initiated the International Pollution Prevention Partnership (IP3). Farag led the workgroup's fourth meeting on March 18 at Chulalongkorn University. The meeting was attended by Thai government, academia, industry, NGOs, US-AEP/Thailand, and student interns. The SEI program is sponsored by US-AEP and the Council of State Governments.

Malaysia seeks alternative raw materials for wood industry.

US-AEP/Malaysia continued its support to the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM) by identifying a speaker for its 4th National Seminar on Utilization of the Oil Palm Tree held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 29-May 1. The speaker, Eugene Davis of International Resources Unlimited, Inc., was funded through US-AEP's Environmental Exchange Program. Davis presented a paper entitled, "New Sources of Raw Materials for Wood Based Industries." Following the seminar, Davis visited local manufacturing facilities and FRIM's facility, consulted local companies on the progress of the wood industry in the U.S., and provided numerous U.S. equipment supplier contacts. US-AEP s Environmental Exchange Program is implemented by the Institute of International Education.

ECOWATCH featured in Business and Environment magazine.

Check out the story on the Philippine s ECOWATCH project in the March/April issue of Business and Environment published by Philippines Business for the Environment. ECOWATCH will use a color-coded system to rate environmental industrial performance of industries. Those whose performance is outstanding will be publicly extolled, while the names of those whose performance is wanting will be disclosed to the public. US-AEP s Policy Framework component is working in partnership with ECOWATCH. To access the article on- line, go to http://www.cyb-live.com/magazines/pbe/mar-apr97/current.htm.

Welcomes and farewells.

A warm welcome to Dena Weissbach, who joined US-AEP May 12 as the new director of US- AEP s Office of Technology Cooperation in Malaysia. Prior to joining US-AEP, Dena worked for the U.S. Commercial Service in Kuala Lumpur and as a freelance writer on international marketing for the American-Malaysian Chamber of Commerce and the International Herald Tribune. She also served as a trade and investment coordinator for the Economic Development Commission of Mid-Florida. Dena holds a Masters of Arts in International Relations from Boston University and obtained an undergraduate degree from the University of Iowa with a dual major in communications and political science.

And we bid farewell to Phil Schuchter, International Business Advisor at the American Consulting Engineers Council (ACEC). Phil is leaving US-AEP s infrastructure team to accept a position with a Korean firm seeking U.S. partners for international commercial and industrial developments. After three months of training in Seoul, Phil will be based in Manila, Philippines.


United States-Asia Environmental Partnership, 1819 H Street NW, 7th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20006
Tel: 202-835-0333 Fax: 202-835-0366 E-mail: