UPDATE: February 24, 1997

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US-AEP sales hit billion dollar mark!

U.S. environmental companies have confirmed the sale of more than $1 billion in technologies and services to Asia as a result of US-AEP involvement. The total represents sales from Tech Rep counseling and meetings, Environmental Technology Fund and Overseas Program Fund grants, Environmental Technology Network for Asia trade leads, Environmental Exchange Program, Department of Commerce Green /Gold Key services, and Environmental Infrastructure activities. US-AEP is making a difference!

California company wins ADB contract.

A California firm was awarded an Asian Development Bank (ADB) technical assistance contract to help the Industrial Development Bank of India incorporate energy efficiency and environmental impact analyses into its economic and financial evaluation of projects. US-AEP's Commercial Environmental Specialist to the ADB, Lisa Kircher Lumbao, provided in-depth counseling to the firm over the past two years and crucial assistance to ensure timely delivery of its proposal.

Private/public sectors partner in Butuanon River watershed restoration.

Participants of the Butuanon River Watershed Management Project (BRWMP) on the island of Cebu, Philippines, will sign a memorandum of understanding during a ceremony on March 8. With US-AEP support, the Foreign Commercial Service in Manila has been assisting the government of the Philippines and Cebu local officials to restore the resources of the Butuanon River watershed within the boundaries of Mandaue City. Other active project participants include officials from Cebu City, the Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), NGOs, and Congress, as well as representatives from San Miguel and other industries. A pivotal player in the project is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, which, through US-AEP's Environmental Action program, provided technical assistance over the last year. Under the management plan, 35 industrial companies now discharging waste into the river will commit to DENR effluent compliance standards and pay pollution-based surcharges. Compliance with progressively more stringent standards will be achieved over several years.

ACEC hosts Asia environmental infrastructure finance meeting.

As a result of a recent American Consulting Engineers Council (ACEC) meeting in Singapore, Stephen Wermert, Associate Director of Asian Project Finance of Deutsche Morgan Grenfell Singapore, Ltd., was invited to speak to ACEC's membership in Washington. During his presentation on February 18, Wermert discussed financing of private water and waste treatment projects in Asia and the competitive position of U.S. firms. Offering insights into privatization efforts in Asia, Wermert commented on his personal role as advisor on the privatization of the Manila Water Supply and Sewerage System (MWSS) and as advisor to the Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board in India on the Krishna Water Treatment Project. He explained that, for the smaller environmental infrastructure projects, Asian domestic banks are playing an increasing role. It is thus beneficial for U.S. firms to have a strong local partner. Many ACEC member firms attending the meeting agreed with his assessment that U.S. firms are not as active as they should be and are faced with strong competition from the Europeans and increased pressure from regional Asian conglomerates. Wermert's advice? Explore strategic alliances and acquisitions, choose a strong local partner, show a commitment to establishing a presence in the region for the long-term, and above all, have patience. ACEC implements US-AEP's Mobilization for Environmental Infrastructure in Asia activities.

Applications due for regional pulp and paper workshop.

US-AEP's Environmental Exchange Program (EEP) and the Taiwan Industrial Development Bureau (IDB) are sponsoring a 10-day workshop on 'Cleaner Production in the Pulp and Paper Industry,' to take place in Taichung, Taiwan, April 10-19, 1997. This regional program'designed for senior managers and engineers in environmental protection agencies, pulp and paper industries, and research and development institutes'will examine pollution prevention technologies and solutions, and include technical tours and site visits to four paper mills. Participant nominations are invited from throughout Asia. Candidates need to submit applications to the local US- AEP Office of Technology Cooperation or directly to David Moldavsky, EEP Program Officer via fax: 202-326-7709 or e-mail: dmoldavsky@iie.org by March 14. Hotel and per diem expenses will be covered by IDB. EEP will consider funding international on a case-by-case basis. EEP is implemented by the Institute of International Education.

Last call for Green Pages listings.

As many of you know, US-AEP sponsors and helps distribute The Green Pages, a source book of U.S. environmental suppliers of technologies and services. The producers want to include as many U.S. environmental companies as possible to make the 7th edition of the directory most useful. Listing are free, though advertising space is also available for a fee. All listings and ads will appear in the printed directory as well as on the Internet at http://export.uswest.com this year. To request a listing or advertising space , please call US WEST at 1-800-288-2582 prior to May 2, 1997.

Travel notice for Indonesia.

If planning travel to Indonesia in April, May, or June, please consider the effects of the upcoming elections. In addition to security concerns, it will be very difficult to obtain appointments with government officials during the campaign period. If you cannot postpone travel, it is essential to notify the US-AEP office so all persons can be included in the emergency contact list. Thanks for your cooperation.

News you can use.

Asia-Pacific Ventures is a non-profit international business development and investment forum to help U.S. and global firms find Asian partners for finance, distribution, technology, and licensing. Applicants are being recruited to submit simple two-page business plans for presentation at the forum's meeting. Environmental technologies, products, and services is one of themajor sectors of the forum. A number of U.S. environmental firms have taken advantage of the forum and the one-on-one meetings for the participants. For more information, contact Peter Drabble at 1- 800-281-9899. Application deadline is June 30, 1997.

Welcome to...

...Stacy Ward and Portia Persley, who have joined US-AEP's Environmental Exchange Program as Program Associates. Stacy, who is assisting David Moldavsky, most recently worked for the World Bank, assisting with environmental assessments and impact evaluations for Indonesia and Korea. While obtaining her B.A. in International Relations from George Mason University (Fairfax, VA), she served as an intern for the World Affairs Council (Washington, DC). Portia, who is working with Patty Castellani, received her degree in Environmental Resource Management from Pennsylvania State University and has worked as an environmental intern for USAID/Jamaica, as well as the U.S. Embassies in Mexico and Indonesia.


United States-Asia Environmental Partnership, 1819 H Street NW, 7th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20006
Tel: 202-835-0333 Fax: 202-835-0366 E-mail: