Ambassador Addresses National Philippine Pollution Prevention Roundtable
MANILA, October 6, 1997--U.S. Ambassador Thomas C. Hubbard
addressed the First National Philippine Pollution Prevention Roundtable
(a discussion on environmental conservation and pollution prevention) on
October 8 in Makati City.
The program focussed on water pollution problems inherent in the
country's water crisis. It included discussions on the
government-industry dialogue, the role of non-governmental organizations
(NGOs), success stories, impact of sewage on water quality, and examples
of clean technologies that can be used to improve the quality of the
country's rivers and lakes
The speakers included senior environmental policy-makers such as
Undersecretary Delfin Ganapin of the Department of Environment and
Natural Resources (DENR) and Undersecretary Melito Salazar, Jr. of the
Department of Trade and Industry. Kevin McDonald of the U.S. National
Pollution Prevention Roundtable and representatives of Wyeth Philippines
and the University of the Philippines at Los Banos also spoke.
The event was co-sponsored by the Philippine Pollution Prevention
Roundtable (PPPR), the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
and the United States-Asia Environmental Partnership (US-AEP).
The PPPR is a multisectoral group convened in June 1997 by industry,
government, academic and NGO representatives. The group aims to increase
awareness of the need for and benefits of cleaner production methods in
place of efforts to solve pollution problems after they have occurred.
The PPPR also hopes to provide a venue for negotiated and shared
objectives among the government, private industry and NGO
representatives working on better methods and pollution control.
Interest in creating the PPPR was sparked after its organizers--Dr.
Olivia L. Castillo of the University of Asia and the Pacific, Dr.
Reynaldo Lantin of the University of the Philippines Los Banos, and
Amelia Supetran of the Environmental Management Bureau, DENR--participated
in a U.S. National Pollution Prevention Roundtable conference in Denver,
Colorado, through the auspices of the US-AEP Environmental Exchange
Program. The US-AEP is supporting the formation of roundtables in ten
Asian countries through exchanges and training.
For more information, please contact
Lisa Lumbao in the Philippines (tel: 63-2-750-7086) or
Kevin McDonald in
Washington, DC (tel: 202-466-7272). |