Place-Based Public Policy in Southeast Asia:
Developing, Managing, and Innovating for Sustainability




Ms. Joy S. Abelardo
Director, Business Development
American Consulting Engineers Council
Thomas Jefferson Cultural Center, 1st Floor
395 Sen Gil J. Puyat Avenue
Makati Metro Manila, Philippines
Tel: 632-899-7328 / Fax: 632-899-7328

Ms. Abelardo is the business development director of the American Consulting Engineers Council (ACEC) Office in Asia. Ms. Abelardo has worked with local consulting firms on several projects funded by the World Bank and Japan (Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund) in the Philippines. She has also worked in the Philippine public sector as a planning officer at the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and as a program officer in the National Unification Commission Office, which later became the Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process. Ms. Abelardo earned her bachelor�s degree in psychology at Ateneo de Manila University and a master�s degree in public administration in policy analysis and program implementation at the University of the Philippines.

Dr. Antonio Alcantara
Department of Environmental Management
University of the Philippines Los Ba�os
Tel/Fax: 632-536-2251

Dr. Alcantara is an associate professor in the School of Environmental Science and Management (SESAM) at the University of the Philippines at Los Ba�os College, Laguna. He serves as the director of the SESAM Research and Extension Program and is a member of the Environmental Impact Assessment Review Committee of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. He is a member of the Technical Working Group Module on Industrial Ecology of the Board of Investment Environmental Unit in the Department of Trade and Industry. Professor Alcantara teaches industrial ecology, landscape ecology, and environmental planning and management. He has served as a resource person in industrial ecology in various seminar workshops and conferences in the Philippines and conducts studies on the ecosystem analysis of selected industrial parks in the CALABARZON Region (Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal, and Quezon provinces). He received post-doctoral training in industrial ecology and cleaner production at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, in 1995 and obtained a Ph.D. in soil science and agronomy (soil and land use) from the University of Hawaii in 1980.

Mr. Raul V. Angeles
Project Director, Industrial Ecology
Private Sector Participation in Managing the Environment (PRIME),
Assistant Programme Manager, PRIME Project, and Division Chief, Board of Investment
Department of Trade and Industry
3/F Industry and Investments Building
385 Sen. Gil Puyat Ave., Makati City, Philippines
Tel: 632-897-6682, ext. 243 or 895-3982 / Fax: 632-895-8233

Mr. Angeles has been with the Philippine Department of Trade and Industry�s Board of Investment since 1981 and is currently the division chief for agricultural products and allied services. He is the acting project director for the PRIME Industrial Ecology Module and is concurrently the assistant program manager for the project. Mr. Angeles also serves as program manager for the Green Aid Plan, which is a Japanese grant to the Philippine government on environmental projects. He has been BOI�s point person on industry clustering. His involvement with industrial ecology started when UNDP recommended the PRIME project to the Board of Investment for implementation. His experience in industrial ecology and industrial estate governmental management includes participation in (a) the Natural Step seminar in Sweden and study tour in Kalundborg, Denmark (September 1998), (b) a seminar on "Environmental Management of Industrial Estates in Thailand" (September 1997), and (c) as a speaker in an industrial waste management seminar (June 1997). He holds a master�s degree in aquaculture from the Asian Institute of Technology (Bangkok, Thailand) and a bachelor�s degree in fisheries from the University of the Philippines.

Ms. Clarissa C. Arida
Programme Manager
Global Environment Facility
United Nations Development Programme
NEDA sa Makati Bldg.
106 Amorsolo St.
Legaspi Village, Makati City
Metro Manila, Philippines
Tel: 632-892-0611 to 25 / Fax: 632-816-4061

Ms. Arida is the program officer for UNDP/Global Environment Facility in the Philippines. She also assists in managing other UNDP environmental programs with the private sector and local governments. Prior to joining UNDP in 1996, she worked with the Environmental Management Program of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources where she was involved in environmental planning, research, and international environmental policies for more than ten years. She has managed a number of programs and projects on environmental rehabilitation, industrial waste management, and sustainable development policies. Ms. Arida holds a bachelor of science degree in biology (majoring in ecology) from the University of the Philippines at Los Ba�os and a master of science degree in environmental science and technology from the Institute for Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering in the Netherlands. She has extensive training on international environmental conventions, such as climate change and biodiversity, and has particular interest in industrial environmental management and industrial ecology.

Ms. Brenda Ortigoza Bateman
Senior Policy Associate, United States�Asia Environmental Partnership
1720 Eye St., NW, Suite 700
Washington, D.C. 20006, USA
Tel: 1-202-835-0333, ext. 104 / Fax: 1-202-835-0366

Ms. Bateman is the senior policy associate for the United States�Asia Environmental Partnership (US-AEP) in Washington, D.C., where she specializes in environmental and social issues associated with industrial development. Ms. Bateman has served as a member of the U.S. delegation to APEC�s Industrial Science and Technology Working Group. In Washington, she manages a biweekly environment and energy policy forum, which features guest speakers from think tanks, government, and NGOs. In October 1998 Ms. Bateman published "Developing Industrial Estates in the Asia-Pacific Region: Is There Room for the Environment?" in a Malaysian journal, ENSEARCH. Previously, Ms. Bateman worked as project manager for the Investor Responsibility Research Center, where her published works included Multinational Business in Burma (Myanmar), Sweatshop Quandary: Corporate Responsibility on the Global Frontier, and Power Plays: Profiles of America�s Independent Renewable Electricity Developers. Ms. Bateman is a graduate of the Johns Hopkins University, where she also earned a master�s degree in international economics and international law/conflict management from the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS).

Mr. Cecil Corloncito
Managing Consultant, Aquagem Environmental Consultants
Consultant, Carmelray Industrial Park
31-B Peace St., Multinational Village
Para�aque City, Philippines
Telefax: 632-821-3479 / Cell: 0917-521-5780

Through his work in the Philippines, Mr. Corloncito has developed environmental management systems for Carmelray Industrial Park 1 in Calamba, Laguna. He is leading the development of another such system at Carmelray Industrial Park 2, in which Jurong Town Corporation is a partner. Mr. Corloncito serves as a local consultant to the industrial ecology module of the BOI/UNDP PRIME project. He also initiated a partnership program with Laguna Lake Development Authority to address issues of environmental laws and regulations in LLDA�s industrial estates and has aided AmKor Anam Electronics with ISO 14000 certification. In addition, Mr. Corloncito provides compliance assistance to production facilities, conducts hazardous waste feasibility studies, oversees the installation of wastewater treatment systems, and has developed an environmental manual for the semiconductor and electronics industries in the Philippines. He is the president of the Philippine Environmental Association, which is based in the School of Environmental Science and Management in the University of the Philippines�Los Ba�os, Laguna. Mr. Corloncito has a bachelor of science degree in chemical engineering from the Cebu Institute of Technology.

Ms. Sandy Denham
Workshop Rapporteur and
Program Operations Associate
United States�Asia Environmental Partnership
1720 Eye St., NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20006, USA
Tel: 1-202-835-0333, ext. 105 / Fax: 1-202-835-0366

Ms. Denham is a program operations associate with US-AEP in Washington, D.C., where she supports the work of the organization�s secretariat. She acts as a liaison between U.S. partners and field representatives in Asia and also focuses on urban air pollution issues. Prior to joining US-AEP, she worked as an environmental consultant in the fields of renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable buildings. Ms. Denham holds a master�s degree in public administration from George Washington University, in Washington, D.C., with a focus on environmental resource policy.

Ms. Maria Ellah Durias
Workshop Rapporteur and
Acting Dean, College of Engineering
St. Peter�s College
Sabayle St., Iligan City, Philippines
Tel: 6363-221-6247 / Fax: 6363-221-3223

Maria Ellah H. Durias is the acting dean, College of Engineering of St. Peter�s College, Iligan City. Ms. Durias earned a bachelor�s degree in computer engineering at the University of San Carlos, Cebu City. She is presently on study leave and is enrolled at De La Salle University in Manila, where she is pursuing a master of science degree in manufacturing engineering.

Mr. Joselito Fernandez
Vice President for Industrial Estates
Fil-Estate Properties Inc.
5/F Renaissance Towers, Meralco Ave.
Pasig City, Philippines
Tel: 632-910-0716 / Fax: 632-633-6239

Mr. Fernandez is the vice president for industrial estates for Fil-Estate Properties, as well as the treasurer and board member of the Philippine Industrial Estates Association. He is the chairman of the association�s Committee on Environment and a member of several organizations, including the Association for Overseas Technical Scholars of Japan, Philippine Cultural and Technical Association of Returned Overseas Scholars, and Industrial Ecology Technical Working Committee of the BOI/UNDP PRIME project. Previously, Mr. Fernandez was the vice president for operations at First Cavite Industrial Estate, project manager for the National Development Company, and group finance officer/chief accountant for the Saudi Arabian Trading Company. Mr. Fernandez is a certified public accountant, with an MBA from Ateneo Gradual School for Business and a bachelor of science degree in business administration from the University of the East.

Mr. Leong Yee Heim
Principal Assistant Director
Regional Economics and Environment Section
Economic Planning Unit
Prime Minister�s Department
Jalan Dat� Onn
50502 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: 60-3-293-3414 / Fax: 60-3-238-2933

Mr. Leong Yee Heim is the principal assistant director of the Economic Planning Unit of the Prime Minister�s Development Office in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He is responsible for the Regional Economics and Environmental Planning Section, whose main activity is development of a five-year plan, including identifying the thrust and strategies for development of regional growth and environmental planning. Prior to joining the Economic Planning Unit, Mr. Leong also served in various government ministries including ten years with the Ministry of International Trade and Industry and ten years with the Treasury of Malaysia, involved in financial management systems.

Mr. Val E. Huston
Third Commercial Officer
U.S. Commercial Service
GSO Building, Seafront Compound
Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City
Metro Manila, Philippines
Tel: 632-804-0301/ Fax: 632-804-0339

Mr. Huston is a commercial officer with the U.S. Embassy in Manila. Prior to his arrival in the Philippines, he served in Washington, D.C., as associate director for Southeast Asia in the Department of Commerce�s Office of International Relations. Mr. Huston also worked on that department�s Korea desk in the U.S. & Foreign Commercial Service�s Assignments office and at the U.S.-China Business Council. During the 1980s, he served six years in the U.S. Navy�s Nuclear Power Program. Mr. Huston holds a master of arts degree in international commerce and policy from George Mason University and a bachelor of arts degree in philosophy and East Asian studies from Old Dominion University.

Dr. Somporn Kamolsiripichaiporn
Coordinator, Greening of Industry Network�Asia and
Deputy Director, Environmental Research Institute
Chulalongkorn University
Phyathai Rd., Bangkok 10330, Thailand
Tel: 662-218-8111 / Fax: 662-218-8124

Dr. Somporn Kamolsiripichaiporn is deputy director of the Environmental Research Institute, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, and member of the Biochemistry Department, Faculty of Science. She received her bachelor of science degree from the University of Aukland, New Zealand, and her Ph.D. in biochemistry from Mahidol University, Thailand. Since 1996 she has been involved in establishing an Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Hazardous Waste Management, which is a collaboration of five universities in Thailand and includes the development of an international course on environmental management. She is the coordinator of the Greening of Industry Network�Asia (GIN-Asia).

Ms. Suwanna Kijparkorn
Deputy Director, Environmental Research Institute
Chulalongkorn University
Phyathai Rd., Bangkok 10330
Tel: 662-218-8110 / Fax: 662-218-8124

Ms. Suwanna Kijparkorn is an associate professor in animal husbandry from the Faculty of Veterinary Science, Chulalongkorn University. Her education background covers animal production and feed mill technology; her diploma is from Barneveld College, the Netherlands. With her administrative and research experience as the deputy director of the Institute of Technology for Rural Development at Chulalongkorn University from 1996 to 1998, she was invited to join the Environmental Research Institute in March 1998. Currently, she is engaged in research in the area of environmental management systems, such as ISO 14000 and industrial performance indicators. She also helps develop the emergency response plan for the university and the network for national emergency response.

Ms. Lisa Kircher Lumbao
Technical Support and Communications Specialist
United States�Asia Environmental Partnership
Sagittarius Building, 12th Floor
HV dela Costa Street, Salcedo Village 1227
Makati City, Philippines
Tel: 632-750-7086 / Fax: 632-750-7085

Lisa Kircher Lumbao has worked for the United States�Asia Environmental Partnership (US-AEP) for the past four years, first in the U.S. Liaison office to the Asian Development Bank and now as a technical support and communications specialist. She supports implementation of US-AEP in the Philippines and other Asian countries and promotes the project�s industrial environmental message by publishing articles in Asian journals, magazines and newspapers. Before joining US-AEP, she worked at the Philippine Department of Environment and Natural Resources on a forestry project funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development. Ms. Lumbao holds a master�s degree in environmental studies from Yale University.

Dr. Alma Bella P. Madrazo
Technology Cooperation and Environmental Infrastructure Office
U.S. & Foreign Commercial Service
United States�Asia Environmental Partnership (US-AEP)
U.S. Embassy Seafront Compound, Roxas Blvd.
Pasay City, Philippines
Tel: 632-804-0436 or 0301 or 305 / Fax: 632-804-0340
E-mail:, or

Dr. Madrazo directs the Technology Cooperation and Environmental Infrastructure Office of the US-AEP Program in the Philippines. She administers and implements US-AEP�s technology cooperation program to facilitate transfer of U.S. environmental technology from U.S. businesses to their Philippine counterparts. She also handles the Environmental Infrastructure component of the program. Before joining US-AEP, Dr. Madrazo was chair of the Chemical Engineering Department of De La Salle University. She was an associate professor for many years responsible for environmental and energy management courses in the Engineering Graduate School, as well as energy-related projects such as geothermal energy, biomass energy, and energy audits. Dr. Madrazo was also director of the University Research Center. A chemical engineer by profession, she finished her master�s degree in chemical engineering education and her doctor of philosophy degree in energy engineering at the University of the Philippines. She has received scholarships from the Philippine government and the French, Dutch, and Japanese governments. She was an exchange scientist at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, working on the conversion of animal wastes to energy; a visiting doctoral student at the Asian Institute of Technology in Thailand; and a participant in the "Energy Management for Small- and Medium-Scale Industries" training course at the Twente University in Netherlands.

Mr. Allan L. Marfori
Deputy Director
Technology Cooperation and Environmental Infrastructure Office
U.S. & Foreign Commercial Service
United States�Asia Environmental Partnership (US-AEP)
U.S. Embassy Seafront Compound, Roxas Blvd.,
Pasay City, Philippines
Tel: 632-523-1001, ext. 5833 / Fax: 632-804-0340

Mr. Marfori is the deputy environmental representative of US-AEP/Philippines. Prior to joining US-AEP, Mr. Marfori was consultant/project specialist for social development programs of the U.S. Agency for International Development/Philippines, AusAID, the Asian Development Bank, and private voluntary organizations. His project management experience includes technical assistance in proposal appraisals, financial management, planning, monitoring and evaluation, market study, financial and economic analysis, and business development in projects that focus on microfinance, health and sanitation, environmental management, water supply, and community organizing. For more than eight years, Mr. Marfori has assisted clients in the Philippine government, NGOs, and the private sector.

Maria Teresa Oledan, Atty.
Chief Legal Counsel
Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA)
LLDA New Bldg. Rizal Provincial Capitol Compound
Shaw Blvd., Pasig City, Metro Manila, Philippines 1601
Tel: 632-635-6685 / Fax: 632-631-4157

Atty. Oledan joined the Laguna Lake Development Authority in 1992 as a trial attorney who successfully defended the agency in two landmark environmental cases that affirmed the power of LLDA to abate pollution and issue permits for the use of lake waters within Laguna de Bay Region and its watershed. In 1995 she became the chief legal counsel of LLDA and chairs the Public Hearing Committee, the agency�s quasi-judicial body, which adjudicates pollution cases within its jurisdiction of sixty-six municipalities and nine cities with five major provinces. Atty. Oledan proposed several policy changes with LLDA and drafted implementing rules and regulations for the agency, including Rules and Regulations Implementing the Environmental User Fee System with the Laguna de Bay Region (January 1997), Policy Guidelines on the Management of the Shorelands of Laguna de Bay (October 1996), and Implementing Rules and Regulations on the Fishery Zoning and Management Plan (ZOMAP) for Laguna Lake (January 1995). She is currently drafting the proposed policy guidelines governing all fifteen industrial parks and estates in the Laguna de Bay region. Atty. Oledan received her bachelor of arts degree in political science from the University of the Philippines and her law degree from the San Beda College of Law in Manila.

Ms. Georgina M. Pascual
Acting Project Manager
Industrial Ecology Module, PRIME Project
Board of Investment
Department of Trade and Industry
3/F Industry and Investments Building
385 Sen. Gil Puyat Ave., Makati City, Philippines
Tel: 632-895-3982 / Fax: 632-895-8233

Ms. Pascual is the acting project manager for the Industrial Ecology Module of the PRIME project, which includes pilot implementation of industrial ecology in the Philippines and a policy study to encourage the adoption of industrial symbiosis and industrial ecology principles. In addition, she is responsible for managing the module�s information and education campaign, lectures and awareness seminars on industrial ecology, and coordination with other government agencies and groups. Previously, Ms. Pascual served with the PRIME Project Management Office, providing general administration and technical assistance to all the four project modules, including the preparation of evaluation reports for the entire project, budget management, interagency coordination and general information and education campaigns. She holds a bachelor�s degree in hotel and restaurant administration from the University of the Philippines.

Mr. Domingo Puno
Workshop Rapporteur
Graduate Student, De LaSalle University
Metro Manila, Philippines

Domingo Puno is pursuing a master�s degree in electronics communications engineering at De La Salle University in Manila. He has worked as a faculty member at Notre Dame University in Cotabato City, teaching mathematics and electrical subjects. Mr. Puno currently supervises the installation of electrical layouts in residential and commercial buildings and the design and estimate of electrical plans. He earned a bachelor�s degree in electrical engineering at Notre Dame University, Cotabato City.

Ms. Priscilla Rubio
Program Manager
U.S. Agency for International Development
Manila, Philippines

Ms. Rubio is a program manager for USAID�s Municipal Coastal Environmental Initiative (Industrial Initiatives for Sustainable Environment). Her work experience includes research management, farming systems development, and work for the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry, and Natural Resources Research and Development and the University of the Philippines at Los Ba�os. Ms. Rubio has a master of science degree in agricultural botany and a bachelor of science degree in agriculture from the University of the Philippines.

Mr. Kasru Susilo
Research and Development Center for Resource,
Industrial Zones, and Environment
Ministry of Industry and Trade
Jl. M.I. Ridwan Rais No. 5, Jakarta 10110, Indonesia
Tel: 6221-352-1225 / Fax: 6221-522-8536

Mr. Kasru Susilo is the director of the Research and Development Center for Resources, Industrial Zones, and Environment for Indonesia�s Ministry of Industry and Trade. He is responsible for development of policies related to the development of resources, land for industrial estates, and environmental impact management for industries. His portfolio includes promotion of industrial investment, industrial zone development, and infrastructure planning in support of industrial estates. Mr. Susilo has been instrumental in developing a Cleaner Production Roundtable Forum for Indonesia and serves on the steering committee of this organization.

Mr. Dennis Zvinakis
Regional Representative
United States�Asia Environmental Partnership
17th Floor, RMC Building
1680 Roxas Boulevard 1004
Malate, Manila, Philippines
Tel: 632-522-4411, ext. 4454 / Fax: 632-521-5241

Mr. Zvinakis is the Asia-based regional representative of the United States�Asia Environmental Partnership, a $100 million public-private partnership of environmental activities throughout Asia, led by the U.S. Agency for International Development. Based in Manila, he is responsible for coordinating US-AEP�s activities in eleven countries in Asia. Mr. Zvinakis has a graduate degree in Southeast Asian Politics and Economics under an East-West Center Scholarship at the University of Hawaii and has done postgraduate work at Harvard. He has held a number of senior positions with USAID, primarily focused on financing the private provision of infrastructure, development finance, and environmental policy. In addition, Mr. Zvinakis is US-AEP�s liaison to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum.


(EPZ: Export-Processing Zone; FZ: Free Zone; SEZ: Special Economic Zone; SEPZ: Special Export-Processing Zone)

Amcol Electronic Ind. Estate Kawasan Industri Tugu
Batamindo Industrial Park Kota Bukit Indah
Bekasi Fajar Industrial Estate Krakatau Ind. Estate Cilegon
Bekasi Internat�l Ind. Estate Kuang Hwa Industrial Zone
Bintan Industrial Estate Kujang Ind. Estate Cikampek
Boston Village LIK Lembah Palu Nagaya
BSD Techno Park Lippo Cikarang
Bukit Indah Industrial Park Mitra Industrial Estate
Cibinong Center Ind. Estate MM 2100 Industrial Town
Cikarang Industrial Estate Modern Cikande Ind. Estate
East Jakarta Industrial Park Ngoro Industi Persada
First Triangle Industrial Park Nusantara Bonded Zone Cakung
Gobel Industrial Complex Nusantara Bonded Zone Marunda
Industri Balaraja Nusantara Bonded Zone Tanjung Priok
Jakarta Ind. Estate Pulogadung Padang Industrial Park
Kabil Indonusa Estate Pasuruan Ind. Estate Rembang
Kaltim Industrial Estate PT. Mandala Pratama Permai
Karawang Internat�l Ind. City PT. Benua Permai Lestari
Karimun Marine Ind. Complex PT. Graha Permai Raharja
Kawasan Industri Berbek Sidoarjo PT. Medan Star Industrial Park
Kawasan Industri Cilacap PT. Nikomas Gemilang
Kawasan Industri Gresik Pulahan Seruai Ind. Estate
Kawasan Industri dan Pergudangan Cikupamas Spinindo Mitradaya Batam Industrial Estate
Kawasan Industri Lampung Surabaya Ind. Estate Rungkut
Kawasan Industri Makassar Surya Cipta City of Industry
Kawasan Industri Medan Tanjung Emas EPZ
Kawasan Industri Menara Permai Terboyo Ind. Park Semarang
Kawasan Industri Pasar Kemis

Malaysia (by state)
(Source: Government of Malaysia (1998a)

Johor Darul Ta�zim
Public Sector
Bandar Penawar Phase I
Bandar Penawar Phase II
Bandar Tenggara Phase I
Bandar Tenggara Phase II
Kota Tinggi
Parit Raja
Pasir Gudang
Pasir Gudang Extension
Senai I
Senai II
Senai III
Sri Gading
Tanjung Agas
Tebrau I
Tebrau II Phase I
Tebrau II Phase II
Tongkang Pecah

Private Sector
Desa Cemerland, Johor Bahru
Kulai Industrial Park
Taman Desajaya, Johor Bahru
Taman Johor Jaya Workshop
Taman University Ind. Park
Tampoi Indah Industrial Park

Specialized Industrial Estates
Johor Technology Park (R&D, hi-tech)
Petrochemical & Steel Complex

Free Zone
Johor Port Authority FZ

Public Sector
Bakar Arang
Baling Batu 42
Bandar Darul Aman
Mergong Barrage
Mergong II & Mergong Extension
Sungai Tiang
Sungei Petani
Tikam Batu

Private Sector
Lunas Industrial Estate

Specialized Industrial Estate
Kulim Hi-Tech Industrial Park


Public Sector
Gua Musang
MIEL Lundang
Pengkalan Chepa I
Pengkalan Chepa II
Tanah Merah

Public Sector
Alor Gajah I, II, III, & IV
Ayer Keroh I, II, III, & IV
Bukit Rambai III, IVA, & IVB
Merlimau I & II
Tangga Batu

Private Sector
Cheng Industrial Estate
Kerubong Industrial Park
Zanna Industrial Park

Specialized Industrial Estates
Batu Berendam FZ (electronics)
Bukit Rambai I Ind. Estate (wood-based)
Bukit Rambai II Ind. Estate (wood-based)

Free Zones
Batu Berendam FZ
Tanjung Kling FZ

Negeri Sembilan

Public Sector
Chembong I
Chembong II
Kampung Dioh
Nilai Mini
Simpang Pertang
Sungei Gadut

Private Sector
Arab-Malaysian Ind. Park
Nilai Industrial Park
Nilai Phase II
Oakland Industrial Park
Senawang Industrial Park
Tuanku Jaafar Industrial Park

Specialized Industrial Estate
Sungei Gadut Industrial Estate
Phases I�II (wood-based)

Public Sector
Jaya Gading
Kuanton Port
Muadzam Shah Phases I�IV

Private Sector
Temerloh Ind. Park Phases I�II

Specialized Industrial Estate
Raub Industrial Estate

Public Sector
Bayan Lepas III
Bayan Lepas IV
Bukit Tengah
Mak Mandin
Prai IV
Pulau Jerejak
Seberang Jaya Ind. Complex

Private Sector
Bukit Pancor Industrial Park

Specialized Industrial Estate
Techno Park Batu Maung
(R&D, hi-tech industry)

Free Zones
Bayan Lepas FZ Phases I�IV
Prai FZ
Prai Whart FZ


Public Sector
Jelapang 1st Garden
Kampong Acheh Phases I�II
Kamunting Tambahan
Kamunting Tambahan II
Kanthan Phases I�II
Kanthan Phases III�IV
Kuala Kangsar
Parit Buntar
Pengkalan II Phases I�II
Pengkalan Industrial Park
Seri Manjong
Taman Meru 3A & 3B & Lot 60189
Tupai I, II, & III

Private Sector
Bemban Industrial Estate
Gopeng Industrial Park
IGB International Ind. Park
Klabang Industrial Park
Pulai Jaya Industrial Park

Specialized Industrial Estates
Ceramic Industries Park (ceramic & clay-based industries)
Foundry Park Pengkalan II Phase I (foundry engineering)
Furniture Villange Pengkalan II

Free Zones
Jelapang FZ
Kinta FZ

Public Sector
Jejawi Phase IIA
Kuala Perlis Phase I


Public Sector
Likas Phase I
Likas Phase II
Lok Kawi Phase I
Lok Kawi Phase IIA
Lok Kawi Phase IIB
Sandakan Phase I
Sandakan Phase IIA

Specialized Industrial Estates (all timber & wood-based)
Batu Sapi
Kastam Baru
Sungei Imam

Public Sector
Bintulu Light Industrial Estate
Kidurong Light Industry Estate Phases I�II
Kotra Samarahan
Piasau Phases I�II
Upper Lanang

Specialized Industrial Estates
Kemena Ind. Estate (timber)
Tanjung Manis Timber Processing Zone Phase I (timber)

Free Zone
Muara Tabuan FZ

Public Sector
Ampang/Ulu Kelang
Batu Caves
Bukit Raja & Shah Alam
Cheras Jaya
Petaling Jaya & Sungei Way
Salak Tinggi
Selat Kelang Utara
Seri Kembangan
Setapak/Ulu Kelang
Sungei Besar
Teluk Panglima Garang



Private Sector
Balakong Section 16 & 26
Bandar Bay Batang Kali, Mukim Ulu Yam
Bukit Beruntung Ind. Park
Bukit Raja Industrial Park Shah Alam
Heavy Industry Valley Shah Alam
Hicom Heavy Industries, Shah Alam
Hicom Hong Leong Shah Alam
Hicom Ind. Estate Sector B
Hicom Ind. Valley, Shah Alam
Kimtals Holdings, Batu Caves
Labohan Dagang Ind. Area
Lee Lah & Sons, Kepong
Lion Ind. Park Shah Alam
Port Klang Industrial Park
Puchong Industrial Park
Salena Development, Klang
Saujana Impian Township
Sri Damansara Industrial Park
Subang Hi-Tech Ind. Park
Subang Jaya Industrial Estate
Sungai Buloh Industrial Area
Sungai Choh Rawang Ind. Pk.
Sungai Lang Industrial Area
Tai Chong Ind. Park, Klang
Tama Cempakasari, Klang
Ulu Yam Industrial Lot

Specialized Industrial Estates
Foundry & Engineering Park
Furniture Village Banting
Marine Industrial Park (ship building & repair)

Free Zones
Ampang/Ulu Kelang FZ
Sungei Way FZ
Teluk Panglima Garang FZ

Public Sector
Al Muktafi Billah Shah
Bukit Besi
Ceneh Baharu
Gong Badak
Gong Medang
Jakar I, II, & III
Ketengah Jaya
Pulau Serai
Seri Bandi
Telok Kalong

Specialized Industrial Estates
Kemaman Supply Base Industrial Park I (offshore support base for oil/gas)
Telok Kalong Ind. Estate (heavy ind. & chemical products)

Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur
Public Sector

MARA Industrial Area

Private Sector
6� mile, Jalang Kepong
Bandar Tun Razak Ind. Area
Chan Sow Lin Industrial Area
Jalan Ipoh Industrial Area
Jalan Kucai Lama Ind. Area
Jalan Puchong Industrial Area
Jalan Sungei Besi Ind. Area
Kepong Baru Industrial Area
Rubber Ind. Area in Gombak
Segambut & Segumbut Center
Setapak & PKNS Ind. Area
Shamelin Perkasa Ind. Area
Taman Wahyu Industrial Area

Specialized Industrial Estate
Science & Technology Park
(technology-based R&D)

Federal Territory of Labuan
Public Sector
Labuan Phase I
Ranca-Ranca I & II

The Philippines
(Source: Site Search Inc. (1998)

AFP-RSBS Industrial Park
Abra Agro-Industrial Center
Amihan Woodlands Township
Angeles Industrial Park
Angeles Livelihood Complex
Asian Industrial Park
Ayala de Zamboanga Ind. Park
Bataan Economic Zone
Baguio City Economic Zone
Bagong Silang Ind. Estate
Banquerohan Industrial Estate
Batangas Tourism Estate
Batangas Union Industrial Park
Best World Industrial Park
Bicol Industrial Park
Bicol Regional Agro-Ind. Ctr.
Buenavista Industrial Estates
Cagayan de Oro Ind. Estate
Cagayan Special Ecozone Freeport
Cambridge Intelligent Park
Calamba Premiere Int�l Park
Carmelray Industrial Park
Carmelray Industrial Park II
Cavite Export-Processing Zone
Cavite Eco-Industrial Estate
Cebu Light Industrial Park
Clark Special Economic Zone
Clark Techno Estate Center
Cocochem Industrial Park
Daiichi Industrial Park
Dasmari�as Technopark
Dolores Industrial Park
Eastern Pangasinan Agro-Industrial Park
Eastern Visayas Agri-Industrial Park
Fil-Estate Special Econ. Zone
Filinvest (Calamba) SEZ
Filinvest (General Santos) SEZ
Filinvest Tech. Park (Cavite)
Filinvest Tech. Park (Tanauan)
First Batangas Industrial Park
First Bulacan Industrial City
First Cagayan de Oro Business Park
First Cavite Industrial Estate
First Clarkway Industrial Park
First Mindanao Tech. Park
First Oriental Business & Industrial Park
First Philippine Industrial Park
FTI�Agro Industrial Commercial Estate
Gateway Business Park
GMA Industrial Estate
GMI Industrial Estate
Greenfield Automotive Park
Guoco Industrial Estate
Hermosa Ecozone
Intercity Industrial Estate
Kajima Industrial Park
Laguna Automotive Park
Laguna International Ind. Park
Laguna Technopark
Legaspi City SEZ
Leyte Ind. Dev�t Estate SEZ
Light Ind. & Science Park I
Light Ind. & Science Park II
Light Ind. & Science Park III
LIMA Technology Center
Luisita Industrial Park
Luisita Industrial Park II
Mactan Economic Zone
Mactan Economic Zone II
Maguindanao Ecocity SEZ
Makar Industrial Estate
Mandaue North Central
Manila Harbour Centre
Meridian Industrial Compound
Meycauayan Industrial Subd.
Mini Industrial Park
Mira Nila Ecozone
Mountview Ind. Complex
Naga Agro-Industrial Center
Nasipit Agusan Del Norte Industrial Estate
New Cavite Industrial City
New Cebu Township One
New Coast Boracay Ecozone
Palayan City Agri-Ind. Center
Pangasinan Industrial Park
Pangasinan Industrial Park II
People�s Technology Complex
Philexcel Industrial Park
Philippine Cyber City
Philnico Industrial Estate SEZ
Philtown Industrial Estate
PHIVIDEC Industrial Estate
Plastic City Industrial Park
Plastic Processing Center
Polambato-Bogo EZ
PPDC Petrochemical Industrial Estate
Prince Cabuyao SEZ
Rancho Montana Ecozone
Rizal Industrial Estate
RLC Special Economic Zone
Samal Casino Resort
Sapang Palay Industrial Estate
Silangan Industrial Park
South Coast Ecozone
Southcoast Industrial Park
Southwoods Ecocentrum Tourism Estate
Subic Bay Industrial Estate
Subic Shipyard SEPZ
Subic Bay Technopark
Sterling Industrial Park
Sterling Technopark
Sta. Rita Industrial Park
Tabangao SEZ
Tacloban SEZ
Taipan Gold Industrial Park
Tiger Valley Industrial Estate
Tiwi Ecozone
Toyota Sta. Rosa (Laguna) SEPZ
Tubay Agri-Processing Center
Victoria Industrial Estate
Victoria Wave SEPZ
West Cebu Ind. Park SEZ
White Lily Industrial Park
Zamboanga SEZ

Thailand (by zone)
(Source: IEAT (1998)

Zone 1
Bangchan Industrial Estate
Bangplee Industrial Estate
Bangpoo Industrial Estate
Gemopolis Industrial Estate
Ladkrabang Industrial Estate
Samut Sakhon Ind. Estate *

Zone 2
Bang-pa In Industrial Estate *
Bangpakong Industrial Estate *
Chonburi Industrial Estate *
Chutikarn Factoryhouse Ind. Estate
Gateway City Ind. Estate *
Hi-Tech (Banwa) Ind. Estate *
Nong Khae Industrial Estate *
Pinthong Industrial Estate
Ratchaburi Industrial Estate *
Saha Rattana Nakorn Industrial Estate *
Saraburi Industrial Estate *
Wellgrow Industrial Estate *

Zone 3
Amata City Rayong *
Eastern Industrial Estate *
Eastern Seaboard Ind. Estate *
Laem Chabang Ind. Estate
Map Tha Phut Industrial Estate
Northern Region Ind. Estate
Padaeng Industrial Estate
Pichit Industrial Estate
Southern Ind. Estate�Chalung

The Thai Industrial Estate Association wholly manages two more industrial estates, which fall outside the government zone structure: 304 Industrial Park and Siam Cement Industrial Land.

* Parks comanaged by the private Thai Industrial Estate Association.


The chart on the following pages is based on research conducted for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Suzanne Giannini-Spohn, project officer). Robert Klee and Roger Willliams, masters degree students in the Industrial Environmental Management Program at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, gathered information through Internet, journal, and publication searches as well as personal communications under the supervision of Program Director Marian Chertow. This is not a comprehensive list of sites and proposed sites in Asia and the Pacific and presents information available as of February 1999, recognizing that project development is fluid and dynamic.

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AET Ltd. 1999a. "Hanoi Opts for Small-Scale Industrial Zones." Asian Environmental Review (reprinted from Vietnam Investment Review) IV(9) (March) 14. London, U.K.

���. 1999b. "Industrial Estate Authority Aims for 14001." Asian Environmental Review IV(7) (December�January) 12�13. London, U.K.

Arthur Andersen & Co. 1991. The Growth Triangle: A Guide to Business.

Batam Industrial Development Authority. 1999. "Batam: Bigger and Better." Far Eastern Economic Review (January 28) 32�33.

Bateman, Brenda and Jenny Tan. 1998. "Developing Industrial Estates in the Asia-Pacific Region: Is There Room for the Environment?" ENSEARCH (October) 35�39. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Bechtel Consulting. 1999. "Industry Materials Exchange Analysis." Information sheet. San Francisco, Calif.

"BOD at Laguna Lake Slashed by 2.6 Million kg/yr." 1998. Business and Environment (March�April).

Brundtland Commission. 1987. Our Common Future: World Commission on Environment and Development. New York: Oxford University Press.

Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, East Asia Analytical Unit. 1995. Growth Triangles of Southeast Asia. Australia.

Corloncito, Cecil. 1999. "Zero Emissions." Presentation at "Place-Based Public Policy in Southeast Asia Workshop," Tagaytay City, Philippines (March 3�5, 1999).

DEG. 1998. "Industrial Estate Guide/Directory for Indonesia." Draft (June). Jakarta, Indonesia.

Drake, Elisabeth M. 1999. "Kaya Equation Factors of 1973�1995." Presentation at "Technology Challenges of the Kyoto Protocol: Kyoto�s Unfinished Business," Massachusetts Institute of Technology Energy Laboratory, Washington, D.C. (Feb. 12).

Giannini-Spohn, Suzanne. 1999. "Regulatory, Economic, and Logistical Tool," "Designing Industrial Ecosystems Tool," and "Facility Synergy Tool." Factsheets. Washington, D.C.: EPA Office of Policy Planning and Evaluation.

Government of Malaysia, Prime Minister�s Office, Economic Planning Unit. 1996. "National Policy on the Environment." Seventh Malaysia Plan. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

���. 1998a. "Position of Industrial Estates in Malaysia." Status report developed by the State Economic Development Corporations, Regional Development and Port Authorities, and Municipalities (January). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

���. 1998b. Economic Planning Unit, Prime Minister�s Department. <> (accessed February 2, 1999).

Heim, Leong Yee. 1999. "Growth Triangles in the ASEAN Region." Presentation at "Place-Based Public Policy in Southeast Asia Workshop," Tagaytay City, Philippines (March 3�5, 1999). Economic Planning Unit, Prime Minister�s Department, Government of Malaysia.

Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT). 1998a. Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand. Promotional booklet. Bangkok, Thailand.

���. 1998b. Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand. <http://www.> (accessed February 2, 1999).

���. 1999. Untitled presentation prepared for "Place-Based Public Policy in Southeast Asia Workshop," Tagaytay City, Philippines (March 3�5, 1999).

International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). 1999. "Implementing Zero Emissions Processes." <> (accessed March 19, 1999).

Jurong Town Corporation (JTC) International. 1998. JTCI International. <> (accessed February 2, 1999).

Laguna Lake Development Authority. 1997. An Environmental User�s Fee to Protect Laguna Lake. Informational brochure. Manila, Philippines.

Lowe, E., J. L. Warren, and S. R Moran. 1997. Discovering Industrial Ecology: An Executive Briefing and Sourcebook. Columbus, Ohio: Battelle Press.

Lumbao, Lisa Kircher. 1997. "Laguna Lake Development Authority: Tackling Water Pollution." Competitive Advantage 2(1) (June) 18�19. Washington, D.C.: United States�Asia Environmental Partnership.

MacDonald, Claire. 1999. "Odds-on Favourite." Asian Business (January) 36�45.

National Academy of Engineering. 1998. The Ecology of Industry: Sectors and Linkages. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.

Oledan, Teresa. ed. 1998. "Approving the Rules and Regulations Implementing the Environmental Use Fee System in the Laguna de Bay Region." Resolution No. 33, Dec. 19, 1996. A Compilation of Laws, Rules, and Regulations on Laguna de Bay Basin. Manila, Philippines: Laguna Lake Development Authority.

���. 1999. "Approving the Policy Guidelines Governing All Industrial Estates/Parks within the Laguna de Bay Region." Manila, Philippines: Laguna Lake Development Authority.

Pengestu, Mari. 1991. "Growth Triangles as a Model for ASEAN Economic Cooperation: An Indonesian Perspective." Presented to the "IPS-ISEAS Roundtable on ASEAN Economic Cooperation in the 1990s," Singapore (June 27�28).

Philippine Board of Investment. Undated. "Philippine Board of Investment." <> (accessed March 23, 1999).

Philippine Council for Sustainable Development. 1997. Philippine Agenda 21: A National Agenda for Sustainable Development. Manila, Philippines.

"Prices & Trends." 1999. Far Eastern Economic Review (March 4).

Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Coordinating Minister for Production and Distribution. 1997. Business Opportunities in Indonesian BIMP-EAGA Member Area Provinces (January). Jakarta, Indonesia.

Salazar, Jr., Melito Sison. 1998. "Enhancement of Philippine Competitiveness." Presented to the Asian Productivity Organization study meeting on "The Asian Economic Crisis: In Search of Higher Competitiveness in Global Markets," Tokyo, Japan (December 16).

Schramm, Jack. 1999. "Conceptual Framework for the Operation of an Environmental Management Program." Hagler Bailly Services. Presentation at the US-AEP Washington Policy Forum, Washington, D.C. (Feb. 23).

Site Search Inc. 1998. Site Search: The Philippine Industrial Estate and Ecozone Guide 2(2). A handbook.

Susilo, Kasru. 1999. "The Potential for Sustainable Development through Industrial Estate Development and Regional Growth Triangles." Presentation at "Place-Based Public Policy in Southeast Asia" workshop, Tagaytay City, Philippines (March 3�5, 1999). Ministry of Industry and Trade, Republic of Indonesia.

Tiglao, Rigoberto. 1999. "About Face: New Chief Changes Game Plan for Subic Bay." Far Eastern Economic Review (February 18) 44�45.

United Nations Development Programme, UNDP-Manila, Office of the Resident Representative. 1998. "The First Country Cooperation for the Framework for the Philippines (1997�2001)." Memorandum of Agreement between UNDP and the Philippines. <http://www.undp.> (accessed March 29, 1999).

���. 1998. "Protection and Regeneration of the Environment." <> (accessed March 29, 1999).

United Nations Environment Programme. 1997. "The Environmental Management of Industrial Estates." Special report. Industry and Environment. Technical report no. 39. Paris, France: United Nations.

U.S. President�s Council for Sustainable Development. 1997. "Eco-Industrial Park Workshop Proceedings, October 17�18, 1996, Cape Charles, Virginia." <> (accessed February 17, 1999).

Vietnam Investment Review. 1999. Hanoi, Vietnam (March).


Editor and Lead Writer: Brenda Ortigoza Bateman

Workshop Contributors: Mr. Antonio Alcantara, Mr. Raul V. Angeles, Ms. Clarissa Arida, Mr. Cecil Corloncito, Ms. Sandy Denham, Mr. Joselito Fernandez, Mr. Leong Yee Heim, Dr. Somporn Kamolsiripichaiporn, Ms. Lisa Kircher Lumbao, Attorney Maria Teresa Oledan, Ms. Georgina M. Pascual, and Mr. Kasru Susilo

Reviewers: Dr. Marian Chertow, Dr. Suzanne Giannini-Spohn, Mr. Bracken Hendricks, Ms. Kasemsri Homchean, and Dr. Pornchai

Research Assistance: Maria Ellah Durias and Domingo Puno

Professional Editor and Desktop Publisher: Pamela S. Cubberly

Cover Design: Pamela Humbert (Desktop Design)/Ann Pickett (Design Works)

Printing: Karen Petree (Petree Printing Press) and Darby Ragle (Regal Copy)

The United States�Asia Environmental Partnership and Greening of Industry Network�Asia bear a special debt of gratitude to the U.S. Agency for International Development for its support of this publication; the Philippine Board of Investment, for sponsoring the authors� workshop; the Development Academy of the Philippines for its comfortable hospitality; and De LaSalle University, Manila, for producing two fantastic rapporteurs, Ellah Durias and Domingo Puno.

In addition, the authors would like to thank the following people from the US-AEP and USAID family for their generous contributions of time, support, and assistance: Joy Abelardo, Emma Escover, Jennifer Crawford, Sandy Denham, Vivian How, Val Huston, Argelie Leynes, Maricel Lumaquin, Lisa Kircher Lumbao, Vicki MacDonald, Alma Madrazo, Allan Marfori, John McGill, Priscilla Rubio, Satit Sanongphan, and Dennis Zvinakis.

This project was coordinated by Brenda Ortigoza Bateman, who synthesized and edited input from the following workshop participants: Teresa Oledan provided information on environmental user fee policies; Cecil Corloncito, Joselito Fernandez, and Somporn Kamolsiripichaiporn provided information for sections pertaining to industrial estates; Leong Yee Heim and Kasru Susilo developed materials for sections pertaining to growth triangles; and Antonio Alcantara, Raul V. Angeles, Clarissa Arida, and Georgina Pascual provided input for sections pertaining to industrial symbiosis.

Special thanks to the following people for their time, patience, and expertise in reviewing drafts: Dr. Marian Chertow of the Yale School of Forestry, Dr. Suzanne Giannini-Spohn of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Mr. Bracken Hendricks of the U.S. Department of Commerce/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Dr. Pornchai of Thailand�s National Economic and Social Development Board, and Ms. Kasemsri Homchean of the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand.

Launched as a presidential initiative in 1992, the United States�Asia Environmental Partnership (US-AEP) is a public-private, interagency program led by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). US-AEP promotes environmentally sound economic growth in Asia by mobilizing American technologies, services, and experience. US-AEP�s goal is to promote a "clean revolution" in Asia�the development and adoption of less polluting and more resource-efficient products, processes, and services. The partnership includes the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, nongovernmental organizations, environmental technology associations, grant-making bodies, and private contractors responsible for the following US-AEP programs: the Environmental Exchange Program, Clean Technology and Environmental Management, Technology Transfer, and The Policy Group.

Executive Director: Peter Kimm
Policy Group Director: Owen Cylke

� 1999, United States�Asia Environmental Partnership
1720 Eye St. NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20006 USA
Tel: 202-835-0333 / Fax: 202-835-0366



United States-Asia Environmental Partnership, 1819 H Street NW, 7th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20006
Tel: 202-835-0333 Fax: 202-835-0366 E-mail: