Participating Organizations
*Policy Forum Sponsors

bullet.gif (944 bytes)

GCTE International Project Office
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies
bullet.gif (944 bytes) USAID Mission, Bangladesh
bullet.gif (944 bytes) University of Victoria
People�s Republic of China
bullet.gif (944 bytes)

Ministry of Science and Technology

bullet.gif (944 bytes) Roskilde University
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Technical University of Denmark
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Centre of Environmental Technology, Ltd
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Administrative Staff College of India
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Tata Energy Research Institute (TERI)
bullet.gif (944 bytes) UNEP Cleaner Production WG on Textiles
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Center for Strategic & International Studies
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Indonesian Government
Ministry of Environment/BAPEDAL*
Ministry of Industry and Trade
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Institute Pengembangan
bullet.gif (944 bytes) PT Freeport Indonesia
bullet.gif (944 bytes) PT Indo-Bharat Rayon
bullet.gif (944 bytes) WALHI (Indonesian Environmental Forum)
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Yayasan KEHATI (Indonesian Biodiversity Foundation)
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Asian Productivity Organization (APO)*
bullet.gif (944 bytes) IGES
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Ministry of International Trade and Industry
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Mitsubishi Electric Corp
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Mitsubishi Materials Co.
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Ministry of Environment
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Samsung Global Environ. Research Center
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Alam Sekitar Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Business Council for Sustainable Development
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Institute of Strategic & International Studies
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Malaysian Government
Ministry of Industrial Development
Ministry of Science, Technology & Environment
Department of the Environment
Prime Minister�s Office
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Univerisiti Kerangsaan Malaysia (LESTARI)
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Greening of Industry Network*
bullet.gif (944 bytes)

University of Twente

bullet.gif (944 bytes) Asian Development Bank*
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Asian Institute of Management
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Board of Investment
bullet.gif (944 bytes) De La Salle University
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Coca-Cola Santa Rosa II
bullet.gif (944 bytes) PHINMA Paper & Packaging Group
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Philippine Government
Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources*
Department of Trade and Industry*
Laguna Lake Development Authority
Philippine Pollution Control Association of the Philippines
Pulp & Paper Manufacturers� Association of the Philippines
University of Asia and the Pacific
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Institute of Policy Studies
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Interface Asia-Pacific, Inc.
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Jebsen & Jessen (SEA) Pte. Ltd.
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Singapore Confederation of Industries
bullet.gif (944 bytes)

Singapore Environment Council

bullet.gif (944 bytes) Gothenburg Research Institute at Gothenburg University
bullet.gif (944 bytes) China Steel Corporation
bullet.gif (944 bytes)

Institute of Economics, Academica Sinica

bullet.gif (944 bytes) Asian Institute of Technology
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Ajinomoto (Thailand) Co. Ltd.
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Association of Thai Textile Bleaching, Dyeing, Printing, and Finishing Industries
bullet.gif (944 bytes) BTG Golder Co., Ltd.
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Bank of America
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Boehme Thai Co. Ltd.
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Campaign for Alternative Industry Network
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Chat Pattana Party
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Chulalongkorn University*
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Embassy of the United States of America
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Federation of Thai Industries*
bullet.gif (944 bytes) General Motors Thailand
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Greening of Industry Network*
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Institute of International Education
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Kenan Institute - Asia
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Khon Kaen University
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Loxley Public Co. Ltd
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Lucent Technologies
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Mahidol University
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Prince of Songkla University
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Procter & Gamble Manu. Thailand Ltd.
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Seagate Technology (Thailand) Co. Ltd.
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Thai Development Research Institute Foundation
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Thai Environmental & Community Development Association
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Thai Government
Department of Industrial Works*
Electrical Generating Authority of Thailand
Government House, Deputy Prime Minister
Industrial Estates Authority of Thailand
Ministry of Commerce
Ministry of Industry
Ministry of Public Health
Ministry of Science, Technology & Environment*
(Office of Environment, Policy & Planning;  Pollution Control Department)
Ministry of University Affairs*
National Economic Social & Development Board
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Thailand Environment Institute
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Thammasat University
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Thanapaisal R.O.P.
bullet.gif (944 bytes) The Thailand Research Fund
bullet.gif (944 bytes) United Nations Environment Programme*
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Unocal Corp.
United Kingdom
bullet.gif (944 bytes)

University of Huddersfield

United States of America
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Business for Social Responsibility
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Center for Strategic & International Studies
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Clark University
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Ellington Group
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Environmental Law Institute
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Greening of Industry Network*
bullet.gif (944 bytes) International Technology Corp.
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Institute of International Education
bullet.gif (944 bytes) International Resources Group, Ltd.
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Jellinek, Schwartz & Connolly, Inc.
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Louis Berger International, Inc.
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Lucent Technologies
bullet.gif (944 bytes) New Jersey Institute of Technology
bullet.gif (944 bytes) U.S. Government
Council on Environmental Quality, The White House
Department of Commerce, Office of Technology Policy
Environmental Protection Agency
bullet.gif (944 bytes) United States-Asia Environmental Partnership*
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Winrock International
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Worcester Polytechnic Institute
bullet.gif (944 bytes) World Bank
bullet.gif (944 bytes) World Resources Institute
bullet.gif (944 bytes) Ministry of Science, Technology & Environment 


United States-Asia Environmental Partnership, 1819 H Street NW, 7th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20006
Tel: 202-835-0333 Fax: 202-835-0366 E-mail: