Technology & Infrastructure Representatives
What are Technology Representatives?
What are Urban Environmental Infrastructure Representatives?
Where are they located?

What are Technology Representatives?

Technology Representatives are trained environmental specialists who are committed to helping Asian companies and governments find the most effective solutions to environmental problems. "Tech Reps" are available to provide information on U.S. companies and technologies, coordinate meetings between potential Asian and American business partners, and answer questions about any of US-AEP�s services.

For U.S. businesses, Tech Reps identify market opportunities, assist in making key contacts, and advocate U.S. environmental technology and services to Asian buyers. For more information on services for U.S. firms, please visit the Web site of The Commercial Service of the U.S. Department of Commerce at

What are Urban Environmental Infrastructure Representatives?

Urban Environmental Infrastructure Representatives, located in four Asian cities, provide similar services, but focus on problems found in urban areas, such as the provision of clean water, treatment of wastewater, and disposal of solid and hazardous wastes.

Where are they located?

Our Technology (t) and Infrastructure (i) Representatives are located in the following Asian cities:

Hong Kong (t) Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (t)
India, Ahmedabad (i) Philippines, Manila (t) (i)
India, Calcutta (t) Singapore (t)
India, Chennai (t) Sri Lanka, Colombo (t)
India, Mumbai (t) Taiwan, Taipei (t)
India, New Delhi (t) Thailand, Bangkok (t) (i)
Indonesia, Jakarta (t) (i) Vietnam, Hanoi (t)
Korea, Seoul (t) Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City (t)
  Click here for contact information


United States-Asia Environmental Partnership, 1819 H Street NW, 7th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20006
Tel: 202-835-0333 Fax: 202-835-0366 E-mail: