Exchange Program for Sustainable Growth

bullet What is the  Exchange Program for Sustainable Growth?
bullet What are Business Exchanges?
bullet What are Technical Exchanges?
bullet What are Fellowships?
bullet How can I participate in an exchange?
bullet Gender Initiative Links

What is the Exchange Program for Sustainable Growth?

The Exchange Program for Sustainable Growth (EPSG) establishes U.S.-Asian partnerships that match U.S. environmental experience, technology, and practice with Asian environmental needs. EPSG is administered for US-AEP by the Institute of International Education (IIE). EPSG exchanges include Environmental Business Exchanges, Technical Exchanges, and Fellowships (non-academic).

What are Business Exchanges?

Professional business exchanges are short and intense, typically lasting less than two weeks. U.S. companies can go to Asia on an exchange, or serve as hosts for an Asian exchange or group coming to the U.S. Such exchanges provide U.S. environmental companies the opportunity to introduce Asian decision-makers to their businesses, products, and services. Business exchanges may involve a single individual or a study tour of 10-20 people. These exchanges provide Asian participants with opportunities to confer with government and industry authorities, identify sources for U.S. technology, observe and evaluate facilities and technologies first-hand for their suitability, and meet face-to-face with potential partners.

What are Technical Exchanges?

These exchanges offer short-term technical workshops to U.S. and Asian participants. Technical exchanges may be held in Asia or in the United States, and may be presented on a wide variety of environmental topics, in a variety of formats. U.S. companies serving as sponsors for technical sessions enjoy a powerful opportunity to showcase their products and expertise before participants who are in a position to influence environmental business, practices, and policy in their countries.

What are Fellowships?

These non-academic fellowships provide senior-level American and Asian professionals with practical work opportunities for expanding their understanding of and exchanging information on environmental issues and approaches to problem solving. Typically lasting from one to four months, these fellowships focus on the practical side of environmental problems.

For example, American specialists can work for Asian government in an environmental ministry or for a private company that is developing technical standards and responding to regulatory requirements. Asian professionals may travel to the United States to work side-by-side with their business counterparts. Participants may also be placed with non-governmental organizations, or government agencies at the local, state or national level.

How can I participate in an exchange?

Candidates for the Exchange Program for Sustainable Growth include:

  • American companies and institutions whose expertise is requested by an Asian government or industry to address a specific environmental issue
  • Asian representatives of companies, non-governmental organizations, or government entities that require help in addressing specific environmental issues

Participating organizations are required to cover salary and international travel costs for their employees. Exchange applications must include a budget proposal stipulating proposed cost-sharing arrangements. EPSG can provide funds to partially cover travel, lodging, and other limited costs. When EEP funding is provided, U.S. government travel regulations and per diem rates must be observed.

For more information about participating in the Exchange Program for Sustainable Growth:

Administrative Manager, EPSG
Institute of International Education
1400 K Street NW, Suite 650
Washington, DC 20005-2403, USA
Tel: 1-202-326-7706
Fax: 1-202-326-7709



United States-Asia Environmental Partnership, 1819 H Street NW, 7th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20006
Tel: 202-835-0333 Fax: 202-835-0366 E-mail: