Environmental Professional Associations
bullet What is the Air & Waste Management Association?
bullet What is the Water Environment Federation?
bullet What are the benefits of association membership?
bullet How do I become an association member?

US-AEP fosters the development of environmental professional associations in Asia, through which members can gain access to global professional networks, the latest technical information, opportunities to participate in conferences, and more. With US-AEP support, two U.S. associations -- Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA) and the Water Environment Federation  (WEF) -- have opened member units in Asia.

What is the Air & Waste Management Association?

A&MA is an association of 16,000 industrialists, researchers, equipment manufacturers, government control personnel, educators, meteorologists, and others, who are dedicated to seeking answers to the problems of air pollution and waste management. A&WMA focuses on providing information and training to environmental educators, policymakers, and members throughout the world. Eighty-two association member units exist in the United States and internationally. A&WMA has three member associations in Asia (Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Korea), and has more than 350 members from 10 Asian countries.

What is the Water Environment Federation?

WEF is an association of more than 41,000 members who are committed to enhancing and preserving water quality and resources. WEF seeks to advance fundamental and practical knowledge concerning the collection, treatment, and disposal of domestic and industrial wastewater and the design, construction, operation, and management of facilities for these purposes. WEF�s main focus is to disseminate technical information; publish research journals, technical magazines, newsletters, books, and design manuals; and produce technical training courses and public education materials. WEF has five member associations in Asia (India, Korea, Taiwan, Japan, and Philippines), and has more than 500 members from 13 Asian countries.

What are the benefits of association membership?

  • Linkage with A&WMA and WEF in the U.S. and other Asian associations
  • Relationships with local environmental professional leaders and activists
  • Professional development and certification support
  • Newsletters, publications, and public education programs
  • Annual conferences and exhibitions, training courses, workshops, and regional meetings

How can I become an association member?

Asian environmental professionals who focus on issues of urban and industrial environmental management are encouraged to seek membership in the association working in their country. These professionals from a variety of disciplines include scientists, business people, engineers, academics, attorneys, and elected officials.

For more information on how to become an association member, please contact:

Air & Waste Management Association
One Gateway Center, Third Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Tel: 412-232-3444 ext. 3144
Fax: 412-232-3450

Water Environment Federation
601 Wythe Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Tel: 703-684-2400
Fax: 703-684-2492



United States-Asia Environmental Partnership, 1819 H Street NW, 7th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20006
Tel: 202-835-0333 Fax: 202-835-0366 E-mail: