California Environmental Partnership reports:

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An Assessment of the Ladkrabang Industrial Estate in Bangkok, Thailand (12/98)

An Assessment of Motor Vehicle Emissions in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (12/98)

An Assessment of Options to Deal with Fuel-Related Air Quality Problems in Metro Manila, Philippines (12/98)

Technical Assistance and Training

US-AEP provides government-to-government technical assistance and training through its partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA).

bullet What types of technical assistance does EPA offer?
bullet What types of training programs does EPA offer?
bullet What types of technical assistance does Cal/EPA offer?
bullet Who can I contact for more information?

What Types of Technical Assistance Does EPA Offer?

Environmental Action Teams: At the request of Asian governments, US-AEP sponsors Environmental Action Teams to respond to specific environmental problems. The teams are led by EPA staff and may include environmental experts from other federal or local government agencies, international organizations, businesses, and non-governmental organizations. Action Team findings are shared with US-AEP partners to coordinate appropriate follow-up activities.

Short-term Technical Assistance: EPA technical and policy experts lead brief, focused missions at the request of Asian governments or field personnel. Because EPA experts undertake these activities on a pro bono basis, pursuit of such missions is based on staff availability.

What Types of Training Programs Does EPA offer?

US-AEP sponsors a variety of EPA environmental management training modules to assist Asian governments in addressing critical environmental issues. Courses cover the following topics: environmental policy, public outreach, managing an environmental organization, government contracting, risk assessment, environmental compliance and enforcement, environmental impact assessment, pollution prevention, financing environmental investments, economics of environmental decision-making, chemical emergency preparedness and prevention, hazardous materials emergency response, solid waste management, and hazardous waste site ranking. Training modules, which are designed to "train the trainer," use a combination of case studies, exercises, and other interactive methods to teach the fundamentals of a specific environmental management technique.

What Types of Technical Assistance Does Cal/EPA Offer?

Technical Assistance Teams travel to Asia for up to two weeks to evaluate pre-identified problems and develop alternative solutions appropriate to a requesting country�s environmental, climatic, political, and economic conditions. Teams consist of up to four persons drawn from government, industry, national laboratories, and universities, with composition depending on the problem identified.

All requests for environmental assistance are channeled through US-AEP technology representatives. The California Environmental Partnership manager then prioritizes the requests in conjunction with US-AEP, identifies the appropriate scientific/technical expertise needed, and mobilizes the team members and individual specialists.

Who Can I Contact for More Information?

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Attn. Asia Program Manager
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room 31112
Washington, DC 20004 USA
Tel: 1-202-564-6448
Fax: 1-202-565-2411

California Trade and Commerce Agency
Attn. Managing Director,
California Environmental Partnership
801 K Street, Suite 1926
Sacramento, CA 95814 USA
Tel: 1-916-322-5298
Fax: 1-916-324-5791



United States-Asia Environmental Partnership, 1819 H Street NW, 7th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20006
Tel: 202-835-0333 Fax: 202-835-0366 E-mail: