What is the Exchange Program for Sustainable
The purpose of the Exchange Program for Sustainable Growth (EPSG) is to allow
individuals in Asian governments, businesses, and NGOs to interact directly with
counterparts and experts from the U.S., Asia, and other regions to obtain information,
expertise, and training that will influence their home organization or government to
improve environmental performance and efficiency. Working through the US-AEP Country Teams,
the EPSG is able to design and implement customized study tours and environmental exchanges. More
than 5,000 participants have engaged in the EPSG over the past 6 years. Program participants
may receive partial subsidies of travel and per diem expenses.
How can I participate in an exchange/study tour?
Individuals wishing to participate in the Exchange Program for Sustainable Growth should contact
the US-AEP Country Program Manager for their country to determine whether the activity that they wish
to pursue is consistent with the US-AEP country strategy and the availability of funds. With approval
from the Country Program Manager, exchanges can be moved forward within a few weeks.
For more information about participating in the Exchange
Program for Sustainable Growth, please contact IIE at:
Institute of International Education
1400 K Street NW, Suite 650
Washington, DC 20005-2403, USA