Pennsylvania Mesothelioma Lawyer
Due to the high strength and excellent fire and heat-resistant properties of asbestos, industries in Pennsylvania once heavily relied on asbestos. Consequently, many people living in the state have developed asbestos-related diseases. Many others, who have a history of regular occupational asbestos exposure, are now living with the fear of contracting catastrophic diseases such as mesothelioma. With the help of a good Pennsylvania mesothelioma lawyer, asbestos victims in the state can obtain the financial compensation they are entitled to.
If you or a family member has been diagnosed with asbestosis, malignant mesothelioma, or other ailments linked to asbestos exposure, you may qualify for significant damages. A proficient mesothelioma attorney can help you get paid from asbestos trust funds in a matter of 90 days.
Pennsylvania Asbestos History
Pennsylvania is a highly industrialized state. For many years since the 17th century, the economy of the state mainly depended on mining and processing of iron. The economy of Pennsylvania became more diversified in the 1850s as factories, textile mills and railroads also started contributing. The state was one of the major economic powerhouses of the pre-civil war United States. As asbestos was a widely using mineral among the industries until the 1980s, numerous workers in the state suffered heavy asbestos exposure.
Coal Mining
Some of the largest, productive and most modern underground coal mines in the U.S. are located in the southwestern Pennsylvania. However, U.S. geological survey records indicate that several asbestos mines had formerly been situated in the southeastern region Pennsylvania. Before U.S. stopped asbestos mining, massive amounts of amphibole asbestos had been extracted from those mines. Though all those mines are idle now, large amounts of asbestos dust were released into the environment while they were functioning, exposing numerous residents and miners to the cancer-causing fibers on a daily basis.
Shipbuilding is one of the major industries in Pennsylvania. There are several shipyards in the state on Lake Erie or close to the Delaware estuary. These shipyards include: Bethlehem Steel; Key Highway; Penn Shipbuilding; Sun Shipbuilding; and Philadelphia Naval Shipyard.
Asbestos extracted from various mines in the state and imported from other states were extensively used in all the facilities of these yards until it was identified as a cancer-causing substance. Asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) were present in all parts of ships built during the peak period of asbestos use. Hulls, pipes, electrical wiring, gaskets, engineering spaces all have large amounts of asbestos. As a result, many former shipyard and vessel workers are now suffering from different asbestos-related ailments.
Hire a Mesothelioma Lawyer in Pennsylvania
Victims of asbestos exposure are often entitled to significant damages. However, only a good mesothelioma attorney can explain you the legal options available to you. Asbestos victims can seek compensation from a mesothelioma trust fund. A proficient mesothelioma attorney can help you get paid from these funds in 90 days. With the help of a good asbestos/mesothelioma lawyer, you can also file a lawsuit against the companies responsible your asbestos exposure and related injuries.
We have been assisting mesothelioma patients and other asbestos victims to find the best mesothelioma attorney in their city. If you want to consult a top Pennsylvania mesothelioma lawyer, please call us toll free at or submit our online contact form.