The Policy Group
US-AEP's Policy Group
promotes and supports policy initiatives to affect an industrial and
urban transformation in Asia.
US-AEP's Washington Policy Forum - 2002 Winter Schedule
A bi-weekly forum for the D.C.
policy community, including the officers of foreign embassies, government
agencies, think tanks, academia, NGOs, and multinational corporations.
Framing a Policy Agenda
US-AEP is working
with a range of Asian and U.S. partner organizations to frame a policy
research agenda. This policy research agenda will lay the groundwork
for an international dialogue on policy directions that are crucial to
industrial transformation and sustainable development.
Catalyzing an
International Policy Network
US-AEP supports partner
organizations that promote discussion of the policy issues and
approaches that best condition the prospects for environmental
progress in Asia.
Measuring Industrial
Environmental Performance
To meet the challenges
facing Asian industry to reduce environmental intensity, greater
attention is being given to industrial environmental performance.
US-AEP is working to build a universal framework for measuring
industrial environmental performance and examining its use in
formulating corporate and public policy.
Promoting Public
Disclosure of Environmental Performance Information
Recognizing that
effective public disclosure policies go hand-in-hand with industrial
environmental performance-based strategies, US-AEP is promoting the
sharing of information on industrial environmental performance with
all stakeholders.
Place-Based Public Policy in Southeast Asia |